Showing posts with label Casey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Casey. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Casey Aldridge Jamie Lynn"s Baby Daddy Busted For Prescription Pills


Jamie Lynn Spears‘ baby daddy got arrested for drug possession after police say they found him out cold behind the wheel of a vehicle. 
Cops in Mississippi busted Casey Aldridge last week, and according to the arrest report, obtained by TMZ, he had several different p...
Casey Aldridge Jamie Lynn"s Baby Daddy Busted For Prescription Pills

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Lisa Casey in "Mission: Impossible" "Memba Her?!

Lynda Day George is best-known for her character, Lisa Casey, in the later seasons of the “Mission: Impossible“ TV series in the early ’70s, but was also in big shows like “Route 66,” “Bonanza” and “Flipper.” Guess what she looks like now!
Lisa Casey in "Mission: Impossible" "Memba Her?!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Casey Anthony Shops at Dollar Tree Wearing Ruth Bader Ginsburg T-Shirt

Casey Anthony feels a connection to, of all people, United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg … seriously. Anthony picked up a few things at a Dollar Tree Saturday in West Palm Beach, Florida. Check out her T — a pic of RGB with the…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

George Anthony: Terrified that Casey Anthony Might Have Another Kid

To the collective horror of the world, recent reports revealed that Casey Anthony might have another child.

No one is more personally connected to Casey, one of the most hated women in America, than her parents.

George and Cindy Anthony went on Dr. Oz to discuss the grm possibility that they might have a new grandchild.

In an appearance on Dr. Oz, George Anthony was very straightforward about his reaction to reports that Casey might have another child.

“Knowing now that she could potentially be a mom again,” George says. “I hope she does better this time around than what she did last time.”

That is … a massive understatement. No child deserves to die like that.

“If she is granted a chance to have another child,” he says, he has some wishes.

“I hope that child is strong,” George says, adding that he hopes that such a child “grows up to be a worthwhile part of society.”

Strong enough to endure a childhood with Casey as a mother.

Casey Anthony parents speak out Dr. Oz

“And,” George adds, he has wishes about “the person that she has the child with.”

Real talk, for a moment — what sort of person not only spends time with and falls in love with Casey, but willingly conceives a child with her?

“I hope they are going to love her and that child immensely,” George continues.

“I hope whatever life she has left,” George says of his estranged daughter. “That she makes something positive happen in her life.”

Sometimes, after an acquittal, that’s the best thing that you could wish.

George and Cindy were very honest about their frustrations with Casey, and about their conflicted feelings.

The two of them still feel that they don’t know everything about poor Caylee Anthony’s death.

Cindy, it seems, still believes that there was someone else involved.

George admits that he wants to hug his daughter — but that he also feels a violent need for real answers about Caylee’s death.

Many who watched the trial unfold feel that they know enough already, or even too much.

In 2017, Casey seemed dismissive of the idea of having a child, because of the stigma that being her child would bring.

“If I am blessed enough to have another child,” Casey said at the time, teasing the possibility.

Casey then rephrased: “if I’d be dumb enough to bring another kid into this world.”

She said that it would be dumb “knowing that there’d be a potential that some little snot-nosed kid would then say something mean to my kid.”

Casey then said: “I don’t think I could live with that.”

Coming from her, that’s really saying something, since it seems that she can “live with” a lot.

Recent reports from reliable media, such as People, showed that Casey has apparently changed her tune about having another child.

“For a long time she was like ‘no way,"” the insider said.

That was a small comfort to people who can’t stop imagining what Caylee’s final moments on this Earth must have been like.

“But time has changed that,” the source warned. “And she’s now open to it in a way she hasn’t been before.”

No thank you, please.

We should be clear — it’s not that most people think that Casey is planning to have another baby just to murder that child.

It’s that it’s difficult to imagine such a child growing up in a loving home.

