Showing posts with label Mysterious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mysterious. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Samantha Markle Gets Denied from Kensington Palace, Leaves Mysterious Note for Sister

Samantha Markle put her money where her mouth is on Saturday morning.

Or, to be more accurate, Samantha Markle put her wheelchair where her Twitter account has been.

What we’re trying to is this:


The awful half-sister of Meghan Markle actually tried to see the Duchess of Sussex at Kensington Place over the weekend.

According to The Daily Mirror, which has even published photos of Samantha at the gates of this famous residence, Markle’s evil sibling made good on her threat to try and see the Royal Beauty early yesterday.

Samantha – who suffers from multiple sclerosis – was pushed by her partner in a wheelchair through an open gate.

British news outlets have sincereported that she got into a verbal “stand-off” with an officer guarding a security checkpoint and was turned away.

Finally convinced she would not make it through, Samantha handed a guard a white envelope and then left.

“Everybody would love to know what’s in that letter,” Samantha tweeted on Sunday.

sam letter

Samantha, of course, is 17 years old than Meghan.

They share the same father, but never shared a household growing up.

They barely really know each other.

Yet this lack of a relationship hasn’t stopped Samantha from publicly disparaging and harassing Meghan, almost since the moment Meghan started dating Prince Harry.

On endless irritating, cruel and self-serving occasions, Samantha has fired off Tweets or given interviews in which she accused Meghan of being a phony… a hypocrite… a spoiled brat… and even a dog killer.

But whatever.

Meghan has almost entirely maintained the high ground and never responded to her half-sister ridiculous rants.

One must wonder whether this will change now that Samantha dared to actually get into the Palace. That’s scared territory.

“This was a huge move on the part of Meghan’s sister to try to see her face to face and the fact she was turned away speaks volumes,” a source told The Mirror, adding:

“This is the closest Meghan has come physically to that side of her family since she married into the royal family but palace staff had clearly been instructed not to allow her access.”

Can you blame her?!?

Just about a week ago, Samantha actually issued Meghan an apology, saying on air:

“There is so much water under the bridge and so much has spun out of control that was never intended to.

“I think everybody [in our family] was hurt at not being included or invited to the wedding, but I felt as though it could have all been nipped in the bud had everyone been included.

“We all just agreed to move forward with positive resolve and the hurt feelings wouldn’t have snowballed.”

In this same sit-down with Great Britain’s Channel 5, Samantha said of her visit overseas:

“I’ve always wanted to see London, but really I wanted to make the trip and sort of speak the wishes and thoughts and sentiments of my father, and hopefully get a message to my sister.”

It appears as if she has now at least done that.

But who the heck knows whether Meghan will bother to read it.

She has far better things to do these days than entertain any thoughts at all about someone such as Samantha Markle.

Such as what, you may be wondering?

Such as GETTING PREGNANT, of course!


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Danielle Mullins FINALLY Explains Her Mysterious Genital Odor!

Just days after announcing that she can prove that Mohamed Jbali cheated on her, 90 Day Fiance star Danielle Mullins tried to answer her most frequently asked fan questions.

She’s addressing how she really feels about Mohamed, and publicly addressing her alleged genital odor — the one that Mohamed publicly accused her of having.

She also gives an update on her life and explains, once and for all, why she’s still going by Danielle Jbali.

The eagle-eyed folks over at The Ashley noticed that Danielle addressed her “hygiene” rumors in a social media post.

“I don’t hate Mohamed as a person,” Danielle writes on Facebook. “I hate the things he has done to me.”

By which she means that he allegedly cheated on her, used her to get a green card despite telling her he loved her, and also withheld sex during their marriage — with the exception of one time, to consummate it.

“When you are fighting and emotional you say things you later regret,” Danielle says of her previous outbursts of anger towards her ex.

“I am at peace with all my decisions,” Danielle says. “And I am living my life.”

She then says that God will hold Mohamed accountable for how he treated her.

Danielle writes: “Mohamed will have to face his judgement when he dies and has to answer to Allah.”

“The second thing I want to address and this is the last time I will answer this,” Danielle continues. “About my last name.”

“I made the decision to keep my married name,” she explains. “Because right now it is not important to me to change it.”

She really wants to clear the air on this.

“Just because I kept it,” Danielle emphasizes. “Does not mean I want Mohamed, love him, want to remain relevant, or obessed with him.”


Danielle also explains that costs and hassle are barriers to a name change — something that many of her fans do not seem to grasp.

