Showing posts with label Frightening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frightening. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

NY Jets Chris Herndon"s DUI Crash Video Shows Frightening Wreckage

NY Jets rookie tight end Chris Herndon is VERY lucky to be alive — and lucky he didn’t kill anyone — because the newly obtained video of his DUI crash is terrifying.  TMZ Sports got the police body cam footage showing the moment cops arrived…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar: Frightening Pregnancy Complications Revealed?

On February 23rd, Joy-Anna Duggar welcomed her baby with Austin Forsyth.

Joy-Anna is excited about motherhood, but fans were surprised to learn that her baby was born, not at home, but in a hospital.

When fans understand the risks involved with home births, however, they may understand why Joy-Anna put her safety above her family’s traditions.

When Joy-Anna and Austin welcomed their baby son and firstborn into the world, they didn’t just add to the every-growing horde of Duggar grandchildren.

They also may have quashed those premarital sex rumors once and for all, since Gideon Martyn Forsyth’s date of birth means that it’s most likely that he was conceived on their honeymoon.

Yes, that sounds unbelievable, but some people are intensely fertile, so it is possible.

Gideon was born at 10 pounds and 3 ounces (ouch!) and, to the surprise of many fans, he was born in a hospital.

This defied the expectations that many fans had held that Joy-Anna would have a home birth.

Despite what members of the Duggar fertility cult may enjoy about home births, giving birth in a hospital where you can reap the benefits of modern medicine is actually a much, much better idea.

Dr. Mary Jane Minkin spoke to People about the health risks associated with home births.

“There are many risks to having a baby.”

That is very true. Complications can arise. Tearing can happen. And sometimes, childbirth just doesn’t work out without medical intervention.

People who give birth at home are gambling with the life of the mother and of her child.

Dr. Minkin continues as she describes specific hazards that make home births so potentially dangerous.

“Some women will not be able to deliver their babies through their pelvic bones.”

The skeleton rearranges during pregnancy (ouch), but that’s not always enough.

“If that occurs, most of the time the cervix will stop dilating and the baby will not descend into the birth canal.”

That’s a nightmare situation, but it happens.

“Then a transfer to a hospital would be necessary.”

Doctors are equipped to deal with the situation.

“Sometimes we can give the woman medicine to strengthen her contractions. Other times, administration of pain relief such as an epidural anesthetic can help.”

And of course there’s always the alternative to vaginal birth.

“Or maybe we do need to do a Caesarean. Obviously all of these necessitate a medical facility.”

There is another scenario, in which the baby’s head will fit into the birth canal but the baby’s shoulders will not. This is called shoulder dystocia

“When that happens in the hospital, we shout out to get ‘all hands on deck’ and have our colleagues come to lend a hand; we also have our anesthesiologists rush up to help get the woman more relaxed to see if that could help.”

Hospitals are uniquely equipped for that situation.

“But at home we don’t have the extra pairs of hands available.”

Generally, at home one doesn’t have an anesthesiologist, either.

Dr. Minkin continues to warn against the dangers of home birth.

“Fortunately these scenarios are uncommon, but they can happen. And at home there isn’t much you can do.”

She does mention that, if comfort is a concern, many hospitals have LDR suites designed for delivery in more comfortable surroundings.

“These are rooms in a hospital that are a part of a labor [L] floor, but they look much more like a bedroom at home, with some special equipment in the closets!”

The comforts of home but the medical resources of hospitals.

“You can labor in this bedroom, with family or friends, and deliver [D] in the bed, just like you could at home. The R refers to recovery, so you can stay with your baby in the room, as long as everything is fine.”

Doctors can monitor for things that people at home might not even recognize.

“And you can have close monitoring to make sure there isn’t extra bleeding.”

Dr. Minkin is very experienced with childbirth. She understands the need to make accommodations for the comfort of the family.

“I started delivering babies in 1973 — at that point we were just starting to have dads come in to the delivery room.”

There were periods in time, if historical records are to be believed, in which even rulers and kings were forbidden from the delivery room.

That has now changed.

“We have been trying since to make the experience of a delivery more comfortable for our patients, without sacrificing any safety for the family.”

