Showing posts with label Banged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banged. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: I Never Banged Jewish Barbie! I Love Jen Harley!

We all know that reality TV shows rarely depict anything that could be accurately described as reality.
From the Teen Moms to the Real Housewives, just about everyone who’s appeared on a long-running reality series has complained at one point or another about being the victim of a bad...
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: I Never Banged Jewish Barbie! I Love Jen Harley!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Nathan Griffith"s Friend OWNS David Eason on Twitter: I Banged Jenelle, Bruh!

It"s been eight months since David Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 as a result of his bigoted views and hateful slurs.

Unfortunately, this is 2018, a time when everyone has a platform — which means Dave still has a way to reach out to his fellow racists and homophobes.

Fortunately, for every idiot who pipes up in support of Eason"s idiocy, there are a few thousand who are happy to condemn it — and it turns out some of them have some pretty specific shade to throw at reality TV"s least favorite house husband:


1. Mr. Evans

David eason eff you

Jenelle’s been the primary breadwinner in her household for the better part of a year now, so it stands to reason that David is starting to get very bored.

2. Haters Gonna Hate

David eason allergic to shirts

Yes folks, a hater with too much time on his hands is a very dangerous thing, and David has found a very sad way of keeping himself occupied.

3. Straight Pride

David eason straight pride meme

In case you weren’t aware, David is proud to be a straight white man. Like, really proud. Like, it’s pretty much all he talks about.

4. To Be Fair …

David eason picture

Okay, it’s not ALL he talks about. David also enjoys taking shots at Jenelle Evans’ exes, all of whom seem to be a source of major insecurity for him.

5. Relax, Dave

Kieffer delp and jenelle evans

Sources say Eason was so upset about an MTV special focusing on Jenelle’s relationships with exes like Kieffer Delp that he briefly broke things off with his wife.

6. The New Target

David eason on insta

Of course, these days, David focuses most of his energy on hating a much more recent ex of Jenelle’s …

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Friday, August 31, 2018

Cardi B Orders Cardi-Beatdown on Pair of Chicks She Thinks Banged Offset!

On Wednesday, while Cardi B fans were mesmerized by her borderline X-rated hot-and-heavy PDA video with Offset, she is also accused of having committed a crime. 

Specifically, she is accused of having sent her minions to attack a pair of strip club bartenders.

Why? She allegedly got it into her head that her husband Offset slept with these women – months ago.

TMZ reports that Cardi B allegedly ordered an attack on a pair of strip club employees at Angels Strip Club.

Though initial reports said that it had been a pair of strippers who were attacked, it has since been clarified that Jade and Baddie G are not strippers themselves.

They are bartenders at a strip club.

They say that on Wednesday, August 29, they say that they were face-to-face with Cardi at the club at which they both work.

According to their allegations, Cardi had several members of her posse attack them, throwing bottles and chairs.

That’s a serious allegation, but they say it was a serious attack, inflicting very real injuries upon both of them.

This is apparently not even the first time.

Jade says that on August 15, she got a heads up warning that the rapper had put a bullseye on her back.

She says that later that evening, she was attacked by five associates of Cardi’s who apparently grabbed her hair, punched her, and hit her with an ashtray.

This apparently goes back months. Back in June, Cardi reportedly confronted Jade and her sister Baddie G at a hotel in Atlanta.

Cardi is said to have accused Jade of having slept with Offset.

When Jade denied it, she said that the 25-year-old (real name Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar) threatened her with physical harm.

If the accusations are true, Cardi made good on that promise.

TMZ wants it absolutely clear that no one has accused Cardi of personally attacking either woman. She is accused of having her goons attack them.

Allegedly, Cardi personally told the sisters:

“I’m blood I’ll f–k you bitches up!”

Yeah. Jade and Baddie G have contacted attorney Joe Tacopina, who says that he is considering a lawsuit against Cardi over these alleged attacks.

The sisters are also planning to contact police to file a criminal complaint about the attack, and may have done so by the time that you read this.

That is an awful lot of trouble for Cardi to potentially get into just a matter of weeks after becoming a first-time mom to Kulture.

It’s also not the only legal issue facing the new family. As you may recall, Offset was arrested for gun possession in July.