“I made my decision on finances and time. It costs money with documents to change it,” Danielle spells out.

Danielle writes: “All of the documents that costs money are my drivers license, school ID, passport, STNA license, and home and car titles.”

She adds that she would have to personally travel to some locations to handle the fallout from a name change. Also, you have to appear in court.

“My time is invested into my kids, grandkids, family, friends, school, and work,” Danielle says. “When I am not working or hanging with loved ones I am working on school stuff.”

In other words, she does not have time for yet another name change.

“The third thing I want to address,” Danielle writes. “Is when Mohamed said I needed to see a doctor for hyigene issues and a medical condition.”

Oh, that would be discussing her alleged genital odor, which was said to be so unpleasant that many felt that Mohamed was accusing Danielle of having an STI.

She wants people to know that any odor between her legs does not come from a lack of washing.

“I am in the medical field and I take a shower every day,” Danielle says. “Because in this line of work you don’t know what you can bring home on your clothes or uniform.”

You actually do not need to explain why you shower every day! Most of us do so and also assume that everyone else does.

“First I have found out within the past year that it,” Danielle writes of the rumor. “Was started by a fan who befriended Mohamed and I both.”

Danielle confesses: “I had let her into my facebook because I thought she was a true friend but later on found out after the fact she was not.”

Why … would anyone ever allow someone else who is not a paid social media manager to go through their social media account? Yikes.

“She took screenshots of private conversations,” Danielle alleges. “And passed them around.”

Not cool.

‘Mohamed also knows about the time he said these things,” she says. “I was having issues with my periods and eventually had a biopsy that he took me to.”

Oh dear!

“And later on,” Danielle reveals. “I had a surgical procedure done that my daughters were there for me.”

“The last thing I want to address is the What Now episodes where I drove to Maryland to meet a guy named Nelson,” she writes.

“First of all, I have friends in Maryland that I go see every so often, I see these friends on particular trips also,” Danielle explains. “And Maryland is like my second home.”

“Nelson and I started talking last summer for several months,” Danielle reveals. “And one of my trips to Maryland I actually met up with him for 30 minutes and we had agreed next time I came back we would go out on a date.”

“The next time on my way to Maryland, I had texted Nelson to let him know I was on my way,” she writes.

“And he wanted to come to my hotel room at 2am when I arrived after being up since 6am and driving six hours,” Danielle says. “And I told him no, he can wait till our next date on Sunday.”

This did not go over well.

“He got mad,” Danielle says. “Because I would not let him come to my hotel room and stood me up.”

It sounds like she dodged another bullet with that dude.

“I am happy in my life and living my life for me,” Danielle writes. “And not fans of the show.”

In other words, she doesn’t owe anyone an explanation.

“I am in college getting ready to finish my classes and starting my fall classes the end of August,” she shares. “I work with mentally handicapped adults and I have a second job as a home health aide.”

She also provides an update on her family.

“My daughters are all doing very well,” Danielle announces. “My oldest daughter attends college and works. My middle daughter is starting her senior year of high school and working. My youngest daughter will be a junior in high school.”

“They have friends and boyfriends,” Danielle shares. “And most of the time their friends and boyfriends are at our house.”

That is so sweet.

“My son is engaged to the mother of his children,” Danielle reminds fans. “And they are excepting another baby in October.”

In case you had forgotten, Danielle is a grandmother.

‘I never claimed to be perfect,” Danielle writes. “And I am still learning in this life.”

We all are, Danielle.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Michael Cohen Says Donald Trump Lied About Mysterious Russia Meeting


Michael Cohen has just dropped a bombshell on America.

Might it serve as the first step toward the impeachment of President Donald Trump?

On Thursday night, CNN reported that the President’s personal lawyer of over two decades is willing to testify to special investigator Robert Mueller that Mr. Trump knew in advance about a meeting in Trump Tower that took place two years ago.

In this June 2016 sit-down – which Donald Trump Jr. and other advisors close to then-candidate Trump have admitted to attending – Russians were expected to offer the campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Emails dug up by The New York Times about a year ago proved that Trump Jr. was made aware ahead of this meeting that the Russians wanted to discuss ways to bring down Clinton.

He responded with enthusiasm to that possibility.


After the meeting was exposed, Trump Jr. and other administration officials went on record with multiple claims that Cohen is now willing to dispute:

1. That the meeting was fruitless and no information about Clinton was brought up.

2. Far more damaging, that President Trump had no idea the meeting took place.

Cohen alleges he was present, along with several other inidividuals, when the elder Trump was informed of the Russians’ offer by Trump Jr.

