Showing posts with label Exploit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exploit. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Busy Philipps: Did She Exploit Heath Ledger"s Death with This Photo?

Monday marked the 10-year anniversary of Heath Ledger’s death.

The beloved actor died of a drug overdose on January 22, 2008, leaving a daughter named Matilda that he shared with ex-wife Michelle Williams.

It was one of the saddest developments in recent Hollywood history.

To help her close friend cope with the sad occasion yesterday, Busy Philipps hopped on a plane and spent time with Williams, documenting the bonding session for all to see on social media.

And this is where the controversy now arises.

The former Cougar Town star shared a selfie on Instagram last night, one that features both her and Williams with forlorn looks on their faces.

“It’s ok,” the actress wrote over the top of the snapshot, which depicts Williams burying her head on her good pal’s shoulder.

Check out the image here:

While some people on the Internet have found it sweet and sentimental, a bunch of others find it inappropriate and offensive.

These trolls basically think Philipps is exploiting her friend’s misery in order to make herself look good.

“I don’t want to be the cynical one here as I’m sure this was done with the best of intentions but… couldn’t this private moment have remained… private?” wrote one online critic, adding:

“I just don’t see why this was necessary.

“You might as well have just gone ‘LOOK AT ME. LOOK AT WHAT A GREAT FRIEND I AM’. Sending love anyway as I don’t doubt the emotions are genuine.”

As you can see below, this same opinion was shared by quite a few Facebook users:

On one hand, we understand these points of view.

It’s certainly a bit strange to publicize what appears to be a private and very emotional moment.

On the other hand… come on, cynics of the World Wide Web.

Williams and Phillipps met on the set of Dawson’s Creek many years ago and are well known as the best of friends.

It seems nearly impossible to believe that Williams didn’t give Phillipps permission to share this snapshot.

Or, even if she somehow did not, it seems nearly impossible to believe that Phillipps meant any harm by posting the picture.

Ledger and Williams got close while filming Brokeback Mountain in 2005; they welcomed welcomed their daughter in October of 2005 and separated in September of 2007.

About a year later, Ledger was found dead from a cardiac arrest, which was the result of an, accidental overdose in his New York apartment.

He was 28 years old.

In tearful videos posted to her Instagram story on Monday, Philipps expressed extreme grief while driving in her car as the song “Time to Pretend” by MGMT plays in the background.

“I was just driving and I was thinking about my friend Heath who died 10 years ago and this song came on, ‘Time to Pretend,’” she said in the footage.

“It came out after he passed away and I remember when it came out, because [I thought] it made me think of him. I just thought he would have liked this song.

“And for some reason, every time I hear this song… it’s weird.”

May Ledger continue to rest in peace.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Amy Roloff SLAMMED: Did She Exploit Jacob Roloff to Sell Bread?!

For some reason, certain “fans” of Little People, Big World like to take aim at Amy Roloff. A lot of the time, it’s for nothing more than imagined misdeeds.

This time … well, they’re not imagining anything. She definitely did a photo op with her previously estranged son, family black sheep Jacob Roloff.

And she used the otherwise endearing photo to … sell bread.

As we all remember, Jacob Roloff has been taking baby steps towards repairing his relationship with his family.

And while it looks like Jacob Roloff and Audrey Roloff still don’t see eye-to-eye (and, quite frankly, may never), he’s definitely been bonding with his family.

Particularly with his mom, Amy Roloff.

They’ve shared some of their touching moments over social media over the past several months, which has been great to see.

But this particular photo isn’t sitting too well with fans:

On the surface, Amy and her youngest son are just eating side by side at the table.

Okay, with some very prominently displayed bread. Like, remember the old timey food pyramid and how like a quarter of what you were supposed to ingest was bread? This is that amount of bread.

Amy’s caption raised some eyebrows:

“I just love when I get to hang out w/ my youngest son Jacob.”

Sweet … and totally innocuous so far. Then she writes:

“Even more so when having some of Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen Snickerdoodle Bread, Coffee, and hearing all about his Iceland trip w/ Isabel.”

That’s … that’s such awkward product placement that most movies would turn down the money.

“What a blast! Check out my January bread and other offerings at and Order some today! Enjoy! “

Don’t even get us started on her ridiculous tags at the end of the caption.