No one believes that a loving mother’s child would have met Caylee’s fate, and it’s difficult to imagine that Casey has quietly redeemed herself into a new, good person.

If George and Cindy are talking about her with such gentle language, it means that they hope to reconcile with her.

Perhaps they feel that it would be the best way to give some future grandchild a chance.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Casey Anthony: I"ll Be a GREAT Mom to My Next Baby!!

Casey Anthony earned infamy after being acquitted in 2011 for the murder of her young daughter.

To the horror of millions, Casey is a free woman, even though this has destroyed her remaining family.

And now, a chilling new report says that Casey is thinking about having another child.

In Touch reports that, according to a source close to the accused killer, Casey Anthony wants to have another child.

“She’s been saying she’s ready to have a new family,” an insider claims.

Casey’s last child’s skeletal remains were found with duct tape still on them within a trash bag in the woods near Casey’s house.

Despite that, the source says, “she believes she has a bright future.”

“And,” most jarringly of all, the insider saays that Casey believes that she “can be a good mom.”

In case the current state of the world is not enough nightmare fuel for you, there’s this spine-chilling report.

Linda Bills was one of the jurors for Casey Anthony’s infamous murder trial.

Speaking to In Touch, the former Juror Number Four admits that she does not like the idea of Casey being in charge of another defenseless child.

“We did what we thought was right,” she says of the jury’s bizarre verdict.

“[But] it took some time for [the case] to get out of your mind,” Linda admits.

She shares that she has been haunted by the details, saying: “it stayed in my mind for a very long time.”

Linda Bills says that, in light of how Casey’s daughter died, she is not exactly enamored with the thought of Casey giving the late Caylee a younger sibling.

“I really don’t think she should have another child,” Linda admits.

Though she could certainly say a lot more, she is reluctant to continue discussing the subject.

“That’s all I want to say,” Linda concludes.

Some would suggest that any jurors who feel that Casey should not have another child could have made sure of that by voting to convict.

At the time, they felt that the state had not met its burden of proof.

Back in 2017, Casey herself spoke to the Associated Press.

“If I am blessed enough to have another child,” she said, filling readers with dread.

Casey then rephrased.

“If I’d be dumb enough to bring another kid into this world,” Casey said. “Knowing that there’d be a potential that some little snot-nosed kid would then say something mean to my kid.”

So her worst fear is that her child might find out the grisly fate that her other child met.

“I don’t think I could live with that,” Casey said with no hint of irony.

In 2017, Casey warned In Touch that she doesn’t intend to remain hidden from the world forever.

“Eventually people will be seeing more of me,” Casey announced.

Returning to public life could very well mean having a child, as scary as that sounds.

“I am not hiding from something I did not do,” Casey declared.

That is a statement on which most people can agree, if not in the sense that Casey means.

Of course, if you believe that she murdered Caylee, then you believe that she is hiding from something she did do.

Ultimately, people may have to accept that, like O.J. Simpson and so many members of the current government, Casey may remain free.

No matter what vicious crimes people feel extreme certainty that she committed, twelve random people decided that she gets to live her life.

Maybe that’s the way that it should be.

Or maybe that’s an indictment of our entire messy, deeply flawed “justice” system.

We’ll just hope that the report that she’s considering bringing another child into the world is from a misinformed source.

The alternative would keep too many people up at night.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

"Revenge of the Nerds" Star Bernie Casey Allegedly Attacked Wife Before Death

The estate of Bernie Casey — a former NFL star turned actor — is being sued by a woman claiming to be his widow who alleges the 78-year-old violently tackled her to the ground just 1 week before his death.  The woman behind the suit is Cheryl…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Andre Drummond Fired Up for Dwane Casey, "Can"t Wait to Have Him"

Andre Drummond says he’s a HUGE fan of his new head coach, Dwane Casey — and tells TMZ Sports he can’t wait for Casey to join the Pistons so they can kill it next season.  “Love Dwane Casey,” Drummond told us at the Fortnite Pro Am at E3…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Casey Anthony"s Mom Storms Off Set During Interview

Casey Anthony is almost universally reviled. Despite her acquittal, most people continue to believe that she murdered her young daughter, Caylee.

