Showing posts with label Marilyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marilyn. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Marilyn Monroe Hair"s the Deal ... Own a Lock for $16.5k!!!

A 60-year-old clipping of Marilyn Monroe‘s hair is up for grabs, and as an added bonus … it comes with a sexy glamour shot of the blonde bombshell.
The lock of hair — approximately 35 strands worth — is from the collection of Kenneth Battelle, who served as the...
Marilyn Monroe Hair"s the Deal ... Own a Lock for $16.5k!!!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Marilyn Manson and A$AP Bari Won"t Be Charged in Rape Cases

Marilyn Manson will not be charged with rape after previously unknown allegations have surfaced. Legal docs — obtained by TMZ — show Manson was recently accused of raping a woman back in October 2011. Exact details of the incident are unclear ……


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Marilyn Manson Founding Member Auction Includes Guitars & Sheet Music

Several guitars once owned by Marilyn Manson’s leading guitarist, Daisy Berkowitz, including the one he used to record “Dope Hat,” are being auctioned off in the wake of his death. Daisy Berkowitz was the alias of Scott Putesky, who…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

June Shannon Makes Like Marilyn Monroe: See the Unexpected Photos!

Look out, all corpses buried in the same cemetery as Marilyn Monroe.

Because this legendary actress must be rolling in her grave right about now.

And it’s all thanks to June Shannon.

The WEtv reality star is posing here for a special photo shoot in which she channels the most famous movie scene in Monroe’s extensive resume.

You know the one, right?

That one in which Monroe stands over a grate in The Seven Year Itch and we see her iconic white dress get blown up over hear body and nearly over her head?

It may be the most famous few moments in big screen history.

And now Shannon is doing her best impression of Monroe, striking a very similar pose in a very similar outfit, something we never thought we’d see just a few years ago.

Seriously, remember when Shannon weighed over 300 pounds?

Heck, when she weighed over 400 pounds?!?

Before she underwent that drastic weight loss?

That was way back then and this is now… and now Shannon fancies herself a role model for plump individuals who want to change their appearance and lifestyle.

Hence this pictorial.

The fine folks behind Mama June: From Not to Hot sent us these photos in promotion of this Friday’s midseason finale, which the network bills as follows:

June undergoes another surgery to keep from going blind. Jennifer keeps a huge secret from Sugar Bear. Pumpkin is rushed into labor and June risks everything to be with her- despite her doctor’s orders!

Sounds pretty exciting, doesn’t it?

Mama June is down to around 200 pounds these days, a transformation she credits to some dieting, a bit of exercise and a lot of plastic surgery.

Like, A LOT of plastic surgery.

Will she undergo any more down the line?

This is a question that continues to surround the unexpected reality star.

Shannon isn’t planning any more procedures as far as we know, but if it helps her land another season of her popular series, we’re guessing she’d gladly go under the knife.

What do you think of Shannon making like Monroe in these images?

Is it a sign of empowerment? Of how far Shannon has some in her weight loss journey?

Or is this the most sacrilegious thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life?


Friday, February 16, 2018

Marilyn Manson Ends Show Early After Rambling Meltdown, Fans Want Refunds

Marilyn Manson gave fans in New York a performance they’ll never forget … for all the wrong reasons. The shock rocker had a show at The Paramount concert hall in Long Island Thursday night, which we’re told was started 90 minutes late. No biggie,…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Dwight Yoakam Says Marilyn Manson"s Gun Prop Stunt Was Inappropriate

Dwight Yoakam thinks Marilyn Manson aiming a fake gun at concertgoers was “an inappropriate moment” — but adds that kinda stunt is fair game in a nation as free as ours. We got the country star Monday at LAX and he stopped short of ripping into…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Marilyn Manson Calls Gun Stunt an "Act of Theater"

Marilyn Manson was just creating art when he pointed a police-approved fake gun into the crowd at his San Bernardino concert. Manson defended the stunt, which came almost 2 years after the San Bernardino terror attack … calling it an “act of…


Marilyn Manson Points Fake Rifle at San Bernardino Concert Crowd

Marilyn Manson showed a shocking lack of empathy Sunday night as he pretended to spray the crowd with bullets from a fake semi-automatic weapon … in a county that is still reeling from a mass shooting. Marilyn — in a wheelchair after a…


Marilyn Manson Points Fake Rifle at San Bernardino Concert Crowd

Marilyn Manson showed a shocking lack of empathy Sunday night as he pretended to spray the crowd with bullets from a fake semi-automatic weapon … in a county that is still reeling from a mass shooting. Marilyn — in a wheelchair after a…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Marilyn Monroe"s Skinny-Dipping Pics Hit Auction Block