By Cohen’s account, per CNN, Trump gave the green light to this gathering between his campaign staff and representatives from a foreign adversary.

To be clear, Cohen does NOT have any recordings that can back up his claim.

He is simply willing to testify under oath that he witnessed Trump give his son the go-ahead for the Russian pow wow.

This is pertinent because the attorney did tape Trump on numerous occasions back when he met frequently with his famous client; one recently-released tape features Trump and Cohen discussing payment to keep quiet a story about his affair with Karen McDougal.

What is discussed in the video below may violate campaign finance law. Take a listen:

Trump himself has repeatedly pleaded ignorance about this infamous meeting between his advisors and shady folks from Russia.

He has one said on more than one thousand occasions that there has been NO COLLUSION between his administration and the Vladimir Putin-led regime.

Contacted by CNN, one of Cohen’s lawyers, Lanny Davis, declined to comment.

As always, however, Rudy Giuliani was very happy to speak out and to make things a million times worse for his client, President Trump.

“He’s been lying all week, he’s been lying for years,” Rudy Giuliani said to Chris Cuomo on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” on Thursday night.

This is really the only approach Giuliani and his team can take, we suppose, but it’s an ironic one.

They are saying that the President’s personal attorney and close confidante is a liar.

One can’t help but logically wonder, therefore, just what is was lying about and for whom he was doing said lying.

“I don’t see how he’s got any credibility,” Giuliani added in response to Cohen’s allegation about this Russian meeting.

Several months ago, Cohen’s office was (legally) raised by investigator in New York who had obtained a search warrant.

He’s under scrutiny by federal prosecutors in Manhattan due to all the dealings he has been responsible for as the lawyer for Trump.

The June 2016 meeting at the center of this scandal was arranged after a publicist who knew Trump Jr. told him that a senior Russian official “offered to provide the Trump campaign” with damaging information about Clinton.

This email also said this information was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Trump. Jr. responded as follows, in a message made public about a year ago: “if it’s what you say, I love it.”

At the meeting, Trump Jr. was joined by his brother-in-law Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, who was Trump’s campaign chairman at the time.

The President said on July 12, 2017, that he “only heard about it two or three days ago.”

A week later, Trump repeated that he “didn’t know anything about the meeting” because “nobody told me” about it.

Now, however, Cohen is saying the opposite, that Trump played a key role in approving this meeting and in pushing his staff to collude with the Russians.

Strap in, folks. The ride may just get even bumpier from here on out.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer Posts Baby Bump Pic Following Mysterious Social Media Hiatus

Back in May, Mackenzie Standifer disappeared from social media.

Her reasons were obvious, of course.

Standifer"s husband, Ryan Edwards, has been involved in just about every sort of scandal imaginable in the past few months.

The downward spiral began when Edwards got arrested several months ago, and it"s continued in shocking fashion ever since.

At a certain point, Mackenzie probably got sick of dealing with a new controversy every time she logged in.

Fans are happy to see Standifer back on Instagram — but they still have a lot of questions about her absence.

1. Before the Fall

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

There was a time when Mackenzie and Ryan actually appeared to have a happy marriage. That didn’t last long.

2. A Rocky Start

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Things got off to a bad start when Ryan got so high on his wedding day that he passed out while driving to the church.

3. Turning It Around?

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

Shortly thereafter, Ryan checked into rehab, and it briefly looked as though he was committed to making his marriage work.

4. Worse By the Day

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Shortly thereafter, it was revealed that Ryan had been using a dating app to help him find suitable cheating partners.

5. Bad Timing

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

All of this came on the heels of news that Standifer is pregnant with Ryan’s baby. It will be the second child for both partners, but their first as a couple.

6. The Long Goodbye

Kenzie standifer

Like we said, it’s not hard to see why Mackennzie needed a break from social media — but we’re having a hard time understanding why she returned.

View Slideshow

Monday, January 8, 2018

Matt Roloff Shares Mysterious Video, Prompts Engagement Speculation

Matt Roloff has shared a new video on Instagram that reveals absolutely nothing…

… and yet possibly everything at the same time.

In the footage, which we’ve posted below, the Little People, Big World patriarch is behind the wheel of his car.

He pans over to a house (for some reason) and then over to the passenger seat, where long-time girlfriend Caryn Chandler is just hanging out and smiling.

Roloff remarks that he can’t film his Instagram Story while he’s driving and, well, that’s it.

Like we said, it reveals absolutely nothing, right?

