Showing posts with label Inappropriate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inappropriate. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

John O"Hurley Laughs Off Trump"s "Inappropriate" Memorial Day Tweet

John O’Hurley admits (albeit with a chuckle) President Trump’s Memorial Day tweet was inappropriate … but adds America didn’t “hire” him for his decency. We got John leaving Craig’s on Monday night in WeHo and wanted to get his take on…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Audrey Roloff Faces Backlash for "Inappropriate" Beach Photos of Baby Daughter

Audrey Roloff is not known for stirring up controversy.

Yes, early in her reality show career, the Little People, Big World star received some flak about posing naked in a bathtub, mostly because she has built a reputation as being a rather staunch Christian.

This incident took place in August of 2016.

Since then, Audrey has mostly just used her Instagram page as a way to gush about three things:

  1. Her faith.

  2. Her husband.

  3. And, now that she’s been a mother for about eight months, her daughter Ember Jean.

When Audrey does create outrage online, it’s typically due to something she said regarding these loved ones or her religion.

For example, Roloff (deservedly perhaps?) heard it from many followers a few days ago after an episode of Little People, Big World aired in which she labeled baby formula as “sinful.”

We can understand why lots of people did not react favorably to that terminology.

But we most definitely cannot fathom why so many trolls out there are dragging Audrey all over the place for her latest set of social media photos.

One is posted above and the other below.

They were snapped of the relatively new mother during a recent trip to Hawaii… and they’re adorable, right?!?

They feature Audrey and Ember at total peace and contentment on the beach.

At least that’s how we interpreted the images.

However, others on the Internet have sadly focused on Ember’s lack of clothing and actually given Audrey a hard time for sharing pictures of her naked child online.

“WTH, Auds, put a bathing suit on her!” one disgusted Internet user wrote in reply to this image, while another labeled it as “inappropriate” and still another went as far as to call it “pornographic.”

That’s just crazy talk, in our opinion, and it says a lot more about the person writing it than about Audrey herself.

But one comment did hit home a little more accurately.

One person noted that the pictures are harmless and cute, but that there are “pervs” on the Web that may look at them the “wrong way,” encouraging Audrey to be aware of such gross individuals when posting such snapshots.

We can sadly see that.

Roloff, to her credit, is not letting the misguided haters get her down.

She shared a lengthy caption with these pictures that summed up her take on motherhood so far.

“This was an evening of undistracted playfulness with our little girl. Splashing in the ocean and digging in the sand,” opened Audrey, adding:

“I think it was C.S. Lewis that said, ‘Children aren’t a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.’ 

“I’ll admit it. I’m a heroic multitasker. And although this might be a skill worthy of praise in our culture, it’s a tendency I’m trying to fight against. I want to be more present, more tuned-in, and more alive in each moment, task, or encounter.

“Especially when it comes to motherhood.”

She concluded:

I don’t want to model busyness, I want my life to reflect discipline, priorities, and healthy rhythms of rest. I want my daughter to know by my actions that raising her is a privellage and a blessing, not a burden.

Moms how do you fight agaisnt the temptaion to multitask?!

This isn’t the first time Audrey has reached out to her fellow moms.

Do you gave a response to her question here, ladies?


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Shares Inappropriate Photo of Her Daughter, Gets SO MUCH HATE

Catelynn Lowell has had a rough few months, and most Teen Mom fans seem to be very understanding of that.

After it was revealed that she’d been suffering from suicidal thoughts after having a miscarriage last fall, followers of the show were ready to give her all the support they could.

Every time she’s made a statement on social media about her situation, she’s received so much love and admiration.

And earlier this week, when she revealed that she’d been diagnosed with panic disorder, depression, and PTSD from her traumatic childhood, people were more than willing to applaud her strength.

Which makes sense — she’s been through so much, and it’s great that she’s been taking care of herself and getting the help she needs.

But now that she’s been out of her last stint in rehab for a few weeks, things are starting to get back to normal.

And for the Teen Mom crew, that means sharing photos of her kids that could be considered inappropriate and getting bashed for it by dozens and dozens of strangers.