With hospitals finding that balance, one wonders why some remain so determined to give birth at home.

It’s a good thing that Joy-Anna is apparently wiser than so many members of her family.

With a baby weighing over 10 pounds, the hospital is the place to be.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Leah Messer"s Daughter Rushed to Hospital After Frightening Health Scare

If you watched this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, you know there was no shortage of intense drama.

In fact, there was so much packed into one episode that the three-way conflict between Kailyn Lowry, Jenelle Evans and Javi Marroquin threatened to overshadow one of the series’ most intense scenes to date.

Longtime viewers know that Leah Messer’s daughter, Ali, suffers from muscular dystrophy, which has resulted in numerous complications over the years.

In last night’s episode, Leah received a nightmare phone call from her ex, Corey Simms, informing her that Ali needed to be rushed to the hospital efter experiencing breathing difficulties.

“The reason I am calling is because Ali is having a hard time catching her breath and I think I need to take to her to emergency room because she says she couldn’t breathe,” Simms informed Leah.

“She’s fine…I think it’s a little scarier for us. But we’d rather be safe than sorry.”

Naturally, Leah rushed to the emergency room to be certain that Leah was well taken care of.

Sadly, respiratory problems are no surprise for the family, and is one of the expected complications of Ali’s rare and incurable illness.

“The disorder affects her respiratory system and progresses the older she gets,” Leah said in an interview shortly after Ali was diagnosed.

“The bigger she gets and the more weight she gains, the harder it’ll be for her muscles to carry the weight.”

The hearts of millions of fans have broken along with Leah’s, as they’ve watched Ali’s condition deteriorate over the years.

Fortunately, the 7-year-old and her family remain optimistic about her future health prospects:

Leah took to Instagram after last night’s episode aired to assure fans that all is well:

“Muscular Dystrophy won’t stop our girl! We always want her to know that if she can dream it, then she can do it! We believe in her like she believes in herself!” Messer wrote.

“We didn’t want her to feel different in a special needs class, but if it was in the best interest of Ali Girl, that’s all that mattered!”

Fans have expressed heartfelt warm wishes to Leah and Ali, who has served as an insipiration on a series loaded with cautionary tales.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many chellenges overcome by the courageous ladies of the Messer clan.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Scott Disick: Friends Fear Liver Disease as Frightening Bender Continues

Full-blown alcoholism is never funny, but there was a time when Scott Disick’s proclivity for heavy drinking was dismissed as more of a quirky personality trait than a serious threat to his health.

He was like Norm from Cheers, if the rest of the bar had been filled with people who were constantly taking photos of their own butts.

Now, sadly, Scott has reached the point where his drinking is definitively no laughing matter, and fans are said to be deeply concerned for the 34-year-old’s health.

According to Radar Online, Scott is contending with several relatively serious health problems, and his inner circle believes things will only get far worse if he continues on the path that he’s on.

“Scott’s on a fast track to liver disease the way he’s going,” a source close to Scott tells the website.

“His blood pressure’s not good either. There’s absolutely no way his body can carry on like this.”

The insider goes on to detail Scott’s daily booze intake, and it sounds like the father of the three has reached the point of rivaling Hemingway and the other self-destructive drunks of yore:

“He’ll easily down several bottles of champagne in a day, a large bottle of vodka, tequila shots and wine – and that’s not sharing either,” says the source. 

Disick has been a heavy drinker for at least as long as he’s been in the public eye, but over the past couple years, the events of his personal life seem to have triggered a dangerous downward spiral that has him careening toward a potentially deadly rock bottom.

Not long after Disick’s parents died within a few months of one another in 2013 and 2014, the reality star began experiencing a succession of rough patches in his marriage to Kourtney Kardashian, many of them of his own creation.

These days, the couple is broken up and sources say Scott’s current bender is the result of his frustrations over Kourtney’s relationship with Younes Bendjima.

The Kardashians find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place, as they’re reportedly worried about Scott, but at the same time, their top priority is the safety and peace of mind of his three children with Kourtney.

Insiders say Disick will be required to take Breathalyzer tests before seeing his children, so as to ensure that he won’t be spending time with them while intoxicated.