That was a violation of his parole, which could potentially mean that he could wind up behind bars if his attorneys are unable to get him out of it.

Now, Cardi could be looking at charges of her own for allegedly ordering at least one assault on another human being.

At the same time, the August 15 attack sounds very hard to prove unless someone confesses and gives over evidence.

The attack on August 29, on the other hand, sounds like it happened indoors. We have to wonder if it was caught on security cameras.

Obviously, no one should be ordering attacks on anyone because this is real life and not some sort of nightmarish mob movie.

But we have to say that it sounds especially strange that Cardi is allegedly targeting a pair of bartenders whom she does not seem to actually know.

If you think that someone may have had sex with your husband, you should be mad at your husband, right? Not at some random woman who might not even know that he’s married.

There have been other accusations that Offset is a cheater. He’s 26 and now has four kids, for whatever that’s worth.

If Cardi is going to allegedly order attacks on every woman rumored to have hooked up with Offset, she’s going to be very busy.

Maybe she should find a new husband instead of an axe to grind. More importantly, we hope that she won’t commit any crimes.

We don’t want to have to wonder about who will raise Kulture. We just don’t.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Jim Neidhart Collapsed from Apparent Seizure, Banged Head

Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart’s wife told emergency personnel the ex-WWE superstar collapsed while appearing to have a seizure early Monday morning … and slammed his head when he fell to the ground.  Elizabeth Neidhart told investigators Jim was…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Leah Messer on Teen Mom 2: Yup, I Banged Jeremy Calvert!

So… THAT happened on Teen Mom 2 this week.

With more controversy than ever swirling around the MTV series, the June 18 installment of this scandal-filled reality series walloped viewers over the head with yet another stunner on Monday night.

It involved Leah Messer, her ex-husband and sexual intercourse.

Intrigued? We thought you might be.

Scroll down for a full recap of the crazy events!

1. Relationship Rewind

Leah messer and jeremy calvert together

Messer and Calvert got married in April of 2012, about a year after Leah split from first husband Corey Simms.

2. Three Years Later…

Leah messer calvert family

… Jeremy filed for divorce. “You’re blowing through money like f-cking water. I’m filing for divorce. I’m not f-cking around this time,” he told Leah on an episode of Teen Mom 2 that aired in early 2015.

3. But Why?

Jeremy calvert on instagram

“Too many issues stressing me out,” Jeremy told a friend way back then, saying he was “miserable” in the marriage and adding: “She takes prescription pills for her anxiety. I don’t know if that shit f-cks with her or what. It’s obvious she has an addiction issue. I’m just done. She has no f-cking goals. I don’t know what happened to the girl I fell in love with.”

4. What About Adalynn?

Leah messer with adalynn pic

Leah and Jeremy are parents to a four-year old named Adalynn. The former has custody of the toddler, but Jeremy has remained in her life.

5. Do They Actually Have a Future Again?

Jeremy leah calvert

On last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Jeremy expressed his affection for his ex-wife, apologizing for previous disparaging remarks and actually coming across like a caring human being.


Leah messer on camera

“Jeremy also called me during the twins’ birthday party. He was just letting me know that he regretted saying some things on TV that he didn’’ mean to say,” Messer told friend Kayla on this latest installment. “One thing that he did say [at the time] was that he wished he’d never had a child with me. And then he was thanking me for being such a good mom to Addy… it was good to hear.”

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Friday, January 12, 2018

Stormy Daniels: Donald Trump Allegedly Banged Porn Star, Payed for Silence

Donald Trump has not had a good week. He hasn’t since 2016, honestly, but this week has been particularly bad.

After it came out that Trump called countries with non-white majorities “sh-tholes” and that he thought that diplomats should be given tasks according to their ethnicity, another bombshell dropped.

It is alleged that Trump paid a six-figure settlement to a porn star to buy her silence about a sexual encounter that took place after he married Melania.

On Friday, a damning report by the Wall Street Journal alleges that Donald Trump arranged for porn star Stephanie Clifford, known professionally as Stormy Daniels, to receive $ 130,000 in hush money.


Oh, just one month before the 2016 election.

The two of them, per the report, had an alleged sexual encounter in 2006. 

