Showing posts with label Vanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanity. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2017

Donald Trump Fires Off Dumb Tweets About Global Warming & Vanity Fair, Gets Savagely Roasted

Look, we understand that headline’s not gonna please anyone.

Either you’re a dyed-in-the-wool #MAGA ass and you came here just to deride us as a bunch of libtard cuck-flakes in the comments, or you’re part of the majority of Americans who wishes the president would stop tweeting entirely, in which case, you probably think we didn’t go nearly far enough.

But hey, our New Year’s resolution is to piss off as many people as many people as possible, and we decided to get an early start!

We kid, of course.

Resolving to offend people in 2018 is like resolving to breathe in and out. It’s gonna happen no matter what, and it doesn’t require any active effort.

For evidence of just how easy it is to piss off tens of millions of people these days, you need look no further than the tweets of America’s P-ssy-Grabber-In-Chief, Captain Offensive Pants.

No doubt still clad in a Trump Hotel bathrobe, the president frequently outrages half the planet before he’s even dropped his morning Big Mac deuce.

While our more heathen-y presidents may have taken the holidays off in order to drink Starbucks and slaughter a virgin, the Trump Train kept right on rolling! 

By which we mean the 71-year-old leader of the free world spent the season of peace talking enough trash on social media to shame a recently-dumped middle school girl or a butthurt Star Wars fan.

And who were the Donald’s targets this time around?

Well, there was Vanity Fair, which committed the grievous offense of cracking jokes about a woman Donald once threatened to imprison, and then there was planet Earth, which has apparently pissed Trump off by continuing to exist despite his apocalyptic environmental policies.

First, some context:

In case you haven’t heard, it’s effing cold in the northeast. Like, even by “winter in the northeast” standards.

Someone told this to Donald, and his response was apparently to crack his knuckles and start sticking it to the libs:

“In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!”

Now, hopefully, we don’t have to tell you that’s a dumb thing to say or point out that weather and climate are not the same thing.

A cold day isn’t an indication that the planet is stable anymore than a single hot day is evidence that it’s heating up.

The world’s scientists are concerned due to data collected over several decades which indicates a disturbing trend toward hotter … ya know what? Let’s just move on to less-terrifying idiocy…

As you may have heard, there was controversy this week over a video posted by Vanity Fair, in which several staffers expressed their 100 percent-justified belief that Hillary Clinton should probably step away from the political arena for the foreseeable future.

The situation outraged the president, not because of the content of the clip, but because VF dared to issue an apology for the sake of those who found the video offensive.

“Vanity Fair, which looks like it is on its last legs, is bending over backwards in apologizing for the minor hit they took at Crooked H. Anna Wintour, who was all set to be Amb to Court of St James’s & a big fundraiser for CH, is beside herself in grief & begging for forgiveness!” Trump tweeted.

Never mind that our commander-in-chief is still devoting his days to picking petty fights with various media outlets, Anna Wintour is the editor of Vogue, not Vanity Fair.

Sure, they both star with “V,” but if we Donald off easy on this one, next week he’ll be referring to Justin Trudeau as the prime minister of Cambodia.

Needless to say, Trump was roasted to a crisp over both tweets, but sadly seeing our president get savagely corn-cobbed by the entirety of Twitter is one of the many things we’ve been forced to get used to in 2017.

Cheers to the new year!

*guzzles larce quantity of Dran-O*


Friday, August 4, 2017

Angelina Jolie SLAMMED by Vanity Fair: Yes She DID Exploit Orphans!

When Angelina Jolie did her big Vanity Fair interview, she probably imagined that everyone would devour the quotes about Brad Pitt and the divorce and then move on.

Except it hasn’t really turned out that way, has it?

Sure, at first we analyzed the hell out of the quotes about Brad, but then we started to notice that there was something a little more scandalous tucked away elsewhere in the interview.

Specifically, it seemed like there was a story about Angelina traumatizing some poor Cambodian children to cast her new movie, First They Killed My Father.

