Showing posts with label Bernardino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernardino. Show all posts

Monday, November 6, 2017

Marilyn Manson Points Fake Rifle at San Bernardino Concert Crowd

Marilyn Manson showed a shocking lack of empathy Sunday night as he pretended to spray the crowd with bullets from a fake semi-automatic weapon … in a county that is still reeling from a mass shooting. Marilyn — in a wheelchair after a…


Marilyn Manson Points Fake Rifle at San Bernardino Concert Crowd

Marilyn Manson showed a shocking lack of empathy Sunday night as he pretended to spray the crowd with bullets from a fake semi-automatic weapon … in a county that is still reeling from a mass shooting. Marilyn — in a wheelchair after a…


Monday, May 8, 2017

San Bernardino Massacre Victims" Families Sue Twitter, Google and Facebook for Cashing in On ISIS

Families of 3 San Bernardino massacre victims are calling out Twitter, Google and Facebook for giving ISIS a place to spread its terrorist message … which they say resulted in their loved ones’ deaths. In a new lawsuit, they say the social media…
