Showing posts with label Controversial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Controversial. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Big Brother: Meet the Most Controversial Houseguests

Big Brother has been on the air since the year 2000. 

It is filmed 24 hours a day, and fans are able to watch a live feed online that keeps them up to speed with what happens inside the house when the show is not airing. 

That means some of the houseguests forget their surroundings and say some crazy things. 

What about the others? 

Well, some of them did not seem to care and had no filter. 

We"ve rounded up the most controversial houseguests below. 


1. Rachel Swindler – Big Brother Season 20

Rachel swindler

Viewers who watched the Big Brother live feeds were shocked when Swindler compared her tan to her black fellow houseguest Bayleigh Dayton.

“My stomach is as dark as Bay,” she said.

2. Angela Rummans – Big Brother Season 20

Angela rummans

Angela was also part of the conversation about Swindler about skin color and said the following: “I’m looking ghetto here with the skin coloration.”

While viewers never got to see the duo getting a warning from CBS, Angela was seen on the live feeds crying.

3. Kaitlyn Herman – Big Brother Season 20

Kaitlyn herman big brother season 20

Herman’s stint in the house resulted in her boyfriend apparently cutting ties with her. She was all over Tyler Crispen, Brett Robinson and Faysal Shafaat.

Another instance that landed her in hot water found her using the N-word while quoting Drake’s “0 to 100.”

4. Paul Abrahmian – Big Brother Season 18 & 19

Paul abrahamian on big brother

Paul dressed in black facial cosmetics as he targeted black houseguest, Dominique Cooper for eviction.

He went on to say that his makeup was called “blackface.” Yikes.

5. Jason Dent – Big Brother Season 19

Jason dent

Jason shocked live feed viewers with his comments about raping fellow houseguest Kevin Schlehuber’s wife after tying up all of his daughters and making them watch.

He was not ejected from the show.

6. Frank Eudy – Big Brother Season 18

Frank eudy big brother season 18

Eudy went too far when he groped Da’Vonne Rogers, and called her a “slut.”

Understandably, it all got too much and Da’Vonne hit up the diary room to let viewers know how she felt.

“I don’t want my daughter to see that and think it’s OK for guys to hit girls on their butts and guys to call girls sluts,” she sobbed.

View Slideshow

Saturday, July 21, 2018

James Gunn: Dropped from Guardians of the Galaxy Franchise Over Old, Controversial Tweets

James Gunn has been fired as director of Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

The decision to remove Gunn from the project arrived on Friday after conservative uncovered old tweets by Gunn in which the filmmaker joked about controversial topics such as pedophilia and rape. 

Gunn has been an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump over the past several months and, some believe, had been targeted by Republicans such as Jack Posobiec.

But that doesn’t change the fact that Gunn did write the Tweets in question.

“The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn said in a statement announcing Gunn’s departure.

Gunn directed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and was hired awhile back to helm its follow-up.

The very old Tweets at the center of this scandal have since been deleted, but Internet users posted screenshots that appear to show the director had written jokes about assault and other subjects.

A sample: “Laughter is the best medicine. That’s why I laugh at people with AIDS.”

Another: “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!"”

gunn samples

On Thursday, in response to this growing scandal, Gunn Tweeted:

“Many people who have followed my career know, when I started, I viewed myself as a provocateur, making movies and telling jokes that were outrageous and taboo.

“As I have discussed publicly many times, as I’ve developed as a person, so has my work and my humor.”

He continued:

“It’s not to say I’m better, but I am very, very different than I was a few years ago; today I try to root my work in love and connection and less in anger.

“My days saying something just because it’s shocking and trying to get a reaction are over.”

Most of the inappropriate messages were sent in 2008 and 2009.

They were dug up by conservative outlet The Daily Caller.

Gunn issued a statement on Friday afternoon, saying that he “regretted” the tweets in question and stressed that “they don’t reflect the person I am today.”

gunn apology

The director added in his lengthy response to the flap:

Regardless of how much time has passed, I understand and accept the business decisions taken today.

Even these many years later, I take full responsibility for the way I conducted myself then.

All I can do now, beyond offering my sincere and heartfelt regret, is to be the best human being I can be: accepting, understanding, committed to equality, and far more thoughtful about my public statements and my obligations to our public discourse.

To everyone inside my industry and beyond, I again offer my deepest apologies. Love to all.