Or did Matt intend on giving his followers a look at the home he and Chandler have purchased together, but was simply unable to do so at that moment?

Before (over) analyzing the video in question, take a look at it here:

Roloff has been dating Chandler for about a year now.

The romance is not without its complications and controversies, however, considering Chandler got to know Matt by working as the manager at his family’s farm.

Yes, the same farm ex-wife Amy also owns.

Caryn and Amy weren’t best friends or anything, but they certainly knew each other fairly well when the former started to date Matt.

As a result, many TLC viewers continue to give Matt a hard time for this relationship, putting the reality star on blast any time he shares a photo with Chandler.

They understand the two are dating; they just don’t think Roloff ought to be flaunting it on social media or in public.

For the record, meanwhile, here’s a photo of Chandler, taken from the video above.

It didn’t help quiet matters when Chandler allegedly snubbed Amy back in October.

According to a bombshell report, Caryn organized a big birthday party for Matt and invited all of his loved ones… except for Amy.

Some might say this is perfectly normal (Why would a girlfriend invite her lover’s ex-wife to a party she’s hosting?), but others might argue that the invitation would have been a nice gesture.

It’s not as though Amy and Matt don’t talk often, after all.

And Amy likely would have turned it down anyway.

Moreover, the party was held at the farm. And Amy was at the farm on the day of the party!

“It definitely felt like she was being usurped at her own farm by Matt’s new girlfriend,” a source told Radar Online.

The thing is, Amy has a boyfriend of her own.

She seems VERY happy with Chris Marek and does not need your pity.

So you can go ahead and speculate on Matt’s relationship status. You can wonder about the meaning of this attempt at an Instagram Story.

Just know one thing for sure:

Amy isn’t doing that. She has happily moved on.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Taylor Swift Not Doing Mysterious "Good Morning America" Gig

Taylor Swift fans got duped hard into thinking she was following up her record-breaking single and music vid debut with a live performance, but someone pulled a fast one … TMZ has learned. Fans thought Taylor was appearing on ‘GMA’ Friday…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Casey Affleck Files Mysterious Divorce Docs, But Settlement Reached

Casey Affleck and his estranged wife, Summer Phoenix, will NOT have a nasty, drawn-out divorce — despite a weird filing — we’ve learned it’s all settled already. Casey filed docs Monday responding to Summer’s divorce petition … filed…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Richard Simmons Gets Mysterious Visit from LAPD Cops (PHOTO)

Richard Simmons got a mysterious visit Wednesday from the LAPD. Cops were walking the grounds of Simmons’ estate, and it’s particularly odd because Richard wasn’t there … he’s in the hospital dealing with gastrointestinal issues. There was a…


Richard Simmons Gets Mysterious Visit from LAPD Cops (PHOTO)

Richard Simmons got a mysterious visit Wednesday from the LAPD. Cops were walking the grounds of Simmons’ estate, and it’s particularly odd because Richard wasn’t there … he’s in the hospital dealing with gastrointestinal issues. There was a…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

"This Is Us" Star Milo Ventimiglia Joins Mysterious Cast (VIDEO)

Milo Ventimiglia dies on his show, “This Is Us,” although we don’t know how … we also don’t know how he broke his arm. We got the Pearsons’ flashback father Tuesday night in NYC, where he was swarmed by fans wanting his John Hancock, but…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Donald Trump, Mysterious Inauguration Misstep By Soldiers (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s inaugural speech did not go off without a hitch — there was a clear fumble by the military — but everyone’s clammed up. Trump began speaking and a minute and a half later, 8 men in uniform walk the steps and flank the prez from…


Donald Trump, Mysterious Inauguration Misstep By Soldiers (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s inaugural speech did not go off without a hitch — there was a clear fumble by the military — but everyone’s clammed up. Trump began speaking and a minute and a half later, 8 men in uniform walk the steps and flank the prez from…


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

NFL"s Keion Carpenter Died from Blunt Force Trauma Following Mysterious Fall

Officials have determined ex-NFL player Keion Carpenter died from traumatic brain injuries suffered in a fall during his Miami vacation … but why he fell remains a mystery.  TMZ Sports obtained the autopsy report for the 39-year-old former…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Blac Chyna Teases Mysterious Drama with Rob Kardashian

Blac Chyna has taken a break from bragging about her post-baby weight loss to tease some major drama between her and Rob Kardashian.

What is going on? Why might Chyna have beef with her man? What will this mean for their plans to co-parent new daughter Dream?