Pictures of Marilyn Monroe wet, wild and fully naked have the same going price of a nice, brand new car, according to the New York auction house that’s selling them. Rare color photos of the famous blonde swimming naked are hitting the…


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Marilyn Manson Crushed by Falling Stage Gun Props at Concert, Taken to Hospital

Marilyn Manson’s concert in NYC just came to a scary abrupt halt when 2 giant gun props came crashing down on him … sending the rocker to the hospital. Manson was reportedly about an hour into his show at the Manhattan Center Hammerstein…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Hugh Hefner"s Burial Site Next to Marilyn Monroe Awaits

Hugh Hefner’s so-called “better place” is waiting … and it’s right next to the woman who helped him launch Playboy. Hef bought the crypt to the left of Marilyn Monroe’s in L.A.’s Westwood Village Memorial Park. He dropped $ 75k on the burial spot…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Justin Bieber SLAMMED by Marilyn Manson: The Feud is ON!

In a strange new turn of events, it seems like Marilyn Manson has declared Justin Bieber his mortal enemy.

Just when you thought 2017 couldn’t get any weirder, right?

We already knew that Marilyn doesn’t have too much love for Justin — he’s made that clear in the past.

He’s criticized the troubled young pop star on multiple occasions, a few times for daring to wear one of his t-shirts.

At one point last year though, they posed for a selfie together, and Marilyn even posted a selfie of his own in which he was wearing a Bieber shirt for a change.

But it looks like things aren’t weirdly, uncomfortably friendly for them anymore.

In not one but two new interviews, Marilyn discusses Justin … and it’s clear that there’s still a lot of bad blood there.

The key issue for him stems from a Justin Bieber t-shirt released last summer.

For some reason, Justin teamed up with Barneys then to pull a Kendall and Kylie: they took a Marilyn Manson shirt, put Justin’s name on the back, along with the words “Bigger Than Satan,” then sold the thing for $ 195.

At the time, the shirt’s designer publicly thanked Marilyn for signing off on the idea.

But, as Marilyn reveals in an interview with Consequence of Sound, that’s not exactly how things went down.

In his story, he ran into Justin at a bar, and “he was already wearing the shirt that had his name on my shirt, and he said to me, ‘I made you relevant again."”

“Bad mistake to say to me.”

He also claims that Justin told him the dumb t-shirt “was his idea,” and so Marilyn decided to play a little prank on him.

“The next day I told him I’d be at his soundcheck at Staples Center to do ‘Beautiful People,"” he says, though he obviously never had any intention of performing with him.

Poor, simple Justin “believed that I’d show up, because he was that stupid.”

“He was a real piece of sh-t in the way he had the arrogance to say that,” he explains.

“He was a real touchy-feely guy too, like ‘yo yo bro!’ and touches you when he’s talking. I’m like, you need to stand down, you’re dick height on me, OK? All right? So stand down, son.”

(Just in case you’re the kind of person who doesn’t keep up with celebrity heights, Justin is 5’9″ to Marilyn’s 6’1″, so not exactly “dick height” in reality.)

As for the issue of the t-shirts, Marilyn says that he “took all the proceeds from those shirts from him.”

“They didn’t even fight, they were just like, ‘yeah, we already know, we did wrong, so here’s the money.”

In a second interview, this one for Billboard, he tells the same story, but with a few more jabs.

For instance, when he ran into Justin he says “I saw a little girl in a pink hoodie with blond hair, and it turns out to be Bieber.”

He gives a little more information about the shirts though — he says that “I didn’t have to sue his company for making the shirts that he wore with his name and my face on it.”

“They were very much like, ‘We know we’re wrong here, just take as many dollars as you want.”

He adds that the whole thing “wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t said ‘I made you relevant again."”

While he seems especially catty towards Justin, it makes sense that he’s not a fan of the kid.

If he really did have the arrogance to tell Marilyn that he’s the reason he’s relevant today — and since he was down to make that painfully stupid t-shirt, we have to imagine he did — he kind of deserves it.

When is Justin ever going to learn?


Friday, August 4, 2017

Vanity Fair Sued Over Marilyn Monroe"s Famous Happy Birthday Photo

Vanity Fair straight-up jacked a famous Marilyn Monroe photo and splashed it on its pages to make a buck … so says a collector suing the magazine. Aric Hendrix says he owns rights to the Marilyn pic taken during President John…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Lil Uzi Vert Drops $220k for a Marilyn Manson Chain (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Lil Uzi Vert is officially the biggest Marilyn Manson fan … unless you know of any others who spent six figures to make an iced out pendant in his likeness. Uzi was rocking his newest piece at Coachella this weekend. The image of Manson…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Marilyn Monroe: Secret Pregnancy Revealed?

