Showing posts with label Fail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fail. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

Ray J Bails as Celeb Boxing Ref After Promoters Fail to Pay Up

Ray J understands better than anyone why Farrah Abraham’s refusing to fight in a celebrity boxing match … ‘cause promoters can’t keep their word in the money department. We’re told Ray J was all set to referee Farrah’s fight…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dru Hill"s Smoke E. Digglera Breaks Down Sneaker Photoshop Fail

Dru Hill’s new member ain’t even tryin’ to lie … Smoke E. Digglera knows he and the group got busted — hilariously — for photoshopping his sneakers, but there’s a funny story behind the flub. Smoke, formerly lead singer…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

"AGT" Trapeze Duo"s Business Booming After Fire Stunt Fail

The husband-wife duo who suffered a stunt fail on “America’s Got Talent” is quickly learning all publicity can be good publicity … cause biz is booming despite feeling the burn on national television. We spoke to Mary and Tyce — the flying duo…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Subway Fail: No One Votes in Saddest Twitter Poll

This is either a huge embarrassment or the most unexpected marketing scheme that we"ve seen in a while.

So, the Twitter account for Subway restaurants in Canada tweeted out a pair of polls.

Everybody loves to vote in polls, and people on the internet tend to have strong opinions about anything. Movies, rebooted children"s cartoons, politics, and yes, fast food.

Somehow — and this has stumped quite a few people — this social media account, with 135,000 followers, managed to get zero votes on both polls.

People like to make fun of Subway, even though their food is delicious (it is; maybe you"re just ordering the wrong things). Possibly because their most famous spokesperson turned out to be a monster.

But is their popularity really hurting so badly that no one even noticed a pair of polls untilt he results — 0 votes in all categories — had been posted?

Or is this a new and strangely genius social media marketing scheme?

Take a look:

1. First came the Bread Bae poll

Subway poll sad 01

Though the obvious correct answer is 9-Grain Honey Oat, the poll somehow garnered ZERO responses. From 135,000 followers.

2. They tried it again, this time with greek ingredients

Subway poll sad 02

Since feta is bad and tomatoes are inedible, the obvious answer was tzatziki. And yet, again, they garnered no votes.

3. Followers took notice

Subway poll sad 03

This person appears to have been attempting to … neg … Subway?

4. Others wondered how it could be possible

Subway poll sad 04

We’ll notice that their social media engagement is fine.

5. This person tried to "vote" in a reply

Subway poll sad 05

A reply after the fact is not the same as a vote. For examples, see Brexit and the 2016 American election.

6. While some tried to troll, others showered Subway with compliments

Subway poll sad 06

People who don’t vote SHOULD be shamed.

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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Kylie Jenner SLAMMED for New Photo of Stormi: Her First Parenting Fail!

Kylie Jenner is no stranger to criticism.

It’s actually kind of overwhelming how much hate she’s gotten, being just a tender 19 years old.

To be fair, she does deserve a fair bit of all that criticism, on account of all the really dumb, obnoxious, ridiculous things she’s always said and done.

Like when no one wanted to watch her reality show because she just whined about things that barely even made sense?

Or when she tried to sell a cheap set of makeup brushes for $ 300, then when people called her out for it, she defended herself by saying that other brands sell sets for similar prices?

Not even bothering to mention the fact that those brands have been around for years and years and she’s just a teenaged reality star with a dream?

Her gigantic lips, her new-ish curves that so many people swear have to be the result of plastic surgery, the alarming amount of selfies she takes … it’s a lot, and a lot of people aren’t into it.

But for just about a month now, Kylie’s been a mother.

And you know what that means …

It means that in addition to all that other stuff, she’s opened the door wide for some good old-fashioned mom-shaming!

Yes, now everything that Kylie ever does in regards to Stormi will be bashed all to hell, regardless of whether or not she actually deserves it.

It’s such an important part in the lives of all mothers, really, but for famous mothers in particular.

Yesterday, Kylie began experiencing her first true experience with this phenomenon after sharing some new photos of herself with baby Stormi.

