Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Matt Baier: On a Bender in Vegas Following Split From Amber Portwood?

Matt Baier is a man who has some issues. 

Actually, it might be more accurate to say that Baier has all of the issues.

Baier recently split from Amber Portwood amidst allegations that he freqently used drugs (while claiming to be several years sober), cheated on more than one occasion, and often lost his temper with his fiancee/meal ticket.

Even now that he’s been kicked to the curb, Matt still continues to make tabloid headlines with his bad behavior.

Earlier this week, we learned that Baier was often high while filming episodes of Teen Mom 2.

Now, it seems the troubled reality star has decided to indulge another of his vices now that he’s once again a single man.

Insiders say Baier is gambling again, news that’s likely to alarm those closest to the 46-year-old, as he’s struggled with gambling addiction in the past.

Baier recently posted a photo of himself with another problem gambler, baseball legend Pete Rose, and confirmed the rumors that he’s partying it up in Sin City by tagging his location as Las Vegas.

“Hanging with #baseball’s all time hit leader, Mr. Pete Rose! Not in the #hof, but he definitely should be,” Baier wrote, showing sympathy for his fellow lover of lettin’ it ride.

But what’s even more troubling to members of Matt’s inner circle is the possibility that he might be relapsing while licking his post-relationship wounds.

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, you know that Matt’s last trip to Vegas didn’t go so well.

That was when he lost his mind after his fiancee wouldn’t agree to a quickie wedding, and proceeded to tell producers that he would “never” marry Portwood.

It was later revealed that he had relapsed shortly before the trip.

So it’s not hard to see why Matt’s family and friends are concerned by the fact that he’s alone in Vegas, having recently earned several huge paydays from his time on MTV.

We’d say we’re hoping that Matt isn’t getting into trouble and hanging out with unsavory types, but we already know that’s not possible.

See: Above photo with Pete Rose.

We’ll keep you posted on Matt’s shenanigans.
