Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.
