Showing posts with label photoshoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photoshoot. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Katherine Heigl Apologizes After Controversial Graveyard Photoshoot

Katherine Heigl made a mistake. And, unlike many celebrities who have been called out for mistakes, she"s not dismissing criticism as "haters" and "trolls."

She"s owned her error and apologized, thanking her fans for what they said.

This is the way to do it, folks. Take a look:

Katherine heigl 02

Katherine Heigl shared her post-baby body just months ago and earned praise.

But when she shared humorous photos of various tombstones and other grave markers from a trip to a cemetary, fans were quick to point out that making light of the dead was not in great taste.

See, she had posed alongside these grave markers and shared the images on social media, along with funny captions.

(Remember, some of those people probably have real, living descendants who remember them and won"t see the humor in your posts)

So Heigl took to Instagram video to apologise.

"Hey everybody," Heigl says. "So I’m in the car driving home from my family time in Buffalo." 

It seems like a shame to go to Buffalo in the summer and miss the city"s legendary snow, but oh well.

Katherine heigl sunset in toronto

Heigl continues, saying: "and I noticed on my Instagram page that the post I posted earlier was getting a lot of reaction."

Instead of turning off comments or doubling down, as so many would have done, she listened.

Heigl kept an open mind "and I realized you guys are right and that was not appropriate and was disrespectful and I’ve taken it down."

It"s true! The only remainder of the humorous posts is a video of her husband, Josh Kelley, on his page as he pretends to walk hand-in-hand with a ghost.

(Some might consider it irreverent, but it"s not about any specific tombstones, so it"s fine)

Josh kelley graveyard gif

The actress then explains, for anyone who missed the discourse, why her previous posts were insensitive.

"But somebody commented," Heigl says. "And … was kind of just saying they didn’t think it was an appropriate thing to do."

That person (whose name she can"t remember at the moment) also guessed her motive.

Heigl says that this commenter called her out, but knew "that I was probably trying to make a hard moment lighthearted and that’s exactly what I was doing."

Graveyards can be emotionally challenging to visit.

On top of the more obvious grief, sometimes seeing a grave for the first time can make something much more real than it is.

It definitely makes sense that she was tried to lighten her own mood.

Katherine heigl 01

"It’s kind of a heavy thing to go and visit my loved ones’ graves," Heigl explains. "And I decided to try to find some moments of levity and humor and didn’t realize how inappropriate I was being."

Really, the only inappropriate part was putting that levity on Instagram.

"So I deeply apologize," Heigl continues. "And I thank you guys for understanding that sometimes I don’t think things through clearly enough."

That can happen to any one of us, any day of the week. Most of us just don"t have millions of fans who will instantly see our mistakes.

Heigl then thanks her fans: "And I am grateful for your input and for kind of giving me a head’s up when I’m maybe going too far."

That is such a good response.

"And thank you," Heigl adds. "For forgiving me."

Katherine heigl 03

Heigl continues her message in a second video, which we merged with the first in this post for your convenience.

"Next time," Heigl says. "I will be more thoughtful about other people’s feelings and not just my own."

It"s great to look after your own feelings! But while social media is wonderful, some things are just a little too insensitive to share.

"Anyway," Heigl continues. "I hope you’re all having a wonderful Sunday."

She addresses this with the perfect attitude — a combination of friendliness and sincerety.

Heigl adds: "and again, thank you for kind of stepping up and saying something."

It can be so easy, she knows, to be obsequious on social media when speaking to celebrities.

Heigl concludes: "and bringing something to my awareness that needed to be brought."

Katherine heigl at the 2014 emmys

In case you"re wondering why Heigl is earning praise for her simple apology, you have to remember that the celebrity bubble tends to reinforce the idea that there are people who just want to tear them down.

When Khloe Kardashian feels outraged when fans give her advice, that"s part of it.

Some celebs will get defensive and double down on their negative actions or statements.

We could easily imagine someone posting funny photos from a cemetary and then responding to criticism with "What? Are we not allowed to take silly pictures with the Great Pyramids? They"re giant tombs!!" or something like that.

While celebrities are right to ignore trolls, not every criticism comes from a "hater."

