Showing posts with label Vomiting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vomiting. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

News Anchor Feeds Colleagues Special Dip, Mass Vomiting Nearly Ensues

Leslie Horton, Global News Calgary news anchor, probably didn"t expect to be at the butt of a viral internet joke this morning.

Horton"s artichoke dip, which she made for a holiday party and brought in for her coworkers to taste on the morning segment, was terrible — and was sadly sampled on-air. 

The other news anchors could barely keep their composure over how terrible the dip actually was. 

When she described the dip, and the back story behind how she had to bring it to a family gathering, one of the anchors said, "It smells like a barn." 

Meterologist Jordan Witzel bravely tried the dip first, gagged and said, "It"s the vinegar," to which Horton responded, "But there"s no vinegar in there!" 

"I can"t swallow it!" he announced, as he spit it out in tissue paper and said, "I"m not trying to be rude here!" 

For Horton"s part, all she could do was laugh. 

"It"s artichoke dip," she said, "but something terribly went wrong." 

The anchors attempted as best as they could to put on professional faces while they discussed the dip, trying to figure out just went wrong, but it wasn"t until later that Witzel, the meteorologist, discerned what had gone awry. 

"We figured it out," he tweeted. "She used pickled artichokes from a jar instead of fresh chopped artichokes."  

That"ll get you every time … and as for poor Leslie Horton, perhaps she should just stop trying to cook. 

When you pickle anything, really, it"s done in vinegar … and any chef worth their weight in artichokes would probably know that. 

Later, Horton talked about the disastrous recipe and said, "I’m so glad my cooking fail brought a smile to so many faces."

"It was just another kitchen experiment gone wrong for me, but this time my co-workers were unfortunately subject to my free-wheeling in the kitchen." 

She even admitted that her cooking skills leave a lot to be desired.

“I am a terrible cook."

"I could create a cookbook with all the recipes and dishes I have ruined. I need to stop improvising in the kitchen but I keep trying," she said. 

See the hilarious video below and we dare you to keep a straight face — just try! 

Artichokes gone awry calgary newsanchors gag on air over holiday

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Lamar Odom: Kicked Off Plane While Drunk, Vomiting

We think it’s safe to say that Lamar Odom is having a rough go of it lately.

Less than a year after Odom nearly died from a drug overdose after going on a bender in a Vegas-area brothel, the former NBA star is reportedly off the wagon and alienating those closest to him with his destructive behavior.

Earlier this week reports that Khloe Kardashian kicked Lamar out after finding a crack pipe in her home spread across social media.

Many concluded that Lamar is homeless and living the life of a Skid Row beggar.

Fortunately, those reports were debunked this morning by insiders who claimed Lamar does still have a roof over his head.

However, it seems the rumors that Odom is no longer sober are sadly accurate.

According to TMZ, the 36-year-old was removed from a Delta Airlines flight last night after getting drunk at the airport lounge and vomiting on the plane.

Witnesses say Odom was spotted “pounding beers and whiskey” in the hours leading up to boarding.

Two first class passengers claim that Odom got out of his seat and bolted for the bathrooms just as the flight was about to take off.

It seems he didn’t quite make it.

The onlookers say Lamar puked in the galley, managed to get into the bathroom, and then threw up again with the door open.

He reportedly tried to return to his seat with vomit on his clothes.

Delta staff then removed Odom from the flight for the safety of himself and his fellow passengers.

Odom and his reps have yet to respond to these unsettling reports.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence Talks Sex, Vomiting and Body Image

Jennifer Lawrence covers the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar, opening up to the magazine about a number of very personal topics.

Except her love life. Because the Oscar winner says that would be impossible.

Because she has no love life at the moment.

“Anything I say about boys gets picked up,” she tells the magazine, adding that she doesn’t have a type. “I don’t think so because patterns are the work of the devil.

“If I think about all of my ex-boyfriends, they are all so uncomparable.”

The two most famous men on Lawrence’s dating resume are Nicholas Hoult, who she dated for a couple years; and Chris Martin, who she surprisingly got it on with soon after he split from Gwyneth Paltrow.

But both are in the distant rearview mirror. As are practically all men, she joked in this cover story.

“Sex? Someone explain to me what it is,” she quipped.

Perhaps Lawrence is single these days because she labels herself a “social disappointment” and then gives some examples why.

“I don’t really stay out late. I’m kind of a bummer. I’m a nana.

“It’s hard to get me out, and when I do go out I don’t really stay out late. If I do stay out late and I’m partying hard, I will throw up. I don’t have the tolerance to black out; I just start puking.”

Lawrence even told a story about how Emma Stone once held her hair back during a vomiting incident that took place the night of an Adele concert in Los Angeles.

The very generous actress did get serious for a moment, however.

She says she wants to help the public accept a different kind of body type; she wants everyone to realize that skinny does not equate to perfect.

“I would like us to make a new normal-body type,” Lawrence explains.

“Everybody says, ‘We love that there is somebody with a normal body!’ And I’m like, ‘I don’t feel like I have a normal body.’ I do Pilates every day. I eat, but I work out a lot more than a normal person.

“I think we’ve gotten so used to underweight that when you are a normal weight it’s like, ‘Oh, my God, she’s curvy.’ Which is crazy. The bare minimum, just for me, would be to up the ante. At least so I don’t feel like the fattest one.”

On tap professionally, Lawrence will reprise her role as Mystique in Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Apocalypse, starring opposite Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy.

The movie hits theaters on May 27.