Showing posts with label Purchase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purchase. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

"Pawn Stars" Brett Maly Praises Diddy"s $21 mil Art Purchase

Diddy’s got a keen eye for fine art, and his historic purchase of a Kerry James Marshall painting is a huge score for him and a bigger score for the artist … according to a famous expert. Brett Maly – the fine art appraiser from “Pawn…


"Pawn Stars" Brett Maly Praises Diddy"s $21 mil Art Purchase

Diddy’s got a keen eye for fine art, and his historic purchase of a Kerry James Marshall painting is a huge score for him and a bigger score for the artist … according to a famous expert. Brett Maly – the fine art appraiser from “Pawn…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Diddy"s Son Quincy Says $21 Mil Purchase Just the Start of Art Collection

Diddy’s adopted son says his father isn’t just dabbling in high-priced art … the music/tv/fashion/liquor mogul is diving headfirst into the art world.  We got Quincy Brown — whose biological father is Al B. Sure! — at LAX Monday, and asked…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Marcus Davenport"s First Post-Draft Purchase? McDonald"s, Baby!

Marcus Davenport was the 14th pic in the NFL Draft and is now slated to make MILLIONS! So, what’s his first big purchase??!? Mickey D’s, baby!!! The New Orleans Saints newest defensive end was craving some burgers after the draft — and told our…


Marcus Davenport"s First Post-Draft Purchase? McDonald"s, Baby!

Marcus Davenport was the 14th pic in the NFL Draft and is now slated to make MILLIONS! So, what’s his first big purchase??!? Mickey D’s, baby!!! The New Orleans Saints newest defensive end was craving some burgers after the draft — and told our…


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Aaron Carter"s Background Check Flagged During Gun Purchase Attempt

Aaron Carter’s plan to buy a gun got thwarted by a computer. As we reported … a 911 caller told cops Aaron tried to buy a gun but got turned down. We spoke to the manager at the Florida gun shop, who says the singer was automatically denied after…


Aaron Carter"s Background Check Flagged During Gun Purchase Attempt

Aaron Carter’s plan to buy a gun got thwarted by a computer. As we reported … a 911 caller told cops Aaron tried to buy a gun but got turned down. We spoke to the manager at the Florida gun shop, who says the singer was automatically denied after…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Beyonce & Jay-Z Home Purchase, Neighbor Says Welcome to Bel-Air, You"re Our Wet Dream!!!

Beyonce and Jay-Z might be the lucky charms their future next door neighbor dreamed about. There’s a couple that owns a Bel-Air house next door to the one where Bey and Jay are about to close escrow. As we reported, the Carters are…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Jinger Duggar Sparks Pregnancy Rumors With Purchase of 4-Bedroom Home

Ever since Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo got married back in November, pregnancy rumors have surfaced at the rate of about five per week.

We guess you can’t blame Duggar fans for assuming the couple got right to “work.”

After all, Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring are fobidden to engage in just about all forms of physical contact before marriage, and Duggar women are taught from a young age that they’ve been put on this planet to procreate.

So it’s unusual for a young Duggar couple to be married for nine months with no word of a bun in the oven.

But the consensus among fans is not that Jinger and Jeremy are holding off on starting a family … but that the couple is keeping their big news a secret so that they can hit fans with a major reveal on a very special episode of Counting On.

Of course, it’s 2017, an age in which the president can’t even stop himself from spilling his own secrets on social media, so needless to say, Jinge and Jer have trouble keeping anything about their lives under wraps.

There have been at least half a dozen Jinger baby bump sightings on social media, but thus far the news has not been confirmed.

Now, the Vuolos are inadvertently sending a different sort of hint, and the most hardcore Duggar fans have siezed on it as definitive proof that Jinger is expecting.

If you watched this week’s episode of Counting On, you know that Jinger and Jeremy recently purchased their first home.

Not an usual step for newlyweds to take, but in JinJer’s case there are some details that have piqued the interest of fans.

For one thing, the place has four bedrooms.

“One [room] is, of course, the master bedroom, then we have Jeremy’s study. One’s a guest bedroom and another one is full of boxes and old furniture we need to get rid of,” Jinger told the camera, carefully avoiding any mention of the other rooms being used as nurseries.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, Jinger and Jeremy have broken with tradition, becoming the first Duggar couple to not live in a home owned by patriarch Jim Bob

The Vuolos began their lives as a married couple in a small apartment, and they’ve been open about the fact that they’re not exactly flush with cash.

(The Duggars reality show dough has to be split a lot of different ways, and few of the kids have real jobs.)

So it’s not hard to see why the recent upgrade to much larger digs has caught the interest of Jinger’s most devoted bump-watchers.

But again, we won’t find out what’s really going on until the Vuolos make their announcement in front of a TLC camera crew.

Watch Counting On online in order to get caught up for the big day.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

NFL Prospect Naz Jones" First Purchase As a Pro ... Getting My Family Out The Projects!! (VIDEO)

Forget the luxury cars and flashy jewelry … NFL prospect Nazair Jones says there’s only one BIG purchase he wants to make when he goes pro — a new house for his family!! Jones’ story is incredible. The ex-North Carolina defensive end lost…


Monday, February 15, 2016

Martin Shkreli: Robbed of $15 Million While Attempting to Purchase Kanye West Album

When most people want to buy an album, they open up iTunes and shell out the necessary $ 9.99.