Clifford was 27 at the time of the consensual encounter at Lake Tahoe.

In case you need a refresher, Trump and Melania married in January of 2006. So this wouldn’t have just been a hook-up with an adult film star, but cheating on Melania shortly after they married.

Michael Cohen, who was an attorney for the Trump Organization at the time, is the one who made the alleged arrangements for a payment.

The $ 130,000 payment was apparently part of a non-disclosure agreement that the adult film star signed.

The White House declined to comment on the alleged six-figure payment, but called the report that Trump had bedded Clifford “old” and “recycled,” mentioning that the reports had been “strongly denied” even before the election.

(Which is interesting, because mentioning that something was publicly denied is not the same thing as denying it yourself)

Cohen, the attorney who is said to have set up the payment, said that Trump “once again vehemently denies” the story that he had any sort of sexual relationship with Stormy Daniels.

Interestingly, like the White House, Cohen also declined to comment on the $ 130,000 payment.

But that’s not to say that Cohen didn’t have anything to say to the Wall Street Journal:

“This is now the second time that you are raising outlandish allegations against my client.”

Is it really outlandish? Even if this isn’t true, it doesn’t sound outlandish in the slightest.

“You have attempted to perpetuate this false narrative for over a year; a narrative that has been consistently denied by all parties since at least 2011.”

Stormy Daniels Denial

He’s right about one thing:

Stephanie Clifford has denied it. She’s denied the sexual tryst and she’s denied the substantial sum of hush money.

Of course, her denial includes the claim that he was a “total gentleman” to her when they met, which just about defies belief.

Clifford does acknowledge that she made some professional appearances for the Trump brand.

For example, she attended the launch of Trump Vodka in 2007, the year after the alleged sexual encounter.

Trump Vodka has, of course, failed like so many of Trump’s business ventures. Production of that shut down in 2011.

But Stormy Daniels’ enduring links to Trump continue.

We’re generally leery of reports, especially when they seem to confirm everything that we suspect about a person we dislike.

But coming from a conservative outlet like the Wall Street Journal, whose sources for this apparently include multiple people in whom Stephanie Clifford confided the story that she publicly denies, it seems to hold water.

Of course, this is Trump. What would be a career-ending scandal for another politician seems to only inspire his most ardent defenders. Spite is making Trump-supporters twist themselves into knots to cover for him.

Maybe, one day, it will all be too much.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ric Flair: I Banged 10,000 Women ... Give Or Take

Ric Flair is half the man Wilt Chamberlain claimed to be — admitting he’s slept with roughly 10,000 women during his storied wrestling career.   Nature Boy reportedly confessed about his 5-figure conquest while shooting a “30 for 30″…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci: Tom Brady Banged Ivanka Trump!

In the span of just two months, Anthony Scaramucci went from White House Communications Director to guest host of TMZ’s syndicated TV series.

Like so much that’s occurred in 2017, that sounds like a joke, but believe it or not, the Mooch actually took over Harvey Levin’s cubicle-hovering duties on yesterday’s show.

And to the surprise of absolutely no one (with the possible exception of the Donald), Scaramucci seems far more at home in the world of celebrity gossip than he ever did in the political arena.

The Mooch was at his catty best on Monday, suggesting that the White House is less than thrilled about Sean Spicer’s controversial appearance at the Emmys, and joking that Steve Bannon recently removed his own dong from his mouth just long enough to enjoy some In-N-Out Burger.

But while Scaramucci’s comments about his former co-workers may have amused political junkies, it’s his remarks about President Trump’s friendship with New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady that have social media buzzing today.

As you may recall, back in February, the Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl XLVI, an upset victory that proved once and for all that God is either dead or struggling with a serious drinking problem.

Despite the fact that Brady supported Trump during the 2016 election, he did not join the rest of the Pats for their post-championship season visit to the White House.

At the time, it was widely assumed that Brady’s wife, Giselle Bundchen, dissuaded him from going for political reasons.

Ya know, since she’s an immigrant, and Trump would like to see her kind loaded into catapults pointed at their home countries (or Mexico, the ocean, whatever’s easiest).

