Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jenelle Evans: SLAMMED For Inappropriate Photo of Daughter!

Jenelle Evans is no stranger to controversy.

In fact, her life pretty much consists of one parenting scandal after another.

At this point, fans would probably be disappointed if they checked her Instagram page and didn’t see evidence of a questionable decision involving Jenelle’s children.

Fortunately, the Carolina Hurricane hasn’t been letting her loyal haters down lately.

Earlier this week, Jenelle posted the above photo of her husband, David Eason, with the couples’ daughter, Ensley Jolie.

As you can see, Ensley isn’t wearing any clothing, and some fans took issue with that fact.

“So cute, be careful, though. Many creeps in the world,” commented one follower.

“No thank you1 @Instagram, you see this?” wrote another.

“It’s a cute pic, but I don’t think the Gram needs to see it,” a third pointed out.

Now, you might be thinking Jenelle’s fans are being a bit harsh, and perhaps you’re right.

But it’s important to bear in mind that Jenelle has 2.8 million Instagram followers, which means the rules are a bit different for her than they are for your aunt Sharon, who’s sadly allowed to continue posting that throwback pic from the time you peed in her fireplace when you were two.

While most people have some social media followers they don’t actually know in real life, in Jenelle’s case, the vast majority of her followers are strangers.

That means that when she posts a pic like this it’s seen by millions and millions of strangers within minutes.

It’s sad that we have to think about this sort of thing, but it’s 2018, and as one fan pointed out, there are indeed a lot of creeps out there.

In the past, Jenelle has been accused of child abuse and neglect.

Insiders say Evans did drugs while she was pregnant and made little effort to hide it from her loved ones.

Needless to say, the photo of Ensley will not rank amongst Jenelle’s most scandalous moments.

It’s just the latest in a long, long line of parenting fails.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Ms. Evans most questionable decisions.
