Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Digital Underground"s Shock G Arrested for Drugs in Wisconsin

Digital Underground rapper Shock G was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia after a tour stop in Wisconsin. G got busted when cops pulled him over in Rice Lake, WI around 2 AM on June 13. Cops say the license plate of the vehicle was…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Wisconsin Sued for Banning Irish Butter

Some butter-hungry Wisconsinites are yelling Erin go Bragh, and suing the state just to get their fave Irish spread back on shelves! The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty is suing the state’s Dept. of Agriculture on behalf of 4 pissed off…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Bachelor Recap: Corinne Gets Badgered in Wisconsin

As The Bachelor spoilers have teased us for weeks, Corinne Olympios is dominating this season of the ABC dating competition fiasco.

Not just in the quest for Nick’s heart (or other body parts, as she of the “golden vagine” will freely admit), but in terms of media coverage.

This week was no different, though others stood out as well …

On The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 4, the girls visited Nick’s hometown of Waukesha, Wisconsin, which led to some quality storylines.

If you watch The Bachelor online, you know some of the contrived nonsense that producers will come up with to fill mid-season episodes.

In this case, it was dairy farming in America’s heartland.

First off, Christen and Brittany were eliminated at the rose ceremony. Then it was off to Waukesha, where Danielle L. earned a date.

After they ran into Nick’s ex at a coffee shop, they giggle a lot, she gets a rose, and they dance at a country concert in front of a crowd.

Incredible as Nick says this is, it’s boilerplate Bachelor.

For the group date, everyone must shovel manure at a farm, except for Corrine, who bails, claiming that she lost circulation in her fingers.

She obviously calls this experience “a medical emergency.”

Hey, she needs those fingers for posing on Instagram!

Later, Kristina questions her maturity, which pissed Corrine off, but not as much as when she lost the group rose to Kristina right after.

The big winner of the night was Raven Gates, though.

The pride of Hoxie, Arkansas, got to go along with Nick to his little sister Bella’s soccer game, and there, she was every bit the natural.

Raven seemed to flawlessly handle, and even enjoy, a talk with Nick’s parents, as well as Bella, and the best was yet to come there. 

The adorable trio (Raven, Nick, and Bella) roller skated along to Sixpence None the Richer’s “Kiss Me,” taking Nick back to high school.

And Raven back to … when she was about six.

Seriously, we’re not judging, as they seem like they’d be really compatible in a lot of ways, but there’s a bit of an age gap (36-24) there.

It all depends on the person, of course, and if Raven (or whomever) is the best match for Nick, we can’t see their ages being a problem.

Ms. Gates’ best moment may have come when she described to Nick catching her former boyfriend cheating on her back in the day.

She kicked down a door and saw his mistress’ vagina, as she put it, and we love her as much for that quote as for her Southern accent.

Unfortunately, there was a lot more … Corinne.

Likening her naps to Michael Jordan and Abraham Lincoln, who “probably took naps” as well, she continued to draw everyone’s ire.

Fortunately, Vanessa Grimaldi was not buying it.

Calling out Nick on his escapades (his sex-capades, you might even say) with Corrine, she offered to give back the rose she’d won.

That takes guts, and self-respect. So awesome.

As we fade into next week, Corrine confronts Taylor’s animosity toward her, she says she wants to punch her adversary in the face.

Like Chris Brown calling Aziz Ansari Aladdin after the comic likened him to Trump, this just proved her rivals’ point more than anything.

Not exactly helping her own cause by disproving the others’ notion that Olympios is an immature spoiled brat, now is she?

Until next week …


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Former Wisconsin Teacher Jailed For Having Sex with Teen

Elizabeth Dillett, a 31-year-old former kindergarten teacher, has been sentenced to two years behind bars for having sex with a teenager.

Dillett pleaded guilty in October to two felonies – two counts of sexual assault of a child by a person who works or volunteers with children.  

"She preyed on my son and used our friendship for access to him," said the victim"s father in court Friday. "I blame myself for trusting her."

At one point, Dillet begged the boy"s parents not to turn her in.

Texts sent to the boy"s dad that were later revealed to the court said she was prepared to "do anything to keep her name out of the public." 

Dillett, who initially pleaded not guilty to the charges, was athletic director at St. Peter-Immanuel Lutheran School and taught kindergarten.

The victim was not a current student at the school.

It is believed that the pair got to know one another through athletics training; Dillett first had sex with the teen at her home in late February.

Another sexual encounter occurred in March, at the school; Dillett gave the boy condoms for each session, according to the authorities.

She had been on paid leave since April, when the allegations first went public. Prosecutors described Dillett as manipulative and predatory.

The victim"s father also made a statement in court describing how her son"s innocence was stolen, addressing the courtroom:

"We have recognized that our son believed that he was in a healthy relationship. His opinions regarding relationships [is now] distorted."

In court, Dillett apologized to her family, and the victim"s.

"I broke your trust and our friendship. I know I crossed the line with your son and your family and it was very inappropriate of me," Dillett said.

Elizabeth dillett wisconsin teacher jailed for having sex with t

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton -- Pours Millions into Michigan and Wisconsin in Just 2 Days

Hillary Clinton has spent $ 5 million in 2 days for TV ads in 2 critical states … states she thought she had in the bag just weeks ago. Sources involved in the media buys tell us the Clinton campaign dumped $ 2.5 million on TV ads in Wisconsin — $ 1…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Newt Gingrich -- Hillary Shouldn"t Spike the Football ... Just Ask Wisconsin! (VIDEO)

And now time for some DEEP COLLEGE FOOTBALL KNOWLEDGE … with Newt Gingrich.  Here’s the deal … with Trump reportedly down in the polls, our photog asked Newt if it’s too early for Team Hillary to be “spiking the football” … aka going…
