Monday, January 15, 2018

Jill Duggar: Slammed By Fans For ANOTHER Parenting Fail!

Jill Duggar just can’t seem to catch a break these days.

As if it’s not bad enough that her husband, Derick Dillard, has been fired by TLC after bullying a transgender teen on Twitter, now it looks like Jill might soon be jobless as well.

Yes, Derick says his wife will be joining him in stepping away from the spotlight, and while that might mean thigs are soon to get a little leaner around the Dillard household, there may be some benefits to the new arrangement.

For instance, perhaps Jill’s parenting won’t be subject to quite as much scrutiny now that her family is no longer on TV.

Ha! Just kidding! As long as she continues posting on Instagram, new Jill Duggar parenting controversy will continue to pop up at the rate of about one per week.

The latest might not be as scandalous as the time Jill put a tortilla on her son’s head, but it’s still got Duggar obsessives all worked up.

A photo from Thanksgiving has once again caught the attention of the internet’s finest mommy-shamers, and once again they’re filled with seething rage.

Yes, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, the issue of Jill putting her kid on the floor is once again being raised.

Some fans seem to not realize the pic is several months old.

Others are just leaping at the chance to once again look down their nose at Jill.

In both cases, the argument remains pretty much the same:

Jill is terrible for leaving her kid on the floor while the rest of the family eats dinner.

It’s a bit of reach, considering we know nothing about the context of the pic, but that hasn’t stopped fans from really going off on the mother of two.

“Jill enjoys procreating, but once the baby is born, she’s not interested in the least in the actual parenting,” one person wrote on Facebook over the weekend.

“How about a carrier or swing — something besides the dirty floor? I would have never done that to either of my children.”

Is the floor actually dirty? Who knows.

Does it matter? Obviously not.

Look, we’re not ones to jump to the Duggars’s defense, but it does seem like Jill’s not really getting a fair shake here.

And it’s important to save your outrage, because we’re really due for a legitimate Duggar scandal any day now.

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