Nova paintings eggs

Catelynn shared this photo of her three-year-old daughter Nova yesterday, and in the caption, she explained that they were painting Easter eggs.

But many people got upset because … well, you know why they got upset.

“Omg put a shirt on her!!” one of her followers wrote. “Poor little girl! Can’t teach a careless parent sense smh.”

“Jeez, would it kill ya to put an old shirt on the child?” another asked. “There’s a little boy in the background, it’s ok to teach children modesty!”

One person said that Nova going without a shirt was “ok for the house but on the gram like that? Just saying it looks a little weird.”

“And those hearts, kinda tacky for a little girl, kinda looking too adultish for her,” that same person added, sharing the sentiments of many of Cate’s followers.

As another person explained it, “The reality of the situation is that you don’t know what creeps are out there looking the wrong way. Although you may not be, pedophiles and such do exist in every scenario.”

Someone called it “disgusting” for Catelynn to allow Nova to hang out like this, and another said it was “in bad taste whether it’s a girl or boy because most of us are nice but not everyone is and this is a public platform.”

Essentially, Catelynn’s comment section was divided between people who thought it was seriously inappropriate for Nova to be running around without a shirt on and people who thought it was perfectly normal.

Surprisingly not many people recognized that there was a third option: let your toddler do messy activities without clothes and then don’t share a photo of it to three million strangers on the internet.

As a fun little bonus, there was another entirely separate issue that others took with this photo — see that little aquarium in the back?

Lots of Cate’s followers told her that there wasn’t enough water in it and it needed to be cleaned, and that she was a bad pet owner for allowing her tank to get to that state.

Social media, right?

Catelynn responded briefly to both camps of outraged citizens — to the pet brigade, she explained that it’s not a tank for fish, but a tank for turtles, which is apparently a totally different setup.

And to the others, she simply wrote “she’s painting leave the kid alone.”

But, you know, it’s the internet, so that’s not going to happen.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jenelle Evans: SLAMMED For Inappropriate Photo of Daughter!

Jenelle Evans is no stranger to controversy.

In fact, her life pretty much consists of one parenting scandal after another.

At this point, fans would probably be disappointed if they checked her Instagram page and didn’t see evidence of a questionable decision involving Jenelle’s children.

Fortunately, the Carolina Hurricane hasn’t been letting her loyal haters down lately.

Earlier this week, Jenelle posted the above photo of her husband, David Eason, with the couples’ daughter, Ensley Jolie.

As you can see, Ensley isn’t wearing any clothing, and some fans took issue with that fact.

“So cute, be careful, though. Many creeps in the world,” commented one follower.

“No thank you1 @Instagram, you see this?” wrote another.

“It’s a cute pic, but I don’t think the Gram needs to see it,” a third pointed out.

Now, you might be thinking Jenelle’s fans are being a bit harsh, and perhaps you’re right.

But it’s important to bear in mind that Jenelle has 2.8 million Instagram followers, which means the rules are a bit different for her than they are for your aunt Sharon, who’s sadly allowed to continue posting that throwback pic from the time you peed in her fireplace when you were two.

While most people have some social media followers they don’t actually know in real life, in Jenelle’s case, the vast majority of her followers are strangers.

That means that when she posts a pic like this it’s seen by millions and millions of strangers within minutes.

It’s sad that we have to think about this sort of thing, but it’s 2018, and as one fan pointed out, there are indeed a lot of creeps out there.

In the past, Jenelle has been accused of child abuse and neglect.

Insiders say Evans did drugs while she was pregnant and made little effort to hide it from her loved ones.

Needless to say, the photo of Ensley will not rank amongst Jenelle’s most scandalous moments.

It’s just the latest in a long, long line of parenting fails.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Ms. Evans most questionable decisions.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Amber Portwood: Slammed For "Inappropriate" Pic of Daughter!

Amber Portwood has had quite the tumultuous year, and she was probably more than happy to bid 2017 adieu.

But if you expected her to close out a trip around the sun without pissing fans off one more time then you don’t know Amber!

That’s a photo of Amber’s new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, hanging out with her 8-year-old daughter, Leah Shirley.

