Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blac Chyna Alexis Skyy Won"t Ever Meet Dream ... "Cause Whatever She"s Got with Rob Won"t Last

Alexis Skyy will NOT meet Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian‘s baby girl — EVER — ’cause there’s a rule in place to prevent that.
Sources close to Chyna tell TMZ that she and Rob have an agreement to not introduce any significant others to their daughter, D...
Blac Chyna Alexis Skyy Won"t Ever Meet Dream ... "Cause Whatever She"s Got with Rob Won"t Last

Monday, January 21, 2019

Blac Chyna Cops Called to Home ... After Claim She Was Drunk & Neglecting Dream

Blac Chyna had the LAPD at her home after a call came in alleging Chyna was intoxicated and neglecting her child.
Law enforcement sources tell us an anonymous person called in Sunday night and stated Chyna was drunk at her home. The caller claimed Chyna was in such bad shape, she...
Blac Chyna Cops Called to Home ... After Claim She Was Drunk & Neglecting Dream

Friday, November 16, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s Video Reveals Cockroach on Dream Kardashian"s Birthday Cake

Kylie Jenner’s video from Dream’s second birthday party proves Auntie Kylie is the hostess with the mostest … the mostest cockroaches.  Jenner hosted her niece’s 2nd birthday party Wednesday at her Hidden Hills home … and there was at…


Friday, October 26, 2018

Blac Chyna: Her Mom BEGS Rob Kardashian to Let Her See Dream

Blac Chyna may be difficult to understand, but if you"re familiar with Blac Chyna"s mom, everything about her starts to make sense.

Just a few days ago, Chyna"s mom took to Instagram to issue a desperate plea for Rob Kardashian to let her FaceTime with sweet baby Dream.

When he didn"t oblige, she issued an angry threat to the entire Kardashian family. We have both videos here for you to watch.

Tokyo toni

Tokyo Toni, whose real name is Shaman Jones-Hunter, is Blac Chyna"s mother.

She and her daughter are clearly estranged. So much so that she has not seen her grandbaby, Dream.

"Hey, Rob," Tokyo says in an Instagram video, taking on the tone of leaving a voicemail. "This is me, Tokyo."

"Unfortunately," she continues. "Things still haven"t changed since we last spoke."

"As far as Chyna is concerned," she laments. "Things still haven"t gotten better since you told social media about it."

Rob with his dream

"Is it any way possible," Tokyo asks. "That you could let me see Dream?"

Tokyo suggests that she could do this "through FaceTime or send me a video to my DM or anything."

"I don"t even know how the baby sounds," Tokyo confesses.

"It"s absolutely ludicrous," she says of the situation.

"But," she explains. "This is the only way I can get through to you."

Tokyo elaborates that she does not have any recent phone numbers.

Tokyo toni on her grind photo

That last-ditch effort to plead with Rob, who is not even on Instagram, to hook her up with a Dream video was not successful.

A few days later, she returned with another Instagram video, striking a much less congenial tone.

"This message," Tokyo shares. "Is for Chyna, Rob, Kris, Kim, and the rest of them weirdos in California."

So much for the last video"s olive branch, huh?

"All you b–ches, all of y"all b–ches, can kiss my whole ass," Tokyo announces.

Dream kardashian on the swing

"I"m not gonna miss a motherf–king wink of f–king sleep," Tokyo informs them.

"I put my hand out there," Tokyo says. "I put my ass out there on the line to contact you sons of b–ches."

"And you all know," she accuses. "That I"ve been trying to see Dream and King."

"But guess what, b–ch?" Tokyo asks. "I give up!"

That"s a hell of a twist for this very angry video to take.

Blac chyna lipgloss be poppin

If her earlier video had the vibe of a voicemail, this follow-up has the feel of an aspiring Batman villain who"s just taken their first hostages.

"But I"mma tell you this," Tokyo warns. "None of y"all"s secrets are motherf–king safe with me, b–ch."

"Yeah," Tokyo continues. "I talked to Rob for a whole motherf–king year, bitch."

"But you could find it to make a phone call to me, Kris?" Tokyo asks.