Kris Jenner and company hope the move will force Scott to put the bottle down entirely, as the toll taken by his lifestyle is reportedly beginning to show:

“He’s already starting to look kind of yellow in his pallor which has set off alarm bells his liver could be failing,” the source tells Radar.

“He looks jaundiced and has to get a spray tan to give himself a credible color.”

Here’s hoping Scott gets the help he needs before it’s too late.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Liam Payne Baby Name: Announced! Frightening!

Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole have made it official:

They had a bear of a time coming up with a name for their brand new baby.

And mean this literally, based on confirmation from the One Direction singer that he and his gorgeous girlfriend have, indeed, decided to call their first child…


Yes, the name of Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole’s son is Bear Payne.

We’re guessing they decided on this moniker after one of the stars said he or she had a pain so terrible that he or she could hardly bear it.

Either that, or Liam and Cheryl are very big fans of Alicia Silverstone and Kate Winslet, both of whom actually also named their children Bear.

The mostly private couple welcomed Bear (LOL!) into the world on March 22, with Cole sharing the following precious photo of daddy and son on her Instagram page soon after.

Wrote Payne upon becoming a first-time father:

“My close friends and family know there are very few times when I’m left speechless… wow!

‘I’m incredibly happy to welcome our new baby boy into the world, it’s a moment that I will never forget for the rest of my life and my favourite memory I have so far.”

Added Payne of Cole:

“I’m completely in awe of his incredible mother and how she has been the whole way through this, she’s really made my dreams come true.”

Payne also said at the time that he and Cole had not come up with a name yet, although the precious bundle of joy was “already capturing hearts including mine. I feel very blessed.”

The Daily Mail first published a report on Tuesday that claimed the artist and the former X-Factor host had decided to go with Bear as the first name for their son.

And then Payne came forward and corroborated this report.

“Liam and Cheryl couldn’t decide on a name for ages and kept toing and froing between options,” wrote the newspaper, adding:

“But they both loved Bear and settled on it a few days ago. Despite the sleepless nights, the couple are completely smitten with little Bear.”

Upon reading this article, TV’s adventurer Bear Grylls tweeted at Liam, writing the following:

“Great choice! Love & blessings to you guys as you start on the greatest adventure… @CherylOfficial @LiamPayne.”


Even better? Payne replied!

“Thanks man hope he grows with an ounce of your courage! Your a boss,” wrote back Liam.

bear tweet

The question now is when Payne and Cole will get married.

Let’s face it: the question now is also this:

Is Bear the most ridiculous name any celebrity has ever given to his or her offspring? Bottom 10? Bottom five?

As you can see below, there are plenty of contenders for this (dis)honor…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jill Duggar: Frightening Health Concern Revealed?

For several months now, rumors about Derick Dillard’s health problems have been circulating amongst Duggar family fans.

Trailers seemed to promise that Dillard would confront those issues during the current season of Counting On, but thus far, the nature of his ailments remains a mystery.

And now, it seems the young Dillard clan may have even greater cause for concern, as Jill Duggar has received some frightening news from doctors.

On this week’s episode of Counting On, Jill went in for a routine checkup and was informed that her arteries appeared to have narrowed.

Jill took the news in stride, but no one wants to hear that their arteries have narrowed, particularly during a pregnancy.

The 25-year-old scheduled some follow-up tests, but the episode ended on something of a cliffhanger. 

(Hey, with Counting On ratings plummeting, the Duggars are doing what they can for storylines these days.)

The episode filmed several months ago, and there have been no further updates on Jill’s condition, so it’s probably safe to assume that there’s no immediate cause for grave concern.

Still, between Derick’s issues and Jill’s recent diagnosis, fans are left with a lot of questions.

The first and foremost of which is:

What exactly is going on with these two?

As fans of Counting On know, Jill and Derick recently returned from ten months in El Salvador, where they performed missionary work in one of the Central American country’s more impoverished communities.

They frequently spoke of the sub-standard living conditions in their community, and fans expressed concerns about Jill and Derick living in the Zika zone.

Jill didn’t get pregnant until after the couple had returned to the states, and the Dillards claim to have gotten the go-ahead from a doctor before conceiving.