And when we say the story was tucked away, we mean it — it was basically a short summary of a story she told, without many direct quotes from Angelina herself.

According to the story as it was originally published in Vanity Fair, Angelina and the rest of the crew wanted as much authenticity as possible in the movie, so they looked for child actors in orphans and slums.

When they’d gotten enough kids gathered, they played a “game” in which “they put money on the table and asked the child to think of something she needed the money for, and then to snatch it away.”

“The director would pretend to catch the child, and the child would have to come up with a lie.”

The story outraged many, many people — after all, the idea of dangling money in front of poor children just to snatch it away doesn’t sound like the kindest thing that’s ever happened.

And when you throw in Angelina’s anecdote about the child they cast as the lead, a girl named Srey Moch, and how she cried and cried about the “game” because she imagined using the money for her grandfather’s funeral …

Well, it’s just not great.

In a statement released after the backlash began, Angelina insisted that the children were very aware that they were playing a game, and that the money used was obviously fake.

“The suggestion that real money was taken from a child during an audition is false and upsetting,” she said. “I would be outraged myself if this had happened.”

She said that every precaution was taken to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of the kids on set, and that all the fuss was over nothing — the story was taken out of context.

But now, Vanity Fair is backing their original story.

According to the magazine, they were contacted by Angelina’s lawyers after the story began circulating, asking them to run a statement about the casting game, both on their site and in next month’s issue.

The statement they submitted claimed that the crew “showed the children the camera and sound recording material, explaining to them that they were going to be asked to act out a part.”

“The children were not tricked as some have suggested,” the statement continued. “All of the children auditioning were made aware of the fictional aspects of the exercise.”

“We apologize for any misunderstanding.”

So that’s what Angelina’s lawyers wanted Vanity Fair to release. But what they actually released was the full transcript of that section of the interview.

And it’s pretty darn interesting.

According to the transcript, Angelina began the story by explaining that they went to “what they call a slum school” to find the lead for the movie.

“And I think,” she said, “I mean they didn’t know. We just went in and — you just go in and do some auditions with the kids. And it’s not really an audition with children.”

“We had this game where it would be — and I wasn’t there and they didn’t know what they were really doing.”

She explained that “They kind of said, ‘Oh, a camera’s coming up and we want to play a game with you."”

“And the game for that character was ‘We’re going to put some money on the table. Think of something you need that money for."”

Sometimes they tempted the kids with money, sometimes they did it with cookies, but then they would “catch” them stealing, and they told the kids “We’d like you to try to lie that you didn’t have it.”

At no point did she say that the money was fake, and at no point did she stress that the children were well-aware that the game wasn’t real.

Which isn’t to say that none of that happened — she also says that she wasn’t even there during all of this.

But because of this, Vanity Fair’s official statement reads that they stand by the story as it was published.

Sorry ‘bout it, Angie.


Vanity Fair Sued Over Marilyn Monroe"s Famous Happy Birthday Photo

Vanity Fair straight-up jacked a famous Marilyn Monroe photo and splashed it on its pages to make a buck … so says a collector suing the magazine. Aric Hendrix says he owns rights to the Marilyn pic taken during President John…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Serena Williams: Nude for Vanity Fair!

On the tennis court, Serena Williams often fires off one ace after another when she serves against helpless opponents who can’t compete with her physical and mental domination.

Similarly, the latest cover of Vanity Fair has come up aces in the eyes of men around the world who can’t handle her smoking hot body and silky soft skin.

Because Serena Williams is totally naked on said cover of Vanity Fair.

Like, totally, completely, 100% naked.

Oh, and pregnant. Did we mention she’s naked and pregnant?!?

Williams, who isn’t the first celebrity to pose in this seductive manner while expecting, is engaged to Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian.

She’s standing on the cover with one leg raised, her left side to the camera and her right arm covering her bare boobs.

It’s a revealing image, one that has hit the Internet at the same time Serena is openly feuding with fellow tennis legend John McEnroe.

In an interview last Sunday, McEnroe told NPR that Williams has earned the designation as the greatest woman to ever play tennis, a point of view that no one can logically argue against at this point.

