Showing posts with label MomShamed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MomShamed. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Jinger Duggar Gets Mom-Shamed Again: Enough With the Head Wraps!

Back in July, Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child.

And like so many of her sisters, she’s enjoyed sharing all the joys of her motherhood with her millions of social media followers.

Unfortunately, as with her sisters, many of Jinger’s followers visit her page for the sole purpose of talking trash.

Yes, mom-shaming the Duggars is a favorite activity of many Instagram trolls.

And the folks who engage in this sort of activity really don’t need much to set them off.

They can be triggered by Jessa Duggar’s messy house, Jill’s perceived shortcomings as a homeschool teacher, or even Felicity Vuolo’s head wraps.

Yes, Jinger enjoys putting various forms of headgear on her child, and for reasons we can’t quite figure, a very vocal contingent of Instagram users finds this practice reprehensible.

And the craziest part is, they can’t even agree on why it’s wrong.

At first, Jinger was slammed for cultural appropriation.

As is the case most of the time that term is used, people were angry, but they weren’t really sure why.

Now that that argument has been laid to rest — probably because Jinger’s haters realized no culture can lay claim to the practice of wrapping fabric around a baby’s head — several new ones have emerged.

Jinger recently posted the photo below to Instagram, setting off a whole new round of criticism:

“Felicity helping Uncle Scott with interviews,” she captioned the pic.

Seems innocent enough, but some fans took issue with little Lissy’s hat.

A few speculated that Jinger is planning to launch a children’s fashion line, and she’s “using” Felicity to model her wares.

There’s no indication that’s true, but even if it were … would that really be so bad?

Others simply don’t care for Felicity’s fashion sense.

“Young moms are going overboard with head wraps for their girls all the time,” wrote one.

Another commented that Felicity looks like “an old lady.”

Yes, the kind of people who spend their time insulting babies on the internet are firmly convinced that their voices deserve to be heard.

This is some peak 2018 sh-t right here, folks. 

We shudder to think what next year might bring.


Friday, October 26, 2018

Amber Rose: Mom-Shamed for Making Out With Son

Amber Rose owns her identity and her sex-positive attitude. She knows that she has her haters.

Unfortunately, some trolls target Amber’s son because they know that it will get under her skin.

This time, Amber is getting mom-shamed and accused of “making out” with her child. Here is the photo:

This is the image that drew so much ire from the internet.

Note that Amber and Sebastian Taylor Thomaz’s lips aren’t actually touching.

“Too much intimacy in this pic,” declared one follower.

“Get that nasty mouth away from that poor kid,” demanded another. “Yuck!”

Another insisted that what she was doing was “making out” and that she should stop at once.

(This is not even the point, but anyone who makes out without their lips touching is doing it wrong)

The attacking comments came in a number of forms.

One person decided to target boht Amber and feminism in a backhanded compliment.

“That’s your greatest accomplishment and you know it,” the commenter wrote. “No matter what the feminists like to preach.”

Others stuck to old-fashioned slut-shaming.

“The child is Innocent but she sure aint smh,” one vile person wrote.

“Now Amber, you had six boyfriends this year. I counted,” added another. “You do not need to kiss this baby anywhere!”

The troll continued: “That is like telling him to lick a public bathroom floor.”

Fortunately Sebastian, who will turn six years old early next year, is too young to see these horrible comments.

Also fortunately, Amber had plenty of defenders.

“He loves his mommy!!! And his mommy loves him!!! So sweet,” affirmed a commenter. “She’s a wonderful mother to her child and that’s all that matters.”

Another put the haters on blast.

“You people are DISGUSTING really. It is her SON,” writes another. 

“She has every right to kiss him on the lips,” Amber’s defender insisted.

That comment continues: “and for all of you nasty people making comments, clearly your parents never loved you or gave you hugs.”

“Beautiful,” praised another. “People are so spiteful and hateful. I kissed my daddy on the lips up until he passed last year.”

Obviously, not everyone comes from a kiss-on-the-lips family (I don’t, either).

But we all know that there are families who give each other a peck on the lips.

And, as you can clearly see in the photo, Amber and Sebastian weren’t doing anything of the sort.

Of course, we all know what this was really about.