It is clear that her intention is for Kris to toss and turn at night, unable to sleep, wondering what her useless idiot of a son blabbed to Chyna"s mom.

"I"mma put all you b–ches out there, now," Tokyo promises.

Tokyo toni glam photo

Blac Chyna"s mom is a real piece of work, huh?

As the kids say, we been knew.

From her transphobic rant against Caitlyn Jenner to angrily announcing to Chyna that she was a "statutory rape baby," Tokyo says whatever she likes.

It really makes you understand why Chyna is the sort of person who might try to throw a stroller at a stranger at an amusement park.

It also makes you understand why she might not allow her children, Dream and King, anywhere near their maternal grandmother.

Blac chyna her mom begs rob kardashian to let her see dream

Monday, September 10, 2018

Alexi Lalas Co-Signs Chad Ochocinco"s MLS Dream, "He"s Crazy Enough"

Chad Ochocinco wants to be an MLS goalie … and Alexi Lalas says he already has one major keeper skill mastered … he’s crazy!! We spoke with Lalas about Ochocinco’s 2-year plan to try out for David Beckham’s new expansion team in Miami … and…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Rob Kardashian Shares Rare Pics of Daughter Dream, and We Are Like *Swoon*

Even though Dream Kardashian is growing up before our very eyes, proud father Rob Kardashian has not shared a new photo of his adorable baby girl in months.

In fact, it’s been 11 whole weeks — a veritable lifetime when you’re talking about a child as young as Dream is.

Now we have not one but two new pictures. See how much this precious princess has grown!

(This, of course, is an older photo — you’ll want it for comparison)

Rob Kardashian isn’t allowed to have an Instagram anymore.

That’s what happens when you break TOS by using the platform to upload revenge porn of your baby mama.

However, he does still have Twitter.

And though it’s been 11 entire weeks since Rob showed new photos of baby Dream, he’s now back with two brand new pics.

First of all, we have this unbearably cute photo.

Dream is quite the little fashionista!

Here, she’s sporting a soft pink Adidas Originals x Mini Rodini set, covered in panda prints, with a pair of color coordinated mini suede Vans sneakers.

She’s tying together the whole outfit with a soft pink headband.

That whole ensemble matches the big pink bear behind her.

“My babyyyyyyy girl,” Rob captioned this adorable photo of Dream.

Dream won’t turn two until this November, but some would say that she’s not really a baby anymore — that she’s a toddler.

Whatever arbitrary distinction you want to draw between baby and toddler, Dream will always be Rob’s baby girl.

In this pic, Dream is wearing a plaid dress and supporting her uncle Kanye by wearing mini black Yeezy sneakers.

But the real show-stealer is her hair.

Look at her just a few months ago and notice that she’s grown in even that short time:

As we mentioned, this photo was shared 11 whole weeks ago.

We know what you’re thinking — that surely Blac Chyna, who is allowed to have an Instagram because she doesn’t misuse the platform, has shared pics of Dream during this period.

If you scroll through her Instagram, she doesn’t have any photos of Dream — or her other child, King — from this summer.

(No, pics of Blac Chyna’s 18-year-old boyfriend YBN Almighty Jay do not count as pics of a child … and he just turned 19, anyway)

Perhaps the parents involved made an agreement to avoid sharing pics — though some fans did glimpse Dream on aunt Khloe’s social media over the past couple of months.

Either way, we get to see this little one again!

Whether you’re a parent or just a fan, watching a child grow up is a surreal experience.

As an actual child, time seems to creep by because each day is a larger percentage of your total life experience. As an adult, you see a child turn from a baby into a tiny person almost overnight.

Dream is such a cutie.

She’s a great reminder that good things can come from terrible unions between terrible people.

Honestly? She’ll be starting kindergarten in just a few short years. And we cannot wait to see the photos.


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Halsey Hosts Playboy"s Midsummer Night"s Dream Party in Vegas

Halsey Hosted Playboy’s Midsummer Night’s Dream party Saturday night in Vegas … and she did not disappoint. The bash went down at the Marquee Nightclub inside the Cosmopolitan on the Strip.  She was joined by bunnies … not sure if they’re…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Chargers Rookie Derwin James: I Bought Mom Her Dream House!