However, McEnroe wouldn’t put her in the category of greatest to ever play tennis because… well… she’s female.

“If she had to just play the circuit – the men’s circuit – that would be an entirely different story,” McEnroe said, adding that Williams would be “like No. 700 in the world” if she played against men.

This, of course, is an extremely stupid and pointless argument.

Serena doesn’t play against men. She’s never claimed she would win a tournament against men. No one has ever asserted that she’s better than Roger Federer or something.

In other words… what is McEnroe talking about?!? And why is he talking about it?

Can’t we just appreciate Serena Williams as the greatest female athlete who has ever lived?

In response to McEnroe’s random assessment and critique, Serena has taken the high road.

“Dear John, I adore and respect you but please please keep me out of your statements that are not factually based,” she Tweeted, adding:

“I’ve never played anyone ranked “there” nor do I have time. Respect me and my privacy as I’m trying to have a baby. Good day sir.”

s dubs

Williams, meanwhile, announced she was pregnant with her first child in April.

She tells Vanity Fair that she learned she was expecting while practicing for the Australian Open in January, a Grand Slam event she went on to win.

“(I) did a double take and my heart dropped,” she says. “Like literally it dropped.”

Williams then took five more pregnancy tests just to make sure the first one was accurate. And each one read the same result.

Williams and Ohanian plan to get married this fall after the baby arrives, according to the Vanity Fair feature.

They met in Rome in 2015 after Ohanian sat right down next to Serena and her friends, despite ample seating available elsewhere at the time.

Williams laughs and says she found that initial gesture irritating, but it didn’t take long for a romance to blossom between her and Ohanian.

They got engaged about 18 months later at the same hotel where they met.

As for whether Williams will call it quits after becoming a mother? She has some bad news for everyone else on the women’s tour.

“I don’t think my story is over yet,” she tells Vanity Fair of her career.

This is why she’s the GOAT, people.


Serena Williams Nude & Pregnant for Vanity Fair

Game. Set. Match. Serena Williams wins again — in a big way — stripping down to her pregnant birthday suit for the cover of Vanity Fair … and she SLAYYYYYYED. In the issue, the tennis superstar also details how she found out she was pregnant on…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Vanity Fair Draws HUUUUGE Stars to Oscars After-Party (VIDEO)

Vanity Fair flexed some serious muscles for its after-party … with one huge celeb after another rolling through. The shindig at the Wallis Annenberg Center in Bev Hills was literally a star-studded affair … from Casey Affleck and Viola Davis…


Friday, January 27, 2017

Melania Trump on Vanity Fair Mexico Cover: Too Ironic to Bear

Hey, did you want to roll your eyes so hard they pop out of your head, rendering you incapable of ever seeing Donald Trump and his croonies and their awful, scary faces every again?

If so, then our brand new first lady has you covered.

Melania Trump has been a bit of a wild card lately: is she just as terrible as her terrible husband? Or do we need to free Melania, as the Twitter hashtag insists?

It’s hard to say. But you know what’s not hard to say?

Melania’s latest move is just plain absurd.

Somehow, someway, this woman found herself on the cover of the February issue of Vanity Fair. But not just any Vanity Fair — Vanity Fair Mexico.

This is her cover, and just in case you were confused, yes, she is eating a bowl of diamonds with a fork and spoon.

It doesn’t make sense at all, but what makes even less sense is why she’s on the cover in the first place.

Did the magazine somehow miss Trump’s feelings about Mexico? Because he’s made them pretty clear.

Coincidentally, this cover has been released just a couple of days after Trump signed an executive order pertaining to the construction of that infernal wall all along the Mexican border.

And if all that wasn’t ridiculous enough, if you take a peek at that cover, they’re actually calling her “the new Jackie Kennedy.”

As if.

It should come as a surprise to absolutely one that a lot of people are upset about this cover which, as many people are pointing out on social media, came out at an awkward time.

As one Twitter user phrased it, “The wife of a man that calls Mexicans ‘rapists’ is on the cover of Vanity Fair Mexico.”