Perhaps it’s Glennon’s sketchy past, or the fact that he and Amber really haven’t been together very long, but for whatever reason, fans were not happy to see the Marriage Boot Camp producer looking so cozy with Leah.

“I like Amber and I said she’s come a long way. But she brings men into her daughter’s life seemingly quickly and to see this girl next to a man she knows less than 8 months I’m going to say. Even under a year,” wrote one commenter.

“It’s not like they’ve been a family for a long time. I just felt uneasy that she’d put and or let her daughter be in the position/situation,” She continued.

Other followers remarked on the fact that Amber hasn’t been spending much time with Leah due to a struggle with depression, noting that her emotional issues didn’t seem to prevent her from dating.

“She is too depressed to spend time with Leah but not to go get a new Matt I mean man,” one fan remarked.

“Then she pretty much forces them on Leah. And she was saying what a great guy Matt was last year.”

“Bringing in the New Years right with healthy food lol, ” Amber captioned the photo, which appears to have been taken in her bed. “Happy New Years everyone! Sending all our love from my little growing family to yours!”

As you may know, Amber isn’t one to shy away from conflict, so naturally, she gave fans a piece of her mind in a lengthy, obscenity-laced tirade:

“Anybody saying this is weird needs to look at themselves,” Portwood began.

“You are f**king disgusting if your head goes straight to filth. We are a happy and loving family. We don’t need ignorant people commenting on our pictures which is why I don’t post pictures! Leah thought this picture was cute and funny and I would hate for her to see these comments!!”

Portwood was far from finished, though as connoiseurs of online tirades, we must note that she gets a bit repetitive from here on out:

“Anyone with rude and obscene comments can f–k off!! I share my life and family with you all however that doesn’t mean I need everyone’s ignorant opinions!” she wrote.

“It’s sad when my 9 year old thinks a picture is funny and cute and I can’t even post it without f**ked up comments from ignorant people. I have an amazing daughter and a loving and brilliant man. Andrew is a kind hearted loving man and takes good care of his new growing family! Send love not hate!!”

Normally we’d drop a sarcastic “tell us what ya really think!” here, but we don’t want to risk pissing Amber off,

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more from the show’s most pissed off mama bear.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Dwight Yoakam Says Marilyn Manson"s Gun Prop Stunt Was Inappropriate

Dwight Yoakam thinks Marilyn Manson aiming a fake gun at concertgoers was “an inappropriate moment” — but adds that kinda stunt is fair game in a nation as free as ours. We got the country star Monday at LAX and he stopped short of ripping into…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Ben Affleck Apologizes for Groping Hilarie Burton, As More Inappropriate Vid Surfaces

Ben Affleck is apologizing for apparently groping former MTV host-turned-actress Hilarie Burton, but he’s also dealing with another, arguably worse video of himself and a female reporter. The incident came to light when former “Total Request…


Ben Affleck Apologizes for Groping Hilarie Burton, As More Inappropriate Vid Surfaces

Ben Affleck is apologizing for apparently groping former MTV host-turned-actress Hilarie Burton, but he’s also dealing with another, arguably worse video of himself and a female reporter. The incident came to light when former “Total Request…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Farrah Abraham SLAMMED for Sharing Inappropriate Photo of Her Daughter!

So hey, has anyone noticed that Farrah Abraham has been kind of quiet lately?

Sure, there was that whole thing where she stripped and masturbated on a live stream, but you know what we mean.

Usually we can’t go a day without Farrah doing something dumb — making some ridiculous statement that barely makes sense, posting something dumb on social media.

She’s still doing outrageous things for any tiny little bit of attention she can scrounge up.

That masturbation thing we just talked about, and also her very public vaginal rejuvenation, if you needed any examples.

But other than that, we really haven’t heard all that much from her.

It turns out that she’s been spending a bit of time in Italy with her daughter, Sophia!

Which is nice, right?

Maybe since she’s homeschooling Sophia these days, she’s teaching her some art and history over there.

Stranger thing have happened, probably.

But unfortunately, this strange (relatively) silent streak of hers didn’t last for too long.

Because she shared this photo of herself with Sophia wandering around Italy, and it’s … well, it’s not getting a lot of positive attention, we’ll say that.