Heigl should be commended for knowing how to parse the difference and read comments with an open mind.

Also? Can we just add that those glasses are such a great look on her.

Jessica biel son

Katherine heigl apologizes after controversial graveyard photosh

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bradley Beal"s GF Kamiah Adams Goes Nude For Pregnancy Photoshoot

Bradley Beal’s a VERY lucky man … and the proof is in gorgeous baby mama Kamiah Adams’ totally nude pregnancy photoshoot. The Washington Wizards baller and former ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star have been dating for over a year now … and announced…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Kate Upton Swept Off Rock During Topless Photoshoot!

Kate Upton may be incredibly gorgeous and successful, but that doesn"t mean that her life is perfect.

And just because she"s a professional doesn"t mean that photoshoots can"t go wrong.

In the video that you"re about to see, Kate Upton"s topless photoshoot goes awry when a powerful wave knocks her from the jagged rock and into the water.

Kate upton disaster 01

Just weeks ago, Kate Upton accused a Guess co-founder of sexual harassment. As we learned the harrowing details of Kate Upton"s accusations against Paul Marciano, were were horrified by the groping, the culture of fear, and the retaliation that she described.

Thankfully, though this video has its scary moments, it"s much more lighthearted.

It"s also wonderful that Upton"s terrible experiences did not prevent her from pursuing her modeling career.

The NSFW video that you"ll see below was shared by Sports Illustrated. Their caption reads:

"Whoops! Things got a little rocky on @kateupton"s #SISwim 2018 shoot in Aruba!"

That is a tremendous understatement, made mostly for the sake of the pun. Because, you see, it all starts with Kate Upton standing on a rock.

Kate upton disaster 02

At first, everything is going well.

Kate Upton is wearing … almost nothing.

Standing on a rock on the Aruba shoreline, she"s clad in a skin-tone bikini bottom and a whole lot of light cloth attached to the back of it to make the outfit artsier than your average topless bikini pic.

(The effect is kind of … of a peacock with its tail down)

She"s covering her nipples with her hands and poised dramatically while the photographers take in her beauty.

Kate upton disaster 03

As a larger wave comes from behind, a man comes up to offer her his hand to steady her so that she does not fall.

Keep in mind that Kate Upton can"t exactly turn around and check her own surroundings. A giant Syfy Original movie sea monster could be emerging from the ocean water behind her and she"d be totally reliant upon the crew to let her know before the teeth-and-or-tentacles got her.

In this case, it"s just a wave, but a powerful one.

It seems to hit the rock at just the right angle to knock her off of her feet.

The man who offered her his hand isn"t able to prevent her from falling, but he does at least slow her descent.

Kate upton disaster 04

In fact, some fans noted that if the man had not offered his hand, she could have fallen differently, perhaps striking her face or head on the rock.

You don"t ever want to fall off of a jagged rock into the ocean, but at least Kate Upton appears to mostly just fall into the water.

Another crew member dives in to make sure that she"s okay.

But she"s okay, and the video also shows her narrate the events after the fact.

She even seems to laugh it off. It"s good to have a sense of humor about these things.

Kate upton disaster 05

Kate says:

"I saw the next wave coming and it didn’t look that large from my point of view, but it must have hit the rock just right and caught on."

She explains why, despite the man"s help, she fell.

"The skirt whenever it’s wet with all the tools is very heavy and it dragged me down. Everybody was scared."

Have a look at this (NSFW) video for yourself:

Kate upton swept off rock during topless photoshoot

Friday, October 20, 2017

Jenelle Evans Did a Mermaid Photoshoot (Yes, Really)

Even though Jenelle Evans has been bashed by Farrah Abraham and Kailyn Lowry for whining — meaning that, yes, even Farrah Abraham has the moral high ground in that area — she"s a complex individual, right? She"s gotta be.

Well, the Carolina Hurricane is actually working for a good cause, but she didn"t do just any photoshoot.

Because she dressed as a mermaid — tail and all. Yes, really. (Oh, and you"d better believe that there"s video)

Jenelle Evans might quit Teen Mom 2 because, to hear her tell it, the show"s producers and editors are all part of some vast conspiracy to make her, in particular, look so much worse than she actually is.