People don’t like Amber.

Why? Mostly because she’s not ashamed to be a sexual being.

You would think that people wouldn’t be bothered by a woman who takes off her clothes and tells other women to live their lives however they wish.

But for some reason, sex-positive feminism is really threatening to some people.

And if htey can’t make Amber back down in undeserved shame for having a body and daring to show it, they’ll go after her young son.

Amber has defended Sebastian from trolls before.

Earlier this year, she shared how excited he was to receive personalized Taylor Swift tickets.

He loves Taylor’s music, probably because he has two ears and a heart.

Some truly despicable trolls decided to take to Instagram to “accuse” the 5-year-old child of being gay.

That is stupid in too many ways to count.

We’re glad that Sebastian has such a loving and supportive mother.

You don’t have to agree with her on everything to recognize that she’s a good mom.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Jessa Duggar: Mom-Shamed For Endangering Her Son"s Life!

Sometimes it seems that not a week goes without Jessa Duggar getting mom-shamed.

Don’t get us wrong, there have been many cases in which the criticism was justified.

Take, for example, the time Jessa made her toddlers walk several miles for Chick-Fil-A.

On the other hand, there are instances like the one in which Jessa was slammed for living too close to a freeway and allegedly endangering her children’s lives as a result.

In that situation, we were inclined to side with Jessa.

We’ll leave it up to you to determine which category this latest controversy falls into.

Earlier this week, Jessa posted a video in which she gives her 1-year-old son Henry his very first haircut.

“Henry’s first haircut! Ha!” Jessa captioned the clip.

“So hard to keep a toddler sitting still for 15 min, but with daddy’s help, plenty of snacks, and a cartoon with brother, we managed to pull it off.

For the most part, the comments were positive, but a surprising number of fans were critical of Jessa’s technique.

“Always cut on top of your fingers, not below,” wrote one fan.

“You risk cutting yourself or your client (or child) if you go below. Your fingers should always be between the scissors and the scalp.”

“I’ve never seen somebody cut hair like that,” remarked another.

“I always cut from off the top of the fingers.”

A third commenter not-so-subtly suggested that Jessa might not be up to the task of cutting her kids’ hair:

“Sometimes it’s good to pay a professional,” the fan wrote.

“With proper training.”

Generally, the Duggars don’t respond to criticism from fans, but this situation must have really gotten under Jessa’s skin, because she promptly clapped back.

“I always cut on top of my finger unless they’re not wearing a cape,” she replied.

“With longer cuts on babies and toddler’s hair, I cut under my fingers instead so that I’m holding onto all the cut hair and can drop it straight into the trash.

“Way less mess,” Jessa added.

“And yes, I’m super careful.”

So is she prioritizing cleanliness over her child’s safety?

We suppose it’s no surprise that Jessa is taking this situation so personally.

From homeschooling to growing their own vegetables, the Duggars pride themselves on their DIY work ethic.

If Jessa is incapable of cutting her kids’ hair … what does that say about her ability to educate them?


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Teresa Giudice: Mom-Shamed Over THIS Photo of Daughters!

The internet loves few things more than trolling women, getting a reaction from celebrities, and mom-shaming.

Teresa Giudice just bore the brunt of all three. And it wasn’t for another bad comment about immigrants.

She shared a sweet photo of three of her daughters spending some sisterly bonding time, and is getting mom-shamed left and right. Why?

Teresa Giudice and her family have been vacationing in the Bahamas.

(Yes, we know that a lot of students went back to school this week, but not every school in the U.S. runs on the same schedule)

The The Real Housewives of New Jersey star has also shared photos of her daughters — they’re growing up so quickly!

Unfortunately, when Teresa shared the photo below, a lot of so-called fans decided to call her out and bombard he with mom-shaming comments.

These trolls seemed to hate everything — from the girls’ makeup to their outfits.

(From left to right, that’s Audriana, Gia, and Milania)

Mom-shamers decided that it was an outrage that these sisters on vacation put on makeup before having their photos taken.

“Are you f–king kidding me with the makeup?” one foul-mouthed mom-shamer demanded.

Makeup is normal for all ages, but apparently 9-year-old Audriana’s makeup is scandalous to these folks. There are younger makeup gurus on YouTube.

