Showing posts with label Irish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Irish. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Conor McGregor Gets Insanely Realistic Mural Outside L.A. Irish Pub

Conor McGregor’s world domination continues. If $ 50-100 million and an escort from Drake weren’t enough, the UFC superstar now has an epic mural outside an Irish pub … 5,000 miles from Dublin.  Jonas Never — the street artist behind the…


Drake Draped in Irish Flag with Conor McGregor at UFC 229 Weigh-In

In case you were wondering whose side Drake’s on for the UFC 229 Lightweight Championship bout between Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov … this video should clear it up. The “In My Feelings” rapper seemed to appear on the stage out of…


Monday, April 16, 2018

Epic Irish Lady Ethers Conor McGregor, "Disgusting Man, Absolute Disgrace"

If you think Conor McGregor’s bus attack pissed people off in New York, wait ‘til ya get a load of this old lady from Ireland … who went NUCLEAR on Conor at LAX!! THIS CLIP IS HILARIOUS!!!  Our photog was asking Brandon T. Jackson a question…


Casey Anthony Drinks Alone at Florida Irish Pub, Chats Up Patrons

If you’ve never heard the one about Casey Anthony walking into a bar by herself, buckle up … ‘cause it’s a real knee-slapper. Casey was drinking for one on Sunday at O’Shea’s Irish Pub in West Palm Beach, FL right around happy hour time … and…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Conor McGregor Rollin" In NYC with Irish Bus Attack Gang

Conor McGregor and his gang of Irish thugs were still together in NYC on Sunday night — this time, without a dolly … but they did get physical with our photog.  The UFC superstar left the Loews Regency in NYC flanked by Cian…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Irish Prime Minister Says Conor McGregor Could Have a Future in Politics

Don’t laugh off Conor McGregor hitting the campaign trail — ‘cause one of the most powerful members of Ireland’s government says the Notorious could totally run for office! We got Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar out at SXSW in…


Sunday, March 11, 2018

UFC"s "Irish" Joe Duffy Says Conor McGregor"s Too Cocky to Be a Politician in Ireland

Conor McGregor’s a living legend to his Irish fans … but Ireland’s 2nd biggest UFC star says he is NOT cut out for a political career back home. We asked “Irish” Joe Duffy about McGregor pulling a Trump when his fighting days are done –…


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Conor McGregor, Irish Fans Party Wildly After Mayweather Fight

Conor McGregor may have lost, but there’s another way of looking at it … a way that was clearly embraced by his Irish fans who went wild after the fight at the T-Mobile Arena and Vegas casinos.  A hoard of folks made the trek from Ireland to…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Conor McGregor"s Irish Fans High, Dry and Pub-Less in Vegas,

The luck of the Irish has run out in Vegas … at least for those trying to find an Irish pub to cheer on their champion. There’s a strong Irish contingent in Vegas this weekend for the Conor McGregor/Floyd Mayweather fight, and for those who don’t…


Conor McGregor"s Irish Fans High, Dry and Pub-Less in Vegas,

The luck of the Irish has run out in Vegas … at least for those trying to find an Irish pub to cheer on their champion. There’s a strong Irish contingent in Vegas this weekend for the Conor McGregor/Floyd Mayweather fight, and for those who don’t…


Conor McGregor"s Irish Fans Cuss At Floyd Mayweather"s Kids

A bunch of Irish fans of Conor McGregor fired off some F-bombs at Floyd Mayweather’s children — including his 14-year-old daughter — screaming, “F*ck the Mayweathers.” It all went down right after the weigh-in at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on…


Monday, June 26, 2017

Irish Weatherman Blown Off-Screen; Colleagues LOSE IT with Laughter

Deric Hartigan might sound like the name of a love interest in some tempestuous romance novel, but it"s actually the name of an Irish weatherman who"s getting more attention than he"d bargained for after one broadcast didn"t go quite as forecast.

And, as you can see in the hilarious video below, it cracks up absolutely everybody.

Okay, so Deric Hartigan is a weather reporter for Ireland"s TV3.

To no one"s shock, it"s rainy in Ireland, which is really the focus of Deric"s report … at first.

Naturally, they can"t just have him report from inside a studio like a reasonable person.

Like all weather reports, he has to give his outdoors.

(Honestly, I don"t even check the windows to know the weather anymore; I just ask my phone)

Well, his talk about the weather gets interrupted as the weather is apparently miffed that it hasn"t been allowed to get a word in edgewise.

The wind isn"t subtle.

Deric doesn"t just get a hard time — we"ve all seen weather reporters buffeted by winds, often reporting in the middle of a hurricane.

But in Deric"s case, he doesn"t have a chance to struggle to speak through the wind on camera.

Because the wind gives him a firm shove and, thanks to his umbrella, he"s jerked off to the side and out of sight.

