Showing posts with label Carter's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carter's. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Nick Carter"s Rape Accuser Files Police Report

The singer who accused Nick Carter of allegedly raping her in 2002 has filed a report with cops about the incident. We’re told Melissa Schuman — a singer from the girl group, Dream — filed a report alleging sexual assault Wednesday with the Santa…


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Nick Carter"s "DWTS" Partner Defends Him Amid Rape Allegation

Nick Carter’s partner on “Dancing with the Stars” says him being accused of rape doesn’t sound like the guy she knew … ‘cause he was a class act on the show. Pro dancer Sharna Burgess posted a couple videos Saturday defending Nick after Melissa…


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Aaron Carter"s Background Check Flagged During Gun Purchase Attempt

Aaron Carter’s plan to buy a gun got thwarted by a computer. As we reported … a 911 caller told cops Aaron tried to buy a gun but got turned down. We spoke to the manager at the Florida gun shop, who says the singer was automatically denied after…


Aaron Carter"s Background Check Flagged During Gun Purchase Attempt

Aaron Carter’s plan to buy a gun got thwarted by a computer. As we reported … a 911 caller told cops Aaron tried to buy a gun but got turned down. We spoke to the manager at the Florida gun shop, who says the singer was automatically denied after…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Aaron Carter"s Family Fears Substance Abuse Relapse, Suicide

Aaron Carter’s family is desperate to get him help because they fear he’ll relapse, hurt himself or worse … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the Carter family tell us some of Aaron’s relatives believe he’s suffering a mental breakdown –…


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Aaron Carter"s Ex Madison Parker Throws Serious Shade His Way

Madison Parker’s either throwing serious shade at her ex … or she needs to see a doctor about short-term memory loss. Aaron Carter’s ex-GF was outside Blind Dragon in Weho Friday night when our guy asked her an interesting question about Carter’s…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Aaron Carter"s DUI Arrest Photos, He Threatens to Sue Cops

Aaron Carter’s threatening to go after cops for his DUI arrest because he’s adamant they never saw him behind the wheel … and believes they had no right to arrest him. Sources close to Aaron tell TMZ … the singer wants to sue over his weekend…


Aaron Carter After Arrest: I Don"t Need Nick Carter"s Fake Support!

It looks like “Aaron’s Party” is officially over, since Aaron Carter was arrested and charged with a DUI and drug possession. Though, if we’re being honest, Aaron’s life hasn’t been going so well lately, anyway.

Now, following his arrest, he’s getting into very public conflict with his older brother, Nick Carter.

And, maybe worse, the way that he looks in his mugshot has people so, so worried. He’s almost unrecognizable.

Do you see what we mean?

Aaron Carter does not look his age, and that is not a compliment.

It’s not even an insult — just a statement of fact.

(And, for those of us who enjoyed “Aaron’s Party” and a few other of his songs back in middle school, a statement of concern)

Like, mugshot photos don’t show anyone at their best, and we get that.

But Aaron’s booking photo makes him look like a man is his forties.

And not like, a well-preserved suburban dad who makes more than a few people’s DILF lists.

He looks like his life has been hard on his body and hard on his mind and soul.

Aaron is 29 years old and we are worried.

We know that Aaron Carter has health issues, but we don’t care how skinny he is — this is something more serious than that.

Honestly, many people have suspected that these are the results of years of hard drug use.

(And we don’t mean the marijuana of which he was allegedly in possession)

We’d say that maybe he’ll reach out to his family, but … it looks like that’s not happening.

After Aaron’s arrest for DUI refusal (technically he just refused to take the breathalyzer test, but, in the eyes of the law, that’s about the same as refusing to take a test in school — he failed) and possessing a small amount of marijuana (which is still a crime in Georgia), Nick reached out to him.

And, in case anyone somehow forgot, we definitely mean his very famous brother, Nick Carter. 

Nick Carter posted a very public message on Twitter:

“To my brother: I love u no matter what & if u feel the need to reach for help, I am here and willing to help you get better. Family isn’t always easy, [but] we’re all here for you.”

