Friday, July 27, 2018

Big Brother: Meet the Most Controversial Houseguests

Big Brother has been on the air since the year 2000. 

It is filmed 24 hours a day, and fans are able to watch a live feed online that keeps them up to speed with what happens inside the house when the show is not airing. 

That means some of the houseguests forget their surroundings and say some crazy things. 

What about the others? 

Well, some of them did not seem to care and had no filter. 

We"ve rounded up the most controversial houseguests below. 


1. Rachel Swindler – Big Brother Season 20

Rachel swindler

Viewers who watched the Big Brother live feeds were shocked when Swindler compared her tan to her black fellow houseguest Bayleigh Dayton.

“My stomach is as dark as Bay,” she said.

2. Angela Rummans – Big Brother Season 20

Angela rummans

Angela was also part of the conversation about Swindler about skin color and said the following: “I’m looking ghetto here with the skin coloration.”

While viewers never got to see the duo getting a warning from CBS, Angela was seen on the live feeds crying.

3. Kaitlyn Herman – Big Brother Season 20

Kaitlyn herman big brother season 20

Herman’s stint in the house resulted in her boyfriend apparently cutting ties with her. She was all over Tyler Crispen, Brett Robinson and Faysal Shafaat.

Another instance that landed her in hot water found her using the N-word while quoting Drake’s “0 to 100.”

4. Paul Abrahmian – Big Brother Season 18 & 19

Paul abrahamian on big brother

Paul dressed in black facial cosmetics as he targeted black houseguest, Dominique Cooper for eviction.

He went on to say that his makeup was called “blackface.” Yikes.

5. Jason Dent – Big Brother Season 19

Jason dent

Jason shocked live feed viewers with his comments about raping fellow houseguest Kevin Schlehuber’s wife after tying up all of his daughters and making them watch.

He was not ejected from the show.

6. Frank Eudy – Big Brother Season 18

Frank eudy big brother season 18

Eudy went too far when he groped Da’Vonne Rogers, and called her a “slut.”

Understandably, it all got too much and Da’Vonne hit up the diary room to let viewers know how she felt.

“I don’t want my daughter to see that and think it’s OK for guys to hit girls on their butts and guys to call girls sluts,” she sobbed.

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