Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Google Fixes LaVar Ball Mistake, "We Dropped the Ball"

No, LaVar Ball did NOT found the NBA — despite some Google search results — and now the company admits they “dropped the ball” when creating an online bio for the Big Baller.  Backstory … if ya searched for “NBA founder” on Google on…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

14 Things You Should Never, EVER Google

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Monday, May 8, 2017

San Bernardino Massacre Victims" Families Sue Twitter, Google and Facebook for Cashing in On ISIS

Families of 3 San Bernardino massacre victims are calling out Twitter, Google and Facebook for giving ISIS a place to spread its terrorist message … which they say resulted in their loved ones’ deaths. In a new lawsuit, they say the social media…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Google Exec"s Killer Alix Tichelman Ordered Deported to Canada

The prostitute dubbed the “Harbor Hooker” — convicted in the killing of a Google executive — has reportedly been ordered deported back to Canada. Alix Tichelman completed her jail sentence March 29 but that morning she was handed over to…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Google to Crack Down on Fake News Following Trump Election

If you’ve been anywhere news an Internet-enabled device in the past two months, you’ve no doubt heard the phrase “fake news.”

Coined by the Left as a means of identifying factually-inaccurate propaganda designed to advance right wing political agendas, the phrase has been co-opted by Donald Trump and his followers as an easy two-word refutation to news reports that don’t suit their aims.

But no matter what side of the aisle is shaking their fists about it at the moment, the fact remains fake news is a serious problem that undoubtedly influenced the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

After initially denying that the spread of misinformation of Facebook had had any impact on the outcome of the race, Mark Zuckerberg has finally vowed to take action against fake news, but many believe the steps he’s taking out insifficient and that the young CEO fails to recognize the severity of the problem.

Now, with the biggest net’s largest social media sites struggling with how to curb propaganda without trampling on their users right to free expression, the world’s main driver of web-traffic is taking decisive action to ensure that future elections won’t be manipulated by widespread falsehoods or “alternative facts,” as they’re now known to some.

On Wednesday, Google announced that it would increase regulation of advertising and linked-to websites that are designed to mislead the user or facilitate the propagation of false information.

The move is seen by many as a result of Google’s belief that the Trump administration will do little to make the Interten a safer place and a more reliable source of facts, which puts the onus on private behemoths to take immediate action.

Interestingly, the announcement comes after a year in which Google made massive leaps forward in its effort to suppress the spread of misinformation.

The company removed more than 1.7 billion false ads in 2016, up from 718 million in 2016.

Google has earned praise for not only taking swift action, but for being so transparent in its efforts.

The company’s latest move has led to increased demands on Facebook to follow suit by outlining exactly what steps it plans to take to ensure that erroneous, misleading posts such as the one that led to last year’s “pizzagate” shooting will not find a home on the world’s most popular social media platform.

It may take time, but it’s looking more and more like the same Internet that helped create the groundswell that led to the election of Donald Trump will soon be the greatest enemy of his “alt-right” followers and their ongoing propaganda campaign.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Google Apologizes for Major April Fool"s Day Fail

Oops, Google’s bad!

The global giant apologized on Friday after its April Fools Day prank went so off course that it actually got someone fired.

The company had tried to play along with the unique occasion via a temporary Gmail feature titled Mic Drop.

The feature was comprised of an orange “Send” button that would add to your message a GIF of a Minion dropping a microphone and automatically archive any responses.

This would thereby give you the impression of having the last word in any conversation in which you were a participant.


… this new button looked far too similar to the regular “Send” button. And it was also located right alongside the regular “Send” button.

And it also replaced a “Send and Archive” button that some Gmail users enable.

The catastrophic result was that many people sent a Minion GIF in a professional email by accident, including Andy Baio, former Kickstarter CTO and founder of XOXO Festival.

“I can’t believe how short-sighted Gmail’s “Drop Mic” April 1 joke is. It replaces the “Send+Archive” button, and attaches GIFs to sent mail,” he wrote in a critical Tweet today.

A writer named Allan Pashby, meanwhile, says he lost a job when he inadvertently used the Mic Drop feature to submit an article… didm’ hear back from his editor… and then received an angry voicemail about the prank.

“Due to a bug, the Mic Drop feature inadvertently caused more headaches than laughs,” Google software engineer Victor-bogdan Anchidin wrote by way of apology.

“We’re truly sorry.”

The Mic Drop button, as you might imagine, has been removed by Google.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Jessa Duggar: I NEVER Google Myself!

It’s been less than a week since Jessa Duggar welcomed her first child, but she’s already making the media rounds in a big way.

Jessa and Ben Seewald cover the new issue of People along with their son (who still doesn’t have a name!), and inside the mag, Jessa gets candid about life as a new mom and the difficulties that her family has faced over the past year.

In addition to opening up about the “very intense” labor that landed her in the hospital, Jessa offers fans a glimpse into her often tumultuous life:

“Despite the difficult times my family faced over the last few months, I can’t tell you how excited I am to be a first-time mom,” Jessa tells the magazine. “Ben and I can’t stop smiling.”

Of course, there’s a downside to life in the public eye, and Jessa makes it clear that she takes great pains to avoid the haters:

“Sometimes, it is uncomfortable, the things you see, the things you read, especially when things are reported in an inaccurate way – it’s not always nice,” the new mom says.

“I don’t Google my name. There’s no reason for that, or to look to other people for that validation. We know who we are and find joy and satisfaction in God.” 

Well, we’d congratulate Jessa on her new bundle of joy and her iron-clad tactic for steering clear of cyber-bullies, but the girl doesn’t Google herself? 

If you see her, pass the message along, mmm-kay?