“Beautiful girls,” another began. “But no need for makeup.”

If you want to talk about the makeup industry or animal testing or whatever, that’s fine. Girls putting on makeup is harmless unless they’re allergic or something.

Other trolls fixated on the fact that the girls were dressed for August in the Bahamas instead of for, like, winter in a convent in Vermont.

“Wow….bra showing…wtf….” one ridiculous person lamented. “These girls are going to turn into pure trash if this continues.”

Gia is just months away from turning 18, and none of these girls are “exposing” anything — except for the twisted thoughts of some of Teresa’s followers.

“No need for… an un-buttoned shirt,” another insisted, again targeting Gia. “That’s not age-appropriate!”

Gia is 17. That outfit, which again reveals nothing, is about as age-appropriate as it gets.

(Teresa shared this photo last week, and yes, before you ask, she was also condemned because her daughters are wearing normal bikinis instead of one-pieces … or a nun’s habit)

“Where is the parental control here!!” one irate commenter demanded. Some people panic if they see other humans living their lives harmlessly.

Anothe remarked that it is “scary that these girls are dressed like grown adult women.”

Those girls are really dressed like teenagers. (No shade, but Audriana’s makeup looks exactly like a 9-year-old’s)

“I’m 32 years old,” another commenter whined. “Sorry I think a showing bralette, crop top, and ripped skinny skinny jeans is completely inappropriate for a 17 year old.”

We love that this person thinks that jeans are somehow scandalous because they show Gia’s knees.

Fortunately, not every commenter belongs in a dumpster.

“I think her daughters look pretty and they wear their make up well,” one defender wrote. “They have not went Kardashian yet.”

“I don’t see what the problem is, she looks beautiful,” another says. “I wouldn’t let the negative press ruin your day.”

Teresa is probably accustomed to it. We just hope that her daughters don’t see grown-ass adults shaming their mom for letting them act their ages.

Another defender asks a very good rhetorical question: “What little girl does not like makeup?”

The defenses kept pouring in.

“The girls are adorable,” a commenter writes. “Quit throwing shade! I’m sure the girls love putting make up on each other. That’s what sisters do!”

Another shamed the shamers right back, saying: “Any adult with sense knows not to say negative comments about children.”

There are plenty of truly awful parents who do real harm to their children that will last for a lifetime. Some of those parents are even reality stars.

It’s just a shame that these shamers waste their ire on makeup and a neckline.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Jamie Lynn Spears: Mom-Shamed Over Young Daughter"s Gun Photo!

Just two months ago, Jamie Lynn Spears showed the first photos of her infant daughter, Ivey Joan Watson.

Now, her husband is showing off pics of her eldest daughter, Maddie Aldridge, and the photo is proving to be controversial among fans.

Why? Because Maddie is wielding a shotgun and poised to go hunting at only 10 years old.

Jamie Lynn Spears’ husband, Jamie Watson, shared a photo of the couple’s young daughter, Maddie Aldridge.

Maddie is 10 years old, and famously miraculously recovered from drowning just a year and a half ago.

In the photo, Maddie is standing outdoors and sporting a shotgun with some protective gear over her ears.

“Getting her ready for dove season,” Jamie captioned the photo.

Take a look:

Followers who found the image alarming were quick to blast both Jamies — Jamie Lynn Spears and Jamie Watson — for taking her hunting.

“Jesus no wonder America it’s drowning faster than the titanic,” wrote one commenter in despair.

“Put down the gun, pick up a pair of binoculars, & take a hike together,” suggested one follower. “For me, teaching kids to kill when there is absolutely no need seems very, very wrong.”

“Stupid, stupid,” another wrote succinctly.

Another took aim at a defense of the practice, writing: “Honor the outdoors by killing innocent animals? Disgusting [point of view].”

“A 10 year old with a shotgun,” one commenter lamented. “If that’s not redneck I don’t know what is.”

Maddie’s aunt Britney may be the absolute queen of pop, but she and her sister are from Louisiana. They’ve been called some unflattering things.

“You´re so irresponsible,” another fan wrote. “Guns are not a toy.”

“it’s ironic they post about their amazing dog (who is totally dependent on them) all the time,” someone wrote. “When they then go and kill animals that are living their own lives minding their own business.”