Farrah looks OK, even though that red hair is still the worst.

She looks happy and sort of peaceful, which is honestly something we never imagined we’d be able to say about this girl.

But Sophia, bless her heart … that swimsuit looks to be a little too small for her, and the result is that her butt is hanging out of those bottoms.

And according to Instagram, this is very, very bad.

“U need to buy ur daughter clothes that fit her,” one of her followers suggested. “Don’t turn her into u.”

“Do won’t you dress appropriately and teach your poor little girl some values?” another person asked. “So so sad … really poor parenting.”

“Please please have some damn respect for once!” yet another person wrote. “If not for yourself or your daughter, for the culture and country you’re visiting at the time ffs.”

Someone really went in for the kill, telling Farrah “Just cuz your parents exploited you doesn’t mean you have to do the same. You know good darn well u saw your kid’s butt in the background cuz we did and we ain’t even the mama.”

And if that wasn’t savage enough, she also received the comment “I’m sure daddy Derick is just flipping in his grave. Poor kid!”

Some Farrah defenders — believe it or not, she does have some actual fans — theorized that perhaps she simply didn’t notice the wardrobe malfunction.

But she posted a similar photo in her Instagram story with the caption “Suns out, buns out,” so that theory’s pretty much out the window.

It’s just … why is it so hard for her to be a decent person?

Why does it seem downright impossible for her to just avoid doing things like this?

Unfortunately — or fortunately, depending on how you look at it — the world may never know.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: Let"s Talk About Possibly Inappropriate Sex, Baby!

The champagne flowed like usual.

The contestants flirted like usual.

And Chris Harrison welcomed viewers to Paradise like usual.

But make no mistake:

The Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 premiere was not your typical episode of this popular reality show.

As any celebrity gossip fan knows by now, production on the series was shut down this summer after allegations that Corinne Olympios was too drunk to consent to the sexual actions that took place between her and DeMario Jackson early on the opener.

An internal investigation eventually cleared Jackson of any misconduct and ABC didn’t see a need to cancel the season or the show.

It simply delayed the first installment by a week and aired the premiere on Monday night.

Harrison admitted at the outset of the episode that Season 4 “looked like it might not happen,” prior to introducing various men and women looking for love and sex on the island.

This included Jackson and Olympios, of course, both of whom were coming off controversial stints on The Bachelorette and The Bachelor, respectively.

(Jackson was sent home by Rachel Lindsay after she learned he had a girlfriend during shooting; while Olympios took her shirt off A LOT while trying to win over Nick Viall.)

“I wanted to come here to set everything straight and hopefully find the next Mrs. Jackson,” DeMario told Harrison, adding:

“Because I’m a good guy. I swear, I’m like the sweetest guy in the world. I would love to ultimately fall in love. I can’t wait for that.”

And then there was Corinne:

“I personally am not ready to settle down. I’m not rushing to find someone. I’m not going to jump on the first guy that shows me a little bit of attention.

“If you want to have this, you have to work real hard.”

Or drink real hard.

Within minutes of hanging out together at the bar, Corinne and DeMario were laughing, hugging and touching.

Other cast members noted the chemistry right away, with Raven Gates even jokingly asking at one point if they might “get engaged.”

“They look like they’re enjoying each other’s company – they seem like they’re ‘clicking,’ if that’s the word that us young folk are using these days,” said Alex Woytkiw, adding:

“Corinne and DeMario are already attached at the hip.”

Elsewhere, a number of these reality stars were getting to know each other and spending time on the beach. Kristina Schulman offered the first date card to Dean Unglert, for example.

We didn’t see a lot of Jackson and Olympios during these scenes, with cameras catching up to then the following morning at breakfast.

They seemed fine. Maybe a tad bit awkward, but mostly fine and normal.

As the day continued, two more dates unfolded:

Raven and Robby Hayes, followed by Jasmine Goode and Matt Munson, who stopped by a Mexican drag bar.

Jackson, meanwhile, had shifted his focused to Alexis Waters.

That night, as everyone got ready for a rose ceremony in which the women would hand out the flowers, all seemed friendly between Corinne and DeMario.