When Martin Shkreli wants to buy an album, he wants fork over more cash than most people make their entire lives so that no one else can ever listen to it.

This obnoxious habit began when the much-reviled “pharma bro” paid $ 2 million for the sole copy of a Wu Tang Clan album that had previously been stored in a vault in Morocco.

The odd arrangement was orchestrated by Wu Tang members with the idea that whoever purchased the disc would in some way distribute it to the public. 

They didn’t account for someone like Shkreli, who appears to have no plans to share the album with anyone outside of his inner circle.

Apparently, Shkreli is really relishing the title of Most-Hated Man in Hip Hop, as he attempted to pull a similar stunt last week when he offered to buy the sole rights to Kanye West’s new album, The Life of Pablo, for $ 10 million.

Unfortunately for Shkreli, Kanye’s people saw through the offer as an obvious attempt to prevent, or at least delay, the album’s release.

Even more unfortunate for Shkreli is the fact that karma’s a bitch.

The 32-year-old former hedge fund manager – who first made headlines for jacking up the price of a life-saving medication when he was CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals – upped his offer to $ 15 million following Kanye’s star-studded release party.

With that kind of cash on the table, Shkreli was bound to generate some interest.

Hilariously, that interest came from someone who’s probably never even met Kanye.

Shkreli took to Twitter yesterday alleging that  he had been bilked of $ 15 million in Bitcoin by someone who identified himself as a friend of Kanye’s named Daquan.

Apparently, Shkreli was under the impression that Daquan would pass the money along to Kanye, who he believed had agreed to sell the rights to the album.

You’d think a guy who’s famous for screwing people over wouldn’t be quite so trusting.

“WHO THE F-CK HAS MY FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS??????” an increasingly irate Shkreli tweeted yesterday afternoon.


“I hope you all enjoy this stupid music SO much and the fact it has brought me so much pain and suffering. I quit rap.”

The irony of that statement is probably lost on Martin, but we’re sure there are many people who enjoy the album much more precisely for that reason.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Martin Shkreli Attempts to Purchase Sole Rights to New Kanye West Album, Remains Evil Douche

Former pharmaceutical exec and noted penis hole Martin Shkreli took his campaign to become the real-life incarnation of a Mr. Burns-like cartoonish supervillain to a new level moments ago, announcing on Twitter that he’d like to purchase the sole rights to Kanye West’s long-anticipated seventh studio album, The Life of Pablo.

Failing that, Shkreli says, he at least wants to prevent the record from being released on time. 

In an open letter to the rapper posted online moments ago, Shkreli wrote, “Instead of releasing this product for your millions of fans, I ask you to sell this recording solely to me, for the price of $ 10,000,000.

“I believe you (and your partners) will find this financial arrangement more attractive than your current course of action.”

Shkreli later tweeted, “Kanye and his label are legally required to take my offer letter to their Board of Directors …This should delay the album by a few days.”

You may remember that Shkreli purchased the only copy of the Wu Tang Clan’s Once Upon a Time in Shaolin back in December.

The difference there was that the Wu had always planned on selling a single copy to a wealthy super-fan, in hopes that said aficionado would eventually make the disc available to the public.

Shkreli has yet to do so, and he’s since butted heads with Ghostface Killah and other Wu Tang members as a result.

With Kanye, of course, Shkreli is taking on the hip hop world’s most famous ego, and it seems unlikely that the former hedge fund manager actually expects Yeezy to make a deal.

That said, we’re sure Mr. West will handle this elaborate act of trollery in a rational, level-headed fashion. Just kidding, ‘Ye’s about to go off on this dweeb.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

12 Pieces of Presidential Swag You Really Can Purchase

Do not ever doubt the lengths politicians will go to in order to raise funds.

Case in point: Hillary Clinton posed for a selfie with Kim Kardashian at an expensive dinner in Los Angeles.

Other cases in point: the following pieces of swag, all of which are real and actually on sale on the official websites of various candidates…


Happy birthday

For $ 35, fans of Rand Paul can wish other fans of Rand Paul a happy birthday… with this three-foot tall birthday card. It comes with an equally gigantic envelope.

2. Grillary Clinton

Grillary clinton

Look, we love puns as much as the next guy. Ok, fine: we love puns even more than the next guy. But Grillary Clinton?!? This is something a serious President candidate is selling.

3. A Marco Polo

A marco polo

This totally wins. Marco Rubio is selling a polo shirt with his name on it. Get it? A Marco Polo!

4. A Bobby Jindal T-Shirt

A bobby jindal t shirt

There’s nothing too funny about this shirt, really, although the slogan could use some work. We mostly wanted to see if people knew Jindal was running for President.

5. Mugging for the Camera

Mugging for the camera

Okay, so Rick Perry dropped out early. And a PAC of the former nominee was selling this shirt, not the man himself. But still. It’s a shirt that uses Rick Perry’s mug shot! And it’s PRO Rick Perry!

6. Hillary, I’ll See Your Pun and Raise You…

Hillary ill see your pun and raise you

Jeb Bush is selling a guacamole bowl on his website for $ 75. It is called the Guaca Bowle.

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