Showing posts with label Saddest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saddest. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Subway Fail: No One Votes in Saddest Twitter Poll

This is either a huge embarrassment or the most unexpected marketing scheme that we"ve seen in a while.

So, the Twitter account for Subway restaurants in Canada tweeted out a pair of polls.

Everybody loves to vote in polls, and people on the internet tend to have strong opinions about anything. Movies, rebooted children"s cartoons, politics, and yes, fast food.

Somehow — and this has stumped quite a few people — this social media account, with 135,000 followers, managed to get zero votes on both polls.

People like to make fun of Subway, even though their food is delicious (it is; maybe you"re just ordering the wrong things). Possibly because their most famous spokesperson turned out to be a monster.

But is their popularity really hurting so badly that no one even noticed a pair of polls untilt he results — 0 votes in all categories — had been posted?

Or is this a new and strangely genius social media marketing scheme?

Take a look:

1. First came the Bread Bae poll

Subway poll sad 01

Though the obvious correct answer is 9-Grain Honey Oat, the poll somehow garnered ZERO responses. From 135,000 followers.

2. They tried it again, this time with greek ingredients

Subway poll sad 02

Since feta is bad and tomatoes are inedible, the obvious answer was tzatziki. And yet, again, they garnered no votes.

3. Followers took notice

Subway poll sad 03

This person appears to have been attempting to … neg … Subway?

4. Others wondered how it could be possible

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We’ll notice that their social media engagement is fine.

5. This person tried to "vote" in a reply

Subway poll sad 05

A reply after the fact is not the same as a vote. For examples, see Brexit and the 2016 American election.

6. While some tried to troll, others showered Subway with compliments

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People who don’t vote SHOULD be shamed.

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Friday, April 27, 2018

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Recap: Ronnie Gets Busted, Goes on World"s Saddest Bender

Back in 2009, Jersey Shore became TV’s ultimate guilty pleasure thanks in large part to the willingness of its twenty-something castmates to put their various organs in harm’s way for our amusement (livers, genitals, irradiated leathery skin).

But will the schtick play as well now that they’re in their thirties and most of them have kids?

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro aims to find out!

If you watched last week’s episode of Jersey Shore Family Vacation, you know that Ronnie made the questionable decision to take a braless Swedish blonde into the bathroom, despite the fact that he has a pregnant girlfriend waiting at home.

(Sadly, his roommates admonitions of “Raaahn, staaahp!” fell on deaf ears.)

Pauly D pulled a move that once would’ve been known as a robbery, but now looks something more like an act of mercy.

Ron and the Swede put on the brakes, but they were well past the point at which his girlfriend would’ve been cool with that transpired.

To his credit, Ron was overcome with guilt, so he dragged his drunk ass to bed and resolved to make things right in the morning.

Just kidding, he stayed up and continued to guzzle Ron-Ron juice with Snooki until it seemed like a good idea to drag their daytime drunk asses out in public.

Ron proceeded to make things even worse by 

“I don’t trust her for shit. I don’t,” he revealed. “So all I can do is act happy and be the best father I can be, and at the end of the day, I’m still f-cking miserable.”

Ronnie adds, “If Jen was not pregnant, I don’t know if I’d be with her,” apparently forgetting in his inebriated state that there’s a camera crew documenting his every word,

(He later jokes about “canceling cable” before the episode airs, a rare occasion in which a reality star actually acknowledges the fact that they’re on a reality show.)

In one of the series’ most darkly hilarious moments to date, Snooki drunkenly accosts some children, while Ronnie, instead of stopping her from traumatizing the poor kids reflects on impending fatherhood.

At that point, he and Snooks finally decide to remove their balloon crowns and go to bed.

Unfortunately, a few hours later, they’re forced to wake up and answer the question: do hangovers and yachts mix?

The answer of course, is hell no, but the two of them fare surprisingly well, considering they were pounding giant fishbowl cocktails in theme restaurants as the breakfast crowd made way for the lunch crowd.

Ronnie’s plight worsens as the day goes on, when his girlfriend refuses to answer his phone calls.

He lets out some aggression by taking a few shots at Mike “The Incarceration” Sorrentino, but for the most part, the rest of the cast sits this episode out.

The strange pacing is a testament to the fact that the guidos’ lives are simply less eventful these days, and as a result, producers are often forced to expand on a single storyline until it fills 60 minutes of screen time.

That’s not necessarily a knock on Family Vacation, so much as its an acknowledgement that its a very different show than the original Jersey Shore.

The good news (we think?) is that Ronnie and Jen welcomed their first child and they’re still very much together.

Hopefully, going forward, he’ll take hs family vacations with his actual family.

Watch Jersey Shore online for more hijinks from our favorite aging UV ray enthusiasts.


Monday, October 31, 2016

R. L. Stine -- Tells Saddest Halloween Childhood Story Ever (VIDEO)

Grab your tissues, everybody … R.L. Stine — the author dedicated to scaring kids — has a tearjerker of a story.  We caught up with the “Goosebumps” author Friday in NYC where we asked him for tips on Halloween costumes. Check out…