Because when you watch Teen Mom 2, Jenelle Evans and David Eason do not seem to be great parents. (That"s actually a massive understatement)

Given what Jenelle"s own mother Barbara has said about the couple, you don"t get that impression in person, either. 

Jenelle can"t blame real life of editors, now can she?

But we need to try — just for a moment — to not think of Jenelle, the angry and defensive reality star. Or Jenelle the not-very-good mom.

Instead, we need to think of Jenelle, the human being.

Or, possibly, Jenelle Evans — the mermaid.

Yes, Jenelle Evans did a mermaid photoshoot. And it"s even for a good cause, if you can believe it.

Jenelle has shared behind-the-scenes photos of herself, in a mermaid tail, on the beach.

In addition, she shared a behind-the-scenes video.

Jenelle captioned the video with this, explaining what she was up to — because it"s not just a wildly impractical Halloween costume.

"I had such an amazing time with @projectmermaids . [I"m] super thankful to have this opportunity to make my dream come true since I was a little girl, which was being a mermaid!!!"

Like the saying goes — shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you"ll end up famous for getting knocked up in high school.

"I love free diving, scuba diving, and this just topped it all."

Yes, well, the ocean is a beautiful place.

"This is an organization that helps to clean up all the trash on our beaches!"

Oh! That"s a genuinely great cause.

"I’m here to bring attention to this issue and ask to spread awareness."

Spread awareness of … trash? Or of the organization?

"We need to teach our younger generation so we can save our earth, keep it healthy, and save our wildlife."

Those are genuinely important causes.

Some might crack a joke about Jenelle Evans being at the beach while encouraging people to remove their trash from the beach, but … we"ll resist.

But we do have to talk about something, and it"s that mermaid tail.

We know a couple of women who have mermaid tails (both are, coincidentally, redheads) and they look so much nicer than the one that Jenelle is wearing. You can scour the internet and find some amazing-looking tails that don"t just look the part, but function for swimming (in a pool; please don"t wear one in the ocean).

In comparison, Jenelle"s looks like a cheap Halloween costume.

Did Jenelle bring this mildly ratchet looking tail with her after just refusing to splurge on a nice one, despite having that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money?

Or did the organization provide one and Jenelle was just uncharacteristically polite and went along with it?

But we need to remember that these are behind-the-scenes photos (and a BTS video). Not only are these not going to be the most flattering angles, but the organization may doctor the photos in post.

Maybe the tail that Jenelle is wearing is just a baseline, and they"ll use cgi to make it look like it"s not a mildly doctored pillowcase.

Regardless, though, cleaning up our beaches is vital. Never leave trash behind.

Cleaning our oceans is also tremendously important. Though new technologies are being invented every day for combing beaches for trash and even filtering trash out of the ocean, we all have to do our parts to not make a massive problem worse.

What kind of world will future generations inherit? What kind of world are we leaving for ourselves in a decade or two?

Anyway, take a look at the video:

Jenelle evans did a mermaid photoshoot yes really

Friday, September 29, 2017

Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner: Nude, Pregnant Photoshoot to Come?

It’s incredible, it’s apparently sheer coincidence, but it’s true:

Both Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian are pregnant.

The former is expecting her first child with short-term boyfriend Travis Scott, while the latter has finally realized her dream of becoming a mother via sex with Tristan Thompson.

We didn’t see either pregnancy coming… but we’re very happy for both stars, assuming they both actually wanted to get pregnant and are looking forward to motherhood.

And now we’re very happy for another reason as well:

According to Hollywood Life, Khloe and Kylie are planning to pose nude!

While pregnant!


Khloe and Kylie would like to show the world at the same time their growing bellies and would like to do it in a magazine shoot than would be reminiscent of Demi Moore‘s iconic nude pregnancy pictorial in Vanity Fair,” a source tells the aforementioned website.

This same source adds:

“They would love to be belly to belly and together to show off their bumps in the most beautiful way possible.”

While this idea may seem wacky and even a bit incestual, consider:

Kourtney Kardashian posed naked while pregnant for DuJour Magazine in December of 2014.

