Showing posts with label Colleagues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colleagues. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Megyn Kelly Gets Roasted by NBC Colleagues for Racist Comments

Megyn Kelly just reminded the world that she doesn"t know how to google the answers to simple questions. Instead, she asks them on live television.

After a massive backlash, Megyn is super sorry about defending blackface and seems to actually understand the topic.

But despite her apology, it looks like she"s still not off the hook — even with her own colleagues at NBC.

Today panel discusses megyn kelly

News anchors are supposed to report and discuss the news. In general, they really should not be making the news.

But that"s what Megyn did, in the worst way, when she defended blackface Halloween costumes in a discussion with an all-white panel.

She has apologized and explained how the backlash opened her eyes, and NBC"s Today had a group of her own collegues discuss the controersy.

Morgan Radford participated in the discussion along with Al Roker, Savannah Guthrie, Hoda Kotb, and Craig Melvin.

Al Roker says that her internal email is not a sufficient way of saying that she"s sorry.

"The fact is," Roker says. "While she apologized to the staff, she owes a bigger apology to folks of color around the country."

Al roker discusses megyn kelly blackface remarks

Roker explains how, as a black man, this is very personal to him.

"This is history going back to the 1830s minstrel shows to demean and to denigrate a race," Roker says. "It was not right."

"I am old enough to have lived through Amos ‘n’ Andy, where you had people in blackface playing two black characters, magnifying the worst stereotypes about black men."

He refers to nightmarish caricatures of black men, performed by white men, that were used as weapons to ridicule real black people.

"And that," he explains. "Is what the problem is. That is what the issue is."

Craig melvin discusses megyn kelly apology

Craig Melvin doesn"t mince words when he talks about Megyn"s segment.

He calls her defense of blackface both "stupid" and "indenfensible."

There are people in this world who might understandably not realize the historical implications of blackface.

A millionaire television anchor who can and should read up on any controversial topics that she plans to address on television has no such excuse.

Melvin also points out the fact that Jim Crow laws are named for a blackface minstrel character, a fact we mentioned recently when discussing whiteface.

Megyn kelly pro blackface

Despite reports of an alleged feud, Savannah Guthrie clearly felt uneasy about throwing a colleague under the bus.

"It is uncomfortable, obviously," Guthrie says. "Because Megyn is a colleague at NBC News."

But it is that working relationship that made it so vital for NBC to have a panel discuss Megyn"s controversial remarks.

For the public, it"s about education and illumination of an important topic.

For NBC, and we don"t mean to sound cynical, it"s about making it clear that the organization as a whole does not defend blackface.

Morgan radford speaks on megyn kelly

Roker and Melvin both made excellent points, which you can see and hear in the video that we"ve attached.

But it was Morgan Radford who arguably put the best spin on this situation.

She acknowledged the historical weight of blackface while also presenting Megyn"s words as a "learning moment."

Megyn, Radford says, "really gifted us the opportunity to have this conversation and a public discourse."

"We now have the courage and we have the platform to have conversations like this," Radford notes.

She says that these talks are important "even when they’re uncomfortable because we can see they’re still necessary."

Megyn kelly comments about santa revisited

It probably does not help that Megyn Kelly has a history of making wildly controversial remarks about race.

She made these comments primarily while working at Fox News, where white nationalists like Tucker Carlson thrive.

Megyn may be best known for having claimed that Santa Claus, a fictional character based upon a Turkish man, is white. As if she had met him.

She also claimed that Jesus, a Middle Eastern Jewish man, was a white man.

Her suggestion that blackface was acceptable when she was growing up — in the 1970s — dredged all of that back up.

Megyn kelly as today anchor

But, as we said, Megyn did apologize, first in an email to colleagues and then to her viewers.

"The history of blackface in our culture is abhorrent; the wounds too deep," Megyn acknowledges.

"I’ve never been a ‘pc’ kind of person," she says. "But I understand that we do need to be more sensitive in this day and age."

In general, labels like politically correct are useless, and hurled around by people who want to dismiss any struggles that are not their own.

It appears that Megyn is learning a little more about the world.

We wish that she, as the highest paid television anchor on the planet despite her ratings, would actively educate herself before getting backlash.

Megyn kelly roasted for racist comments by nbc colleagues

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Charlie Rose: Slammed by His Own CBS Colleagues

Gayle King and Norah O"Donnell have sat alongside Charlie Rose for the past five years on CBS This Morning.

But the co-hosts greeted viewers today as a duo, as opposed to a threesome, as a result of Rose being suspended by network executives in light of a disturbing sexual harassment scandal.

According to The Washington Post, eight women have come forward and accused Rose of various inappropriate actions; from walking around naked in front of them to grabbing their buttocks and thighs.

Unprompted, of course.

It"s hard to believe the 75-year old will ever be on the small screen again.

In response to the scandal surrounding their colleague, King and O"Donnell delivered heartfelt speeches in support of Rose’s alleged victims, making it evident they won"t tolerate that sort of behavior moving forward.