Chargers star rookie Derwin James just bought his mom the dopest “thanks for raising me” gift ever — a big-ass house in Florida!! “I don’t think there is anybody more deserving in the world then her,” the ex-FSU safety posted on social…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

XXXTentacion Was Finishing Florida Dream Home Just Before Murder

XXXTentacion was putting the finishing touches on his dream home when he was shot and killed Monday … something that was supposed to be a crowning moment of achievement.  XXX plunked down $ 1.4 million in November on the Parkland, Florida…


Monday, May 28, 2018

Lamar Odom"s NBA Dream Team: Jordan, Magic, LeBron, Kareem And Who?!

It isn’t Shaq. It ain’t Larry Bird. And it isn’t Kobe … but Lamar Odom DOES have a final member in mind for his NBA dream team’s starting five. The first four are obvious: “Magic Johnson, Abdul-Jabbar, Jordan, LeBron,” he told TMZ Sports outside…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Dream Kardashian is Growing Up Before Our Very Eyes

Rob Kardashian’s relationship with Blac Chyna was an epic disaster. It was upsetting, it was dramatic, and it’s over.

But one good thing came out of it: Dream Kardashian.

She is 18 months old, and Rob just shared a new photo of his precious daughter. Look at how much she’s grown!

Dream is growing up right before our eyes.

Rob shared this adorable photo of Dream in a big-girl stroller on Thursday, writing:


He follows that word with a smiley face emoji.

Dream is flashing him an awkward smile, like all kids flash at their parents when asked to smile.

Like we said, she’s growing up quickly.

And, not for nothing, but we cannot help but think that Blac Chyna would have trouble throwing this stroller across a theme park. Though … let’s not put it past her.

Just a few weeks ago, in April, Rob also shared this photo of Dream looking happy and adorable.

His provided caption made this pic even sweeter.

“Mornings start with a tea party.”

This is so cute!

Dream is unspeakably cute, and there is something emotionally overwhelming about a baby’s expression of true joy.

And, sorry parents, but it’s not the same as the smile that you see when you get them to say “cheese.”

Adults don’t generally change drastically in one year. Maybe they gain or lose weight or change their hair, but they’re usually pretty recognizable.

Babies, on the other hand, are growing rapidly and changing every day.

In the space of a few weeks, a baby could learn hundreds of new words, pass multiple developmental milestones, and also gain several pounds — in a good way.

As Dream continues to grow and learn, she develops more of her personality. She also increases her understanding and awareness of the world around her.

One day she may gain greater insight into the relationship that her parents had and the possible financial motive that some believe was behind her conception.

But … let’s not waste time worrying about a day that is likely many years off.

Following recent pregnancy rumors about Chyna, reports claimed that Rob was exasperated, afraid, and angry about the idea of Chyna having getting pregnant again while Dream is still a baby.

Of course, there was also talk that Rob’s feelings were more mixed than people had realized.

Because at least one report said that Blac Chyna was seducing Rob all over again by sending him nudes and reminding him of the good times.

There’s always a chance that Dream’s parents could get back together one of these days.

Even though they’re probably too toxic together for it to work out.

Also, Rob’s family would absolutely lose their minds.

Dream is so cute and so precious, and every photo of her is a gift.

She’s one of the only reasons that a lot of people would like to see Rob permitted to have his own Instagram account again.

(He shares photos and videos of Dream on Twitter)

But his Instagram was taken down last year after his revenge porn attack against Blac Chyna, so … it does make sense that they’re not trusting him to upload only acceptable photos again.

In the mean time, the world can enjoy the pics that Chyna shares and, of course, the ones that Rob tweets.

