Showing posts with label Teacher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teacher. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Brittany Zamora: Married Teacher Arrested After Affair With 13-Year-Old

Brittany Zamora is 27 years old. The teacher from Arizona taught sixth grade.

She is no longer a teacher, and not likely to be a teacher ever again.

Not after allegedly engaging in multiple sex acts with a 13-year-old student, some of which took place within a classroom.

Brittany Zamora 01

Sexual predators exist in all walks of life, unfortunately, but few have the degree of access to minors that a teacher does.

Brittany Zamora, seen above looking very unhappy in her mugshot, was arrested last week for a series of alleged sexual encounters with a 13-year-old student.

According to the boy’s statement to police, it all started when Zamora began flirting with him in a classroom chat.

Over time, during which one assumes that she groomed the boy to feel more comfortable with her inappropriate overtures, she sent him nude photos of herself.

From there, things escalated.

Brittany Zamora 05

Between February 1st and March 1st of this year, this extremely inappropriate relationship between a 27-year-old teacher and her 13-year-old student became disturbingly physical.

According to the Arizona Republic, Zamora and the unnamed student had sex on three occasions during that time.

Zamora also reportedly performed oral sex on the student in her car … and in a classroom.

During this, she sent messages that have since been preserved, with statements like:

“I [want to have sex with you] baby! I want you every day with no time limit.”

She also wrote: “If I could quit my job and (have sex with) you all day long, I would.”

This pattern of statutory rape was discovered by the student’s parents, who had installed an app on his phone so that they could spy upon his activities. (That tech is abhorrent and often used for the worst reasons, but this time, it was helpful)

From there, parents contacted the principal.

Hours later, Zamora was arrested. This all took place last Wednesday.

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There is a twist to this story, however.

Because there was someone else who knew about this illicit and illegal relationship for some — unknown — period of time before the arrest.

Brittany Zamora’s husband, Daniel Zamora, whom she had known since she was 15 — not much older than her victim.

Daniel reportedly called the boy’s parents multiple times and pleaded with them to not go to police with the report of Zamora’s actions.

Bizarrely, Daniel allegedly made an offer to the boy’s father that the two men could resolve the situation through a fight.

Brittany Zamora 02

Statutory rape cannot be resolved through, um, trial by combat or whatever it was that Mr. Zamora, clearly desperate to spare his wife from prison, was envisioning.

Some who have read the story have responded with shock and anger that Zamora’s husband was apparently aware of the affair, and some asked how long he had known.

The answer is unclear, but many assume that Brittany Zamora told her husband when she realized that she was caught. Better to hear it from her … we guess?

It is refreshing, at least, to see people respond with anger to news of this twisted crime instead of with jokes or expressions of envy.

Statutory rape is statutory rape, folks.

Brittany Zamora 04

Zamora made an appearance in court on Friday. She’s charged with multiple counts of sexual contact with a minor, child molestation, and transmitting obscene material.

Another student admitted to having witnessed the sexual relationship between teacher and student, and also admitted that Zamora had sent him an illicit photo, too.

Some have observed that they believe that these illegal relationships in which teachers prey upon their students are happening more frequently.

It may be, however, that since modern relationships so often happen through technology, these crimes have been happening for generations, and being caught more often now because they leave an electronic trail.

The world can be a frightening place.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Ohio Teacher Sentenced to Jail for Sex with Female Student

Brooke Rosendale, a fifth grade intervention specialist and volleyball and basketball coach in Ohio, was been sentenced to three years in jail.

The ruling came down on Wednesday, after Rosendale pleaded guilty to a sexual relationship with a 13-year old female student.

According to an arrest report (obtained by People Magazine), the Riverdale School employee engaged in sexual contact with the unnamed teenager in January and February of last year.

The incidents did not happen on school grounds, the document states.

Based on this same report, Rosendale (who was convicted on a charge of third-degree felony count of sexual battery) was not the teacher of the girl with whom she slept.

Instead, the two met via the school’s extracurricular programs.

Rosendale, who resigned her position one months after this inappropriate relationship ended, must now register as a Tier 3 sex offender going forward.

She also must pay $ 225 in restitution to the family of her former student.

In court, Rosendale’s attorney, Peter Halleck, said his client has accepted responsibility for her actions and has expressed remorse to him on multiple occasions.

However, Hancock County Common Pleas Judge Reginald Routson, the judge who oversaw the case, came across as skeptical that Rosendale truly understood her actions.

“You stepped across a line, a taboo that cannot be violated,” Routson said, according to court records.

He added:

“There cannot be any sort of relationships between teachers and students and you betrayed a very important trust.”