This person seems to be okay with hunting when adults are doing it, but hates the idea of kids wielding deadly weapons, writing: “Teaching kids to kill things is weird leave that till they’re older, man.”

“Bad parents,” another simply wrote.

As with any controversy, there were also defenders.

“Welcome to the South people. If you dont like it, head out!” writes one defender, who does not speak for all Southerners.

“That little girl has more talent and could completely take care of herself and she just turned 10,” that commenter continues.

Finally, that commenter laments: “Ugh I cannot stand judgement from people who know nothing about what they are looking at! Get it Maddie!”

“I have followed you and @jamielynnspears for years and I so respect your admirable life that you live,” another writes.

They continue: “Seeing celebrities allow their children to live normal lives that kids should live and also honor the love of outdoors regardless of disapproval from some people is amazing and gives me hope in future kids!”

That commenter may be missing the point — the people who take issue with this don’t consider gun-toting animal-killing as part of children’s normal lives.

“I pray she stays like that all of her life,” the commenter concludes. “And passes it on to her kids!”

“You are a wonderful father to Maddie,” another defender writes to Jamie Watson. “Teaching her right.”

This person laments that so many children enjoy engaging storytelling and interacting with their peers using electronics instead of hunting.

“So many kids are hung up on video games and their IPads they never see the outdoors,” the defender continues. “So kudos to you!”

It’s interesting, since a (widely debunked) criticism of video games is that they somehow turn children violent, to see someone praising hunting, which involves actual, real-world violence, as an alternative.

Hunting is always going to be controversial — but it’s unclear if Jamie Watson was trying to stir up controversy or was just proud of Maddie’s outdoorsy, athletic spirit.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Mom-Shamed Over Shocking Photo of Daughter

We think it’s safe to say that Jenelle Evans isn’t anyone’s idea of a perfect mother.

In fact, there are many who believe the Carolina Hurricane is thoroughly incapable of providing a safe and stable environment for her children.

And it’s not hard to see how they arrived at this conclusion.

Jenelle has been fighting for custody of her first son, Jace, for nine years, but the boy is still being raised by her mother, Barbara Evans.

These days, Evans is at risk of losing custody of her second son, Kaiser, to the boy’s father, Nathan Griffith.

And of course, there are those who feel that Jenelle should have all three of her kids taken away simply because she’s the type of person who points guns at people who cut her off in traffic.

Generally, we’re opposed to mom-shaming, but in Jenelle’s case, it’s usually warranted.

And she continues to provide her haters with plenty of ammunition.

Earlier this week, Jenelle posted this photo of her daughter, Ensley, on Instagram.

“She sure is having a lot of fun. #LittlePrincess #WaterBaby #Adorable,” Jenelle captioned the pic.

It might seem innocent enough, but some fans noticed that Jenelle edited that description after catching flak for her original caption.

The post originally read:

“For being a sick baby, she sure is having a lot of fun.”

Needless to say, a lot of Jenelle’s followers took issue with her decision to allow a sick toddler to play outside in cold water.

“Why is the sick baby in the water?” wrote one Instagram user.

“A bath is warm water, not freezing cold hose water outside,” remarked another.

A third laid the whole situation out in the indignant fashion of someone who’s about to call up CPS:

“Let me break it down for the idiots… pool/hose water is cold… therefore your body overworks to keep itself warm… the last thing you want your body to do (while sick especially) is overwork,” she commented.

“Hence why the show is called Teen Mom. #whatNOTtodo.”

Thus far, Jenelle’s only response has been to edit the caption.

To be fair, however, that’s more effort than she usually puts in.

But don’t worry, Jenelle is currently preparing for a house call from the doctor — Dr. Drew, that is.

Yes, as you may have heard, Jenelle didn’t attend the Teen Mom 2 reunion taping in New York City last month.

Remarkably, her MTV bosses are making a major concession by flying Dr. Drew to North Carolina with a camera crew, so that Jenelle can record an interview at home.

Frankly, we think they’re on a bit of a slippery slope.

