Showing posts with label Feeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feeds. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dwayne Johnson Feeds His Girlfriend While She Breastfeeds Their Baby

In April, Lauren Hashian gave birth to Dwayne Johnson’s third daughter.

Now that little “pebble,” Tiana Gia, is nearly two months old. Johnson shared a photo of Hashian breastfeeding the precious baby.

But it’s what Johnson himself is doing in the photo that is really getting attention.

Johnson captions the photo that you’re about to see with: “I’ll handle this business.”

The image depicts him feeding his girlfriend, Lauren Hashian, while she cradles their two-month-old daughter, Tiana Gia, breastfeeding her.

“Mama @laurenhashianofficial has her hands full nursing/feeding Baby Tia,” Johnson explains. “So I’m feedin’ mama her dinner.”

He continues, stating that to do so is: “my pleasure.”

Johnson says that he has “so much respect to her and all mamas out there holding it down and running things.”

“Just landed,” he says, adding: “And good to get all my girl’s settled in.”

Awwww! This is such a wholesome family photo.

Johnson’s captions aren’t done.

Now, I gotta go satisfy my own appetite,” he announces. “Iron Paradise, here I come.”

He tags: “#EveryoneGetsFed” 

Apolgetically, he adds: “#DaddysGottaGoToWork”

#ChivalryIsToughOnTheKnees,” he admits.

While some might argue that what he was doing deserves a better label than chivalrous, knees grow much less tolerating over time.

This was a cute family photo.

The post received over 5 million likes in the first 24 hours alone.

But why, you wonder, are so many people talking about it? 

One might be tempted to say that this is because Hashian is breastfeeding their daughter, but she’s covered and angled in such a way that no part of her breast is exposed.

(Which is fine — women’s liberation is about showing or concealing as much as you like, not about just shedding clothing no matter your comfort level)

No, what makes this picture so beautiful has less to do with the breastfeeding and more to do with Johnson’s actions.

Even with his busy schedule, he continues to play an active role in his family.

He can’t nurse Tiana himself, but he can certainly be involved. And that’s beautiful.

Last month, Dwayne Johnson penned a beautiful Mother’s Day tribute to Lauren Hashian.

In it, he praised her virtues as a mother, but also as a human being.

She takes on tremendous responsibilities when it comes to his life and the life of their family, from working out the logistics of uprooting their lives to travel with him while he films to taking on added parenting duties to compensate for his work schedule.

He has also praised each of his daughters, lauding them as “strong women” from the moments of their respective births.

Johnson is the sort of high-energy man who cannot contain his excitement about the women he lives — and he would never try to hide that.

Johnson has a tendency to be straightforward with his fans.

Earlier this year, he revealed his depression battle and even his mother’s suicide attempt.

Of course, he has also shared — or potentially overshared — about much lighter subjects.

When DJ Khaled shared that he is what some would call a pillow princess, he got roasted by everyone. Johnson was loud and proud about how enthusiastic he is about performing oral sex.

You know what? We think that by modeling good behavior for his fans and followers, he’s making the world a better place.

Also, he’s just a great dude.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Mom Feeds Toddler Wasabi, Gets Accused of Child Abuse

This (not) just in:

The Internet can be a very mean place.

And a mother on Facebook just found out exactly how and why, first hand.

This woman shared a video on her social media page that has been viewed over 14 million times.

Not each of these viewers likes the video, however, because it depicts the mother asking her young daughter whether she wants to try Wasabi.

The girl at first says no… and then we"re pretty sure she says no again.

But then she simply repeats the word "wasabi" and then the mother places a small portion in front of her nose to smell.

The mother than places this same small portion in the girl"s mouth… and waits for a reaction.

The girl actually handles it pretty well, considering how hot and how spicy wasabi truly is.

Hilariously, she only makes a slightly uncomfortable face while calmly uttering the word "help."

But not every Internet user found this to be hilarious.

Some, in fact, tossed out the A-Word in response to this video. Yup: abuse.

Do you agree with this assessment? Did the mother do anything wrong?