Another wrote “We demand Vanity Fair Mexico not to distribute their magazine with Melania Trump on the cover; it’s a mockery and humiliation for Mexico.”

Others suggested that Melania appearing in this magazine — seriously, it’s entirely too bizarre — might be a “cry for help.”

Whatever the reason may be behind this decision, it was clearly a terrible one for all involved.

Unfortunately, we’re probably going to see nothing but terrible decisions for the foreseeable future. This is, after all, Trump’s America.


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Celebrates Anniversary of Iconic Vanity Fair Cover

Caitlyn Jenner officially became Caitlyn Jenner one year ago this week.

Yes, the reality star sat down with Diane Sawyer for an ABC interview on April 24, announcing at the time that she was living life as a woman.

But it was on June 1, 2015 when the former Olympian and step-father to Kim Kardashian and company made the announcement that truly changed her life forever.

It took place on the cover of Vanity Fair and it was comprised of a mere three words:

Call me Caitlyn.

The cover photo was snapped by Annie Leibovitz and it marked the public’s first-ever look at Jenner in a woman’s outfit.

On Wednesday evening, Jenner acknowledged the important occasion via an Instagram video, one she captioned with the following words:

“Can’t believe it’s been one year since the @vanityfair cover. So happy, best year of my life #happyfirstbirthday#callmecait #learningtolive.”

And what a year it has been for Caitlyn Jenner, huh?

Since coming out as a woman, she has received an award for courage at the 2015 ESPYs.

She has also…

… Anchored her own E! reality show, I Am Cait.

…  Broke President Barack Obama’s record for being the fastest to gain one million followers on Twitter, accomplishing the feat in four hours.

… Been named the runner-up for Time’s Person of the Year.

Say what you want about the way in which Caitlyn has handled her transition, but there’s no debate that she’s helped move the transgender discussion forward.

Jenner, meanwhile, will mark the 40th anniversary of her winning a gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal this summer.

On Wednesday, Sports Illustrated announced that it will commemorate the occasion with a cover story in the magazine, which will be available on newsstands June 8.

There’s also a film on the way, Jenner: 40 Years After Gold, which will air on the Sports Illustrated website.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday, February 29, 2016

Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar...

Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Demi Lovato at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Demi Lovato at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Demi Lovato at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Demi Lovato at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Demi Lovato at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Demi Lovato at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Demi Lovato and Gwen Stefani at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Demi Lovato and Gwen Stefani at the 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Blake Shelton Wore Jeans To Vanity Fair"s Oscar Party, Because WTF

Slow claps for the guy in denim.

Gwen Stefani never phones it in sartorially, but even she can’t make up for the fact that her boyfriend, Blake Shelton wore jeans to February 28th’s Vanity Fair Oscar party.

This is an after party that invited guests covet, and even the photographers are dressed in formal wear, a dress code only adhered to at an equally superb occasion, the Cannes Film Festival.

This is a classy event, Shelton.  We’re glad you went with dark wash denim instead of, say, pressed khakis, but for crying out loud, isn’t there a suit somewhere in your closet?  

If Shelton dressed like a true cowboy (Stetson hat at the ready, all day every day), then we might have accepted his looks as “authentic country cowboy.”

Last night’s look was simply lazy and/or difficult, as if Shelton was rebelling against (what we assume is) the event’s dress code.

“Hey ya’ll.  I’m not gonna listen to your rules on how to dress on Oscar night,” Shelton’s jeans screamed from the red carpet.

“Whatever, I’m wearing dungarees ’cause I’m country.”

No, Shelton.  Oscar night is not about conforming, nor is it about making a statement by under-dressing.  It’s about respecting the event and what it represents. 

Oscar night is special.  People work very hard to put the entire production together, so the least you could do is put on a suit so as not to embarrass your lady friend.

Just do better next time.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Vanity Dies; Singer, Prince Protege Was 57

Denise Matthews – the singer better known by her stage name, Vanity – has passed away at the age of 57.