Her parents, George and Cindy, are tired of being viewed only as the parents of a monster. So they sat down for an interview with A&E.

Their discussion unfortunately become heated, and Cindy Anthony ultimately stormed off in anger.

George says that Casey and Caylee were there when he got home from work, but not every night.

“Most times, but a few times she wasn’t.”

He says that there were a few days at a time when his daughter and granddaughter would be missing when he arrived.

“Because that was a night she was supposedly going to spend a night with the nanny or one of her friends”

We all remember Casey’s fictitious nanny — the one named Zanny.

Zanny did not exist.

Cindy had misgivings about doing the interview from the start, and she becomes very obviously defensive a the suggestion that she did not know her granddaughter’s whereabouts.

Cindy speaks up.

“George, as far as Caylee goes, I knew when that child was not here.”

George agrees, but says:

“About six months before we saw a couple different times where she’d be gone for a couple of days.”

Cindy says that it wasn’t often, however.

“Casey and Caylee did not stay out for two or three days, I know that for a fact. Caylee was always here.”

Interviewer Elizabeth Vargas asks: “So Caylee never spent the night somewhere else?”

Cindy admits:

“Maybe one or two times, cause I wouldn’t go to bed unless I knew Caylee was tucked in.”

George tries to assure Cindy, from whom he had been in the process of getting a divorce when the couple learned that Casey was pregnant, that he’s not trying to antagonize her.

“Listen I don’t want to get upset with you, I don’t want to upset anyone anymore but I just now what I witnessed…”

This, however, is when another contentious issue comes up — one thankfully less upsetting than the murder of their granddaughter.

See, once upon a time, money went missing from Cindy’s purse. George was blamed.

George says that Casey is the one who stole the cash, which is something that everyone but Cindy has no problem accepting.

George also confesses that, at one point, Cindy allegedly stole money from Caylee’s savings account.

Cindy says:

“But George, Casey learned by example.”

This is when she storms off of the set. She blames him for Casey’s dishonest behavior.

“There was different things that I got the blame for,” George acknowledges at one point.

Cindy insists, however:

“No, but I’m telling you, you lied to me for several years.”

And she believes that there is a direct, causal link to Casey.

“And that’s where our daughter got it.”

He does not disagree, but Cindy goes on to try to give an unusual characterization of Casey.

“Casey was just a very spirited child. She had a lot of energy, she was just the light of our lives.”

Cindy continues, speaking of Casey’s youth, before she was one of America’s most hated people.

“She made people smile. Casey was very popular. She had tons of friends and lots of little boyfriends.”

We think that what Cindy is doing here is two things.

One, she is still having trouble grappling witht he knowledge that her daughter is a monster.

Two, she seems to be afraid that her granddaughter’s death was somehow her fault and wants to blame it on her husband.

Some people think that monstrous adults were monstrous children, but this is rarely the case.

We wish George and Cindy peace. They lost their granddaughter to an unthinkable act of evil.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Casey Anthony Drinks Alone at Florida Irish Pub, Chats Up Patrons

If you’ve never heard the one about Casey Anthony walking into a bar by herself, buckle up … ‘cause it’s a real knee-slapper. Casey was drinking for one on Sunday at O’Shea’s Irish Pub in West Palm Beach, FL right around happy hour time … and…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Casey Affleck Bails on The Oscars, Won"t Present Best Actress Award

Casey Affleck is backing out of presenting at the upcoming Academy Awards … TMZ has learned. The Academy tells us … Affleck notified them he won’t be presenting the Best Actress award at the Oscars on March 4, which is traditionally always…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

TMZ Live: Casey Affleck & James Franco: Oscar Ban?