Or is this akin to giving a kid a taste of a lemon, which, come on, EVERY parent out there has done on at least one occasion, right?

Watch the video below and decide for yourself:

Mom feeds toddler wasabi gets accused of child abuse

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

News Anchor Feeds Colleagues Special Dip, Mass Vomiting Nearly Ensues

Leslie Horton, Global News Calgary news anchor, probably didn"t expect to be at the butt of a viral internet joke this morning.

Horton"s artichoke dip, which she made for a holiday party and brought in for her coworkers to taste on the morning segment, was terrible — and was sadly sampled on-air. 

The other news anchors could barely keep their composure over how terrible the dip actually was. 

When she described the dip, and the back story behind how she had to bring it to a family gathering, one of the anchors said, "It smells like a barn." 

Meterologist Jordan Witzel bravely tried the dip first, gagged and said, "It"s the vinegar," to which Horton responded, "But there"s no vinegar in there!" 

"I can"t swallow it!" he announced, as he spit it out in tissue paper and said, "I"m not trying to be rude here!" 

For Horton"s part, all she could do was laugh. 

"It"s artichoke dip," she said, "but something terribly went wrong." 

The anchors attempted as best as they could to put on professional faces while they discussed the dip, trying to figure out just went wrong, but it wasn"t until later that Witzel, the meteorologist, discerned what had gone awry. 

"We figured it out," he tweeted. "She used pickled artichokes from a jar instead of fresh chopped artichokes."  

That"ll get you every time … and as for poor Leslie Horton, perhaps she should just stop trying to cook. 

When you pickle anything, really, it"s done in vinegar … and any chef worth their weight in artichokes would probably know that. 

Later, Horton talked about the disastrous recipe and said, "I’m so glad my cooking fail brought a smile to so many faces."

"It was just another kitchen experiment gone wrong for me, but this time my co-workers were unfortunately subject to my free-wheeling in the kitchen." 

She even admitted that her cooking skills leave a lot to be desired.

“I am a terrible cook."

"I could create a cookbook with all the recipes and dishes I have ruined. I need to stop improvising in the kitchen but I keep trying," she said. 

See the hilarious video below and we dare you to keep a straight face — just try! 

Artichokes gone awry calgary newsanchors gag on air over holiday

Friday, July 22, 2016

Prince George Feeds His Dog Ice Cream, Animal Rights Group Outraged

The photo was meant to celebrate a three-year-old’s birthday, but by all means let’s accuse the parents of animal cruelty.

Kensington Palace released four photos today, taken by Matt Porteous, celebrating Prince George’s birthday.

The shoot took place earlier this month, and one of the photos shows George sharing his ice cream with the family’s cocker spaniel, Lupo.

The Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals is furious with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for allowing George to feed Lupo dairy, which can cause digestive issues and diarrhea.

“It is lovely that Prince George is trying to help keep his family dog, Lupo, cool in these high temperatures,” RSPCA stated, according to the Guardian.

“We would advise people to be cautious when giving their dogs food meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate, can be highly toxic to dogs and dairy items can be difficult for them to digest.

“Instead of ice-cream we would suggest making an ice lolly from pet-friendly ingredients. Making these can be really fun for children and the end product is both safe and enjoyable for dogs.”

Kensington Palace has not addressed the question of whether the treat is dog-friendly or not, despite activists automatically assuming that it’s a white chocolate covered ice cream.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has both grown up with dogs, so it’s safe to assume that they would never knowingly put Lupo in danger.

The other photos in the set feature George on a swing, thought to be a wedding gift to his parents.

Though Catherine normally takes official photos of her children (she photographed Princess Charlotte ahead of her first birthday back in May), this time the royal couple hired Matt Porteous.

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George,” Porteous said.

“It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. I’m honoured that they have decided to share these images with the public to mark his third birthday.”

Happy Birthday, Your Royal Highness.  And best wishes to Lupo.