Rosendale apologized Wednesday to the parents of the student, who appeared in court but did not wish to make a statement in public.

“I want to apologize to the family,” she said. “I know I hurt them and I apologize.”

Rosendale got engaged in July of 2016 and was scheduled to get married on November 4, 2017, per a section on

It’s unclear at this time whether or not Rosendale went through with the wedding.

In March of 2017, the teenager’s parents reported these sexual incidents to the school district.

After the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office launched a criminal investigation, Rosendale resigned from her position.

She has also relinquished her teaching certificate.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Dayanna Volitich: Teacher Exposed as White Nationalist Media Figure

Until last week, Dayanna Volitich was a beloved social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School outside of Tampa.

Tiana Dalichov is a popular podcast host who has made a name for herself preaching hate and bigotry to an audience of like-minded white nationalists.

Needless to say, Volitich’s bosses were shocked to find out they’re the same person.

According to The Washington Post, Volitich is a self-professed anti-Semite who believes Muslims should be eradicated from the Earth and that whites are genetically superior to other races.

For the past year, she lived a double life and carefully concealed her abhorrent worldview from teaching colleagues while actively spreading hate on the internet.

Over the weekend, parents in the Citrus County School District were notified that Volitich had been exposed in a piece published by Huffington Post and was promptly fired as a result.

“On Friday, March 2, 2018 the Citrus County School District was made aware of a concerning podcast by a Huffington Post reporter. The reporter indicated they believed one of the persons participating in the podcast was a teacher at Crystal River Middle School,” reads a statement on the district’s Facebook page.

“The Human Resources department was notified and an investigation was initiated immediately. The teacher has been removed from the classroom and the investigation is ongoing.

“Pursuant to Florida Statute an open investigation and materials related to it are exempt from public record and cannot be discussed until the investigation is complete,” the statement concluded.

Frighteningly, on her podcast, Volitich spoke of going to great lengths to hide her beliefs, and she encouraged other white nationalists to “infiltrate” America’s public schools as teachers.

“I’m pretty hyper aware that [administrators and colleagues] will be watching. They’ll be listening, and so I’m getting a little more underhanded,” Volitich told a guest on her podcast.

“I was able to anticipate when they would be there to evaluate, and so I did what I was supposed to do. I danced like a little puppet, and I waited until they were gone,” she added.

In a statement released to a Tampa-area media outlet, Volitich claimed that her podcast was a work of satire and was not meant to be taken seriously:

“None of the statements released about my being a white nationalist or white supremacist have any truth to them, nor are my political beliefs injected into my teaching of social studies curriculum,” Volitich’s statement reads.

“While operating under the Russian pseudonym ‘Tiana Dalichov’ on social media and the Unapologetic Podcast, I employed political satire and exaggeration, mainly to the end of attracting listeners and followers, and generating conversation about the content discussed between myself and my guests.”

On her popular Twitter page, Volitich/Dalichov tweeted that she “may disappear for a while” following this week’s revelations.

Within 24 hours, the account had been deleted.

Volitich’s whereabouts are currently unknown.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Florida Teacher Arrested for Giving Student Sex, Drugs

A Florida middle school teacher has been arrested due to an allegedly inappropriate relationship with one of her 14-year old students.

According to Volusia County Sheriff’s Department, Stephanie Peterson Ferri was taken into custody on Wednesday and charged with two counts of lewd or lascivious battery, along with one count of transmission of harmful materials to a minor.

The details behind these charges are pretty gross.

Authorities say the 26-year old science teacher at New Smyrna Beach Middle School started a sexual relationship with an eighth grader in November.

Police were alerted to this sordid situation on Tuesday, February 27 after the student (who is a minor and therefore unnamed in this report) told his parents about these naked encounters.

The young teenager told officials that the relationship began after Peterson sent him a bunch of naked photos of herself.

It was then taken further when the two would start meeting late at night, with Peterson picking up her sexual prey at his home around 11 p.m. on various nights and dropping him back off around 1 a.m.

Police also allege that Peterson bought this individual marijuana and smoking pipes.

At one point, the victim’s grades started to slip as a result of this romance, which only prompted Peterson to tell him that he couldn’t tell anyone about what was going on, lest they get in major trouble.

But the 14-year old finally realized that only his teacher would actually get in trouble for her misdeeds.

Peterson was arrested yesterday and booked into the Volusia County Branch Jail.

She is being held on a $ 25,000 bond.

As you can see below, this case has elicited quite the range of emotions and reactions on Facebook.

Some people think Peterson is disgusting, others think the young man was anything but a victim in this situation.