Matthews had reportedly been battling a kidney ailment and other health problems in recent years.

The singer’s family recently set up a GoFundMe page to help fund her fight against encapsulating peritonitis – an inflammation of the small intestines.

Sadly, despite the best efforts of her loved ones and fans, Matthews passed away earlier this evening at a Santa Monica hospital.

Lead singer of the girl group Vanity 6 from 1981 to 1983, Matthews is perhaps best known for her vocals on the 1983 hit “Nasty Girl,” which was written by her friend and mentor Prince.

After the dissolution of the band, Matthews enjoyed a successful solo career which included such successful singles as “Pretty Mess”, “Mechanical Emotion”, and “Under the Influence”

Matthews was also an accomplished model and actress, appearing in such popular films as 52 Pick-Up and Action Jackson and on such television series as Miami Vice and Highlander: The Series.

Due to her tumultuous personal life and high-profile romances with musicians such as Adam Ant, Billy Idol, and Nikki Sixx, Matthews remained a tabloid fixture well into the ’90s

An influence to many artists who came of age in the ’80s, Vanity became a trending topic on social media just moments after news of her death was announced.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner on Vanity Fair: Cover of the Year!

Nearly 10 months after she graced Vanity Fair as a woman for the first time, Caitlyn Jenner has received a special accolade for her introduction to the world.

The American Society of Magazine Editors just named the I Am Cait star’s Vanity Fair issue Cover of the Year, with ESPN The Magazine’s “Body 2015: Chantae McMillan” receiving the Readers’ Choice Award given out by the same organization.

The iconic cover shot was taken by Annie Leibovitz and featured three simple words over the top of Jenner’s first-ever photo as a female:

“Call Me Caitlyn.”

Said Sid Holt, Chief Executive of The American Society of Magazine Editors in a statement:

“The cover contest judges had tough decisions to make this year.

“Any time you have to choose between an already legendary Annie Leibovitz shoot on the cover of Vanity Fair, a Mark Seliger comedy special on GQ and one of the year’s most talked-about news covers, ‘Cosby: The Women’ on New York – plus Serena Williams on both Sports Illustrated and New York – that’s a good time to be a magazine editor and an even better time to be a magazine reader.”

Along with her now-legendary pose, Jenner spoke inside this issue on everything regarding her transition… from her family’s reaction to how she just could not hide her identity any longer.

“I had this one time where I had not had a mirror behind me and they put this mirror up behind when I was doing this shoot,” she recalled.

“I had this rocking black outfit on, formal outfit, and I kind of, from a distance, looked in the mirror and I felt, ‘Oh, my God.’

“And seeing that image was powerful to me, you know… And I kind of looked at it and said, ‘You know what? This is going to work. We’re going to be OK with this, you know.”

Elsewhere, meanwhile, we predict that Kanye West’s fake Rolling Stone cover will NOT win this award next year.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian: Naked for Vanity Fair!

Kourtney Kardashian Nude Alert! Kourtney Kardashian Nude Alert!

Over the past several weeks, it’s been clear that Kourtney Kardashian has been posing in provocative photos in order to show Scott Disick what he’s now missing.

But she just took this mission to a whole new, naked level.

That’s right, Kourtney has gone nude once again, following up her birthday-suit based spread in DuJour last year with a VERY revealing photo for Vanity Fair.

“Love being a part of @brianbowensmith #metalliclife series,” Kardashian wrote as a caption when sharing this snapshot on Instagram.

“Go to for more images and to read about it. @vanityfair @deregallery.”

Captured for a series titled “Metallic Life” by photographer Brian Bowen Smith, these nude pictures have been printed on metallic paper and will be on display at the De Re Gallery in Los Angeles, from October 22 to November 19.

Smith also shot the aforementioned DuJour pictorial, which featured Kourtney naked and very pregnant last December.

This marks the second time Kourtney has taken her clothes off for public consumption, meaning she has a long way to go before she can compete with sister Kim Kardashian in this department.

As you can see below, Kourtney tends to actually wear many layers when posing on Instagram.