“#snickerdoodle #amyroloffslittlekitchen #amyssecondactcontinues .#lovetocookandbake #mylittlekitchen @AmyRoloffsLittleKitchen”

Honestly, and we don’t say this to be mean, but it’s possible that Amy Roloff doesn’t know how tagging on Instagram works.

If you take a group photo and somebody says “tag me,” it means, like, on the photo. Like Facebook tagging has worked since not long after Hurricane Katrina.

The issue, of course, was that it seemed wildly disingenuous to a number of fans for Amy to turn what looks like a normal social gathering into a painfully awkward commercial for bread.

Especially considering the reason that Jacob parted ways with his family in the first place.

A couple of years ago, Jacob Roloff decided that he didn’t want to be on Little People, Big World anymore. In fact, he didn’t want to be around his family.

He had a number of issues with his family — normal teen angst, combined with some very real grievances about how he was raised. Not everybody likes growing up on a farm. And the agnostic Roloff didn’t like being raised with zero religious choices, either.

The final straw was the show, which he blasted as “phony” when he departed.

If Jacob doesn’t like phony shows, how does he feel about staged get-togethers with mom?

Clearly he agreed to it — sometimes it’s hard to say “no” to mom — but fans really let Amy have it in the comments.

“I love my son but i also love my bread…both of which are for sale,” parodied one fan.

“Can you ever take a picture without selling your expensive products. You are tooooo commercial!” This one sounded less like hate and more like feedback.

“It’s awesome to see the 2 of you together, but does everything have to be a commercial?” That one’s definitely said lovingly.

There were plenty of nice comments, too, and others defending Amy. Even Jacob stepped in to speak up for his mother, writing:

I’ve actually never said filming ruined my childhood, only that it (obviously?) had, and continues to hold, a massive impact on my person now. In any case, being rude about a thing you want to change won’t do anything in the end — so please cool it, my moms bread is dank (that means good).

Of course, not everyone likes Jacob, either. One commenter wrote:

“He’s a little juvenile delinquent hates his family sorry SNOWFLAKE if you don’t like my post truth hurts”

Our takeaway? People who leave internet comments can sometimes be nasty people who say cruel things that they’d never say in person.

Groundbreaking stuff.

It’s crystal clear that Jacob is fine with helping his mom sell bread. He’s trying to repair his bond with his family. So let’s not create problems where there aren’t any, okay?

It’s bad enough that some fans want Jacob to cut his (great!) hair.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Angelina Jolie SLAMMED by Vanity Fair: Yes She DID Exploit Orphans!

When Angelina Jolie did her big Vanity Fair interview, she probably imagined that everyone would devour the quotes about Brad Pitt and the divorce and then move on.

Except it hasn’t really turned out that way, has it?

Sure, at first we analyzed the hell out of the quotes about Brad, but then we started to notice that there was something a little more scandalous tucked away elsewhere in the interview.

Specifically, it seemed like there was a story about Angelina traumatizing some poor Cambodian children to cast her new movie, First They Killed My Father.

And when we say the story was tucked away, we mean it — it was basically a short summary of a story she told, without many direct quotes from Angelina herself.

According to the story as it was originally published in Vanity Fair, Angelina and the rest of the crew wanted as much authenticity as possible in the movie, so they looked for child actors in orphans and slums.

When they’d gotten enough kids gathered, they played a “game” in which “they put money on the table and asked the child to think of something she needed the money for, and then to snatch it away.”

“The director would pretend to catch the child, and the child would have to come up with a lie.”

The story outraged many, many people — after all, the idea of dangling money in front of poor children just to snatch it away doesn’t sound like the kindest thing that’s ever happened.

And when you throw in Angelina’s anecdote about the child they cast as the lead, a girl named Srey Moch, and how she cried and cried about the “game” because she imagined using the money for her grandfather’s funeral …

Well, it’s just not great.

In a statement released after the backlash began, Angelina insisted that the children were very aware that they were playing a game, and that the money used was obviously fake.

“The suggestion that real money was taken from a child during an audition is false and upsetting,” she said. “I would be outraged myself if this had happened.”

She said that every precaution was taken to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of the kids on set, and that all the fuss was over nothing — the story was taken out of context.