Gunn has been penning the script for Guardians 3, and the film was expected to begin shooting in Atlanta in the fall for an expected 2020 release date.

He had been keeping fans apprised of his progress via social media messages such as the following:

gunn script

Marvel has not yet announced a replacement for Gunn.

Do you think he deserved to be fired for these Tweets?


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Katherine Heigl Apologizes After Controversial Graveyard Photoshoot

Katherine Heigl made a mistake. And, unlike many celebrities who have been called out for mistakes, she"s not dismissing criticism as "haters" and "trolls."

She"s owned her error and apologized, thanking her fans for what they said.

This is the way to do it, folks. Take a look:

Katherine heigl 02

Katherine Heigl shared her post-baby body just months ago and earned praise.

But when she shared humorous photos of various tombstones and other grave markers from a trip to a cemetary, fans were quick to point out that making light of the dead was not in great taste.

See, she had posed alongside these grave markers and shared the images on social media, along with funny captions.

(Remember, some of those people probably have real, living descendants who remember them and won"t see the humor in your posts)

So Heigl took to Instagram video to apologise.

"Hey everybody," Heigl says. "So I’m in the car driving home from my family time in Buffalo." 

It seems like a shame to go to Buffalo in the summer and miss the city"s legendary snow, but oh well.

Katherine heigl sunset in toronto

Heigl continues, saying: "and I noticed on my Instagram page that the post I posted earlier was getting a lot of reaction."

Instead of turning off comments or doubling down, as so many would have done, she listened.

Heigl kept an open mind "and I realized you guys are right and that was not appropriate and was disrespectful and I’ve taken it down."

It"s true! The only remainder of the humorous posts is a video of her husband, Josh Kelley, on his page as he pretends to walk hand-in-hand with a ghost.

(Some might consider it irreverent, but it"s not about any specific tombstones, so it"s fine)

Josh kelley graveyard gif

The actress then explains, for anyone who missed the discourse, why her previous posts were insensitive.

"But somebody commented," Heigl says. "And … was kind of just saying they didn’t think it was an appropriate thing to do."

That person (whose name she can"t remember at the moment) also guessed her motive.

Heigl says that this commenter called her out, but knew "that I was probably trying to make a hard moment lighthearted and that’s exactly what I was doing."

Graveyards can be emotionally challenging to visit.

On top of the more obvious grief, sometimes seeing a grave for the first time can make something much more real than it is.

It definitely makes sense that she was tried to lighten her own mood.

Katherine heigl 01

"It’s kind of a heavy thing to go and visit my loved ones’ graves," Heigl explains. "And I decided to try to find some moments of levity and humor and didn’t realize how inappropriate I was being."

Really, the only inappropriate part was putting that levity on Instagram.

"So I deeply apologize," Heigl continues. "And I thank you guys for understanding that sometimes I don’t think things through clearly enough."

That can happen to any one of us, any day of the week. Most of us just don"t have millions of fans who will instantly see our mistakes.

Heigl then thanks her fans: "And I am grateful for your input and for kind of giving me a head’s up when I’m maybe going too far."

That is such a good response.

"And thank you," Heigl adds. "For forgiving me."

Katherine heigl 03

Heigl continues her message in a second video, which we merged with the first in this post for your convenience.

"Next time," Heigl says. "I will be more thoughtful about other people’s feelings and not just my own."

It"s great to look after your own feelings! But while social media is wonderful, some things are just a little too insensitive to share.

"Anyway," Heigl continues. "I hope you’re all having a wonderful Sunday."

She addresses this with the perfect attitude — a combination of friendliness and sincerety.

Heigl adds: "and again, thank you for kind of stepping up and saying something."

It can be so easy, she knows, to be obsequious on social media when speaking to celebrities.

Heigl concludes: "and bringing something to my awareness that needed to be brought."

Katherine heigl at the 2014 emmys

In case you"re wondering why Heigl is earning praise for her simple apology, you have to remember that the celebrity bubble tends to reinforce the idea that there are people who just want to tear them down.

When Khloe Kardashian feels outraged when fans give her advice, that"s part of it.

Some celebs will get defensive and double down on their negative actions or statements.

We could easily imagine someone posting funny photos from a cemetary and then responding to criticism with "What? Are we not allowed to take silly pictures with the Great Pyramids? They"re giant tombs!!" or something like that.

While celebrities are right to ignore trolls, not every criticism comes from a "hater."