In the photos, she had on her customary long acrylic nails — cute, but not so cute for changing diapers.

Many people saw her nails, thought about how difficult it would be to clean up baby poop and handle a delicate little newborn with such talons, and decided that meant she’s a bad mother.

One such person tweeted “Don’t wanna be a bitch but the length of kylie jenner’s nails tells me all i need to know about her parenting/lack thereof.”

“You know Kylie is not bathing or changing that child’s diapers by the length of her nails,” another person wrote.

Another asked “How does Kylie wipe Stormi’s ass with those longass nails, I’m shook.”

There were dozens of comments like this, both on Twitter and Instagram, because as everyone knows, the length of your nails is directly related to your parenting ability.

It’s just such an odd thing for people to fixate on, especially because as many mothers shared, they had similar nails and were able to tend to their babies just fine.

If someone would rather keep short nails when caring for little babies, that’s fine, and it someone prefers the look of longer nails and just takes the time to be more careful, that’s fine too.

And if she’s not doing diapers or baths at all, if she has a nanny to help with that sort of thing, that’s also fine.

We’re sure she’s still bonding with her daughter.

Like, this is Kylie we’re talking about — there will be plenty more chances to question her parenting skills, we don’t have to get in a hurry.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Jenelle Evans Has ANOTHER Parenting Fail: Could She Lose ALL Her Kids?!

To know Jenelle Evans is to know just what a massive, massive hot mess she is.

Really, it"s kind of impressive. Not admirable at all, just impressive.

This girl has taken each and every opportunity she"s ever been presented to mess her life up, and now that she"s on the brink of being fired from Teen Mom 2, she"s really going into overdrive.

So what"d she do this time?!

1. Our Girl

Jenelle evans with choker

This is Jenelle. Jenelle makes dumb choices.

2. … Really?


For her latest dumb choice, Jenelle shared a couple of photos of her three-year-old son Kaiser playing with a toy gun.

3. Ugh

Kaiser griffith gun photo

It might not seem like a huge deal all on its own, but if you consider everything else that’s been going on with her lately, you’ll see that it was just an exceedingly bad idea to share these pictures.

4. Yikes

Jenelle evans gun photo

Earlier this month, Jenelle and her husband, David, got into a bit of hot water when he posted this photo of her online just hours after the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

5. David = The Worst

David eason on insta

It was definitely questionable timing, and it was also incredibly insensitive, but David refused to take down the photo. Instead, he sassed those who suggested he take it down.

6. So Long, Douchebag

Jenelle eason david eason

He continued arguing about guns on his Twitter page for several days until, for some bizarre reason, he felt the need to bring a little homophobia to his pro-gun stance. He was promptly fired from Teen Mom 2 for this.

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Monday, February 19, 2018

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux: THIS is Why They Were Doomed to Fail

For most people out there, it’s shocking but it’s true: 

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are headed for a divorce.

The stars did not drop this D-Word upon announcing their separation last week, but it seems inevitable that their separation will soon lead to a legal break-up.

Like we said above, most celebrity gossip followers are surprised by this development.

But at least one individual saw it coming from the very beginning.

Her name is Heidi Bivens and she’s a designer who dated Theroux for 14 years, splitting from him not long before the actor got with Aniston in 2012.

According to The Sun, Bivens actually got in touch with the world famous former Friend in order to give her a heads-up.

She allegedly tried to tell Aniston not to get her hopes too high for a bright, long future with Theroux — because Bivens knew the romance was doomed to end in heartbreak.

“Heidi warned Jen and said, ‘Don’t believe you will have him for good,” a friend of of Heather’s told the British publication, describing Justin at the time to Jennifer as a “free spirit.”

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, of course.

But The Sun source went on to explain that Theorux “hated Hollywood” and believed it to be “vacuous,” quoting Bivens, who had said years ago that her ex would never want to “settle” in Tinseltown.

This actually jibes with reports that a major reason why Aniston and Theroux broke up was due not just to distance, but their contrasting feelings for each coast.