The former referred to then as “homies” and said her rose would go to Vinny Ventiera.

But one producer then pulled Olympios aside and another asked to speak to Jackson in private.

We saw cameramen put their equipment down, as confusion and chaos spread throughout the cast.

Taylor Nolan wondered if it this all had something to do with “Corinne and DeMario from the first night,” but we’ll need to wait until this evening’s second part of the premiere to find out for certain.

(SPOILER ALERT: Yes, it had to do with Corinne and DeMario from the first night. D’uh.)

To relive the premiere or to see it for the first time, click below to watch Bachelor in Paradise online now!


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: SLAMMED for Inappropriate Children"s Clothing Line!

Have you heard the good news?!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have jobs now! Real ones where they do stuff and everything!

It’s pretty notable, because in the past few years, we’ve pretty much just seen Catelynn and Tyler sitting on couches and being sad or apathetic about pretty much everything.

Not to trivialize their mental health struggles — Catelynn has anxiety, and she also suffered from postpartum depression.

But after they placed their first daughter for adoption all those years ago, they had big dreams of going to college and getting good jobs.

Tyler wanted to be a therapist or a social worker at one point, and Catelynn wanted to do something to help other girls who found themselves 16 and pregnant like she was.

However, they’ve seemed pretty stagnant for a while now — until this current season of Teen Mom OG, actually.

This season, we’ve seen Tyler get pretty passionate about the idea of starting a children’s clothing line, and Catelynn’s been helping him.

Tyler designs the clothes himself, and a local seamstress has been building the pieces.

The line is called Tierra Reign — the last part of their last name along with their daughter Nova’s middle name.

And though the clothes aren’t officially for sale yet, they’ve been promoting them on social media for a good few weeks now.

That’s where the problems start.

Yesterday, this photo was shared to Tierra Reign’s official Instagram account:

It was not very well-received.

“Nooooo!” one person commented on the photo. “Don’t do that to little girls clothing. Soooo inappropriate guys!”

Another wrote “I don’t think this top is very age appropriate. The cut, the color, the choker … it’s not something that I would put on a young child.”

Tyler posted the same photo on his personal account, and the comments were much worse — he was accused of sexualizing children with clothing and advertising like this.

He’s deleted the photo from his account, but it remains on the Tierra Reign page.

And honestly, we sort of see what people are upset about. It is a weird picture.

The little girl looks too young to be rocking a choker, and usually in ads like these, the kids are smiling or, you know, acting like children instead of just staring ahead at the camera.

But don’t worry — Tyler has already addressed the issue.

He shared another photo, this one of his precious little daughter, Nova, wearing the same shirt as the one in the ad.

In the caption, he explained that he usually doesn’t respond to criticism on social media, which is fair, because if he did, how would he ever be able to do anything else?

But, he said, he felt the need to respond to the backlash.

“Emma (the cute little model I used) was actually almost 2 sizes too small for the tank!” he wrote.

“We realized the day of the photo shoot & the production of her size was not completed yet, so we didn’t have one to swap it out (or we would have).”

That’s the reason the top looks to be a bit lower cut on the model than it does on Nova — they likely had to clip the shirt in the back to make it look right, which pulled it down in the front.

As for the choker scandal, he said that “We bought a whole bunch of accessories for the shoot & let the kids decide on what they wanted to wear.”

Little Emma apparently picked the choker. After all, chokers are very popular right now.

He said that in this new photo, Nova is modeling the shirt as it’s made to fit, and honestly, it does look pretty cute here.

Tyler acknowledged that “not everyone will like our style,” and “that’s totally okay!”

“But I wanted you guys to know that I am paying attention & appreciate all the feedback … good or bad, it helps the business grow in the right direction.”

Proud of you, Baltierras!


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Most Inappropriate Texts Your Dad Ever Sent

Anyone who thinks parents and technology don"t mix needs to rethink life, "cause these texts prove that dads have it down pat.

In fact, if your father is not a big texter, it might be worth getting the old man a new phone for Father"s Day for the comedic potential.

From bad jokes and hilariously juvenile references to autocorrect fails we can all relate to, these exchanges will leave you ROFL 24/7.