Prince George Feeds His Dog Ice Cream, Animal Rights Group Outraged

The photo was meant to celebrate a three-year-old’s birthday, but by all means let’s accuse the parents of animal cruelty.

Kensington Palace released four photos today, taken by Matt Porteous, celebrating Prince George’s birthday.

The shoot took place earlier this month, and one of the photos shows George sharing his ice cream with the family’s cocker spaniel, Lupo.

The Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals is furious with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for allowing George to feed Lupo dairy, which can cause digestive issues and diarrhea.

“It is lovely that Prince George is trying to help keep his family dog, Lupo, cool in these high temperatures,” RSPCA stated, according to the Guardian.

“We would advise people to be cautious when giving their dogs food meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate, can be highly toxic to dogs and dairy items can be difficult for them to digest.

“Instead of ice-cream we would suggest making an ice lolly from pet-friendly ingredients. Making these can be really fun for children and the end product is both safe and enjoyable for dogs.”

Kensington Palace has not addressed the question of whether the treat is dog-friendly or not, despite activists automatically assuming that it’s a white chocolate covered ice cream.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has both grown up with dogs, so it’s safe to assume that they would never knowingly put Lupo in danger.

The other photos in the set feature George on a swing, thought to be a wedding gift to his parents.

Though Catherine normally takes official photos of her children (she photographed Princess Charlotte ahead of her first birthday back in May), this time the royal couple hired Matt Porteous.

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George,” Porteous said.

“It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. I’m honoured that they have decided to share these images with the public to mark his third birthday.”

Happy Birthday, Your Royal Highness.  And best wishes to Lupo.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Kate Middleton Feeds Baby Elephant, Achieves World Peace

Upon seeing this photo, leaders the world over decided to create a universal flag in its likeness.

JK, but wouldn’t that be super?

Today, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge fed orphaned baby elephants and rhinos during a visit to the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation, at Kaziranga National Park in Guwahati, India.

Catherine wore Topshop’s embroidered print midi dress (available at Nordstrom) with espadrilles by Dune London, her second outfit change of the day after going on a safari earlier this morning.

According to People‘s Simon Perry, once everyone was in their jeeps, Catherine squeezed William’s thigh and said, “we’re all safe,” and they both grinned.

When a rhino blocked the jeep’s path from a mere 50 yards away, Catherine was in awe.

“This is amazing!” she said.  “It’s amazing to be this close!”

Conservation and the fight against poaching is a cause close to William’s heart, as he is patron of the Tusk Trust, which works to protect African wildlife.

William and Catherine are on day three of their royal tour of India and Bhutan, having spent the night at Diphlu River Lodge.

Before they head to Bhutan on April 14th, the royal couple will enjoy some down time, having undergone back-to-back engagements since April 10th.

The conservation setting is one that the Cambridges are love; William proposed to Catherine while on holiday in Kenya in October 2010.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Prince Harry Feeds A Baby Rhino, Makes Our Ovaries Explode

Prince Harry spent some time in South Africa this summer working to protect endangered animals, including elephants and rhinos, both of which are poached for their tusks.

Today, Kensington Palace showcased several photos and video taken by Harry and his team, one in particular tugged at the heart strings.

And made our ovaries explode, if we"re being completely hoenst.

"These baby rhinos are at an orphanage because their mothers were killed by poachers," Harry wrote.  "I can’t say where this is for obvious reasons. But I spent an afternoon with Petronel Nieuwoubt who runs the orphanage.

"The youngest rhino was called Don. He was just two months old when he was found in Kruger National Park. Petronel has students and volunteers from all over the world come to look after these orphans.

"They pay for this experience and that money is used for milk, food, fencing and rangers for security."

Harry and Prince William are supports of wildlife conversation; William is patron of Tusk Trust, which works to protect African animals against poachers.

According to a speech Harry gave at South African Wildlife College in Kruger National Park, 1500 rhinos have been killed so far this year for their tusks, which have proven valuable in some markets as decor and for (reportedly disproven) medical needs.

For more information, head over to Care For Wild – Africa.

Prince harry feeds a baby rhino