One insider has said that Aniston wanted to spend most of her time in Los Angeles, while Theroux preferred New York.

This isn’t too imply that Theroux didn’t enjoy acting/

He actually may have loved it TOO much, in a weird way.

“Justin would get immersed in his parts and ‘become’ the characters,” this same friend of Heather’s told The Sun, adding:

“You wouldn’t know where the real Justin was when he was into a role and it would be the case for months on end.

“Heidi found that difficult to deal with and it did cause tension between them.”

Could method acting really be the cause of a break-up? We’ve never dated an actor. So we can’t say for certain.

But Theroux did just spend the last couple of years portraying the main character on HBO’s The Leftovers.

And, without giving anything away about that series, let’s just say it’s quite dark and, at times, quite disturbing.

If Justin really did sink himself into the role as much as the above quote states he may have, it would be easy to see how difficult he may have been to live with.

Upon confirming their marriage was over a few days ago, Aniston and Theroux said the following:

Normally we would do this privately, but given that the gossip industry cannot resist an opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to convey the truth directly.

Whatever else is printed about us that is not directly from us, is someone else’s fictional narrative.

Above all, we are determined to maintain the deep respect and love that we have for one another.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Dwayne Johnson Falls Like Rock in "Skyscraper" Fail

Dwayne Johnson just doesn’t have the numbers to pull off the big stunt in his upcoming blockbuster — and it all adds up to him falling to his death … according to the Internet. Chill, he didn’t really fall. It just looks like it on the…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Drew Carey Yanked to Ground by "Price is Right" Hug Fail with Wild Contestant

Drew Carey … COME ON DOWN!!! To the ground. “The Price is Right” host might be nursing sore ribs after falling victim to a massive fail during Wednesday’s show. A woman named Sona won the prelim round, and went HAM on Drew. Luckily for the host,…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Jill Duggar: Slammed By Fans For ANOTHER Parenting Fail!

Jill Duggar just can’t seem to catch a break these days.

As if it’s not bad enough that her husband, Derick Dillard, has been fired by TLC after bullying a transgender teen on Twitter, now it looks like Jill might soon be jobless as well.

Yes, Derick says his wife will be joining him in stepping away from the spotlight, and while that might mean thigs are soon to get a little leaner around the Dillard household, there may be some benefits to the new arrangement.

For instance, perhaps Jill’s parenting won’t be subject to quite as much scrutiny now that her family is no longer on TV.

Ha! Just kidding! As long as she continues posting on Instagram, new Jill Duggar parenting controversy will continue to pop up at the rate of about one per week.

The latest might not be as scandalous as the time Jill put a tortilla on her son’s head, but it’s still got Duggar obsessives all worked up.

A photo from Thanksgiving has once again caught the attention of the internet’s finest mommy-shamers, and once again they’re filled with seething rage.

Yes, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, the issue of Jill putting her kid on the floor is once again being raised.

Some fans seem to not realize the pic is several months old.

Others are just leaping at the chance to once again look down their nose at Jill.

In both cases, the argument remains pretty much the same:

Jill is terrible for leaving her kid on the floor while the rest of the family eats dinner.

It’s a bit of reach, considering we know nothing about the context of the pic, but that hasn’t stopped fans from really going off on the mother of two.

“Jill enjoys procreating, but once the baby is born, she’s not interested in the least in the actual parenting,” one person wrote on Facebook over the weekend.

“How about a carrier or swing — something besides the dirty floor? I would have never done that to either of my children.”

Is the floor actually dirty? Who knows.

Does it matter? Obviously not.

Look, we’re not ones to jump to the Duggars’s defense, but it does seem like Jill’s not really getting a fair shake here.

And it’s important to save your outrage, because we’re really due for a legitimate Duggar scandal any day now.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Dallas Keuchel Reveals Foot Injury from Astros World Series Parade Fail

Astros pitcher Dallas Keuchel has proof that a good time can cost you … he tells TMZ Sports that the walking boot on his foot is a result of the raucous Astros victory parade. We got DK leaving Catch LA and asked him what’s with the new…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Jill Duggar: SLAMMED For Latest Parenting Fail!