Heigl should be commended for knowing how to parse the difference and read comments with an open mind.

Also? Can we just add that those glasses are such a great look on her.

Jessica biel son

Katherine heigl apologizes after controversial graveyard photosh

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Bachelorette Recap: A (Controversial) Favorite Emerges!

Becca Kufrin went through a range of emotions on The Bachelorette this week.

At various points, she was angry, she was happy and, in the most important takeaway of all, she was smitten.

Stop reading right now if you wish to avoid The Bachelorette spoilers from an intense and fun-filled episode… but scroll down if you want to take a trip to Park City, Utah.

Indeed, Becca and some of her suitors jetted off to this location for the first travel dates of Season 14.

They kicked off with Kufrin and Garrett Yrigoyen enjoying some one-on-one time, shopping and eating and getting to know each other better than ever before.

(Of course, viewers got to know Yrigoyen better than ever before just a couple weeks ago after social media posts were revealed in which mocked Parkland high school students, liberal women, trans people and undocumented immigrants.

This week marked the most screen time Garrett has received since his scandalous views went public and he apologized.)

After Becca admitted how much Garrett reminds her of home and how much her late father would have loved him, the two hit the bobsled slopes with some former Olympians.

At dinner that evening, they opened up about their past relationships, with Yrigoyen confessing he had actually married before — and that he got divorced after two months!

Did Becca consider this a red flag? No.

The Bachelorette talkedabouther her “really, really strong feelings” toward him and then Garrett a rose and the two ended their night dancing in front of the crowd at a country concert. 

ELSEWHERE this week…

Lincoln, who was just convicted of sexual assault, said he thinks the Earth is flat.

The men also took part in lumberjack activities during the group date, which featured Jean Blanc telling Becca during the after-party that he was falling in love with her.

Yes, in love.

Becca sent him home because she didn’t feel the same way, prompting Jean Blanc to claim he didn’t actually mean what he said, which made Becca very angry.

She felt disrespected and manipulated and therefore ended the night early… without giving out the group date rose.

(At this same gathering, Colton confronted Jordan after the male model paraded around in gold underwear. Because that’s just how he rollos.

Colton said he was tired of clowns and thought Becca deserved better, but Jordan seemed generally unfazed by his accusations. He just wanted to strut.)

Still irritated her interaction with Jean Blanc, Becca wasn’t having much fun on her one-on-one date with Wills.

She was still feeling “off” from the Jean Blanc run-in, but Wills helped her work through these emotions and ended up with a rose.

The same could not be said for Mike and Ryan, however, who were sent packing during the first rose ceremony.

And then, after canceling the cocktail party, Becca also gave her designer boot to Nick and Christon.

Did she choose correctly this week?

Should she stay as far away from Garrett as humanly possible?

Did she overreact to Jean Blanc’s wavering feelings?

Use the video below to watch The Bachelorette online and catch up on anything you may have missed!


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Dennis Graham Has Controversial Advice for the #MeToo Movement

Dennis Graham thinks the #MeToo movement wouldn’t be necessary if women avoided putting themselves in potentially dangerous situations. Watch, that really is what he’s suggesting. Drake’s dad was leaving Delilah Wednesday night in WeHo, and we…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Jessa Duggar: Mom-Shamed Over Controversial Instagram Video

Jessa Duggar may not be as rebellious as her younger sister Jinger, or as milquetoast as her older sister Jill, but for many fans, she hits a Goldilocks sweet spot right in the middle.

Jessa wears pants, and her husband might be the most liberal of all the Duggar in-laws, but her focus remains largely on her family’s core values:

We’re talking about God, family, and of course, slavish devotion to the Duggars’ lucrative media empire.

But like the other women in her family, Jessa is often criticized for her parenting missteps.

And as with her sisters, Jessa is often subjected to criticism that seems to have much to do with misdirected anger at her mother and father, and little if anything to do with the manner in which she raises her kids.

Case in point, today fans are up in arms over a video Jessa posted of her two young sons running around outside.

Watch and be appalled:

Just kidding, there’s absolutely nothing objectionable here at all.

It’s literally just two young children strolling down a sidewalk and investigating some of the more curious items they discover along the way.

“Toddlers. So cute to watch them discover all the little details in their world!” Jessa captioned the video.

It’s tough to imagine how anyone could object to such a purely innocent scene, but fear not – the mom-shaming trolls of the internet quickly found a way.