Here’s a look at the wide range of responses:

teacher replies

Peterson reportedly began teaching as a substitute teacher in this same school district in 2010, prior to becoming a full-time teacher in August of 2013.

She started teaching at New Smyrna Beach Middle School three years later.

School district spokesperson Nancy Wait says that Peterson resigned on Monday for “personal reasons.”

Per the Volusia County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page:

Detectives are asking parents to talk to their kids, and anyone with information about any additional potential victims is asked to contact the VCSO Child Exploitation Unit at 386-323-3574.


Friday, December 29, 2017

Teacher, 44, Caught "Romping" in Car With 13-Year-Old Student

A teacher named Rachel Gonzalez was arrested after a boy’s father caught her and his son “romping” in her car.

While other teachers have been arrested for sexually preying upon their students, this story is particularly unsettling.

Because the teacher was 44 and the son … was 13.

The only silver lining to this disgusting story is that Rachel Gonzalez was caught and arrested.

An underage student’s father notified Bay City, Texas police of an inappropriate relationship between his 13-year-old son and a 44-year-old teacher.

We hope that we don’t have to explain why the boy’s name has been withheld.

The teacher’s name is Rachel Gonzalez.

Apparently, what first clued in the father was discovering conversations on the teen’s phone about their inappropriate sexual relationship.

We can’t imagine how horrifying it must be to discover that your very young son is being preyed upon by a much, much older sexual predator.

It must be even more chilling to find that the woman in question has been entrusted with the care and well being of hundreds of children.

It appears that Rachel Gonzalez may not be the boy’s teacher.

The school district reported that it had received “a report of an alleged inappropriate relationship between a student at one campus and a BCISD teacher from another campus.”

Given that there are reports of Rachel Gonzalez having been (at least at one time) a fourth grade teacher, that makes sense.

(Fourth graders, folks, are typically 9 or 10, not 13)

“The District immediately involved the Bay City ISD Chief of Police in order to evaluate the report, and quickly turned the matter over to the Bay City Police Department for a full investigation.”

According to Bay City police documents:

“During the investigation Detectives got a search warrant to seize and access the phone belonging to the victim. At that time, they were able to locate evidence indicating there was an improper relationship and Detectives requested warrants for the arrest of Gonzalez.”

They served those warrants on December 22nd. Rachel Gonzalez was then super arrested.

“She was transported to the Matagorda County Jail where she was booked in on charges of On-Line Solicitation of a Minor and Improper Relationship Between Educator and Student.”

And, in case you’re worried about this woman seeing the inside of a classroom instead of a jail cell, the school district also added:

“The teacher in question resigned from BCISD prior to the District learning of the allegations.”

The school district’s Board of Trustees President released an additional statement:

“While I cannot provide additional information at this time that could possibly compromise the legal process underway or the safety and well-being of BCISD students.”

The Board President then added:

“I want to assure our parents and community that student welfare is our top priority. We are committed to providing a safe school environment for BCISD students and staff.”

We should note that there are a few things that are unusual about this case:

-The scope of the age difference.

-That she appears to have been a teacher from another school altogether.

-The extent of the victim’s youth, because 13 is (usually) barely pubescent. We may be talking about a 7th grader, here.

It’s horrifying. We wish that we knew what sort of screening process schools should implement to prevent the hiring of sexual predators.

All that we can really suggest is that, for prospective teachers who think that they might be attracted to future students: perhaps, like diabetics who dream of becoming bakers, they should pick another profession before they ruin some student’s life.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Texas Teacher Arrested for Picking Up Student at Chick-fil-A, Banging Him in Parking Lot

A Texas history teacher was arrested this week and charged with sexual assault with an ex-student after meeting up with him at a local Chick-fil-A restaurant.

People Magazine was the first outlet to report the incident.

According to court records, Michelle Schiffer has been charged with engaging in an improper relationship with a student who is now 16 years old.

He was 15 at the time of the sexual encounter.

Schiffer is 23.

The teacher told authorities that she met the unnamed student at the aforementioned fast food restaurant before they went to a friend’s home to have sex.

The student, meanwhile, told authorities that Schiffer picked him up once at a park in her car – and then the inappropriate twosome drove around the neighborhood before having sex in a parking lot.

This second allegation was reported by local TV station CW39.

Chick-fil-A pic

The same network adds that Schiffer and the student had sex on multiple occasions.

Schiffer teaches world history at Cypress Springs High School in Cypress, Texas.

She was ordered to appear in court on Wednesday to face her charges, while a judge has set bond at $ 30,000.

Official records indicate that Schiffer posted the amount later that day and is now a free woman.

Having admitted that she also smoked marijuana with this student in the car, it’s also safe to classify her as a messed up woman.

The Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District has said in a statement that the 23-year old was immediately removed from campus and placed on administrative leave once they learned of the charges.

We’d have to imagine she’ll soon be fired.

“We will continue to protect our students and not tolerate relationships of an inappropriate nature,” the statement reads.

chicken store

No word on the scandal from Chick-fil-A, although there’s no real reason for the chain to speak out.

It continues to provide consumers with delicious chicken sandwiches, while not being a big fan of gay people.

Here’s a look, meanwhile, at other teachers who have had sex with students.

For hilarious shame on them…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Jessie Lorene Goline, Arkansas High School Teacher, Arrested for Multiple-Student Sex Spree

Jessie Lorene Goline, a 25-year old art teacher from northeast Arkansas, was arrested on Wednesday due to accusations that she had inappropriate relationships with four students.

By which we mean she’s accused of having SEX with four students.

According to a filing in Craighead County Circuit Court, Goline has been charged with one count of first degree sexual assault.

Why only one, if she presumably slept with four students?

Because only one of those students was under the age of 18.

An affidavit cited by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette says Goline claims that student turned out to be “way younger than what he told her,” but that is far beside the point, of course.

Goline has admitted to sleeping with all four of these individuals.

The reported acts took place between January and April of 2016, authorities say.

The Democrat-Gazette writes that Goline would send these four unnamed teenagers text messages that grew increasingly sexual over time.


One of the victims alleges that his teacher commented on his good looks in front of the class and then sent him a photograph of herself in a thong.

Moreover, Goline brought two of the students back to her apartment and had sex with them in separate incidents… on the same day, it has now been confirmed.

One student says he was dropped off by a friend at Goline’s residence in Jonesboro, where the two had sexual intercourse.

And then another student, who was enrolled in Goline’s class, says the teacher picked him up in the afternoon and took him to her apartment… where they got it on before she took him back home to school later in the day.

Forget playing hooky.

This was an example of playing tonsil hockey – and then some!

jlg husband

An investigation got underway in April after Marked Tree High School officials learned that a worried parent had threatened to “do bodily harm to one of their teachers.”

The parent had accused Goline of having sex with numerous students.

As officials attempted to piece together what happened and who could be to blame, Goline entered the principal’s office around this time and broke down in tears.

That sort of served as a giveaway.

According to Fox News, “Goline was booked into the Craighead County Detention Center Wednesday afternoon on a $ 5,000 bond, and was waiting for an Oct. 31 court appearance” but was released later in the day.

If convicted, she could face 10 to 40 years, or life, in prison.

And she’s also married.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Laura Lynn Cross: High School Teacher Gets Knocked Up with Student’s Baby, Arrested

Laura Lynn Cross, a former high school teacher in Ohio, has been arrested on sexual battery charges after she gave birth to the baby of a 17-year old student.

The 36-year old Cross didn’t merely sleep with the unnamed pupil, either.

According to WEWS and other news outlets, the ex-educator starting “grooming” the then-14-year old to be a potential baby daddy back when she first started sleeping with him in 2013.

The sexual relationship between Cross and this young man is said to have taken place between August 1, 2013 through September 6, 2016.

A few months before it started, the boy’s father approached authorities with concern over how close his son had grown to his teacher.

But no action was taken at that time.

Cross quit her job as an English teacher at Buchtel High School in Akron in January of 2015.

Back when the boy was in eighth grade, Cross invited him to go swimming in her pool before he later starting staying the night in her home.

teacher and student

Cross eventually convinced the pupil’s mother to permit her son move into her house in a court-approved “partial parental custody” arrangement.

She reportedly convinced the mother, who had custody of the teenager, that she could “mentor” the boy.

Cross gave birth to her baby in 2015, but managed to keep the child a secret until the boy’s father learned of the toddler and alerted police officers.

She has since been arrested and charged with three counts of sexual battery and is prison on $ 100,000 bond.

“It was a straight failure from the system. From the school and the police, definitely,” the boy’s father told local TV channel News 5 Cleveland.

hot teacher

He added:

“She had a hold on my son and [the police] told me he’s not co-operating with us so we no can do nothing with it…

“She’s a school teacher. To get aroused by a child, basically, you have to be a sick individual.”

The Akron school system says officials are “doing our [their] own internal investigation going back to 2012 to determine what exactly happened and when it happened.”

Well, we think we know what happened. We did learn our birds and our bees back in the day.

But when it happened and whether Cross violated any laws?

We’ll let the authorities straighten all of that out.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Teacher Refuses to Stop Starring in Porn, Gets Fired

Nina Skye appears to be proof that women really can’t have it all.

