Friday, March 17, 2017

13 Hot Irish Celebrities: Happy St. Patrick"s Day!

On this day, and indeed all days, we need to take some time to appreciate all the gifts that Ireland has given us.

Specifically, right at this moment, we need to appreciate all the hot people who hail from the Emerald Isle.

Happy St. Patrick"s Day! Enjoy all the beauty!

1. Michael Fassbender

Michael fassbender

Michael here is half Irish, half German. He can speak German fluently, but he grew up in Ireland. He can also rock the hell out of a t-shirt.

2. Olivia Wilde

Olivia wilde

Olivia Wilde, stupidly gorgeous human, has an Irish father — she spent her summers in Ireland as a child, and she even has citizenship there!

3. Jamie Dornan

Jamie dornan

Mr. Christian Grey himself hails from the suburbs of Belfast.

4. Liam Neeson

Liam neeson

No words. Just heart-eyes.

5. Colin Farrell

Colin farrell

Could Colin be the MOST famous attractive person from Ireland? It’s a distinct possibility.

6. Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Jonathan rhys meyers

Sure, this guy has had gone through some hard times, but still, look how pretty!

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