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kim & Kanye: New Baby Pic Update!  Tom Cruise: Crazy Stunt Gone Wrong Amber Rose: Goodbye, Big Boobs! Will Smith: Wild Zoo Adventure 


"OITNB" Star Lea DeLaria Says Casey Affleck Should Not Present at the Oscars

Casey Affleck is a dirty scumbag who should be banned from attending the Academy Awards because he’s a predator … so says “Orange Is the New Black” star Lea DeLaria. We got Lea at LAX Tuesday and asked her if Casey — who last year won…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Casey Anthony: Dating Again? Is She Still Single?

Casey Anthony apparently gets a lot of attention from members of the opposite sex these days, despite the whole child murderer rap.

Yes. More than six years after she was acquitted of murder in the death of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, the guys are lining up.

According to a new report, Casey has slowly abandoned the reclusive lifestyle she was basically forced into over the last half-decade.

As a result, single men in her area are taking notice!

“Enough time has passed that she’s not as toxic as she used to be,” says a source close to the polarizing 31-year-old Anthony.

“She’s going out now and then. She’s got a circle of friends, and guys are paying attention to her again,” the insider reported.

“Guys are even asking her out now.”

Another source adds that when she’s out, “people pretty much leave her alone. She can go out and no one really bothers her.”

That’s a stark contrast to a few years ago, where she would receive scorn at best and death threats at worst if she went out.

So is Casey Anthony single now?

By all accounts yes, though she was linked to Patrick McKenna, the lead investigator of the defense team that got her acquitted.

She has worked for McKenna and lived with him since the highly publicized trial, after which she says she craved a return to normalcy.

Casey maintains she has no clue how Caylee died – and that she sleeps well at night despite society turning into her a pariah.

Still, Anthony said in an interview this year that she wasn’t “dumb enough” to bring another child into this world after all she’s endured.

“The potential that some … little snot-nosed kid would then say something mean to my kid … I don’t think I could live with that,” she said.

Having a family again may not be on her radar, but dating could be in the cards now that she’s living a more normal life of late.

We’ve read speculation that Casey is bored by freedom in the past, but that was due to relative isolation she’s broken free of.

Anthony can’t help but enjoy that men are attracted to the woman in front of them, not the person they saw on TV and in the tabloids.

“She likes being more anonymous now,” the source says, adding that with the passage of time, a lot of “people don’t recognize her.”

“Guys just see her as a pretty girl. She’s not, ‘Casey Anthony, murder defendant.’ She’s just an average Florida girl who is living her life.”

Yes, murder defendant. That’s exactly how we’d put it.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Casey Affleck Discloses Income in Divorce

Casey Affleck is a successful actor, but it’s a little surprising how much he rakes in, in the movie biz. According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, Affleck pulls in $ 400,000 a year … we’re guessing big brother Ben rakes in exponentially more. The…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Casey Affleck Divorce Final

Casey Affleck is officially single because his divorce from Summer Phoenix is final … TMZ has learned. Summer filed for divorce in July, citing irreconcilable differences. The couple has 2 sons — 13-year-old Indiana and 9-year-old Atticus. They…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

"I"m Gonna Git You Sucka" and "Revenge of the Nerds" Star Bernie Casey Dead at 78

Bernie Casey, the beloved and iconic co-star in “Revenge of the Nerds” and “I’m Gonna Git You Sucka,” died in an L.A. hospital … TMZ has learned. Bernie’s rep tells us he died peacefully Wednesday, surrounded by loved ones. We’re told he suddenly…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Casey Affleck Takes an L at TSA Trying to Bring Baseball Bat on Plane

Casey Affleck must have forgotten he was at an airport and not home plate — ‘cause he casually tried bringing a baseball bat onto a plane. We got Casey Thursday at LAX rushing to catch a flight, with bag and bat in hand … and a ton of confidence…


