Showing posts with label Ashes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ashes. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2018

"SpongeBob SquarePants" Creator Death Cert Revealed Ashes Spread Under the Sea

Stephen Hillenburg — the creator of the hit Nickelodeon show “SpongeBob SquarePants” — officially died of heart failure as a result of his ALS, but the more interesting tidbit … his remains were scattered at sea — and you gotta hope he’ll rest i...
"SpongeBob SquarePants" Creator Death Cert Revealed Ashes Spread Under the Sea

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Liam Hemsworth Shares Grim Photo of the Ashes of His Malibu Home

Like countless other Californians, Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus lost their California home to a raging wildfire.

This blaze has consumed entire towns. Dozens are confirmed dead, and the number of people unaccounted for is over 200.

Liam has posted a grim look at what was once his home — and shared what he is doing to help his community.

“It’s been a heartbreaking few days,” Liam wrote on Instagram and crossposted to Twitter.

“This,” he continued. “Is what’s left of my house.”

Accompanying his message was a stark image of the burned out ruin that was once his beautiful home.

“Love,” he said, in reference to the sign of that word, still visible among the ashes.

“Many people in Malibu and surrounding areas in California have lost their homes also,” Liam noted.

“And,” he wrote. “My heart goes out to everyone who was affected by these fires.”

Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus Malibu home destroyed by fire

“I spent the day in Malibu yesterday,” Liam shared.

He also posted a before-and-after image of his home, putting the image on his Instagram Story.

“And,” Liam continued. “It was amazing to see the community pulling together to help each other out in any way they can.”

“Malibu is a strong community,” Liam affirmed.

“And,” he predicted. “This event is only going to make it stronger.”

Here is the truly jarring image of what he and Miley lost.

Liam Hemsworth shares malibu home LOVE sign before after fire

“Thankful for the all the great local guys that helped keep smaller fires out around my property,” Liam wrote.

“I love u guys,” Liam affirmed. “I love you Malibu.”

Liam continued: “Thank you to all the hero firefighters around California.”

“It’s going to be a journey to rebuild,” Liam acknowledged.

He concluded: “Stay strong all.”

Miley also spoke out on social media this week.

“Completely devestated by the fires affecting my community,” Miley admitted.

She was sure to acknowledge: “I am one of the lucky ones.”

“My animals and LOVE OF MY LIFE made it out safely,” Miley wrote. “And that’s all that matters right now.”

“My house no longer stands,” she admitted. “But the memories shared with family & friends stand strong.”

Miley kept a healthy perspective, saying: “I am grateful for all I have left.”

Like so many others, she is in awe of the firefighters who are doing everything that they can to deter, contain, and douse this raging inferno.

“Sending so much love and gratitude to the firefighters and LA country Sheriff’s department,” Miley continued.

In addition to the professionals, the California Department of Corrections also sent inmates to combat the blaze.

(It’s controversial, in part because these individuals risk their lives but will be unable to get jobs as firefighters upon release)

“If you are interested in getting involved see next tweet….” Miley told her followers.

She suggested that those who want to help: “Donate $ , Time , Supplies.”

“I love you more than ever,” she told her fans, signing off: “Miley.”

Miley and Liam aren’t just suggesting that people donate.

They’re putting their money where their mouths are.

The power couple has donated $ 500,000 towards rebuilding Malibu.

It will take a lot more than that simply to rebuild their own home, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Communities can come together to rebuild after disasters. That is how humans have always operated.

That is how society’s thrive.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Teen Bakes Grandfather"s Ashes Into Cookies for Classmates

This story has everything: teenagers, a police investigation, and cannibalism.

See, a California teen baked her late grandfather’s ashes into sugar cookies.

She then brought these cookies to school and handed them out for classmates to eat.

Someone is believed to have baked her own grandfather’s ashes into sugar cookies.

That someone was a female high school student at Da Vinci Charter Academy, a public charter school in California.

Because she is a minor, she has remained unidentified — which is good.

What is not so good is that she brought the sugar cookies in to school and handed them out to at least nine other students.

Some of the students are said to have eaten the cookies unaware of what they contained.

But some of the students apparently knew exactly what they were getting.

Davis Police Lt. Paul Doroshov confirmed that the unorthodox ingredient wasn’t a shock to all of the students.

“Some students knew beforehand and still consumed the cookies,” Doroshov confirmed to the L.A. Times.

Some who heard this story of course wondered if the cookies genuinely contained human remains, or it if was some prank.