Next thing you know, the reunion shows will be taped simultaneously in five different states.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more reminders of just how bonkers Jenelle truly is.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Megan Fox Mom-Shamed Over Her Sons" Long Hair

In the past, Megan Fox has come under fire for letting her young sons be themselves.

Now, the mom-shamers are back and attacking her over a precious photo of her boys at the beach.

What the trolls can’t handle is that her sons have long hair.

Megan Fox is getting shamed for the photo that you’re about to see.

All because her sons have long hair.

Plenty of men have long hair. But there are people in this world who insist that the toxic cultural forces of the 1950s were right, and that all men must have short hair.

More to the point, there are some people whose ideas of hair length and gender are so inextricably linked that, in their twisted minds, a person with long hair is a girl.

Here is the great yet “controversial” photo of 5-year-old Noah and 4-year-old Bodhi.

It’s a precious photo and they both look happy, and yet some people just couldn’t keep themselves from mom-shaming the star.

“Megan why your boys look like they r girls?”

They literally just have hair.

“Lol … poor things look like little girls …”

Fun fact! Boys and girls both come in all sorts of sizes and shapes, and being mistaken for one or the other is not a source of shame.

“Poor boys they look like girls.”

We should mention that the spelling on a number of these comments was especially bad.

“Why don’t u cut boy’s heir?? U r crazy about baby girl.”

The fake sympathy continued.

“Poor darlings they look like they’re wearing wigs!”

But that wasn’t the worst of it.

Some of the comments became even nastier.

“‘My boys are girls, I’m progressive.’  Yeah progressively assisting suicide and mass delusion!”

First of all, that’s … not the statement that Megan Fox was making. Boys with long hair are, in fact, boys.

Second of all, since this person decided to bring up trans children, suicide risk plummets for trans kids who are accepted and loved for who they are by their families.

But that’s … not really relevant to this photo.

Before you lose all faith in humanity, there were plenty of positive comments.

In fact, we would say that most of the comments were affirming or simply direct praise.

“i love that you’re letting your kids choose how they wanna look.”

In addition to posts that ignored the criticisms posted by trolls, some took things a step further and ridiculed the haters.

“WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! It’s hair! Men/boys have sported long hair since the beginning of time.”

Nice to see some anger on the right side of the comments for a change.

“You sit here and wave your fingers at men for body shaming women and here you are shaming kids.”

That’s a very good comparison.

“STFU and back the hell up. These are not your kids, their hair has ZERO impact on you, but your words… have impact on them.”

Photos of Megan Fox’s kids are rare, and we have to wonder if mom-shaming plays a role in that.

If every time that she shows a picture of her children, she gets accused of being part of the “trans illuminati agenda,” she’s going to give fans fewer glimpses into her life.

Some mom-shaming comes from a place of genuine concern. Questions like “is that baby old enough for solid food” usually come from a place of love or curiosity.

But these particular trolls seem to be trying to induce Megan to cut her boys’ hair short to meet their arbitrary definition of masculinity.

It’s absurd. And cutting your child’s hair shorter than they’d like it because of some internet comments is not something that a good parent should do.

The world has always known that Megan is hot. Only in recent years have fans discovered that she’s also an amazing mom.


Friday, April 27, 2018

Jessa Duggar: Mom-Shamed Over Controversial Instagram Video

Jessa Duggar may not be as rebellious as her younger sister Jinger, or as milquetoast as her older sister Jill, but for many fans, she hits a Goldilocks sweet spot right in the middle.

Jessa wears pants, and her husband might be the most liberal of all the Duggar in-laws, but her focus remains largely on her family’s core values:

We’re talking about God, family, and of course, slavish devotion to the Duggars’ lucrative media empire.

But like the other women in her family, Jessa is often criticized for her parenting missteps.

And as with her sisters, Jessa is often subjected to criticism that seems to have much to do with misdirected anger at her mother and father, and little if anything to do with the manner in which she raises her kids.

Case in point, today fans are up in arms over a video Jessa posted of her two young sons running around outside.

Watch and be appalled:

Just kidding, there’s absolutely nothing objectionable here at all.

It’s literally just two young children strolling down a sidewalk and investigating some of the more curious items they discover along the way.

“Toddlers. So cute to watch them discover all the little details in their world!” Jessa captioned the video.