The 21-year old spoke to a Fox affiliate in Los Angeles this week after she lost her job as a kindergarten teacher at an unnamed religious school in the area.

Her professional crime, according to administrators?

Starring in her free time as an adult film actress.

Skye told the outlet that she is a “really good teacher” who loves being in the classroom and helping her four and five-year olds learn.

But she’s worked a second job for awhile now as a porn star, earning $ 2,500 per skin flick for such titles as Amateur Allure and Swallow Salon.

“I love teaching. I love sex. If I can get away with doing both, then I will,” she explained to Fox.

Alas, she will be unable to continue on both career paths, at least not at the school where she had been employed for the past year.

According to The Daily Mail, Skye has been fired because her side gig runs counter to the Christian values espoused at the institution.

“It goes against their views of fornication, like sex before marriage and that’s what I’m doing,” Skye says. “They say it goes against the paper I signed, saying I wouldn’t do it.”

We doubt Skye signed a contract that specifically prohibits her from railing men and women in front of a camera.

But there probably was some kind of morality clause in there.

The part-time porn star does acknowledge that the senior teachers at her school tried to convince her to stick to teaching and teaching only.

“They were really trying to pull me away from staying in the industry,” she says. “They just really wanted me out. They offered help and advice, but I don’t really want out.”

(But sometimes she probably wants the guys to pull out! If you know what we mean!)

The 21-year old refers to porn as “easy money” and wishes the job were not frowned upon to such an extent by those who don’t understand it.

“I guess some people are really tied by that moral code. There’s a really big stigma associated with it, and how our society views it,” she says.

“But that’s not how I am. I’m really open-minded. Super open-minded and not judgmental.”

(She’s also open-legged a lot! If you know what we mean!)

In the end, this story raises two questions:

1. How is it possible it’s somehow NOT the most ridiculous article we’ve written today about sex and the American public education system?

2. How, exactly, did administrators learn that Skye is a porn star? Does any higher-up have a confession he (or she!) would like to make about his (or her!) viewing habits?


Laura Ramos, Married High School Teacher, Arrested For Having Sex with Special Ed Student

A married Connecticut high school teacher, Laura Ramos, has been arrested for allegedly having sex with a special education student.

She also allegedly denied and destroyed evidence of the acts.

Ramos, 31, was charged with second-degree sexual assault.

A wife and a mother, she admitted to having sex with an 18-year-old student while teaching at Central High School in Bridgeport, Conn.

Authorities say they were called to the high school after another student reported the liaisons to officials, local station WFSB reported.

The student, a.k.a. “witness 1” in court documents, told officials that Ramos began texting him first “as a ‘normal teacher’ helping a student.”

Ramos then began confiding in him, complaining about her “man” or “guy” … presumably the teen she had a sexual relationship with.

“Witness 1” told the cops that he saw Ramos and the teen “make eyes at each other” and flirt with one another, court documents alleged.

Teacher Arrest

Ramos would also complain to the student witness that her “man” wouldn’t want to “have sex or do anything,” he later told the school.

She also “tried to have him buy weed for her” apparently.

Police took screenshots of Ramos’ text to the student witness before confronting the former teacher, who denied having sex with the teen.

Ramos, however, did admit to a “close” relationship.

News 12 Connecticut reports that they were so close that Ramos was bringing homemade sandwiches and fruit in for her alleged victim.

In a second interview, Ramos admitted she had sex with the teen “a handful of times” in her car, starting in December and ending in April.

She said that she had previously talked to the teenager in question about denying their relationship and had deleted all of their texts.


A different witness told local authorities, according to News 12, that Ramos had also asked him “to buy, find and roll marijuana” for her.

A former student of Ramos said “I was very, very, very frustrated, very angry, disappointed, upset. This should have been dealt with properly.”

“I feel like this situation was not handled properly at all.” 

Her lawyer, Edward Gavin, said in a statement:

“She is cloaked in the presumption of innocence, and we look forward to obtaining all the investigative reports so that we can offer the appropriate defense.”

Ramos submitted a letter of resignation to the school on June 20. School officials say that termination proceedings have been initiated.

The case is still being investigated by the Bridgeport Police Department, the school district and Central High School’s resource officer.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Hot Math Teacher Erin McAuliffe Arrested for Having Sex with 3 Male High School Students

Erin McAuliffe — a 25-year-old math teacher — has been arrested for carrying on sexual relationships with 3 male high school students. The charter school teacher at Rocky Mount Preparatory in North Carolina was taken into custody Thursday and…


Hot Math Teacher Erin McAuliffe Arrested for Having Sex with 3 Male High School Students

Erin McAuliffe — a 25-year-old math teacher — has been arrested for carrying on sexual relationships with 3 male high school students. The charter school teacher at Rocky Mount Preparatory in North Carolina was taken into custody Thursday and…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Pregnant Middle School Teacher Accused of Having Sex With Student

A Texas middle school teacher has been accused of having sex with one a 15-year-old student.