This makes her quite an outlier in a family who often seems to have an allergy to shirts and pants…

Monday, October 5, 2015

Demi Lovato NUDE in Vanity Fair: (Hot) Body Positive!

The celebrity poster child for positive body image, Demi Lovato, takes “no make-up” photo shoots to a new level with her new appearance in Vanity Fair.

We’re talking about no CLOTHES.

The singer-actress, according to legend, was doing a pictorial with the iconic magazine when she decided to strip down for a truly all natural shoot.

Lovato, who has been very open in the past about her battles with eating disorders, cutting, mental health and body issues, did so for two reasons:

  1. She’s hot, so why not?!

  2. More importantly, she makes the argument that “loving the skin you’re in” is the way to go, and the way you are is way better than photoshop.

Patrick Ecclesine, who snapped the gorgeous 23-year-old, deserves his share of the credit (and our jealousy) as well. Because she is flawless.

Some critics might argue that Demi’s body positivity campaign is more self promoting than it is sexy or inspirational, but we beg to differ there.

Yes, posing buck a$ $ naked is going to raise some eyebrows, but it’s tastefully done, and the message she’s sending is more positive than not.

What do you think of the video?

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 16 Recap: Vanity UN-Fair!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 16 told the story of Caitlyn’s transition from the Kardashians’ perspective, and it was not pretty.

Earlier this year, E! aired a two-part special, entitled “About Bruce,” that focused on Caitlyn’s kids reacting to their stepfather making this life change.

E! also aired an entire eight-episode series, I Am Cait.

Yet Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 16 continued to explore this issue, and in less glowing terms than the aforementioned TV.

Kim, at one point was impressed with Caitlyn’s boobs.

That was about it for the praise, though, especially when it came to the Vanity Fair article that served as the former Bruce Jenner’s coming out party.

Kris recalled to Kourtney that Caitlyn promised to “set the record straight” after saying some things in her Diane Sawyer interview that upset her.

Well, Kim called her with a very different take:

“All Caitlyn can talk about is that my mom mistreated her and was awful and all these really rude things, when there’s no reason to bash my mom.”

Kris was just as pissed off as her daughter, too:

“Bruce came over the day before he was going to do that article. We had a great life, a great marriage … He can go f–k himself. F–k you, Bruce.”

“I honestly wish I had never met this man.”

Khloe was livid for many of the same reasons as Kim and Kris, and even vowed not to attend the ESPYs because of “how she disrespects mom.”

[The family did, however, attend the event.]

Later, Kim went to Caitlyn’s house to confront her about the piece that upset her family, saying “it sounded like [Kris] had beat the s–t out of you.”

While Kim called some of the VF article, “the most unfair thing in the world to say,” Caitlyn felt people were basically “taking things the wrong way.”

Don’t look for an apology via a third-party, either, she said; Kris, Kourtney and Khloe can come talk about it in person if they’re so worried. Burn.

That’s not all the drama on tap when you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, either. Good old Lamar Odom also played a role Sunday.

After the former NBA star and Khloe’s ex-husband called her up in the midst of this Caitlyn issue, Kim confronted Khloe for “flirting” with Odom.

“As a big sister, I’m just really protective and for her just to be flirting with him on the phone makes me like, sick to my stomach,” Kim told E! cameras.

“I love Lamar and care about him a lot,” Khloé said.

“It makes me feel good to hear his voice.”


Khloe then traveled to Las Vegas for a club appearance with pals, and fake-worried about running into Lamar, who lives in Sin City now.

While the family squabbled over how close she should be from her ex at this point, we learn that his closest friend Jamie Singouthai died.

Jamie, the best man at their ’09 wedding, passed away unexpectedly; Lamar’s good friend Bobby Heyward died as well over the summer.

After the sad news, Kim relented, backing off her hard line stance and saying that she would be supportive of her sister no matter what.

Next, it looks like we’ll see Kourtney crying over Scott Disick and Khloe confronting Cait, as seen in this Keeping Up with the Kardashians trailer.