"It takes a lot of courage for these women to come forward and I think that they should continue to do so,” O’Donnell said at the outset of the program.

She added:

“This is a moment that demands a frank and honest assessment about where we stand and more generally the safety of women. Let me be very clear: There is no excuse for this alleged behavior.

"It is systematic and pervasive and I’ve been doing a lot of listening and I’m going to continue to do that."

Clearly torn over a friend being accused of such heinous behavior, O"Donnell made her stance on the situation very clear:

"This will be investigated. This has to end. This behavior is wrong.”

King was no less harsh in her assessment of Rose.

"I am not okay," she told viewers.

"After reading that article in the Post, it was deeply disturbing, troubling and painful for me to read.”

Rose is merely the latest Hollywood male to be accused of sexual harassment or misconduct.

More and more alleged victims are feeling empowered to speak out in the wake of Harvey Weinstein being accused of assault and harassment.

“I think that we have to make this matter to woman — the woman that have spoken up, the women who have not spoken up because they are afraid, I’m hoping that now they will take the step to speak up too and that this becomes a moment of truth,” King continued.

Emphasizing that Rose "does not get a pass" of any kind, King added:

"I’ve enjoyed a friendship and a partnership with Charlie for the last 5 years. I’ve held him in such high regard.

"What do you say when someone that you deeply care about has done something that is so horrible? How do you wrap your brain around that?

"I’m really grappling with that."

Watch the emotional speeches by King and O"Donnell below:

Charlie rose slammed by his own cbs colleagues

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Ralphie May: Mourned, Remembered by Friends and Colleagues

As previously reported, comedian Ralphie May passed away on Friday from cardiac arrest.

He was only 45 years old at the time.

In his memory, we"ve collected a number of social media tributes below, penned by those who knew May well and those who worked with him over the years.

May Ralphie May rest in peace…

1. Kevin Hart

Kevin hart

Wow….I was just told that Ralphie May passed. I’m truly saddened by this. He was a good dude. Heaven just got another funny angel RIP man.

2. Gabriel Iglesias

Gabriel iglesias

I’m at a loss for words to hear about the passing of comedian Ralfie May. He was a friend to many and a father of 2 beautiful children. RIP.

3. Dane Cook

Dane cook

Whoa… man.. this sucks. Ralphie was a good guy & a very funny person. Condolences to his family & fans.

4. Bob Saget

Bob saget

Ralphie May. Dammit. You were a funny and sweet mofo man. Rest In Peace.

5. Jim Breuer

Jim breuer

Ralphie May RIP funny man. We shared good talks & good laughs . See you on the other side kid.

6. Larry the Cable Guy

Larry the cable guy

Oh man fellow comedian and friend Ralphie May just died. So crazy. RIP Ralphie. You my friend were one of the nicest and kindest out there.

View Slideshow

Friday, October 6, 2017

Megyn Kelly: Is Her Massive Salary Pissing Off Her Colleagues?

As you may have heard, Megyn Kelly did not have a great week last week.

Her peppy, mostly apolitical morning show, Megyn Kelly Today, premiered to less than rave reviews and featured more than a few awkward moments.

Thus far, the show has served to strengthen the argument that NBC made a costly mistake in courting the former Fox News anchor.

Reports that execs are desperate to fire Kelly have been circulating but new revelations about just how much the network is paying the 46-year-old lead us to believe they’ll likely ride it out in hopes of seeing some return on their investment.

According to a new report from Radar Online, NBC has agreed to pay Kelly an astonishing $ 69 million over the next three years.

Yes, that awkward maorning show that’s become Twitter’s favorite punchline is earning Kelly $ 23 million a year.

For reference, NBC pays Jimmy Fallon just over $ 15 million annually.

Matt Lauer is paid more than Megyn, with a salary of $ 25 million, but he’s been with the network for 23 years!

“How on earth can they justify paying her $ 69m for three years?” said one irate insider in an interview with Radar.

“The network that created Barbara Walters, Tom Brokaw and Matt Lauer will now forever be remembered for the $ 69m hire of Megyn Kelly,” opined another.

What’s truly baffling about the staggering sum Kelly is being paid is that NBC had to know her contract amounted to a tremendous gamble on their part.

Though more moderate than some of her colleagues, Kelly still made a name for herself as a rightwing firebrand at Fox News.

NBC shelled out for a kinder, gentler Kelly, which baffled many within the industry.

Why pay her so much to not do what she’s best known for?

It’s the journalistic equivalent of signing Tom Brady for eight figures and having him play wide receiver.

On top of the confusing attempt at rebranding, the network assumed the risk that left leaning viewers would reject Kelly as a result of the controversial views she espoused in the past.

And indeed, to seems to be what’s taking place.

Numbers for Kelly’s second week aren’t in yet, but her ratings declined steadily during her first week on the air.