And hopefully double checking the recipient before hitting send.

1. Get Some 8====D

Get some 8 equals equals equals equals d

We’re definitely smiling right now.

2. Take What For a Ride?

Take what for a ride

Great as that comeback by Dad was, we’re calling BS on this one. No one asks to go “for a ride” in a kayak.

3. Those …


We can only imagine the term of endearment used here.

4. A Load of Lauren

Doing lauren

Is she hot? Regardless, she’s a better option than men, who are all pigs.

5. You Are LAME

You are lame

Dads are not afraid to tell it like it is.

6. Parental Stamp of Approval

Parental stamp of approval

That story was so great, this father couldn’t stay mad.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Farrah Abraham Slammed For Yet Another Inappropriate Photo of Daughter!

If you follow her on social media (and you really should, because the woman is one of the most unabashed celebrity trainwrecks in modern history), you know Farrah Abraham is often criticized for her bizarre relationship with her daughter.

For example, she recently allowed Sophia to join Snapchat, despite the fact that she was freakin’ 7 at the time.

Of course, even that wasn’t as strange as the time Farrah talked about her daughter’s future sex tape.

Did we mention Sophia just turned 8 last month?

Farrah has been accused of posting inappropriate photos of Sophia several times in the past, and she says it’s all part of her effort to spark the girl’s modeling career.

Yet again, we feel the need to point out that she’s eight. Years. Old.

Anyway, Farrah has come under fire for yet another pic of Sophia in swimwear, but compared to some of the other things she’s done with her daughter, this one looks downright innocent:

Naturally, Farrah’s taking some flak in the comments, but we think this a case where people are more pissed off that Farrah Abraham still exists than they are about the photo.

Getting pissed about this photo is like getting pissed that Trump likes his steaks well done:

So there’s sooooooo much more to be angry about in both cases.

In a recent interview with People, Farrah defended her parenting (which is really just the worst, like, 90% of the time), and sounded remarkably eloquent (by Farrah standards) in doing so:

“There’s a lot of young children who do modeling, and everyone loves her pictures,” she explained.

“I think because we’re on Teen Mom OG, we get bad criticism, but Sophia’s doing amazing in modeling, I couldn’t be more proud of her.”

She added:

“There’s nothing wrong with embracing how awesome Sophia is.”

“I think all of our children are little stars, and if they want to take pictures like everyone does, there’s nothing to judge,”

Yes, in Farrah’s world “everyone poses for professional swimsuit photos.

The woman is deeply, deeply delusional, but that’s one of the many things we love/hate about her.

Watch Teen Mom online for more nonsense from the mouth of everyone’s favorite former porn star.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Kellyanne Conway SLAMMED for Inappropriate Oval Office Behavior

Kellyanne Conway has done it again.

No, the White House spokesperson didn’t define feminism this time as the act of hating on men and loving abortions.

She didn’t break the law by shilling for Ivanka Trump’s clothing line, either.

But that doesn’t mean Conway avoided the wrath of folks on social media this week, not after an act she pulled while hanging out inside the Oval Office.

The controversial political figure was photographed yesterday kneeling on an Oval Office couch and browsing her phone while President Donald Trump spoke with leaders of historically black colleges and universities.

It’s unusual to see anyone acting this relaxed and casual in the Oval Office.

But doing so while surrounded by such figures sparked a new round of backlash against Conway on Twitter.

First, take a look at the main photo that has gotten Conway in trouble below:

As for the response?

Celebrities such as Alyssa Milano, Keith Olbermann and Vanessa Carlton tweeted the photo of Conway on their accounts… along with a few harsh words of criticism.

“Get your f–king feet off the furniture, @KellyannePolls. This isn’t your home,” Olbermann wrote, for example.

Others defended Conway, however, citing a few photos of Barack Obama from back in the day, with his feet up on the desk in the same Oval Office.

“I’ll take shoes on a couch over this any day,” Tweeted @amylutz4.

conway backlash

Others, meanwhile, were simply curious as to what exactly Conway was doing on her phone.

To wit:

conway tweet

Come on. That’s pretty hilarious, no matter which side of the aisle you sit on.