Katherine Harper, 27, was arrested on suspicion of improper relationship between an educator and student, a second degree felony.

Multiple media outlets are reporting that Harper was eight months pregnant at the time of her arrest.

There’s no word on if the 15-year-old student is the father of Harper’s child.

According to Fox 5 in Denton, Texas, police began investigating the relationship between Harper and her student after they received an anonymous tip back in December.

The investigation revealed that Harper and the unnamed minor carried on a sexual relationship for nearly two months during the summer of 2016.

According to the local Star-Telegram newspaper, the Harper and the student met when she taught him 7th grade English at Tidwell Middle School.

School Street View Shot

Cell phone records show that they communicated 76 times the following summer, frequently sending explicit photos to one another.

When asked about his time with Harper, the boy reportedly cried and admitted to the relationship.

In an interview with Child Protective Services, the boy stated that he and Harper met at his home for the first time on June 1, 2016.

The pair allegedly consumed alcohol and engaged in sexual intercourse.

After being arrested last week, Harper has been released on $ 15,000 bond, and is currently awaiting trial.

She has been placed on administrative leave from Tidwell Middle School.

Bizarrely, this is the second such incident to take place in Texas in as many weeks.

On March 22, we reported on the arrest of Sarah Fowlkes (above), another 27-year-old Texas teacher who was arrested for having sex with a male teenage student.

Fowlkes story went viral due to the teacher’s baffling decision to falsh a toothy grin in her mug shot.

Disturbingly, in Harper’s case, there are sources coming forward with claims that they reported the situation to school officials as far back as September of 2016.

An affidavit tied to the case revealed that officials did receive those reports, but put the investigation on hold due to lack of evidence.

There is no word yet on when Harper will stand trial.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sarah Fowlkes: Texas Teacher Who Banged Student LOVING LIFE in Smoking Hot Mug Shot

Texas teacher Sarah Fowlkes, 27, is accused of having improper sexual relations with a student, a minor who was just 17 years old.

Not that it seems to bother her all that much, based on her mug shot:

“Yeah, girl! Way to get that D!” – Sarah to herself above.

We kid, obviously, but one has to wonder how any individual – no matter how photogenic – is in that kind of mood while getting arrested.

For a sex crime, no less. Just bizarre. In any case …

A warrant was issued for her arrest for an alleged improper relationship with the male student, according to CHS Austin affiliate KEYE-TV.

The Lockhart Police Department confirms that Fowlkes is accused of engaging in said conduct with a student at Lockhart High School.

Lockhart Independent School District administrators learned of the alleged romance on March 10, just prior to the school’s spring break.

Authorities said that they determined through a series of interviews that Fowlkes had in fact engaged in sexual contact with the student.  

The victim’s name has not been released, as he is underage.

“It shocked me, especially since I used to go here,” River Morgan, a 2016 Lockhart High School graduate, said regarding the scandal.

“I just feel like the teacher should know better than to do that,” Joe Chapa, another 2016 grad, told the Austin station that broke the story.

Parents picking up students at Lockhart High School this week said they were surprised and disappointed, in the understatement of all time. 

Some said that the social media age doesn’t help matters.

While it’s not an excuse, the easy online interaction between teachers and students makes it challenging to keep relations professional.

“I feel like it makes it easier for an accidental relationship like that to happen,” Chapa said. “I think maybe there’s not as much of a distance.”

“It should be much more professional.”

Superintendent Susan Bohn emailed Lockhart High School parents on Monday to notify them of Fowlkes’ arrest and suspension, writing:

“Lockhart parents entrust their children to us every day, and it is something we do not take lightly. Student safety is the district’s most important priority.”

“As soon as we learned of the report, we acted swiftly to involve law enforcement and CPS to conduct a thorough investigation.”

“The district does not and will not tolerate any improper communication or contact between a teacher and child,” Bohn added.

Fowlkes has been with the district since 2014.

According to her bio on the high school’s website, she taught anatomy (Did she ever! Too soon?), physiology and environmental systems.

She previously taught third and fifth grade, but “Fowlkes will not return to the school district” in any capacaity, Bohn said in her statement. 

According to reports, Sarah Fowlkes celebrated her birthday along with her husband of four years before turning herself in to the authorities.

