Showing posts with label Newt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newt. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2017

Newt Gingrich Says Al Franken"s Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Newt Gingrich knows how to sit on a fence — ‘cause he’s now defending Al Franken … while also bashing him for thinking he could go the distance in politics. We got the former Speaker of the House on Capitol Hill and asked about his recent…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Newt Gingrich Says CNN Reporter Was an Idiot (VIDEO)

Newt Gingrich wants to start treating reporters like hockey players — when they step out of line … they go in Donald Trump’s penalty box. We got Newt in D.C. where he explains his concept of “Trumpism” to our guy, and then … unleashes…


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Newt Gingrich -- Suck It, Broadway ... Mike Pence Won!!! (VIDEO)

Newt Gingrich thinks the Broadway protest of Mike Pence is laughable … because Pence walks away with all the marbles. We got Newt out and about Sunday in D.C. and he says the “Hamilton” protest is all just part of the game, but that game, he…


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Newt Gingrich -- I Warned Hillary Clinton ... Don"t Spike the Football! (VIDEO)

Newt Gingrich TRIED to warn Hillary Clinton about counting her chickens … sending a message to the Dems back in October … a message that fell on deaf ears.  After the release of the Billy Bush “Trump Tapes” — Donald was down BIG in the…


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Megyn Kelly DESTROYS Newt Gingrich in Argument Over Donald Trump, Sex

There have been many losers to come out of the 2016 Presidential Election.

Most specifically, Donald Trump and… well… anyone who continues to stand up for Donald Trump.

But there’s been one clear winner from the past several months of campaigning; and we’re not even talking about Hillary Clinton, no matter what is likely to transpire on November 8.

We’re talking about Megyn Kelly.

Kelly called Trump out on his misogyny from the very beginning.

All those people who acted shocked and appalled over what Trump said to Billy Bush in that notorious Access Hollywood video? 

All those politicians who came out and castigated Trump for his demeaning words about women and his implied sexual assault?

Please. Literally, the very first question asked of Trump at a Republican Primary Debate was over the way he has treated women and talked about women in the past.

And that question was asked by Kelly.

From there, of course, Trump slammed Kelly at every turn, even questioning at one point whether or not she was on her period at the debate.

Really. He said that.

So this brings us to Tuesday night and Kelly having Newt Gingrich on her Fox News program as a guest.

The former Speaker of the House took issue with the way Kelly and other members of the media have been covering the campaign, arguing that too much time has been spent focusing on Trump’s sexual harassment allegations.

The tension-filled segment started with Kelly explaining why Trump is behind in the polls, citing that 2005 Access Hollywood tape and Trump lashing out at nearly every woman who has made allegations about him.

People have a right to hear those charges, she argues in the footage below.

“I’m sick and tired of people like you using language that’s inflammatory that’s not true!” Gingrich blew up, referring to the term sexual predator being applied to Trump.

“When you use the words, you took a position. And I think it’s very unfair of you to do that, Megyn!” Gingrich said.

To which Kelly calmly replied:

“Your defensiveness on this may speak volumes, sir.”

At one point, after Kelly acknowledged that Bill Clinton has an unsavory history with women and that her show has covered it in detail, Gingrich snapped as follows:

“You wanna go back through the tapes of your show recently? You are fascinated with sex and you don’t care about public policy!”

It’s worth watching the video above just to see Kelly’s priceless response to this accusation.

After Gingrich continued to sound like a little child, challenging Kelly to say the words “Bill Clinton sexual predator,” the host somehow kept her chill demeanor and ended the segment by politely saying:

“You can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them.”


Check out the clip above and weigh in:

Who do you think won this faceoff? Kelly or Gingrich?

Or, as has so often been the case throughout this election, are we all losers in the end?


Monday, October 24, 2016

Newt Gingrich -- Hillary Shouldn"t Spike the Football ... Just Ask Wisconsin! (VIDEO)

And now time for some DEEP COLLEGE FOOTBALL KNOWLEDGE … with Newt Gingrich.  Here’s the deal … with Trump reportedly down in the polls, our photog asked Newt if it’s too early for Team Hillary to be “spiking the football” … aka going…