Conway has been a polarizing individual ever since she signed on to run Trump’s campaign last year.

Often sent out to speak to the press on The Donald’s behalf, Conway is an expert at navigating around facts and spouting general nonsense about her boss’s agenda.

She is also the person who coined the term “alternative facts.”

We’d say there’s almost no coming back from something such as that…

… but we also said Hillary Clinton would soundly defeat Trump in the Presidential Election.

So what the heck do we know?

She’ll probably run for President in 2024.

And then we shudder to think how she’ll act in the Oval Office.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Jerry Seinfeld Under Fire for Inappropriate Black Lives Matter Joke!

Jerry Seinfeld has really done it this time.

If you thought Michael Richards’ infamous and incredibly racist rant was bad … no, actually Michael Richards’ rant was unquestionably worse.

But still, Jerry messed up big time.

See, Jerry has this web series called Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. The premise is that Jerry drives around a comedian and they talk about things while — you guessed it! — drinking coffee.

The latest episode of the show features Lewis Black, which is great, that’s fine.

But here’s how he chose to promote it:

“New! Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. Lewis Black,” he wrote.

Then, horror of all horrors, he actually added “Black’s life matters.”

Because sure, why not make a pun out of a movement that began as an attempt to stop racism and police brutality? That sounds like a marvelous idea, doesn’t it?

Now, of course what Jerry said wasn’t unforgivable or anything — he didn’t joke about the actual movement, he just used it for a dumb pun.

But it’s just not the time. He should have known that, and he probably did, he just didn’t particularly care.

And people all across Twitter all calling him out for it.

“What the f-ck Jerry” wrote one confused follower, while another simply said “Yikes.”

“Who’s writing your tweets now?” someone asked. “The Breitbart humor section staff?”

A fan told him that “This is worse than the finale of Seinfeld which I still don’t like” — totally fair — while another wrote “Not f-cking funny! Would you find humor in a joke about the holocaust?”, which seems a little extra.

One follower acknowledged Jerry’s hatred of political correctness, writing “Hey I know you think college kids are too PC but I’m in my 30s and this crap was really offensive and lame.”

But speaking of being too PC, just as many of Jerry’s followers were offended that people were offended at Jerry’s joke.

“PC police coming for you with their fake outrage,” someone warned him. Another suggested that “The PC people need to remove their stick.”

One fan played both sides of the issue, writing “Huge supporter of BLM and I laughed. Guess I can separate a serious social movement from a pun by a comedian.”

“Malcom X would be outraged! JK This is literally the least offensive tweet of all time,” one follower claimed.

Another person got way too outraged and actually wrote “The Left wants to destroy comedy. They are speech nazis and fascists. Keep on doing you Jerry! Don’t let haters win.”

As of now, Jerry still hasn’t deleted the tweet in question, and we’d be very surprised if he did.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Jon Gosselin Responds to Accusations of "Inappropriate Behavior" With Daughter

Yesterday, we learned that Kate Gosselin has accused her husband, Jon Gosselin of engaging in “inappropriate behavior” with the former couple’s 12-year-old daughter, Hannah.

According to In Touch Weekly, Kate filed a police report in which it was revealed “that she detects suspicious behavior between Jonathan and their [then] 10-year-old daughter.”

Needless to say, Jon was less than pleased to find himself on the receiving end of such allegations.

Now it seems he’s even more upset that news of the allegations went public, and an outraged friend shared Jon’s feelings with Radar Online today:

“Jon had no idea at the time that she accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah,” a source tells the site.

“He was upset when he found out.

“That’s just gross to suggest,” the insider added.

“It sounds like Kate is making up stories again.”

Obviously, if Jon found out about the accusations from the press, the investigation into his behavior never really went anywhere.

The source claims that the reason for that is that Kate tried to hurt Jon by choosing the daughter that he’s closest with to be his alleged “victim.”

“Hannah loves her dad and feels bad for him,” the anonymous friend says.

“She’s very sensitive.”

The insider speculates that when she was questioned by police, Hannah denied the accusations against her father and possibly mentioned her mother’s history of tossing out false allegations.