It’s tough to imagine how anyone could object to such a purely innocent scene, but fear not – the mom-shaming trolls of the internet quickly found a way.

Yes, dozens of commenters were stunned – stunned! – by the fact that Jessa allowed her youngest son to walk around barefoot.

One childcare expert clutched her pearls and expressed her breathless concerns about Jessa’s “poor baby getting stabbed in the foot with something.

Another stated that she couldn’t even finish watching the clip for fear that little Henry would encounter “a nail or piece of glass.”

Step aside, John Krasinski – Jessa Duggar has officially delivered the year’s most compelling horror film.

And people say those shaky-cam found footage flicks are played-out!

We’re generally not very big on defending the Duggars – but we have to call ‘em like we see ‘em, and this is clearly a case of mental toddlers getting far too worked up about the safety of actual toddlers.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Blac Chyna: Mom-Shamed for THIS Photo of Dream Kardashian!

Just weeks after Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw-down in which she famously hurled Dream’s (unoccupied!) stroller in fury, Chyna is stirring up controversy again.

This time, she’s being mom-shamed over a photo of Dream Kardashian.

And the backlash was apparently enough that Chyna deleted the photo — but don’t worry, you can still see it, below.

Chyna had turned off comments for a while, in the wake of losing her stroller endorsement deal and the Six Flags fight.

She turned them back on, and probably expected the usual nasty comments.

Recently, because her boyfriend is so young, some particularly vile trolls have taken to calling her a “pedophile” in the comments under any given photo.

Her boyfriend, VBN Almighty Jay, is 18 and an adult, so it’s hard to see why these people are targeting Chyna with this rhetoric. Words mean things.

Chyna expects to get hate, though.

But she cannot have expected to be mom-shamed over this precious, innocent photo.

Dream is so cute!

Blac Chyna agrees, captioning this now-deleted photo:

“My beautiful baby girl.”

Despite how precious Dream looks with these pink extensions, people decided to flood her comments with negativity and mom-shaming.

Some wonder if it’s because they have so recently seen Chyna at her worst.

Critics took to Chyna’s comments.

“She’s not a toy.”

Blac Chyna knows that Dream is not a toy, but … lots of parents make their babies look cute, folks.

“It’s not necessary and it’s a baby. Not a doll to play to play with.”

It’s not necessary but it’s also entirely undoable. It’s like a hairclip. Do these people not understand hair extensions?

“Why the pink weave tho?”

Probably because it’s cute? Maybe Dream wanted it. We don’t know.

Chyna also had her defenders, and one comment was so on-point that it very effectively shuts down the backlash.

“Adults on here being haters,” it begins.

It’s always odd to see a group of strangers get so riled up by something so harmless.

The comment continues:

“The extensions are clip on.”

So it’s not like there’s any potentially painful weaving when the hair is applied or taken out.

“She’s beautiful.”

Dream sure is. Always.

Life & Style has a report from an insider on what Chyna thinks of the mom-shaming.

“Chyna doesn’t care what anybody thinks about how she styles Dream’s hair.”

She deleted the photo anyway, which is curious.

“It was cute. Adorable, and Dream loved it.”

Getting to wear long hair and “look like mommy” sounds like a lot of fun for a baby.

“Chyna’s a great mother and would never do anything to hurt Dream or her gorgeous head of hair.”

The insider continues.

“That said, if people really want to bash someone she thinks they should bash Rob and his family.”

This is getting into contentious territory.

“Rob’s not exactly father of the year and he’s more of a baby than Dream. Kris does everything for him except change his diaper.”


“Chyna’s a far better mother than anyone in that family and she’s appalled people are trying to talk s–t about her instead of them.”

Or maybe we should save the parent-shaming for the people who are actually bad parents, when we’re sure that they’re bad parents.

Just a thought.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Jessa Duggar: Mom-Shamed Over Spurgeon"s Bad Behavior

Mom-shaming the Duggars seems to be one of the internet’s favorite pastimes these days.

The ladies just can’t do anything right in the eyes of some of their “fans,” and the parenting experts of social media have been happily doling out their wisdom and advice at every opportunity.

Lately, it’s Jessa Duggar who’s been the favorite target of Instagram mom-shamers.

