Showing posts with label Votes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Votes. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Subway Fail: No One Votes in Saddest Twitter Poll

This is either a huge embarrassment or the most unexpected marketing scheme that we"ve seen in a while.

So, the Twitter account for Subway restaurants in Canada tweeted out a pair of polls.

Everybody loves to vote in polls, and people on the internet tend to have strong opinions about anything. Movies, rebooted children"s cartoons, politics, and yes, fast food.

Somehow — and this has stumped quite a few people — this social media account, with 135,000 followers, managed to get zero votes on both polls.

People like to make fun of Subway, even though their food is delicious (it is; maybe you"re just ordering the wrong things). Possibly because their most famous spokesperson turned out to be a monster.

But is their popularity really hurting so badly that no one even noticed a pair of polls untilt he results — 0 votes in all categories — had been posted?

Or is this a new and strangely genius social media marketing scheme?

Take a look:

1. First came the Bread Bae poll

Subway poll sad 01

Though the obvious correct answer is 9-Grain Honey Oat, the poll somehow garnered ZERO responses. From 135,000 followers.

2. They tried it again, this time with greek ingredients

Subway poll sad 02

Since feta is bad and tomatoes are inedible, the obvious answer was tzatziki. And yet, again, they garnered no votes.

3. Followers took notice

Subway poll sad 03

This person appears to have been attempting to … neg … Subway?

4. Others wondered how it could be possible

Subway poll sad 04

We’ll notice that their social media engagement is fine.

5. This person tried to "vote" in a reply

Subway poll sad 05

A reply after the fact is not the same as a vote. For examples, see Brexit and the 2016 American election.

6. While some tried to troll, others showered Subway with compliments

Subway poll sad 06

People who don’t vote SHOULD be shamed.

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Friday, January 27, 2017

LeBron James Zings Donald Trump ... "Goofy Votes"

LeBron James just took a shot at Donald Trump.  The NBA superstar was talking to the media about the NBA All Star rosters and was asked his thought about some players turning in “goofy” ballots as a joke.  His response … “There’s always…


LeBron James Zings Donald Trump ... "Goofy Votes"

LeBron James just took a shot at Donald Trump.  The NBA superstar was talking to the media about the NBA All Star rosters and was asked his thought about some players turning in “goofy” ballots as a joke.  His response … “There’s always…


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hamilton Electors: Group Secures 20 of 37 Electoral Votes Needed to Reject Trump?

By now, you’re probably aware of the movement within the Electoral College to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the 45th President of the United States on January 20.

But in case you’ve spent the past five weeks unable to hear any media reports over the sound of your own weeping, allow us to bring you up to speed on the last sliver of hope for Democrats and moderate Republicans.

As we reported last week, it’s beginning to look as though there’s a real chance that Trump can be stopped by faithless electors.

Republican elector Christopher Suprun has vowed to vote against Trump, and he’s encouraged others to follow his lead.

One Florida elector has decided to step down rather than cast a vote for Trump, but he’ll almost certainly be replaced by someone willing to toe the party line.

So that means the 36 more Republican electors would need to defect in order to prevent Trump from being appointed America’s next president.

But the Hamilton Electors (so named for the Founding Father’s Federalist Paper No. 68, from which they draw their inspiration) aren’t losing hope for two very important reasons:

For one thing, there are reports of a new strategy, wherein Democratic electors would choose a suitable Republican politician (Mitt Romney and John Kasich seem to be the front-runners) in hopes of encouraging their GOP counterparts to follow suit.

Additionally, rumblings from within the EC are offering hope to electors who may have been on the fence due to concerns that their dissent would be fruitless.

“Obviously, whether an elector ultimately votes his or her conscience will depend in part upon whether there are enough doing the same,” Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig tells Politico. 

“We now believe there are more than half the number needed to change the result seriously considering making that vote.”

Lessig – who has been offering free legal counsel to potential faithless electors – says he believes at least 20 electors are planning to defect, and that the Hamilton movement will likely have a snowball effect, picking up more supporters as it grows in size.

“[Electors] are looking at is the best chance we have of stopping Trump than at any other point during this process,” Lessig says.

The RNC maintains that Suprun is the only faithless elector that they are aware of, and Salon reported Tuesday that potential Hamilton Electors have been threatened with political reprisal.

The Electoral College results won’t be known until December 19, but whatever the outcome, this is the first time in modern history that the EC’s final tally is considered anything less that a sure thing – a fact that should remind Trump of how much work he has to do if he’s genuine about his professed desire to re-unify a divided nation.