Hey, you might as well enjoy it while it lasts, right? Perhaps that explains the carefree, blissful mood in her booking photo above. #BirthdayVibes

She was booked into the Caldwell County Jail.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Brianne Altice, Utah Teacher Who Had Sex With Three Students, Begs For Parole

Brianne Altice, a former Utah teacher who pleaded guilty in 2015 to sexual abuse, is pleading for forgiveness – and an early release.

After having sex with three of her underage students, she is seeking parole this week in an emotional hearing, detailing her crimes.

“I clearly lost sight of all my values and my principles and was seeking inappropriate means to address my own issues,” Altice said.

“Issues I’m very aware of now.”

Before the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole, she said, “This was my doing. This was no one else’s fault but my own.”

“This was not my ex-husband’s fault, or the school’s fault, or my students’ fault. These were my poor, poor decisions.”

“I’m very aware of it and I am very remorseful,” said the 36-year-old. “I regret the decisions I made that brought us here.”

Brianne Altice, a former English teacher at Davis High School in Kaysville, Utah, is also a mother of two minor children.

In exchange for her guilty plea to three counts, 11 others were dropped, including three first-degree felony rape charges.

Altice was first arrested in October 2013; Brianne admitted to inappropriate sexual conduct with the victims, then 16 and 17.

She says she had sex with one of them, a then 16-year-old student, in a church parking lot and during the school lunch hour.

Altice also admits to having sexual encounters with one victim, a 17-year-old boy, after she was arrested and out on bail.

“I had extreme self-esteem issues, and they [the victims] said things that made me feel good about myself,” she said.

“I just started to justify everything.”

Prosecutors say Altice’s crimes had a “really substantial impact” on her victims, despite what some might consider a consensual encouter.

“I didn’t see it that way because she impacted the lives of these boys,” Davis County Deputy District Attorney Cristina Ortega said. 

“I think it was the sentiment in the public that it’s any boy’s dream to have a relationship with an older woman like a teacher.”

“I think she took advantage of each of the boys and what issues they may have had, [be it] family or drugs or that sort of thing.”

“I think she took advantage of that and made their problems even worse. And on top of that, they had to deal with the public scrutiny.”

“I think people don’t see how it really affects the kids, the boys. It’s not a ‘tie the boy down and rape him’ sort of abuse.”

“You don’t know until you’re a parent, really,” Ortega said.

“What it is … it’s more of an emotional abuse.” 

Altice said at Tuesday’s hearing that she has earned a paralegal certificate and has been taking life-skills classes and receiving therapy.

If she is released, the disgraced educator said she plans to live at a home owned by her parents and continue her therapy actively.

A five-member board will now deliberate and make a decision next month to determine how much time Altice will spend behind bars.

There’s a lot at stake, to put it mildly:

Altice’s current release date is 2045.


Texas Teacher Blackmailed By Middle School Student Over Sexual Relationship

According to court documents, teacher Thao Doan was charged with sexual assault after engaging in alleged sexual activity with a student.

But here’s the crazier part:

Doan’s student blackmailed his former middle school teacher for nearly $ 28,000 by threatening to expose their alleged sexual relationship.

The boy’s mom suspected they had an inappropriate relationship, according to a police affidavit obtained by the Dallas Morning News.

The mother first raised concerns about Doan this month, saying that she noticed the educator gave her son “large amounts of money.”

Money used it for “illegal purposes,” the affidavit states, and she found electronic evidence that this is precisely what was going on.

She even showed school officials screen shots of her son’s texts demanding money from Doan and her replies that she didn’t have any.

The boy said in a threatening message to Doan that he was going to gather photos to show police if she didn’t come up with the money.

It’s not clear if he actually had any pictures.

Doan eventually confessed to police that she communicated with the student over Instagram and other social media platforms in 2015.

They went on to have sex at a park that summer.

From there, the scandalous pair began having sex during November and December, according to the affidavit, until January 2016.

At that point, the 27-year-old told police she began receiving threatening messages from an unknown person using multiple numbers.

The caller would ask about drop-off sites for payments they demanded, and the suspect was fairly easily identified by officials investigating.

Given the circumstances? Not surprising.

Doan, who is also listed as the school’s cross country coach, according to the school district’s website, was released after posting bail.

The Dallas Independent School District did not immediately respond to a request for comment regarding the teacher or the student.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Students Surprise Teacher with Perfect Xmas Gift

The days of getting one"s favorite teacher a red ad shiny apple are apparently long gone.

At least for one group of students in California.

In the following video, we see a classroom in Edgewood High School in West Covina ad a teacher sitting in front of his desk.

The teacher"s name is Taylor Kerby and his students have pooled money together to present him with something very special.