He does get, just, absolutely blown off of the screen.

Mind you, this is Ireland on a windy day and he doesn"t seem to exactly be a giant.

This isn"t a weatherman-lost-while-reporting-on-Florida-hurricane situation.

Yeah, it"s a little scary when you can"t see him anymore for a moment.

And the camera remains stationary, so you don"t see someone shakily pointing the camera after him.

You just see some sort of modern art sculpture — the kind that cities put up.

(It kind of looks like a park bench from this angle)

Deric does come back though, and he"s fine! 

Well, he"s laughing so hard that he doubles over and shows that his hair is up in the world"s tiniest little ponytail.

He"s totally okay.

But his poor umbrella is not.

Full disclosure: though I wasn"t blown away, something similar happened to my umbrella about a month ago when, like an idiot, I went out in the wind to see if I"d left my takeout box in the car (worse: I"d left it in the restaurant, like a worse idiot).

So I know for a fact that sometimes inverted umbrellas can be fixed.

But his looks … worse for wear than mine did.

That one might be donezo.

And as funny as this is to us, the viewers, this was way funnier to Deric"s colleagues.

They"re just cracking up.

If you"ve ever watched, like, that time when Anderson Cooper giggles uncontrollably at the mention of "pussy willow" branches, you know the difference between a professional chuckle and a newscaster losing it.

These two are losing it.

On their own, maybe they"d be able to reel it in.

But not only do they know Deric.

(It"s always extra funny when you know the person in question)

But they"re feeding off of each other"s laughter.

In, like, a hysterical feedback loop.

And it doesn"t just infect them, because it"s almost impossible to watch this video and not laugh yourself.

Irish weatherman blown off screen colleagues lose it with laught

Friday, March 17, 2017

Wisconsin Sued for Banning Irish Butter

Some butter-hungry Wisconsinites are yelling Erin go Bragh, and suing the state just to get their fave Irish spread back on shelves! The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty is suing the state’s Dept. of Agriculture on behalf of 4 pissed off…


13 Hot Irish Celebrities: Happy St. Patrick"s Day!

On this day, and indeed all days, we need to take some time to appreciate all the gifts that Ireland has given us.

Specifically, right at this moment, we need to appreciate all the hot people who hail from the Emerald Isle.

Happy St. Patrick"s Day! Enjoy all the beauty!

1. Michael Fassbender

Michael fassbender

Michael here is half Irish, half German. He can speak German fluently, but he grew up in Ireland. He can also rock the hell out of a t-shirt.

2. Olivia Wilde

Olivia wilde

Olivia Wilde, stupidly gorgeous human, has an Irish father — she spent her summers in Ireland as a child, and she even has citizenship there!

3. Jamie Dornan

Jamie dornan

Mr. Christian Grey himself hails from the suburbs of Belfast.

4. Liam Neeson

Liam neeson

No words. Just heart-eyes.

5. Colin Farrell

Colin farrell

Could Colin be the MOST famous attractive person from Ireland? It’s a distinct possibility.

6. Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Jonathan rhys meyers

Sure, this guy has had gone through some hard times, but still, look how pretty!

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Pierce Brosnan Says Conor"s Gonna KO Floyd ... Irish Pride, Baby!! (VIDEO)

Pierce Brosnan is ALL ABOUT the Fighting Irish on St. Paddy’s Day … telling TMZ Sports his fellow countryman, Conor McGregor, will DESTROY Floyd Mayweather if they actually square up.


Pierce Brosnan Says Conor"s Gonna KO Floyd ... Irish Pride, Baby!! (VIDEO)

Pierce Brosnan is ALL ABOUT the Fighting Irish on St. Paddy’s Day … telling TMZ Sports his fellow countryman, Conor McGregor, will DESTROY Floyd Mayweather if they actually square up.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Conor McGregor Teams Up with Irish Boxing Star ... "Floyd Fight Will Happen" (VIDEO)

Conor McGregor has been hitting the boxing gym with an Irish boxing sensation — who tells TMZ Sports the UFC star is 100% confident the fight with Floyd Mayweather will actually take place. We spoke with 25-year-old Michael Conlan — who won an…


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Conor McGregor Gets Last Laugh Against Fighting Irish!!! (VIDEO)

Conor McGregor cannot be mocked, and if you try he’ll hunt you down … which is exactly what happened on XMAS eve  to 2 Dublin dudes. The guys were horse playing in the street, doing a rough imitation of Ireland’s biggest export, when…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Conor McGregor -- Real Talk from N. Irish Boxing Star ... You Can"t Beat Mayweather! (VIDEO)

Good news and bad news for Conor McGregor … GOOD NEWS: Northern Irish boxing superstar Carl Frampton — the reigning WBA featherweight champ — says he loves Conor and would be down to train with the guy if he’s serious about boxing.