Of course, that could have less to do with the fact that she once argued Santa Claus is white in an unhinged on-air tirade, and more to do with the fact that her show is simply not good.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Irish Weatherman Blown Off-Screen; Colleagues LOSE IT with Laughter

Deric Hartigan might sound like the name of a love interest in some tempestuous romance novel, but it"s actually the name of an Irish weatherman who"s getting more attention than he"d bargained for after one broadcast didn"t go quite as forecast.

And, as you can see in the hilarious video below, it cracks up absolutely everybody.

Okay, so Deric Hartigan is a weather reporter for Ireland"s TV3.

To no one"s shock, it"s rainy in Ireland, which is really the focus of Deric"s report … at first.

Naturally, they can"t just have him report from inside a studio like a reasonable person.

Like all weather reports, he has to give his outdoors.

(Honestly, I don"t even check the windows to know the weather anymore; I just ask my phone)

Well, his talk about the weather gets interrupted as the weather is apparently miffed that it hasn"t been allowed to get a word in edgewise.

The wind isn"t subtle.

Deric doesn"t just get a hard time — we"ve all seen weather reporters buffeted by winds, often reporting in the middle of a hurricane.

But in Deric"s case, he doesn"t have a chance to struggle to speak through the wind on camera.

Because the wind gives him a firm shove and, thanks to his umbrella, he"s jerked off to the side and out of sight.

He does get, just, absolutely blown off of the screen.

Mind you, this is Ireland on a windy day and he doesn"t seem to exactly be a giant.

This isn"t a weatherman-lost-while-reporting-on-Florida-hurricane situation.

Yeah, it"s a little scary when you can"t see him anymore for a moment.

And the camera remains stationary, so you don"t see someone shakily pointing the camera after him.

You just see some sort of modern art sculpture — the kind that cities put up.

(It kind of looks like a park bench from this angle)

Deric does come back though, and he"s fine! 

Well, he"s laughing so hard that he doubles over and shows that his hair is up in the world"s tiniest little ponytail.

He"s totally okay.

But his poor umbrella is not.

Full disclosure: though I wasn"t blown away, something similar happened to my umbrella about a month ago when, like an idiot, I went out in the wind to see if I"d left my takeout box in the car (worse: I"d left it in the restaurant, like a worse idiot).

So I know for a fact that sometimes inverted umbrellas can be fixed.

But his looks … worse for wear than mine did.

That one might be donezo.

And as funny as this is to us, the viewers, this was way funnier to Deric"s colleagues.

They"re just cracking up.

If you"ve ever watched, like, that time when Anderson Cooper giggles uncontrollably at the mention of "pussy willow" branches, you know the difference between a professional chuckle and a newscaster losing it.

These two are losing it.

On their own, maybe they"d be able to reel it in.

But not only do they know Deric.

(It"s always extra funny when you know the person in question)

But they"re feeding off of each other"s laughter.

In, like, a hysterical feedback loop.

And it doesn"t just infect them, because it"s almost impossible to watch this video and not laugh yourself.

Irish weatherman blown off screen colleagues lose it with laught

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

News Anchor Feeds Colleagues Special Dip, Mass Vomiting Nearly Ensues

Leslie Horton, Global News Calgary news anchor, probably didn"t expect to be at the butt of a viral internet joke this morning.

Horton"s artichoke dip, which she made for a holiday party and brought in for her coworkers to taste on the morning segment, was terrible — and was sadly sampled on-air. 

The other news anchors could barely keep their composure over how terrible the dip actually was. 

When she described the dip, and the back story behind how she had to bring it to a family gathering, one of the anchors said, "It smells like a barn." 

Meterologist Jordan Witzel bravely tried the dip first, gagged and said, "It"s the vinegar," to which Horton responded, "But there"s no vinegar in there!" 

"I can"t swallow it!" he announced, as he spit it out in tissue paper and said, "I"m not trying to be rude here!" 

For Horton"s part, all she could do was laugh. 

"It"s artichoke dip," she said, "but something terribly went wrong." 

The anchors attempted as best as they could to put on professional faces while they discussed the dip, trying to figure out just went wrong, but it wasn"t until later that Witzel, the meteorologist, discerned what had gone awry. 

"We figured it out," he tweeted. "She used pickled artichokes from a jar instead of fresh chopped artichokes."  

That"ll get you every time … and as for poor Leslie Horton, perhaps she should just stop trying to cook. 

When you pickle anything, really, it"s done in vinegar … and any chef worth their weight in artichokes would probably know that. 

Later, Horton talked about the disastrous recipe and said, "I’m so glad my cooking fail brought a smile to so many faces."

"It was just another kitchen experiment gone wrong for me, but this time my co-workers were unfortunately subject to my free-wheeling in the kitchen." 

She even admitted that her cooking skills leave a lot to be desired.

“I am a terrible cook."

"I could create a cookbook with all the recipes and dishes I have ruined. I need to stop improvising in the kitchen but I keep trying," she said. 

See the hilarious video below and we dare you to keep a straight face — just try! 

Artichokes gone awry calgary newsanchors gag on air over holiday