Yes, dozens of commenters were stunned – stunned! – by the fact that Jessa allowed her youngest son to walk around barefoot.

One childcare expert clutched her pearls and expressed her breathless concerns about Jessa’s “poor baby getting stabbed in the foot with something.

Another stated that she couldn’t even finish watching the clip for fear that little Henry would encounter “a nail or piece of glass.”

Step aside, John Krasinski – Jessa Duggar has officially delivered the year’s most compelling horror film.

And people say those shaky-cam found footage flicks are played-out!

We’re generally not very big on defending the Duggars – but we have to call ‘em like we see ‘em, and this is clearly a case of mental toddlers getting far too worked up about the safety of actual toddlers.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

TMZ Live Chris Brown The Controversial "Horseplay" Photos

ON TODAY’S SHOW Cardi B: Hiding Baby Bump? David Hogg: At War With FOX News Host Fabolous Arrested For Domestic Violence  Corey Feldman: The Blow-By-Blow Of Stabbing


Monday, February 26, 2018

Ensa Cosby Dies; Daughter of Controversial Comedian Was 44

Ensa Cosby, the daughter of actor/comedian, Bill Cosby, was found dead in her Massachusetts home on Friday evening, multiple outlets have now confirmed.

She was 44 years old.

The cause of death is unknown at this time.

However, TMZ reports that Ensa suffered from a number of health issues, including a very serious kidney problem.

It is believed she was on the list for a transplant at the time of her passing.

Ensa made news last year when she issued a lengthy statement in support of her father, who has been accused of drugging and assaulting over 60 women.

The comedian’s rape trial ended in a mistrial last summer and the date for a new one has not yet been announced.

Cosby and all members of his family have maintained the star’s innocence ever since the first allegation came to light.

Ensa made her voice known in May of 2017, ahead of one of the Cosby Show alum’s court appearances.

This is what she wrote about her dad and the charges against him:

I am a very private person and have chosen to live my life quietly with my family. But for my child, my niece, my nephew, and my father, I cannot sit quietly anymore.

The accusations against my father have been one-sided from the beginning.

When he tried to defend himself, he was sued in civil court.

I’ve seen the accusations become more horrific and extreme with time, and I’ve witnessed my father’s reputation and legendary works be dismissed without any proof.

The statement continued as follows:

I strongly believe my father is innocent of the crimes alleged against him, and I believe that racism has played a big role in all aspects of this scandal…

My father has been publicly lynched in the media.

My family, my young daughter, my young niece and nephew have had to stand helplessly by and watch the double standards of pretending to protect the rights of some.

But ignoring the rights of others and exposing innocent children to such appalling accusations about someone they love dearly and who has been so loving and kind to them is beyond cruel.

Bill and his wife, Camille Cosby, are also the parents of Erika, 52, Erinn, 51, and Evin, 41.

Their son Ennis was murdered at the age of 27 in a botched robbery attempt in Los Angeles in 1997.

May Ensa Cosby rest in peace.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant - Meet the Controversial Cast!

Over the years, many critics have blasted MTV for the creation of the Teen Mom franchise.

These individuals have questioned whether it was a great idea to make celebrities out of young women who were expecting babies, thereby glorifying a development that may be the most challenging one a person can face.

It’s now clear that the cable network has considered these objections, weighed them carefully…

new teen mom

… and then totally and completely ignored such chatter for the sake of ratings.

On Monday night, MTV debuted the first teaser for Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant, a redundantly named spinoff of Teen Mom; which, itself, was a spinoff of 16 and Pregnant.

(Remember the days when MTV actually aired music videos? Neither do we.)

According to the official network announcement, the series will track the lives of five expecting women and “show the highs and lows of their pregnancy journeys — and the unbelievable changes they endure after the babies are born.

“From excitement to fear, this group of girls will take viewers inside their emotional lives.”

Because this is exactly what vulnerable teenager who are about to become parents really need: to share their emotional lives with millions of strangers.

mom, baby

MTV goes on to write that “Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 women have shown us through the years… [that] worlds are about to change forever and [when] it’s time to “mom up.”

Yes, mom up.

MTV just turned parenthood into a catchphrase.

We’re shocking it didn’t include a hashtag along with it.

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant will premiere on Monday, March 12 at 10/9c, following a new installment of Teen Mom OG.

Check out the preview below:

As for the young women at the center of the upcoming reality show?