Kate’s credibility probably wasn’t helped much by the fact that she claimed Jon is a drug dealer not long before she leveled filed the report alleging sexual impropriety.

None of this is to say that Jon isn’t a pretty crappy dad.

He absolutely is.

It’s just that Kate Gosselin is such a horrendous human being, that she actually makes Jon look like a semi-competent parent by example.

We literally can’t think of a worse insult to throw at someone.

But you deserve it, Kate.

Don’t ever let anyone take that away from you.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Kylie Jenner Birthday Celebration: Ogle 69 Inappropriate Pics!

The one, the only Kylie Jenner is now 19 years old, officially.

Nineteen isn"t quite the milestone that eighteen was. She has been free to date Tyga and make a legal Kylie Jenner sex tape for 365 days.

She certainly made age 18 count, rising from up-and-coming star to super-celebrity status, dominating social media with every move.

And you. What did YOU do in the past year?

Probably not a whole lot in comparison to the teenage mogul, who racked up tens of millions. But you are free to ogle these hot pics.

Many of which were taken when she was under 18, or even under 17, so it"s still kind of creepy if you think about it, but, what can you do.

Legal is as legal does. And she clearly wanted fans to drool over her rapidly transforming body from the very beginning, so just go with it.

Sixty-nine times over.

1. Kylie Jenner: Birthday Boobs!

Kylie jenner birthday boobs

Tyga posted an incredibly racy photo of Kylie Jenner to celebrate her birthday. Yes, it’s racy even by Kylie’s standards.

2. Kylie Jenner Cleavage Close-Up

Kylie jenner cleavage close up

This is a close-up of Kylie Jenner’s cleavage. Keep in disturbing mind: the star is only 17 years old here.

3. Kylie Jenner with Blue Hair

Kylie jenner with blue hair

Kylie Jenner is on her phone in this Instagram photo. She’s also showing off blue hair and a lot of cleavage.

4. Kylie Jenner Body

Kylie jenner body

This is Kylie Jenner’s body these days. Not what your typical 17-year-old looks or dresses like, that’s for sure.

5. Kylie Jenner: Bikini and Fur Boots

Kylie jenner bikini and fur boots

Kylie Jenner recently posted a photo of herself in a bikini and fur boots. Not surprisingly, it quickly racked up hundreds of thousands of likes.

6. Kylie Jenner Tiger Toy Image

Kylie jenner tiger toy image

Kylie held a tiger toy up to her crotch during a recent photoshoot. We think it might be her subtle way of saying she’s banging Tyga.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Criticized For MORE Inappropriate Photos of Daughter!

Farrah Abraham has never been on anyone’s Mother of the Year shortlist, but there was a time when she directed the majority of her crazy at the other adults in her life, sometimes attacking co-workers in wild bursts of “creative temperament.”

Sadly, now that Farrah’s daughter has reached the ripe old age of 7, it seems reality/porn star has turned her focus toward molding a mini-bestie in her own image.

That’s one of the Sophia “modeling pics” that Farrah has posted online in recent weeks, much to the chagrin of her many followers.

If you lost a lot of weight a few years back, and you were recently dismissed by the Subway corporation, you might not see the problem with a 7-year-old posing for such grown-up photos, but many on Farrah’s social media pages have expressed their discomfort.

Farrah being Farrah, she responded not only with more pics, but also with bieind-the-scenes video of a 7-year-old’s swimsuit shoot, because that’s something that anyone who doesn’t have go door-to-door when he moves to a new neighborhood has ever clamored to see:

As you might expect, the reaction to the above clip, was not exactly favorable.

Some choice comments include:

“She should be swimming with kids her own age,” one Instagram user commented. “Splashing. Playing Marco Polo. Something other than laying in a pool with cameras in her face. Poor Sophia.

“The grandma should step in. I’m a grandmother and if I saw this I would snap that kid up quick. This is out of control.”

“It’s not the kid, it’s the parent. She’s a moron.”

“Sad for this poor girl. She has no one to protect her innocence.”

So what is Farrah supposed to do, stop posting videos of Sophia that are clearly designed to outrage?

Yeah. Yeah, that’s exactly what she should do.