Friday, April 27, 2018

Jessa Duggar: Mom-Shamed Over Controversial Instagram Video

Jessa Duggar may not be as rebellious as her younger sister Jinger, or as milquetoast as her older sister Jill, but for many fans, she hits a Goldilocks sweet spot right in the middle.

Jessa wears pants, and her husband might be the most liberal of all the Duggar in-laws, but her focus remains largely on her family’s core values:

We’re talking about God, family, and of course, slavish devotion to the Duggars’ lucrative media empire.

But like the other women in her family, Jessa is often criticized for her parenting missteps.

And as with her sisters, Jessa is often subjected to criticism that seems to have much to do with misdirected anger at her mother and father, and little if anything to do with the manner in which she raises her kids.

Case in point, today fans are up in arms over a video Jessa posted of her two young sons running around outside.

Watch and be appalled:

Just kidding, there’s absolutely nothing objectionable here at all.

It’s literally just two young children strolling down a sidewalk and investigating some of the more curious items they discover along the way.

“Toddlers. So cute to watch them discover all the little details in their world!” Jessa captioned the video.

It’s tough to imagine how anyone could object to such a purely innocent scene, but fear not – the mom-shaming trolls of the internet quickly found a way.

Yes, dozens of commenters were stunned – stunned! – by the fact that Jessa allowed her youngest son to walk around barefoot.

One childcare expert clutched her pearls and expressed her breathless concerns about Jessa’s “poor baby getting stabbed in the foot with something.

Another stated that she couldn’t even finish watching the clip for fear that little Henry would encounter “a nail or piece of glass.”

Step aside, John Krasinski – Jessa Duggar has officially delivered the year’s most compelling horror film.

And people say those shaky-cam found footage flicks are played-out!

We’re generally not very big on defending the Duggars – but we have to call ‘em like we see ‘em, and this is clearly a case of mental toddlers getting far too worked up about the safety of actual toddlers.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