Prepare to meet them below…

Ashley, 20: Described as a typical party girl in Las Vegas, she and her boyfriend, Bariki (Bar) recently found out they were having a baby.

Their own mothers are “constantly at odds,” MTV teases, which not only causes issues within their relationship, “but palpable friction between Bar and Ashley’s mom.”

Brianna, 17: She and her transgender boyfriend Danae have always had an up-and-down relationship. During one split, Brianna slept with an old friend and got pregnant.

However, now Danae is back in the picture and has vowed to raise the baby as his own… yet Brianna’s mom questions Danae’s ability to support her child.

Jade, 20: From an unstable relationship with her parents to her boyfriend Sean, Jade has always taken care of others, the network writes.

Now that she’s expecting her first baby, she’s aware that she’ll need her parents support more than ever and she’s worried that she won’t be able to rely on them.

Kayla, 18: Described as “the girl next door,” Kayla apparently had a rude awakening when she discovered she was expecting.

Kayla was raised by a single mother and therefore understands the sacrifices and struggles such a life requires.

While her own pregnancy wasn’t planned, Kayla was excited to have a baby with her long-time boyfriend, Stephan.

But now she’s struggling with the choice to stay in the relationship for the sake of her baby or raise the little one on her own.

Lexi, 17: From a small town, she’s the head cheerleader and she’s part of a supportive and loving family.

She also got pregnant by her boyfriend of four years, Kyler. 

As a result, she feels isolated from her friends and has become the subject of her small, conservative town’s gossip mill.

MTV asks: Will she be able to recover her reputation, or will she forever be known as the good girl gone bad?

Will you be tuning in for Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant?


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Jeremy Calvert Triggers Gun Debate with Controversial Christmas Gift

Jeremy Calvert did not give his four-year old daughter a Queen Else doll for Christmas.

He did not get little Adalynn a play kitchen or a few board games, either.


Instead, the Teen Mom 2 star presented the toddler with an actual rifle, the sort of weapon that one points at things and then pulls the trigger to shoot real bullets at those things.

Was this wildly inappropriate? Or actually very responsible?

See the weapon in question and join the debate below…

1. Jeremy is No Longer with Leah Messer

Jeremy is no longer with leah messer

We don’t believe so, at least, despite a few rumors to the contrary. Still, to his credit, the reality star remains pretty close to his daughter.

2. What Do You Get a Girl Who Has Everything?

Jeremy calverts daughter

Well, we’re not sure if Addie does have everything. But we do know she now owns a gun, courtesy of her dad this Christmas.

3. And She Loves It!

With a gun

Addie is clearly happy about the gift, but does that mean it was an appropriate gift? It’s the job of a parent to decide what his child ought to own, right, not to just base everything on what might make her happy?

4. Wrote Jeremy as a Caption:

Jeremy calvert on instagram

“My baby dolls 1st 22 cal crickett…… and yes @leahdawn92mtv is aware of this….. @nationalrifleassociation @nratv @nrawomen gun safety 100% #daddiescountrygirl #muddygirlcamo #22crickett #adalynnfaith.” So… Leah approved of the gift and Jeremy thinks he’s being responsible by teaching his toddler gun safety at an early age.

5. I Have More to Say!

Jeremy calvert on teen mom 2

Added Jeremy in a second Instagram caption: “And here is the other one…… all pinkkkk @nationalrifleassociation @nratv @nrawomen @nrafamily #countrygirl #adalynnfaith #daddiescountrygirl @leahdawn92mtv.”

6. What Do You Think, Twitter?

What do you think twitter

Not surprisingly, plenty of users were/are aghast over Jeremy thinking this gift was remotely a good idea.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Kardashian Christmas Card: Unveiled! Controversial!

The Kardashians have once again made a statement with their annual Christmas card.

Yet the final product has mostly left fans scratching their heads and asking a question.

First, take a look at the 2017 card above.

Taken by photographer Eli Russell Linnetz, it was shared yesterday on Twitter by Kim Kardashian – and it features nearly every one of her relatives.

There’s Khloe and Kourtney, of course, along with mother and matriarch Kris Jenner.

There’s also Jenner’s own mom, Mary Jo Houghton, not to mention half-sibling Kendall Jenner.

And look at that! Kourtney’s kids – Penelope, Mason and Reign Disick – are making an appearance, joined by fellow young cuties Saint and North West.