Another day, another Jill Duggar parenting scandal.

The mother of two is a common target for mommy-shaming, which is odd, as there are usually far more valid reasons to criticize Jill and her famous family.

These days, Jill and husband Derick Dillard might actually be the most hated couple in the Duggar clan, which is really saying something.

The Dillards offenses pale in comparison to the Josh Duggar’s sex crimes, but Josh’s wife Anna is beloved by fans, which somewhat balances things out.

Jill and Derick, on the other hand, are both increasingly despised across the board.

In fact, Derick was recently fired by TLC due to his online harassment of Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who also has a show on the network.

But while fans are often put off by Derick’s views, they’re often more vocal about their distaste for Jill’s parenting methods.

Case in point–the Dillards stopped by Der’s parents’ house over Thanksgiving weekend, and a photo of the family at dinner shows 4-month-old Samuel Dillard seated on the floor.

“Jill enjoys procreation, but once the baby is born, she’s not interested in the least in the actual parenting,” commented one fan.

“How about a carrier or a swing – something besides the dirty floor? I never would have done that to either of my children,” another fan remarked.

The situation brings to mind the time that Jill was slammed for putting a tortilla on her baby’s head.

Was it dumb and weird? Sure!

But it was dumb and weird in a fairly innocuous way.

Folks, there are so many better things to complain about.

And we’re not hitting you with the “starving kids in Africa” argument here.

We mean there are better things to complain about within the Duggar family.

You’ve got Josh; you’ve Derick’s bigotry; you’ve got the fact that certain siblings have no qualms about begging for money from fans, despite the fact that the family presides over a lucrative media empire.

And don’t get us started on the ludicrously over-the-top efforts to hide the fact that Joy-Anna Duggar clearly got pregnant before her wedding to Austin Forsyth.

The point is, the Duggars are a veritable treasure trove of awfulness.

So let’s focus on the truly terrible and maybe not worry so much about a baby sitting on the floor, mmm-kay?

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

John Cena Cricket Fail, Gets Schooled By Young Girl

John Cena is great at pretty much everything — wrestling, acting, being the nicest guy on the planet, etc. — but there’s one thing the WWE superstar is NOT good at … and TMZ Sports has proof. Cena visited the Sydney Thunder professional cricket…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Epic Dunk Fail ... Car 1, Dunker 0

All you kids with dreams of impressing millions of YouTube followers with your sensational above the rim antics … PLEASE WATCH THIS, and realize sometimes gravity wins. Russian super dunker Illia Kroshka took a major L recently when he tried to…


Monday, September 25, 2017

"Jeopardy" Fail, Who the Hell Is Marcus Allen?!

No, Anupama … Marcus Allen did not play for the Colorado Rockies.  Once again, the sports-themed category on “Jeopardy” was like kryptonite — and when Alex Trebek asked the contestants to match an NFL Hall of Famer to his team, it was blank…


Friday, September 15, 2017

Trump GOP Poll, The Prez Can"t Fail!!

The GOP has sent out a survey … actually more like a report card for Donald Trump, but it’s rigged so the Prez can’t fail. Check it out. It’s called the Official Approval Poll and it’s sent by the official GOP website. Here’s the big question: If…


Trump GOP Poll, The Prez Can"t Fail!!

The GOP has sent out a survey … actually more like a report card for Donald Trump, but it’s rigged so the Prez can’t fail. Check it out. It’s called the Official Approval Poll and it’s sent by the official GOP website. Here’s the big question: If…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Jennifer Lawrence: Unharmed After Both Engines Fail on Private Jet!

Jennifer Lawrence is probably scared to travel by air right about now. 

The 26-year-old actress found herself in a precarious situation when she was on board a private jet on Saturday. That situation forced the pilot of her plane to make an emergency landing. 

The Hunger Games star was leaving her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, after spending some time with her nearest and dearest. 