When asked if the claim was credible, Doroshov reportedly sighed.

“Yeah,” he affirmed.

Curiously, apparently another female student was involved in bringing the cookies to school.

it’s unclear why she was involved, as the two young women are not related.

Regardless, police were at a loss to categorize what happened as a crime.

Some considered a California law regarding the improper disposal of remains.

Others suggested that some sort of public nuisance charge would be more appropriate.

Ultimately, it appears that no real harm was done and that this was the result of juvenile impulsiveness.

In light of that, police have reportedly left it up to the school to figure out how to respond to something like this happening.

As weird as this sounds to all of us, a lot of adolescent behavior is incomprehensible to adults.

The brain is still maturing and hormones are more or less in charge.

Still, multiple people have heard this story and openly wondered whatever happened to baking marijuana into food “like a normal person.”

One of the students who ate one of these yikes-worthy cookies (just in time for Halloween, no less) spoke about the experience.

He said that the cookies had visible gray flakes within them.

Apparently the act of eating the cookies reminded him of chewing on sand as a child at the beach.

He described being able to feel granules crunching against his molars.

Our only response to that is to say, in contemporary internet parlance: Thanks, I hate it!

In a letter to parents, Da Vinci Charter Academy Principal Tyler Millsap addressed the issue.

“This issue going on right now has been particularly challenging and our staff has responded appropriately,” he wrote.

He praised staff for responding “in the most respectful and dignified way possible for all the students and families involved.”

“I can say that those who were involved are remorseful,” he confirmed.

“And,” he concluded. “This is now a personal family matter and we want to respect the privacy of the families involved.”

He also pointed out that there is fortunately no health risk.

This sort of thing should not happen again. You can make seasonal cookies in October without including cremated remains.

In part, it’s about consent — people should know what they’re eating.

In part, it’s about respect for the dead and for her own family.

We know that, for centuries, powder made from Egyptian mummies was regularly consumed all across Europe as a “medicine.”

That does not mean that it was good for anyone or that it should happen again.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Tina Turner Spreads Son Craig"s Ashes in Final Goodbye

Tina Turner did what no parent should ever have to do … bid a final goodbye to their child when she spread her son’s ashes off the California coast. The legendary singer posted this tweet early Friday morning and said, “My saddest moment as…


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Charles Manson"s Blood & Ashes Painting Going to Haunted Museum

The Charles Manson painting partially composed of his ashes is alive with paranormal energy … according to Zak Bagans, who bucked up to snatch the creepy portrait for his haunted museum. The “Ghost Adventures” star tells…


Friday, July 20, 2018

Charles Manson Painting Made of Blood and His Ashes Will be Auctioned Off

A creepy Charles Manson painting made with the artist’s blood is awaiting an even creepier finishing touch — the cremated remains of Manson himself — and then it can be yours. Artist Ryan Gillikin tells TMZ … he created this painting using his…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

David Cassidy"s Ashes Still in Storage Until Family Can Fulfill His Last Wish

David Cassidy’s ex-gf has some misguided outrage about his family storing his ashes … because it’s not what it seems. Sources close to Cassidy’s family tell TMZ … David’s ashes have been tucked away in a cremation unit since his November.…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Ricki Lake Returns to Ibiza to Spread Ex-Husband Christian Evans" Ashes

Ricki Lake plans to honor the memory of her late ex-husband, Christian Evans, by spreading his ashes at the same place they got engaged. Ricki posted a pic Friday of herself near a beach in Ibiza, with the caption … “Es Vedra…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Chris Cornell"s Ashes Buried Next to Johnny Ramone (PHOTOS)

Chris Cornell’s final resting place is right next to another rock ‘n’ roll legend … his dear friend, Johnny Ramone. Chris’ ashes were placed in a gravesite Friday … just 12 feet away from the Ramones’ lead guitarist’s monument in Hollywood…


Chris Cornell"s Ashes Buried Next to Johnny Ramone (PHOTOS)

Chris Cornell’s final resting place is right next to another rock ‘n’ roll legend … his dear friend, Johnny Ramone. Chris’ ashes were placed in a gravesite Friday … just 12 feet away from the Ramones’ lead guitarist’s monument in Hollywood…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Nick Carter"s Father"s Ashes to be Spread with Late Daughter (PHOTO)

Nick Carter and his family will honor their father’s dying wishes — cremate him and spread his ashes, but the family’s also decided to involve their late sister. We’re told Bob — whom the families believe died from a heart attack — requested…
