Showing posts with label Bender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bender. Show all posts

Friday, April 27, 2018

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Recap: Ronnie Gets Busted, Goes on World"s Saddest Bender

Back in 2009, Jersey Shore became TV’s ultimate guilty pleasure thanks in large part to the willingness of its twenty-something castmates to put their various organs in harm’s way for our amusement (livers, genitals, irradiated leathery skin).

But will the schtick play as well now that they’re in their thirties and most of them have kids?

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro aims to find out!

If you watched last week’s episode of Jersey Shore Family Vacation, you know that Ronnie made the questionable decision to take a braless Swedish blonde into the bathroom, despite the fact that he has a pregnant girlfriend waiting at home.

(Sadly, his roommates admonitions of “Raaahn, staaahp!” fell on deaf ears.)

Pauly D pulled a move that once would’ve been known as a robbery, but now looks something more like an act of mercy.

Ron and the Swede put on the brakes, but they were well past the point at which his girlfriend would’ve been cool with that transpired.

To his credit, Ron was overcome with guilt, so he dragged his drunk ass to bed and resolved to make things right in the morning.

Just kidding, he stayed up and continued to guzzle Ron-Ron juice with Snooki until it seemed like a good idea to drag their daytime drunk asses out in public.

Ron proceeded to make things even worse by 

“I don’t trust her for shit. I don’t,” he revealed. “So all I can do is act happy and be the best father I can be, and at the end of the day, I’m still f-cking miserable.”

Ronnie adds, “If Jen was not pregnant, I don’t know if I’d be with her,” apparently forgetting in his inebriated state that there’s a camera crew documenting his every word,

(He later jokes about “canceling cable” before the episode airs, a rare occasion in which a reality star actually acknowledges the fact that they’re on a reality show.)

In one of the series’ most darkly hilarious moments to date, Snooki drunkenly accosts some children, while Ronnie, instead of stopping her from traumatizing the poor kids reflects on impending fatherhood.

At that point, he and Snooks finally decide to remove their balloon crowns and go to bed.

Unfortunately, a few hours later, they’re forced to wake up and answer the question: do hangovers and yachts mix?

The answer of course, is hell no, but the two of them fare surprisingly well, considering they were pounding giant fishbowl cocktails in theme restaurants as the breakfast crowd made way for the lunch crowd.

Ronnie’s plight worsens as the day goes on, when his girlfriend refuses to answer his phone calls.

He lets out some aggression by taking a few shots at Mike “The Incarceration” Sorrentino, but for the most part, the rest of the cast sits this episode out.

The strange pacing is a testament to the fact that the guidos’ lives are simply less eventful these days, and as a result, producers are often forced to expand on a single storyline until it fills 60 minutes of screen time.

That’s not necessarily a knock on Family Vacation, so much as its an acknowledgement that its a very different show than the original Jersey Shore.

The good news (we think?) is that Ronnie and Jen welcomed their first child and they’re still very much together.

Hopefully, going forward, he’ll take hs family vacations with his actual family.

Watch Jersey Shore online for more hijinks from our favorite aging UV ray enthusiasts.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Chief Keef"s a Wanted Man Again Over Fender Bender

Chief Keef let a little thing like a court date for a fender bender balloon into an arrest warrant … and now he’s wanted by cops in Cali. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … cops responded to a small fender bender in Hollywood in September, in…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Kim Kardashian, Fender Bender Lawsuit Settles for Peanuts

Kim Kardashian has one less thing to worry about — an old lawsuit for a smash-up on the Sunset Strip has been dismissed … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the situation tell us … Kim’s fender bender case from a car accident in 2014 has been…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Matt Baier: On a Bender in Vegas Following Split From Amber Portwood?

Matt Baier is a man who has some issues. 

Actually, it might be more accurate to say that Baier has all of the issues.

Baier recently split from Amber Portwood amidst allegations that he freqently used drugs (while claiming to be several years sober), cheated on more than one occasion, and often lost his temper with his fiancee/meal ticket.

Even now that he’s been kicked to the curb, Matt still continues to make tabloid headlines with his bad behavior.

Earlier this week, we learned that Baier was often high while filming episodes of Teen Mom 2.

Now, it seems the troubled reality star has decided to indulge another of his vices now that he’s once again a single man.

Insiders say Baier is gambling again, news that’s likely to alarm those closest to the 46-year-old, as he’s struggled with gambling addiction in the past.

Baier recently posted a photo of himself with another problem gambler, baseball legend Pete Rose, and confirmed the rumors that he’s partying it up in Sin City by tagging his location as Las Vegas.

“Hanging with #baseball’s all time hit leader, Mr. Pete Rose! Not in the #hof, but he definitely should be,” Baier wrote, showing sympathy for his fellow lover of lettin’ it ride.