The official version is the culmination of what Kim and company dubbed their very own 25 Days of Christmas, as they released various pictures and outtakes from the photo shoot throughout the month on social media.

To wit:

As you can see, Kanye West was very much involved in the pictorial… and yet was NOT depicted in the card itself.

We don’t know why.

Scott Disick isn’t included, either, but he isn’t technically family; and Rob Kardashian is nowhere to be found.

Come on, though, did anyone really expect the often-estranged Rob to front, center or even off to the side in the card?

What many folks DID expect, however, was to finally get a look at Kylie Jenner’s baby bump.

The pregnant 20-year old was not featured in any of the lead-up photos prior to this final release, prompting social media users to assume she would make her pregnancy reveal as part of the card.

That would have been a fun and unique way to do so, right?

For the entire family to be gathered around Kylie, pointing to her belly or something, as a way to confirm Kylie’s pregnancy?

Alas, this did not happen.

Kylie isn’t even in the card!

The only conclusion we can really draw from this is that Jenner really is ashamed of her body, as previous reports have stated.

We guess Kylie really is in hiding until her child is born – and fans aren’t happy about it.

“Maybe we should call the authorities because @KylieJenner is still missing from the damn Kardashian Christmas card,” one person Tweeted.

Added another: “I need to see the BELLY.”

And another: “Lmaoooooo THEY MIND F—KED US ALL MONTH LONG!!!!”

“What is this total f—kery they have done to us!!! C’mon @KylieJenner @KimKardashian we wanted Kylie on the damn 25th day!!!”

It’s worth noting that Kylie did spend Christmas morning with Khloe.

The latter (who is also pregnant!) shared the above Snapchat image with supporters on Monday, stating in a video that Kylie attended her mother’s Christmas Eve party and has very much been around this holiday season.

She’s just laying low, it seems.

And when she does show her face, she is NOT showing her stomach. It’s impossible not to notice that these days.

This is all well and good, of course. It’s Kylie’s body and her pregnancy and her news to deliver whenever she wants to.

She just has to understand that the longer she goes without doing so, the most people on the Internet will ask question and maybe even hurl insults.

We don’t encourage the latter act, but we do understand the former.

Kylie has spent her formative years sharing every last aspect of her personal life with followers… and now she chooses to be all private?!?

It’s hard not to conclude that she really isn’t very excited to be a mother, based on that simple fact.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Meghan Markle: Controversial Writer Pens Tell-All, Uses Phrase "Markle Sparkle"

In the span of just a few short years, Meghan Markle has gone from Deal or No Deal “briefcase girl” to star of a USA network legal drama to future royalty.

It’s a trajectory that’s sure to inspire both misty-lensed Hallmark Channel romances and 99 cent erotic e-books with titles like The Finger Prince.

We don’t blame the public for being fascinated with Meghan’s story.

We all like to think we’ll be saved from our desperate, mediocre lives when someone with tremendous power and influence recognizes how special we are.

Basically, Meghan is Harry Potter and Harry is Dumbledore and … well, we won’t get into the importance of knowing how to work a wand in both stories, but you get the idea.

The point of that confusing and oddly profane metaphor is that Meghan and Harry’s romance is the stuff of bestsellers.

But it won’t be J.K. Rowling telling the tale.

No, it appears the first to cash in on the international Harkle obsession will be British writer Andrew Morton, a provocateur who’s previously authored biographies on Tom Cruise, Madonna, and Angelina Jolie.

Somehow, not having not been smothered to death by the avalanche of smug that came from researching those three, Morton lived to tell tell the tale of Harry’s mother, Princess Di, in a bestseller titled Diana: Her Story.

Despite the fact that the book was based largely on a secretly recorded conversation between Diana and a friend, Morton was able to secure the late princess’ approval of the project.

In other words, this is a dude who knows where the bodies are buried, and now he’s coming for MegMar:

“I was a fan of Meghan’s long before she met Prince Harry,” British writer Andrew Morton wrote to Fox News.

“She has star quality, what some have called ‘the Markle Sparkle."”

As a man who has the sack to use the phrase “Markle Sparkle” publicly, you can bet that Morton won’t shy away from all the gritty details of Meghan’s 36 years.

Or, he’ll just engage in 400-plus pages of ass-kissing, because the royals have basically made his career.