Things took a dangerous turn when her plane reached 31,000 feet. One of the engines failed, and from then on it sounds like it was a scene out of a high-octane action movie. 

The plane subsequently made an emergency landing in Buffalo, New York. The scary thing about all of this is that the other engine actually failed during the emergency landing.


It’s scary to think how badly things could have gone, but at least we know the plane landed safely and everyone on board is fine. 

The plane was originally heading for Teterboro Airport in New Jersey.

Lawrence has taken a step back from the limelight in recent months, following a video leak that found her very drunk at a friend’s birthday bash in Vienna, Austria. 

The star was adamant she would not be apologizing for having fun. 

“Look, nobody wants to be reminded that they tried to dance on a stripper pole by the internet,” Lawrence’s Facebook message began.

“It was one of my best friend’s birthdays, and I dropped my paranoia guard for one second to have fun.”

“I’m not going to apologize, I had a BLAST that night,” she added.

Everyone is entitled to some fun every once in a while, right?

Lawrence’s next movie, Mother! is scheduled to be released October 13, 2017.

It will focus on a couple whose relationship is rocked by some uninvited guests at their home. 

Javier Bardem, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Kristen Wiig are also part of the main cast for the flick. 

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!


Friday, May 26, 2017

Kate Middleton: Under Fire For This Parenting Fail!

Kate Middleton’s parenting is once again under scrutiny after a supposed failure that fans documented at Pippa’s wedding last weekend.

What did the Duchess (allegedly) do so wrong?

George was spotted by paparazzi looking out the window of a moving vehicle while en route to Pippa Middleton’s wedding on May 20. 

But it’s how he was doing so that’s at issue.

By allowing three-year-old son Prince George to ride a moving car while standing and without any seat belt on, Kate is catching flak.

While the vehicle was riding on a private road with no other cars were nearby, some believe allowing a toddler to do this is still suspect.

Regardless of the situation, or the car’s speed, royal observers (a.k.a. Twitter) think that this was a serious oversight on Kate’s part.

Moreover, the Duchess of Cambridge has also been criticized for how she reacted to her children during Pippa’s nuptials last Saturday.

Reports one observer from the wedding:

“Clearly, Prince George just wanted to have fun … in the wedding party, but Kate didn’t have the time or the patience for his shenanigans.”

Of course, Kate is probably scrutinized more than any mother on the planet, and commits relatively few errors, so … get a life people.

She could also be described as a particularly “normal” mom for a woman of her stature, considering some recent remarks she made.

Earlier this year, Kate visited one of Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families’ specialist units, catering to mothers with depression.

At the time, she admitted that “parenting is tough” for her as well, but she can’t imagine some of the hardships that they’ve been through.

Paying tribute to the strong women, she praised them for survive through the many hardships and “experiences [they’ve] all witnessed.”

Husband Prince William seems quite fond of his wife’s style, recently opening up in an interview about his two children’s upbringing.

“Catherine and I are clear that we want George and Charlotte to grow up feeling able to talk about their emotions and feelings,” he said.

“Over the past year we have visited a number of schools.”

“We have been amazed listening to children talk about some quite difficult subjects in a really clear and emotionally articulate way.”

“Something most adults would struggle with.”

Bottom line, at the end of the day?

Kate and William’s three-year-old first-born may have managed to step on Pippa’s wedding dress and turn a confetti basket upside down.

She may struggle to control George’s screen time, much like many other parents who use gadgets to occupy their offspring.

But her heart is in the right place.

She’s doing all she can what can be often be described as an arduous and thankless job, no matter your wealth or status.

Anyone who’s observed William, Kate or their children can clearly sensed that they’re being raised well. Perfectly? No.

Who is, though? Step off, haters.


Monday, May 1, 2017

Country Star Brett Kissel Talks Oilers National Anthem Fail: "I Didn"t Have a Plan B" (VIDEO)

Country music star Brett Kissel says he’s lucky fans bailed him out after a mic fail kept him from singing the National Anthem at the Edmonton Oilers game Sunday … admitting, “I didn’t have a Plan B!” The video is incredible … fans at the…