But what’s even more troubling to members of Matt’s inner circle is the possibility that he might be relapsing while licking his post-relationship wounds.

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, you know that Matt’s last trip to Vegas didn’t go so well.

That was when he lost his mind after his fiancee wouldn’t agree to a quickie wedding, and proceeded to tell producers that he would “never” marry Portwood.

It was later revealed that he had relapsed shortly before the trip.

So it’s not hard to see why Matt’s family and friends are concerned by the fact that he’s alone in Vegas, having recently earned several huge paydays from his time on MTV.

We’d say we’re hoping that Matt isn’t getting into trouble and hanging out with unsavory types, but we already know that’s not possible.

See: Above photo with Pete Rose.

We’ll keep you posted on Matt’s shenanigans.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Scott Disick: Friends Fear Liver Disease as Frightening Bender Continues

Full-blown alcoholism is never funny, but there was a time when Scott Disick’s proclivity for heavy drinking was dismissed as more of a quirky personality trait than a serious threat to his health.

He was like Norm from Cheers, if the rest of the bar had been filled with people who were constantly taking photos of their own butts.

Now, sadly, Scott has reached the point where his drinking is definitively no laughing matter, and fans are said to be deeply concerned for the 34-year-old’s health.

According to Radar Online, Scott is contending with several relatively serious health problems, and his inner circle believes things will only get far worse if he continues on the path that he’s on.

“Scott’s on a fast track to liver disease the way he’s going,” a source close to Scott tells the website.

“His blood pressure’s not good either. There’s absolutely no way his body can carry on like this.”

The insider goes on to detail Scott’s daily booze intake, and it sounds like the father of the three has reached the point of rivaling Hemingway and the other self-destructive drunks of yore:

“He’ll easily down several bottles of champagne in a day, a large bottle of vodka, tequila shots and wine – and that’s not sharing either,” says the source. 

Disick has been a heavy drinker for at least as long as he’s been in the public eye, but over the past couple years, the events of his personal life seem to have triggered a dangerous downward spiral that has him careening toward a potentially deadly rock bottom.

Not long after Disick’s parents died within a few months of one another in 2013 and 2014, the reality star began experiencing a succession of rough patches in his marriage to Kourtney Kardashian, many of them of his own creation.

These days, the couple is broken up and sources say Scott’s current bender is the result of his frustrations over Kourtney’s relationship with Younes Bendjima.

The Kardashians find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place, as they’re reportedly worried about Scott, but at the same time, their top priority is the safety and peace of mind of his three children with Kourtney.

Insiders say Disick will be required to take Breathalyzer tests before seeing his children, so as to ensure that he won’t be spending time with them while intoxicated.

Kris Jenner and company hope the move will force Scott to put the bottle down entirely, as the toll taken by his lifestyle is reportedly beginning to show:

“He’s already starting to look kind of yellow in his pallor which has set off alarm bells his liver could be failing,” the source tells Radar.

“He looks jaundiced and has to get a spray tan to give himself a credible color.”

Here’s hoping Scott gets the help he needs before it’s too late.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Scott Disick Disappears on 2-Week Bender, Terrifies Family

If you follow the life and “career” of Scott Disick closely, you’re probably aware that the Lord’s got a lot on his plate these days.

Between hooking up with random famous teens in an effort to make Kourtney Kardashian jealous and getting blackout hammered on a nightly basis, it’s amazing that Scott has time for …

Well, he doesn’t work or see his kids with any regularity, so we guess it’s actually not so surprising that he’s able to accommodate a 24-hour party lifestyle.

Anyway, the campaign to win Kourtney back through bad behavior doesn’t appear to be working, but Scott has succeeded in capturing his ex’s attention.

It seems the entire Kard clan is deeply worried about Scott these days, seemingly for good reason.

Sources say the family believes Disick is drinking himself to death, and they fear that if they don’t act soon, it could be too late.

“Scott has gone off the deep end again,” an insider tells Entertainment Tonight, noting that Scott has been partying non-stop for over two weeks.

“This is something that Scott has struggled with for years, and something Kourtney has dealt with since she has known Scott,” the source explains.

“When Scott starts partying, he can’t stop. There is no middle ground for Scott — it’s go all in or none at all. This is how he has always been.”

For obvious reasons, Kourtney is keeping her kids from Scott until he sobers up, but apparently, that tactic might be making the situation more perilous.

The insider claims that Scott is feeling alienated from his family, which has caused him to descend deeper into alcoholism and generally reckless behavior.

“[Disick] goes into the dark, depressed stages,” the source says, in which he “turns to partying for help.”

But out of necessity, Kourtney’s  number one concern remains the safety and well-being of her kids:

“Kourtney’s first priority is to protect her kids, and that’s what she’ll do,” says the insider.