But now, Vanity Fair is backing their original story.

According to the magazine, they were contacted by Angelina’s lawyers after the story began circulating, asking them to run a statement about the casting game, both on their site and in next month’s issue.

The statement they submitted claimed that the crew “showed the children the camera and sound recording material, explaining to them that they were going to be asked to act out a part.”

“The children were not tricked as some have suggested,” the statement continued. “All of the children auditioning were made aware of the fictional aspects of the exercise.”

“We apologize for any misunderstanding.”

So that’s what Angelina’s lawyers wanted Vanity Fair to release. But what they actually released was the full transcript of that section of the interview.

And it’s pretty darn interesting.

According to the transcript, Angelina began the story by explaining that they went to “what they call a slum school” to find the lead for the movie.

“And I think,” she said, “I mean they didn’t know. We just went in and — you just go in and do some auditions with the kids. And it’s not really an audition with children.”

“We had this game where it would be — and I wasn’t there and they didn’t know what they were really doing.”

She explained that “They kind of said, ‘Oh, a camera’s coming up and we want to play a game with you."”

“And the game for that character was ‘We’re going to put some money on the table. Think of something you need that money for."”

Sometimes they tempted the kids with money, sometimes they did it with cookies, but then they would “catch” them stealing, and they told the kids “We’d like you to try to lie that you didn’t have it.”

At no point did she say that the money was fake, and at no point did she stress that the children were well-aware that the game wasn’t real.

Which isn’t to say that none of that happened — she also says that she wasn’t even there during all of this.

But because of this, Vanity Fair’s official statement reads that they stand by the story as it was published.

Sorry ‘bout it, Angie.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Yolanda Foster: Bravo Tried To Exploit My Crumbling Marriage!

Their divorce has been finalized, and both parties are ready to leave it in the past.

Yolanda and David Foster were/are respectful enough of one another to keep the details of their relationship secret, which sucks for the minds behind The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

“Producers wanted to exploit Yolanda’s divorce from David for ratings,” a source told Radar Online.

“There hasn’t been a lot of drama this season, and fans love Yolanda.”

That won’t happen, because Foster is busy fighting those bitches over the validity of her battle with Lyme disease.

Oh, and there’s the legal aspect.

“Yolanda and David have a very strict prenuptial agreement that says they can’t discuss each other negatively in any public setting…including television,” the source added.

“Yolanda and David discussed the importance of handling the proceedings with dignity and class soon after she filed.  So she refuses to speak badly about him on the show. 

The Dutch model’s fans have fallen in love with her attitude towards her ex-husband, as both she and David have stated a few times publicly that the gossip about their relationship is out of line.

“Of course she is saddened by the end of the marriage, but she won’t allow the intimate details of what led to the breakdown of the relationships to become public fodder,” the source explained.

Instead, we’re treated a tank full of fish in Dubai, as well as the downward spiral of Lisa Rinna (I think.  Those bastards are so good at editing previews).

Yolanda Foster: Bravo Tried To Exploit My Crumbling Marriage!

Their divorce has been finalized, and both parties are ready to leave it in the past.

Yolanda and David Foster were/are respectful enough of one another to keep the details of their relationship secret, which sucks for the minds behind The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

“Producers wanted to exploit Yolanda’s divorce from David for ratings,” a source told Radar Online.

“There hasn’t been a lot of drama this season, and fans love Yolanda.”

That won’t happen, because Foster is busy fighting those bitches over the validity of her battle with Lyme disease.

Oh, and there’s the legal aspect.

“Yolanda and David have a very strict prenuptial agreement that says they can’t discuss each other negatively in any public setting…including television,” the source added.

“Yolanda and David discussed the importance of handling the proceedings with dignity and class soon after she filed.  So she refuses to speak badly about him on the show. 

The Dutch model’s fans have fallen in love with her attitude towards her ex-husband, as both she and David have stated a few times publicly that the gossip about their relationship is out of line.

“Of course she is saddened by the end of the marriage, but she won’t allow the intimate details of what led to the breakdown of the relationships to become public fodder,” the source explained.

Instead, we’re treated a tank full of fish in Dubai, as well as the downward spiral of Lisa Rinna (I think.  Those bastards are so good at editing previews).