And Kim Kardashian has posed naked…well… quite often.

There’s a family tradition here.

“It’s what a woman’s body is made to do, so I hope it’s maybe seen as something that’s artistic,” Kourtney said at the time about her decision to show off her birthday suit while she was expecting baby number-three.

“This was something that initially I did for myself just to capture the moment in my life, but these photos are beautiful and I’m happy to share them,” she added.

“And I like how raw they are.”

Way back in 2008, Khloe bared almost everything for a PETA billboard, while Kylie rarely wears much clothing at all in her many Instagram photos.

So, again, it’s not a huge stretch to imagine they’d be down to make some easy money by taking off their clothes for some national magazine.

But simultaneously? Bare baby bump to bare baby bump? That may be more difficult to believe.

Which is not to say we’d be shocked if it happens because nothing about this family could shock us at this point.

Especially not when it comes to nudity.

Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are expecting a third child to arrive via surrogate in January.

Sources confirm that Kylie and Khloe are also due around that time, which really is pretty insane.

Just when you think Keeping Up with the Kardashians may be running out of material and losing ratings as a result, right?

We wouldn’t be surprised if E! suddenly renews the show for 12 more seasons at this rate and/or signs up Kylie’s fetus for a spinoff.

Which child are you most looking forward to meeting, that of Kim, Khloe or Kylie?

And what sort of names do you think these famous women will come up with for their sons or daughters? We’re both scared and excited to find out!


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Bill Belichick Proves He"s a Hopeless Romantic In Photoshoot With Girlfriend

Here’s proof Bill Belichick is secretly a happy, smilin’, ooey-gooey romantic … courtesy of a lovey-dovey photo shoot with his girlfriend!! The New England Patriots coach showed off his MUCH softer side with his longtime GF, Linda…


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin: Family Photoshoot Ends In Fight

Ugh, this hurts my heart a little.

In a preview for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2 (premiering Monday, March 21st at 10pm), Kailyn Lowry had a family photoshoot with her two sons, Isaac and Lincoln.

Lowry"s ex-boyfriend, Jo Rivera (Isaac"s dad) was at the shoot with his girlfriend, Vee Torres to make sure the boys behaved themselves.

The session went well and everyone seemed to get along.  Lowry invited Rivera and Torres to get food with her and the boys, then mentioned that she"d ask husband Javi Marroquin to meet them (Marroquin was not present at the shoot).

Lowry called Marroquin from her car, with both boys in the back seat.  When Marroquin picked up, Lowry had him on speaker and said that Isaac wanted to him to join the family.

"I just want to be at home,” Marroquin said. “We’re constantly on the move, I just want to be at home.”

Lowry pointed out that he missed the shoot today, so it would be awesome if at least showed up to hang out.

“I would appreciate it if you dropped off Lincoln so I can hang out with at least one of my kids,” he said curtly.

Lowry was not pleased.

“No!" she yelled into the phone.  "I’m not going to drive all the way home to drop off Lincoln.”

Marroquin, who was deployed with the Air Force in January, was over the conversation and demanded she bring Lincoln home.

“I haven’t seen my son all weekend,” Marroquin went on. “Bring my son home, I want to see him. If I’m not there, there’s no reason for Lincoln to be there.”


Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin family photoshoot ends in fight

Friday, October 2, 2015

Demi Lovato: NAKED For Vanity Fair! Watch Video of the Sexy Photoshoot!

Earlier this week, Demi Lovato got naked and sat on an inflatable banana for Complex magazine.

Obviously, it was a fantastic image, and we thank her for it, but little did we know that it was only the beginning of Demi"s sexy and inspirational body-positivity campaign.

In the above video, Demi explains why she decided to go naked, makeup free and un-retouched for the upcoming issue of Vanity Fair.

Demi has struggled with eating disorders and self-esteem issues in the past, so it"s a joy to see her display this sort of confidence.

Although if we"re being honest, it"s always a joy to see Demi Lovato naked.

Check out the video above to enjoy the singer"s flawless body as well as her important message to young women.

Demi lovato naked for vanity fair watch video of the sexy photos