“Kourtney has had enough and does not want him around the kids until he can figure his own problems out.”

The source notes that the situation is more dire than ever, not only because the Kardashians are concerned that this bender could be Scott’s last, but also because his kids are reaching the age where they know that something is amiss.

“The kids are getting older, especially Mason, where they know that something is wrong,” says the source.

“She has been through this so many times before and does love him; he’s the father of her three children,” the source shares.

“She’s worried this won’t ever stop and hopes he gets the help he needs.”

In the past, Kourtney and her family have been able to coax Disick into rehab, and they’re reportedly hoping they’ll be able to do so again.

Here’s hoping Scott gets the help he needs as soon as possible. 


Thursday, January 12, 2017

BJ Penn"s Brother Arrested In Airplane Bender ... "I Won"t Get Off Without a Fight"

The younger brother of UFC star BJ Penn was arrested Tuesday after a crazy incident on an airplane in which he allegedly yelled, “I won’t get off the plane without a fight.” Reagan Penn — a former MMA fighter himself — was on a Delta plane at LAX…


Monday, March 7, 2016

Scott Disick: Spotted on Date With Kourtney Kardashian AFTER Latest Bender!

There may have been a time when Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian could lay claim to the title of Most Effed-Up, Unstable Celebrity Relationship, but now, with Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna breaking up and making up in less than 24 hours, they may not even be the most unhealthy twosome in the Kard clan.

Nevertheless, both halves of Skourt are doing their damnedest to prove to the world that even they have no idea what the hell is going on with their relationship.

The latest drama started on Friday, when Disick was spotted partying in Mexico.

The troubled father of three went on to give an interview in which he confirmed that despite sobering up after a whopping six stints in rehab, he recently made the conscious decision to start boozing again.

You might think that since Scott’s drinking was the primary cause of his trouble with Kourtney, she would absolutely want nothing to do with him if he’s back on the bottle.

Apparently, you would be wrong.

After Scott complimented Kourtney’s nipples on Instagram (seriously) she apparently took the bait and decided to spend some time with her trainwreck baby daddy.

Yes, according to Radar Online Scott and Kourtney were spotted on a lunch date in Los Angeles this afternoon.

Sure, they still have kids together, and it seems they’ve kept things mostly civil, so it’s not surprising that they meet up for lunch now and then.

However, when they meet up right after a public nipple compliment, it makes us think there may be something more going on.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lamar Odom Went on Week-Long Bender Before Checking Into Brothel: Report

As you’ve probably heard, Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada on Tuesday night, and the former NBA star is currently comatose.

Sources at the brothel say Odom was on a bender in the days leading up to his death, indulging in cocaine, opiates, alcohol and drug-fuelled sex with prostitutes.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Love Ranch employees only saw the tail end of a sex and drugs binge that may have been going on for quite some time. 

Workers at various hot spots in the Vegas area tell Radar that Lamar had been partying non-stop for weeks before he collapsed. 

“He was spending money like crazy and partying here in our VIP room for a week straight,” says an employee at the Spearmint Rhino strip club. “I heard he was blowing through money like crazy…He was making all the girls drink and party with him.”

Other insiders say at the club say Lamar was blowing through upwards of $ 5,000 a say on liquor and lap dances. They add that he also developed a reputation as a difficult customer:

“My boss asked me to entertain him, but I refused cause I heard he was difficult and demanding,” says one dancer. “A lot of girls refused to work for him.”

Sadly, in the two days since he was hospitalized, Lamar’s condition has only deteriorated, and doctors now say he has about a 50/50 chance of survival.

We’ll keep you updated on Lamar’s condition as more information becomes available.

Lamar Odom: Details of Brothel Bender Revealed

In the two days since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada, several details have emerged that help to shed light on exactly how the former NBA star wound up comatose in a Las Vegas hospital.

It seems that in addition to abusing an herbal “Viagra substitute” (which he bought on premises), Odom was using cocaine and opiates, and putting additional strain on his body by engaging in frequent drug-fuelled sex with multiple prostitutes.

According to TMZ, Odom spent over $ 75,000 at the brothel in just over three days.

Upon arriving, all the women employed by Love Ranch (prostitution is legal in Lyon County, NV, where the ranch is located) lined up, and Lamar selected two who would be at his beck and call for the entirety of his stay.

It’s not known if the women he chose were Madison Montag and Ryder Cherry, who later found him passed out in his room and attempted to revive him.

Sources say it appears that Lamar was a regular at Love Ranch, as workers picked him up at his home in Vegas home and chauffeured him to the brothel.

Love Ranch ownership and employees have mostly kept quiet about Odom’s stay, likely for fear of being legally implicated in his overdose.

Reload – the herbal erectile dysfunction capsule that Odom purchased from the brothel – was recently banned by the FDA.