We’re guessing Chyna will tell fans to tune in to E! Sunday in order to find out!

Just days before she and Rob make their brief return to reality television via a baby-themed special, the mother of two has shared a cryptic message on her Instagram account.

“I have some things I want to get off my chest about how I truly feel about Rob …” the 28-year former model shared via a screenshot of her iPhone notepad.

No context was given to the warning, although it isn’t difficult to figure out.

chyna tease

Rob and Chyna have been doing very well of late.

The stars are living together once again and Chyna even gifted Rob with a Range Rover on Wednesday night.

The expensive present followed Chyna gushing over Kardashian on social media, writing “I love this man @robkardashian,” along with a collage of PDA-filled photos featuring the father of her second child.

But a happy couple does not generate headlines.

A happy couple has no storylines to offer on Rob & Chyna Season 2, which just received a green light from E! and which will air some time in 2017.

In light of their series pickup, Rob posted videos of himself kissing Chyna and showering her with $ 100 bills.

It was both sweet and romantic, but it gave viewers no reason to watch Rob & Chyna online when the show returned.

Now, however?

If the couple can continue to tease out drama and act as though it has some major problems to work on?

Ratings gold, people!

And it’s not as though Rob and Chyna don’t have plenty of experience in fighting and splitting to draw on.

The famously annoying pair have broken up multiple times… deleted each other from their Instagram accounts and, most recently, prior to becoming parents, moved out of one another’s homes.

So while a Rob and Chyna wedding date has been set; and while the following is a very sweet new picture of the couple…

… let’s give Chyna some credit.

She knows that drama sells.

And she now has fans dying to find out her “true feelings” about Rob, be them positive or negative.

She really is a true Kardashian.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Jenelle Evans Receives Frightening Diagnosis For Mysterious Illness

Last month, Jenelle Evans was hospitalized after experiencing a number of symptoms that were initially chalked up to severe anxiety.

The news wasn’t terribly surprising, as the troubled mother of two leads an incredibly stressful life.

Jenelle returned home the same day, and it was widely assumed that her problem had been sufficiently addressed.

Recent developments, however, indicate that Evans is still struggling with some sort of ailment, and that it may be more than just anxiety making her sick.

Jenelle opened up about her health problems last week, revealing that she took a trip to New York City to undergo tesyting, but she didn’t provide any specifics about her symptoms or the results of the tests.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Jenelle has been hospitalized again

“She’s in the hospital in North Carolina right now,” says a source close to the situation. “She just went this morning. She drove herself and is there with Dave and Kaiser.”

“She can’t walk from her muscles in her legs and hips being so weak. She’s dizzy and very pale. She’s also having hot flashes and cramps.”

Apparently, doctors believe they may have discovered the root of the problem, and the tentative diagnosis is more than a little frightening: 

“They think it’s her pituitary gland in her brain causing all of this,” the insider says. “That might mean a tumor, but Jenelle’s not sure.”

The source adds that if doctors determine that Jenelle needs surgery, she’ll likely have to go under the knife as soon as possible.

Yet another difficulty in a life that’s already been full of challenges.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Hospitalized For Mysterious Illness!

Jenelle Evans has experienced just about every kind of drama over the past few years, but none of it has been more worrisome that her frequent health scares.

Jenelle has been hospitalized for everything from unexplained injuries to dehydration, and now Radar Online is reporting that the troubled Teen Mom star is currently laid up for unknown reasons.

“Jenelle is in the hospital right now and has been in and out all week. She doesn’t know what’s wrong,” a source close to the situation tells Radar. 

A different insider believes her condition may something to do with Jenelle’s recent arrest and looming court date:

“She said she was too stressed,” says the second source. “She went to the hospital for anxiety.

“Her nerves are all messed up in her body and she has restless leg syndrome and can hardly walk. She has shortness of breath and loss of coordination and balancing when walking.

“She’s having hot flashes like insane and overload in ever sense of her body. She feels like she has arthritis in her knees.”

It seems, however, that despite receiving multiple opinions, Jenelle simply doesn’t agree with that diagnosis:

“Jenelle doesn’t think it’s stress-related,” says the source.

“The other hospital said it was anxiety, but they ran simple blood tests and Jenelle told them they were wrong, and to take a thyroid test on her. They refused and discharged her and sent her home.”

Jenelle has since been re-admitted and the insider says, “They are testing everything now.”

Here’s hoping for the best. If there’s anyone who doesn’t need more drama in her life, it’s Jenelle.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic to relive the roller coaster ride that is Ms. Evans’ life.