That looks sweet and supportive, right?

Nick Carter was arrested himself in 2016 for a saloon brawl in Florida, because apparently bar fights are real things that still happen.

(Though, this was Florida and also 2016 was an accursed hell-year when murderous clowns were an epidemic, so … we don’t know what to tell you)

But apparently Aaron Carter didn’t find that sweet or touching or supportive at all.

In fact, he went off on his brother … also in a very public way.

Aaron’s response, though public, focused on the fact that Nick’s response was also public.

“If my own blood (Nick) truly cared about my well-being, why wouldn’t he call me directly and have a conversation instead of making this about him through a very public forum?”

That’s a good question.

Although … we don’t know what things are like between these two, you know?

“That’s not cool at all to use me for his PR and kick me while I am down,” Aaron’s statement concluded.

We don’t know that Nick’s tweet really qualifies as a blatant PR grab.

He wasn’t like “Sorry that Aaron’s doing bad … I’d be happy to take my time off from [Current Project], which fans will love, to come see him.”

Like, they’re Carters, not Kardashians who push products while their brother goes to court.

In fact, maybe Nick knows that Aaron “blows up” like this, and was leery of contacting him personally and getting a different hostile response.

Some people are just hard to talk to.

Aaron’s representative put out a statement.

Aaron has a license for medical marijuana — though that likely doesn’t mean anything in George courts.

(It’ll probably be years before the whole country stops putting people in jail for having pieces of a naughty plant)

He also accuses law enforcement of targeting Aaron because of his celebrity status.

Because it was just days earlier that Aaron was mocking Shia Labeouf’s infamous arrest and flaunting that he himself “has no DUIs,” he looks like a huge hypocrite.

And, given Aaron Carter’s inexplicable support for Trump last year, it’s harder to feel sorry for him.

He has some issues to work out.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Nick Carter"s Family Wants Autopsy on Dad to Prevent More Deaths

Bob Carter’s kids don’t want their dad cremated just yet … they want an autopsy, but not because they believe foul play was involved in his death. Bob’s widow, Ginger, has already signed off on cremation papers. She tells us Bob was in bad health,…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Nick Carter"s Father"s Ashes to be Spread with Late Daughter (PHOTO)

Nick Carter and his family will honor their father’s dying wishes — cremate him and spread his ashes, but the family’s also decided to involve their late sister. We’re told Bob — whom the families believe died from a heart attack — requested…


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Nick and Aaron Carter"s Father Likely Died of Heart Attack, Family Believes

Nick and Aaron Carter’s father complained of chest pains and had twitching in his arm before he went to bed and never woke up … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the family tell us … all signs point to Bob Carter suffering a heart…


Nick & Aaron Carter"s Dad Dead at 65

Nick and Aaron Carter’s father has died … TMZ has learned. Sources connected to the family tell us Bob Carter died Tuesday night in Florida. He was 65, and right now there are very few details about the cause of death. In a tweet he later…


Friday, January 27, 2017

Alan Thicke Chose Brother Over Robin as Carter"s Guardian

Alan Thicke made a decision years before his death, in which he chose his brother, Todd, over son Robin to care of his youngest son when he died. Alan drafted a will — obtained by TMZ — back in 2007 that created a guardianship for then 10-year-old…


Thursday, September 24, 2015

BeyoncĂ© & Blue Ivy Are Adorable In This Sweet Family Shot — See All The Newest Pics From The Carter"s Vacay HERE!

Beyoncé is on a posting spree!

On Wednesday, the 7/11 songstress uploaded a slew of pics from her Italian vacay with Jay Z and Blue Ivy to her website.

But oh wait, there’s even MORE!

Video: Bey & Blue Have An Impromptu Dance Party

Yup, she posted a whole handful of new shots of the whole gang later that day! How are we supposed to keep up? LOLz!

Obviously our fave pics are the ones starring lil B, like the sweet family shot Bey shared (above) of them all standing on the gorgeous seaside cliffs.

Gah. The envy is so real!

At least we can live vicariously through them…

[Image via Beyoncé.]