Casey Affleck Takes an L at TSA Trying to Bring Baseball Bat on Plane

Casey Affleck must have forgotten he was at an airport and not home plate — ‘cause he casually tried bringing a baseball bat onto a plane. We got Casey Thursday at LAX rushing to catch a flight, with bag and bat in hand … and a ton of confidence…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Casey Affleck Files Mysterious Divorce Docs, But Settlement Reached

Casey Affleck and his estranged wife, Summer Phoenix, will NOT have a nasty, drawn-out divorce — despite a weird filing — we’ve learned it’s all settled already. Casey filed docs Monday responding to Summer’s divorce petition … filed…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix: Divorcing!

Casey Affleck has been dogged by sexual harassment allegations for ages, and there’s no telling how much of a toll that’s taken on his marriage.

When Casey Affleck and his wife, Summer Phoenix, separated in the spring of 2016, they did so fairly quietly and without the sort of scandal that you expect to see when Afflecks are having marital problems. 

Well, this situation is officially past “marital problems” … because Summer Phoenix has filed for divorce.

Casey Affleck, who is 41 years old, and Summer Phoenix, who is 38, have two sons together.

Children and concerns about their emotional well being and adjustments are a complication in a divorce, even after more than a year of separation.

Indiana Affleck is 13 years old.

Atticus Affleck is 9 years old.

(You remember — the children Casey Affleck famously forgot in his Oscars speech)

Summer Phoenix is Joaquin Phoenix’s sister, by the way — Joaquin originally set the two of them up.

Casey Affleck is, of course, Ben Affleck’s (worse) brother.

Whatever sense of commonality the two felt as less-famous siblings in famous families clearly wasn’t enough to keep them together forever, though.

E! reports that, in her divorce filing, Summer Phoenix cites “irreconcilable differences.”

Honestly, it’s technically nobody’s business why people are getting divorced — to the point that it’s weird that couples even have to cite reasons that they’re ending their marriage unless it’s a contentious divorce.

That said … “irreconcilable differences’ is vague as hell and could mean just about anything.

Like it just means that they couldn’t get along, basically.

That’s why people divorce in the first place, folks.

But clearly they’re not entirely at odds.

Summer Phoenix is seeking joint legal custody and joint physical custody of the boys with Casey Affleck.

She is also seeking spousal support.

Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix met in 1995 after their more famous siblings had worked together.

They were engaged by 2003.

It wasn’t until a couple of years after Summer gave birth to Indiana in 2004 that the couple married in May of 2006.

They separated just under eight years after marrying.

For Hollywood, that’s basically a 20-year marriage.

Considering that their relationship began in 1995, they had a lengthy relationship by any standards.

But even long-lasting relationships where both parties come from similar worlds, share similar values, and take years to get to know one another before getting engaged or married don’t guarantee happily-ever-afters.

We can’t help thinking that a factor behind this separation and divorce may have been Casey Affleck’s alleged sexual harassment.

The accusations that Casey Affleck used his position as director to sexually harass multiple women working for him got him slammed on Twitter, but 

Some of the accusations just sound like poor judgment — allegedly, Casey instructed one man working for him to show his penis to a woman who was working for him.

Definitely inappropriate and definitely poor judgment, but when we’re talking about directors and sex crime accusations, that’s a far cry from Woody Allen.

Some of the accusations were more serious, including allegations of him grabbing one in an effort to intimidate her into having sex with him in a hotel room.

If someone feels that “no” isn’t a safe answer, then they cannot consent. Obviously.

Even if Summer Phoenix heard these stories and thought to herself that all of these women were conspiring together to lie just for the fun of it, that Casey had just been innocently flirting with them … well, it wouldn’t seem innocent to Summer, his wife.

And if Summer heard these allegations and thought “oh no, what sort of man have I married?!” Well, divorce sounds like exactly the right response to that.

But, for all that we know, their divorce has been a long time coming.

Sometimes couples just grow apart.