As the story goes, when school started a couple months ago, Kerby saw one of his students wearing some red Vans and noted that he wanted a pair too.

They weren"t something he would dare buy for himself, however.

A few days prior to the holidays, however, his students thought it would be the ideal time to surprise him with his very own bright red pair of sneakers.

And because cell phones were permitted in the classroom, we got to see Taylor"s reaction to this gift.

His EPIC reaction, we should say.

Click PLAY below to see why this video has been shared over 50,000 times on social media. We can"t get enough of it.

Students surprise favorite teacher with perfect christmas gift

Friday, December 9, 2016

Teacher Meets Her Own Student on Snapchat, Has Sex with Him on Park Bench

Alaina Ferguson, a 24-year-old former Texas high school math teacher, was recently arrested for allegedly having sex with one of her students.

The two connected on Snapchat, according to reports.

She was arrested on November 30 and charged with sexual assault, according to jail records and a McKinney, Texas, police spokeswoman.

Rumors of the former algebra teacher’s two-month relationship with a 16-year-old student spread throughout Plano Senior High School.

According to The Dallas Morning News, the student allegedly told police he wrote his Snapchat username at the top of a test in her class.

Alaina Ferguson then allegedly replied via the app.

The two met a few days later and had sex on a park bench, reports CBS News, while his friend (who came with him) took the dog for a walk.

They allegedly had sex in her apartment on several occasions, CBS DFW, a local station, reports, and they played beer pong as well.

She shared the apartment with her fiance.

Ferguson allegedly told the teenage student she knew the relationship wasn’t right, but it just felt right at the time, according to reports.

She worked for the Plano school district from August to October, says a district spokeswoman, but resigned on October 14.

At the time, the school and district officials were unaware of any criminal investigation involving her until after her resignation.

The district declined further comment, and it was not immediately clear at press time if Ferguson has entered a plea to her charge.

She is currently free on $ 100,000 bond.

Alaina ferguson texas teacher arrested for having sex on park be

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Former Wisconsin Teacher Jailed For Having Sex with Teen

Elizabeth Dillett, a 31-year-old former kindergarten teacher, has been sentenced to two years behind bars for having sex with a teenager.

Dillett pleaded guilty in October to two felonies – two counts of sexual assault of a child by a person who works or volunteers with children.  

"She preyed on my son and used our friendship for access to him," said the victim"s father in court Friday. "I blame myself for trusting her."

At one point, Dillet begged the boy"s parents not to turn her in.

Texts sent to the boy"s dad that were later revealed to the court said she was prepared to "do anything to keep her name out of the public." 

Dillett, who initially pleaded not guilty to the charges, was athletic director at St. Peter-Immanuel Lutheran School and taught kindergarten.

The victim was not a current student at the school.

It is believed that the pair got to know one another through athletics training; Dillett first had sex with the teen at her home in late February.

Another sexual encounter occurred in March, at the school; Dillett gave the boy condoms for each session, according to the authorities.

She had been on paid leave since April, when the allegations first went public. Prosecutors described Dillett as manipulative and predatory.

The victim"s father also made a statement in court describing how her son"s innocence was stolen, addressing the courtroom:

"We have recognized that our son believed that he was in a healthy relationship. His opinions regarding relationships [is now] distorted."

In court, Dillett apologized to her family, and the victim"s.

"I broke your trust and our friendship. I know I crossed the line with your son and your family and it was very inappropriate of me," Dillett said.

Elizabeth dillett wisconsin teacher jailed for having sex with t

Friday, November 18, 2016

Teacher Fired for Screaming at "Punk A$$ N--gers" in Class

Welcome to Donald Trump"s America?

Earlier this week, we shared the video of a displeased Starbucks patron who ranted and raved about how his bad service was a product of anti-white discrimination.

And now we have the unfortunate job of reporting on an even more disturbing story…

A middle school teacher in Baltimore was fired from her job this week after cellphone footage was taken of her absolutely berating her students in class.

The teacher is white, a majority of her students were black and she got very, very mad at them for reasons that most definitely do NOT justify what she said.

“Leave! Get out of my class,” we hear her screaming in the video below, as she shoves a boy out of the room at Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School.

“You’re idiots!” she adds, prior to warning the kids that “if you don’t get an education you will wind up being a punk ass n—er who is gonna get shot.”

Yup, she really did say that.

She also called her students “stupid” during her one-minute rant, but that was almost harmless compared to everything else.

The teacher"s name has been withheld, but we can confirm that she"s been fired.

Watch her rant below and try not to lose faith in all of humanity as you do:

Baltimore teacher fired for screaming at punk a%24%24 n gers in clas