She’ll be grown before we know it.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Master P Says LiAngelo Ball"s NBA Dream Is Alive Despite Combine Diss

LiAngelo Ball doesn’t need to hustle up a day job just yet, ‘cause even though he wasn’t invited to the draft combine, Master P says LiAngelo’s NBA dream is alive and well. ‘Gelo declared for the draft some time ago … and most people thought it’d…


Master P Says LiAngelo Ball"s NBA Dream Is Alive Despite Combine Diss

LiAngelo Ball doesn’t need to hustle up a day job just yet, ‘cause even though he wasn’t invited to the draft combine, Master P says LiAngelo’s NBA dream is alive and well. ‘Gelo declared for the draft some time ago … and most people thought it’d…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Blac Chyna: Mom-Shamed for THIS Photo of Dream Kardashian!

Just weeks after Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw-down in which she famously hurled Dream’s (unoccupied!) stroller in fury, Chyna is stirring up controversy again.

This time, she’s being mom-shamed over a photo of Dream Kardashian.

And the backlash was apparently enough that Chyna deleted the photo — but don’t worry, you can still see it, below.

Chyna had turned off comments for a while, in the wake of losing her stroller endorsement deal and the Six Flags fight.

She turned them back on, and probably expected the usual nasty comments.

Recently, because her boyfriend is so young, some particularly vile trolls have taken to calling her a “pedophile” in the comments under any given photo.

Her boyfriend, VBN Almighty Jay, is 18 and an adult, so it’s hard to see why these people are targeting Chyna with this rhetoric. Words mean things.

Chyna expects to get hate, though.

But she cannot have expected to be mom-shamed over this precious, innocent photo.

Dream is so cute!

Blac Chyna agrees, captioning this now-deleted photo:

“My beautiful baby girl.”

Despite how precious Dream looks with these pink extensions, people decided to flood her comments with negativity and mom-shaming.

Some wonder if it’s because they have so recently seen Chyna at her worst.

Critics took to Chyna’s comments.

“She’s not a toy.”

Blac Chyna knows that Dream is not a toy, but … lots of parents make their babies look cute, folks.

“It’s not necessary and it’s a baby. Not a doll to play to play with.”

It’s not necessary but it’s also entirely undoable. It’s like a hairclip. Do these people not understand hair extensions?

“Why the pink weave tho?”

Probably because it’s cute? Maybe Dream wanted it. We don’t know.

Chyna also had her defenders, and one comment was so on-point that it very effectively shuts down the backlash.

“Adults on here being haters,” it begins.

It’s always odd to see a group of strangers get so riled up by something so harmless.

The comment continues:

“The extensions are clip on.”

So it’s not like there’s any potentially painful weaving when the hair is applied or taken out.

“She’s beautiful.”

Dream sure is. Always.

Life & Style has a report from an insider on what Chyna thinks of the mom-shaming.

“Chyna doesn’t care what anybody thinks about how she styles Dream’s hair.”

She deleted the photo anyway, which is curious.

“It was cute. Adorable, and Dream loved it.”

Getting to wear long hair and “look like mommy” sounds like a lot of fun for a baby.

“Chyna’s a great mother and would never do anything to hurt Dream or her gorgeous head of hair.”

The insider continues.

“That said, if people really want to bash someone she thinks they should bash Rob and his family.”

This is getting into contentious territory.

“Rob’s not exactly father of the year and he’s more of a baby than Dream. Kris does everything for him except change his diaper.”


“Chyna’s a far better mother than anyone in that family and she’s appalled people are trying to talk s–t about her instead of them.”

Or maybe we should save the parent-shaming for the people who are actually bad parents, when we’re sure that they’re bad parents.

Just a thought.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blac Chyna"s Dream Home Featured in Architectural Digest

Blac Chyna has turned the world upside down … hoity-toity Architectural Digest is featuring her meeting with a prominent architect to design her dream home. Michael B. Lehrer, who got his pedigree from Harvard Graduate School…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Blac Chyna Ready to Battle Rob Kardashian Over Custody of Dream

Blac Chyna’s ready to fight Rob Kardashian to keep things status quo when it comes to custody of Dream … Six Flags stroller scuffle be damned. Chyna’s lawyer, Walter Mosley, tells TMZ … BC and Rob still have a valid custody agreement in…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.


Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.


Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.


Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.