Based on his comments on the project, we’re guessing it’s the latter:

“Confident, groomed and camera ready, she is a dramatic contrast to the blushing, coy royal brides of recent history,” Morton recently told Fox News

“The warmth and affection Meghan and Harry displayed during their engagement interview years is light years away from the stilted ‘whatever love means’ conversation with Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981.”

Morton added:

“Meghan is an exciting and genuinely charismatic addition to the royal family – she makes the House of Windsor seem relevant again. Hers is a fascinating story and I can’t wait to tell it.”

Basically, it sounds like dude is a living Instagram filter.

His version of Meghan has a flower crown and shoots out rays of angelic light when she smiles.

So yeah, you may have to wait a bit longer for Markle to get the warts-and-all treatment.

Or you can just go ahead and download The Finger Prince to your Kindle.

We’re not here to judge.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

August Ames: Controversial Porn Star"s Tragic Cause of Death Revealed

Even in 2017, this story was positively surreal.

Just two days after straight porn star August Ames made waves with her controversial and homophobic statements, she died by suicide at the age of 23. It was mysterious, strange, and sad.

And now we know exactly how she died.

August Ames, whose real names was Mercedes Grabowski, was a straight porn actress whose homophobic tweet and ensuing defense of it made the rounds earlier this week.

It all started with a tweet of hers:

“Whichever (lady) performer is replacing me tomorrow for @EroticaXNews, you’re shooting with a guy who has shot gay porn, just to let cha know. BS is all I can say [shrug emoji] Do agents really not care about who they’re representing? #ladirect I do my homework for my body.”

So, what she’s clearly saying here is that she believes that gay men, bi men, or a straight man who has had sex with a man for money (plenty of male porn actors have sex with people they wouldn’t choose to date — money is money) is more likely to have secretly contracted an STI.

(The porn industry tests its performers regularly, particularly those who film bareback — as most of them do)

This is a complicated issue, because as August Ames said herself while defending herself on Twitter, it’s her body and her choice.

Which is fine. Being a sex worker does not in any way negate your bodily autonomy or grand automatic consent or whatever.

You know what’s not fine?


Some sex workers refuse to do scenes with a man who’s had sex with a man. Some sex workers refuse to do scenes with black men. That’s their right.

In both cases, though, it sure looks a lot like prejudice. And the assumption that a man who has done gay porn is more likely to be diseased than someone else, well, that reeks of some anti-gay beliefs.

Her tweet was further complicated by the fact that she was “warning” some unknown other woman, as if she believed that all women shared her prejudiced belief.

“don’t have anything to apologize for!” she tweeted.

“Apologizing for taking extra steps to ensue that my body stays safe?”

Obviously, she would not have faced this kind of backlash if she were just a performer who always had her costars wear condoms (though that can be a career-killer). It’s because he “precautions” were so targeted that she was controversial.

“F–k you guys attacking me when none of my intentions were malicious. I f–king love the gay community!”

Given her other tweets, people read that as “I love these disease-prone, untrustworthy folks!”

“What the f–k ever! I CHOOSE who I have inside my body. No hate.”

A lot of people wanted for her to understand that her views did not reflect reality and that her beliefs were mistaken.

Though some of the responses to her tweets were extreme, the vast majority did not want her to die.

Unfortunately, on Tuesday, December 5th, news broke that August Ames had died at the age of 23.

23 is young — young enough that she could have later grown and realized the error of her beliefs. She’s not the first to have some problematic opinions at 23? 

For a little perspective, we’re talking about a woman who was probably too young to have told you where she was and what she was doing on 9/11.

August died by suicide, but the circumstances and manner of her death were unknown.

Until now.

HollywoodLife reports that the The Ventura County Medical Examiner Media spokesperson shared August Ames’ cause of death:

“Mercedes Grabowski died of asphyxia due to hanging. [The] manner is suicide.”

That is the medical examiner’s determination.

The toxicology report (those never get finished as quickly as they do on police procedurals) has yet to come back, and may be illuminating regarding Ames’ state of mind.

We can only assume that the backlash played a role in her mental state before she took her own life.

August Ames has amassed more than 270 credits in the porn industry since 2013. She’ll be missed by fans, fellow adult performers, and of course by her friends.

Her husband, Kevin Moore, has asked for privacy as he mourns his wife.

Whatever anyone may think of August Ames’ statements, this is a tragedy.

A young woman lost her life. Many people lost a friend and loved one.

And the important discussion about STIs, homophobia, and sex workers? That will wait for another time.