In all likelihood, the Dillards’ health concerns are in no way related to Zika (though many questions remain about the virus’ effects on grown-ups).

However, now that both of them are ailing, it seems unlikely that their issues are in no way related to the time they spent abroad.

Our thoughts go out to the Dillards during this difficult time.

Watch Counting On online to stay up to date on the couple’s health concerns.


Monday, July 11, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Rushes Son to Hospital, Shares Frightening Story With Fans

Kailyn Lowry only recently became a single mom again when she separated from husband Javi Marroquin, but it seems she’s already experiencing the challenges of parenting on her own.

According to Radar Online, Kailyn’s son Isaac was rushed to the hospital on Sunday night.

Sources say the 6-year-old began showing troubling symptoms late last night.

Kailyn took him in to get checked out, and the boy is resting comfortably at home.

“He had a really high fever so Kail just wanted to get it checked out rather than wait for the doctor to be open today,” says one insider. 

“He’s home and fine now.”

Kailyn hinted that something was wrong on Twitter last night, but she didn’t go into specifics.

“I hate the doctors office,” she tweeted at one point.

Apparently the visit didn’t take very long, because less than an hour later she had resumed normal Twitter activity.

Which in this case meant joining the rest of us in wondering what the hell the latest gaming trend is all about:

“Wtf is this Pokemon sh-t?” Kailyn tweeted.

Like we said, it sounds like everything is back to normal in the Lowry household.

It also sounds like Kailyn can handle any challenges that single motherhood throws her way.

She has yet to work out a custody arrangement with Marroquin, but it’s looking like she’ll retain primary custody of their son.

Her Instagram bio now reads, “Single mom doing whatever it takes.”

We’d say that just about sums it up.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Jenelle Evans Receives Frightening Diagnosis For Mysterious Illness

Last month, Jenelle Evans was hospitalized after experiencing a number of symptoms that were initially chalked up to severe anxiety.

The news wasn’t terribly surprising, as the troubled mother of two leads an incredibly stressful life.

Jenelle returned home the same day, and it was widely assumed that her problem had been sufficiently addressed.

Recent developments, however, indicate that Evans is still struggling with some sort of ailment, and that it may be more than just anxiety making her sick.

Jenelle opened up about her health problems last week, revealing that she took a trip to New York City to undergo tesyting, but she didn’t provide any specifics about her symptoms or the results of the tests.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Jenelle has been hospitalized again

“She’s in the hospital in North Carolina right now,” says a source close to the situation. “She just went this morning. She drove herself and is there with Dave and Kaiser.”

“She can’t walk from her muscles in her legs and hips being so weak. She’s dizzy and very pale. She’s also having hot flashes and cramps.”

Apparently, doctors believe they may have discovered the root of the problem, and the tentative diagnosis is more than a little frightening: 

“They think it’s her pituitary gland in her brain causing all of this,” the insider says. “That might mean a tumor, but Jenelle’s not sure.”

The source adds that if doctors determine that Jenelle needs surgery, she’ll likely have to go under the knife as soon as possible.

Yet another difficulty in a life that’s already been full of challenges.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lamar Odom: Suffering Frightening Complications, Source Says

It’s been two weeks since Lamar Odom was hospitalized after nearly dying from an overdose at a Nevada brothel.

During that time, the former NBA star has made remarkable progress in his recovery, with hospital sources saying Odom is out of his coma and able to engage in simple conversations.

Unfortunately, Lamar still has a long road ahead of him, and there are sure to be bumps along the way.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that after several days of good news, Odom suffered a major setback earlier this week.

“Lamar is suffering from complications because of the kidney failure,” says one insider.

“The dialysis is messing up Lamar’s ability to think and speak clearly, which is one of the reasons his doctors are unsure about the extent of any permanent brain damage.

“Lamar has also had some heart problems as his blood pressure has gotten low during the dialysis.”

The news has reportedly come as a blow to Odom’s family and friends, who has been by Odom’s bedside throughout his recovery. 

On the plus side, it’s easier to treat kidney damage than brain damage, so if Odom’s difficulties with speech and motor skills are the result of the dialysis process, his latest diagnosis may actually turn out be good news.