In July of 1960, Marilyn Monroe reported to Fox Studios in Manhattan to begin principle photography for The Misfits.

The film, written by her husband, Arthur Miller, would prove to be Monroe’s final completed project before a barbiturate overdose claimed her life at the age of 36.

For decades, the actress’ final years have been a subject of profound fascination for Hollywood historians and conspiracy theorists alike, and now, newly uncovered photos are certain to set off yet another wave of scrutiny and speculation.

While on set at Fox, Monroe posed for a number of photographs taken by her friend Frieda Hull.

The photos were auctioned off in Hollywood last year and purchased by a friend and neighbor of Hull’s named Tony Michaels for the surprisingly paltry sum of $ 2,240.

Michaels says the reason he took such an interest in the images, while others saw nothing noteworthy about them, is that he was in on a secret few others were aware of:

According to Michaels, Marilyn was pregnant when she posed for Hull.

Michaels says Monroe went to great lengths to conceal the pregnancy, as she was expecting a child not by Miller, but the French actor Yves Montand, with whom she had starred in a film (perhaps rather aptly) titled Let’s Make Love.

In August of 1960, legendary director John Huston shut down production on The Misfits to send Monroe to a Nevada hospital for detox treatment.

Between the timing of her hospitalization and her appearance in the Hull photos, many are now convinced that Monroe was hiding a pregnancy that was either lost or terminated some time in the summer of that year.

Hull says the so-called “pregnancy slides” (some of which were published today by UK tabloid The Daily Mirror) offer conclusive evidence that Marilyn was, at one point, several months along in a pregnancy she successfully hid from her husband and adoring public.

New mementos or documents that purport to shed some light on the screen icon’s dark final days seem to surface every year or two.

In 2013, auctioneers claimed to have gotten ahold of Monroe’s plastic surgery records.

In 2014, a former Hollywood bodyguard put what he described as a sex tape featuring Monroe and John F. Kennedy on the market.

(Not surprisingly, his claims were later debunked.)

The demand for such items is a testament to the enduring fascination with Monroe’s life and untimely death.

In all likelihood, they’ll continue to surface and promise “evidence” about her life that will become more and more dubious as the years pass by.

It seems improbable that the remaining mysteries surrounding Monroe’s life, health, emotional state, and death will ever be solved.

But it also seems certain that her fans will never stop looking for the answers.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Marilyn Monroe"s Mausoleum Marker to be Auctioned for More Than $10k (PHOTO)

Marilyn Monroe fans have a chance to score a pretty rare relic — one of the markers on her final resting place … but it won’t be possible unless you’ve got a fortune.  The bronze marker was removed in the ’80s from Marilyn’s mausoleum at…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Marilyn Monroe"s Final Script Hauls in $25k (PHOTO GALLERY)

Marilyn Monroe’s handwritten notes on how to act sexier are now in the hands of one lucky fan. Marilyn’s script for her final movie, “Something’s Got to Give” … was sold by Nate D Sanders Auctions on Thursday for $ 25k. The document is awesome…


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Marilyn Monroe -- My Wig"s Fit for a Misfit With Cash!! (PHOTOS)

Marilyn Monroe’s blonde wig from her last film, “The Misfits,” is about to hit the auction block. It’s the first time in almost 2 decades the mop’s been up for grabs. Bidding starts at $ 10k … a lot less than the $ 29.9k it sold for last time…


Monday, March 21, 2016

Justin Bieber & Marilyn Manson End Feud, Become BFFs

Just about all of your major religions foretell some sort of end times scenario, usually involving plagues, famine, earthquakes, rivers running red with blood – that sort of thing.

It’s all very scary stuff, but we think they might have left out one equally surefire sign of the Apocalypse:

Yes, that’s Justin Bieber hanging out with Marilyn Manson at a club in LA on the left, and Manson posing for a selfie in a Bieber t-shirt on the right.

We don’t know if these two are friends now or what, but this is a seriously unexpected pairing, and not only because we didn’t think the planet could handle this much D-baggery in one place.

Like millions of others, Manson has reveled in mocking Bieber online on several occasions.

It seems he particularly took exception to Bieber’s habit of rocking Manson t-shirts at unusual times like…at church (seriously).

So it’s more than a little surprising that Marilyn and the Biebs have found some common ground.

Of course, Manson has demonstrated a willingness to bury the hatchet with famous youngsters in the past, such as when he dedicated a song to Paris Jackson after publicly poking fun at her dad.

We’re not saying it isn’t weird, but we’d much rather see Justin posing for a selfie with a 47-year-old goth than using his Instagram to try and win Selena Gomez back.

Both situations are creepy, but at least this way no one innocent gets hurt.