Just last week, Jessa was slammed for her failure to properly homeschool her kids.

The Duggars educate their children in-house, and based on a short video of 2-year-old Spurgeon standing near a whiteboard with some misspelled words, some of Jessa’s IG followers determined that she’s not up to the task.

This week, it’s Spurgeon’s behavior that’s under fire, and the evidence is just as dubious.

Jessa recently posted the photo below on her page, along with a lengthy description of a humorous incident:

“Out shopping for groceries – AND – a new phone for Dad, since the 2-year-old did an experiment of sink or swim… in the toilet,” she wrote.

“It did not swim.”

Jessa even gave fans a hilarious snippet of dialogue to really set the scene:

“Mommy, fix it!” “Umm…did you spill water?” Ben: There’s water on the rim of the toilet.” she wrote.

“Screen was black. Phone was boiling hot and completely fried,” Jessa added.

“Ha! Parents can attest, sometimes you gotta laugh so you don’t cry. Can’t stay mad for more than a sec tho… he’s such a cute little stinker!”

Not surprisingly, the shamers came out in force for this one.

Most simply lobbed half-hearted criticism at Jessa, accusing her of failing to properly discipline her children.

But one follower shared a story about the dangers of neglect with a potentially tragic outcome: 

“I’m just sending out a warning that it takes 10 seconds for a child to drowned in a toilet and I know this from personal experience so yes if he was allowed to be in there with the toilet seat open unattended that they didn’t know what he was doing I feel the need to give a fair warning,” the fan wrote.

We’re sure Jessa doesn’t mind real advice that comes from a place of genuine concern.

It’s the vitriolic, seething hatred that gets old in a hurry and makes one wonder why these people continue to follow her on social media.

Fortunately, for every hater, there was at least one fan willing to come to Jessa’s defense.

“It hurts my heart to scroll past some of these nasty comments above,” wrote one fan.

“You’re a great mama, don’t ever forget that.”

This is far from the first time that Jessa has shared her parenting challenges with fans in a charmingy self-deprecatin fashion.

Last year, Jessa posted photos of her messy house and was attacked in a similar fashion.

That’ll teach her to reveal details of her personal life in a forum that’s intended for that very purpose!

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Kim Kardashian Goes Nude, Gets Mom-Shamed on Instagram

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian welcomed her third child.

The baby girl was delivered via surrogate, so Kim won’t have to put in the usual effort to regain her “pre-baby body.”

But that’s not stopping her from showing the world what kind of shape she’s in.

We have no way of knowing when this pic was taken, but we like to think it was last night and that Kim was wearing that look of smug superiority because she knew she was about to drop an internet-breaking bombshell the next morning.

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Kim revealed the name of her youngest daughter via her subscription-based app today.

Within minutes of the announcement, “Chicago West” became a top-trending topic on Twitter.

Yes, these days, there’s such a constant torrent of Kardashian news that Kim posing totally nude is barely a blip on her fans’ radar screens.

As usual, Kim received a lot of compliments for her pic … and a whole lot of criticism.

“You know your a mom right?” wrote one grammatically-challenged paragon of parenting.

“Ok Kim it’s time for that to stop you have three beautiful kids now leave something to the imagination only your husband should be seeing you like that,” commented one stalwart Puritan who follows Kim Kardashian on Instagram for some reason.

“Yes this is totally what all moms of newborns are doing with their time,” remarked one follower who is apparently unaware that Kim is very rich, and got that way by doing exactly this.

Kim has been in the spotlight for more than a decade, and yet somehow, people who are interested enough in her life to follow her on social media are unaware that she enjoys occasionally posting a risqué photo.

Even more mysterious is the fact that they feel the need to fill her in on details of her own life, such as the fact that she’s a mother of three.

Kim has never been accused of neglecting or mistreating her children.

In fact, those who know her best say she’s an incredibly devoted mom. 

And yet, when she chooses to show a little skin, she invariably gets slammed by people who apparently think they’re living superior lives.

Here’s a fun game: click on the profiles of the people talking the most trash sometime.

Don’t say anything rude or mean, because internet bullying is for the worst kind of losers.

Just marvel at the fact that these people consider themselves better than one of the most successful women on the planet.