But Scaramucci has a much more tabloid-worthy theory that probably makes Donald wish he could move on The Mooch like a bitch and grab him by the man p-ssy.

“My guess is, which is typical, there could be a little bit of jealousy there and protection and possession of Tom Brady, and she probably didn’t want him to go,” Scaramucci said on TMZ Live.

“Maybe there was a relationship between him and Ivanka at some point.”

Sure, he threw in a “maybe” to cover his own ass, but the Littlefinger of D.C. knew exactly what he was doing by putting that theory out there.

And hilariously, that’s not the first time there’s been public talk of Tom Terrific connecting with Ivanka for a little bump and run.

In fact, it was Trump himself–delivering the sort of incestuous weirdness that somehow didn’t alienate every voter in the country–who first suggested that Tom and Ivanka would make a “great combination” in 2004.

But while the thought of his daughter’s sexual escapades may put a nauseating smile on Trump’s face during his evening bathrobe hours, a rep for the White House insists the Ivanka-Tom hookup never happened:

“While they have known each other for years, this is not true,” the source tells TMZ.

Kind of a shame, really. We’re always looking for new reasons to hate the Patriots.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Ezekiel Elliott: I Banged the Chick from St. Patrick"s Day Video After Pulling Down Top

Ezekiel Elliott says there’s NO WAY the woman whose top he pulled down at a St. Patty’s Day parade in March could have been mad at him … because they had sex later that night.  The Dallas Cowboys running back testified to that incident…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Travis Scott: I"ve Banged Kylie AND Kendall! Here"s Who"s Better in Bed...

If Travis Scott is looking for a new nickname, he may want to go with “the Captain Kirk of Rap.”

The dude is out there boldly going where no man has gone before, and he’s happy to report back to us earthbound civilians.

Now, you might be thinking, “Travis is sleeping with Kylie Jenner. So what? He’s certainly not the first.”

And you would be right.

But what you fail to consider, contrarian, hypothetical reader is that this isn’t the first time Travis has taken a dip in the Jenner gene pool.

No, as you may recall, Travis and Kendall Jenner had a brief fling last year.

The two of them never officially dated, so it’s not surprising that Kendall would be okay with letting her sister enjoy her hand-me-downs.

It is somewhat surprising, however, that Travis has taken to publicly comparing the two sisters’, erm … assets,

“He’s been boasting that Kylie’s way better in bed than Kendall and has more to play with, but Kendall’s got more personality,” a source close to the situation tells something called News Hip Hop.

Yeah. We won’t comment on that, except to say, “more to play with”? Gross.

Adding to the skeeviness, the outlet that we’ve never heard of until just now notes that these days, “Kendall is linked to A$ AP Rocky, who must be a personality guy.”

Stay classy, News Hip Hop.

If you’re already feeling like you may need to bathe in Purell after reading all this, then you may not want to to continue, as it’s about to get even more incestuous:

“Scott’s real intention is ‘trading up’ to Kourtney Kardashian because his goal is to go through the entire extended Kardashian family,” says the insider.

Yes, Travis has set his sights on the eldest of the Kardashian sisters.

Of course, Kourtney is dating Younes Bendjima these days, a former professional boxer, who might not take kindly to any untoward advances from his girlfriend’s younger sister’s boyfriend.

Yeesh. First the Blac Chyna-Tyga-Kylie situation, and now this.

This is Calabasas, not Kentucky!


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tiger Woods DUI Police Report Shows Car Was Banged Up, Flat Tires and Damage

Tiger Woods’ car was a wreck when cops found him during his DUI arrest — with 2 flat tires, a broken tail light and mangled bumpers … this according to the police report obtained by TMZ Sports.  The officers at the scene reported, “”Both…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sarah Fowlkes: Texas Teacher Who Banged Student LOVING LIFE in Smoking Hot Mug Shot

Texas teacher Sarah Fowlkes, 27, is accused of having improper sexual relations with a student, a minor who was just 17 years old.

Not that it seems to bother her all that much, based on her mug shot:

“Yeah, girl! Way to get that D!” – Sarah to herself above.

We kid, obviously, but one has to wonder how any individual – no matter how photogenic – is in that kind of mood while getting arrested.

For a sex crime, no less. Just bizarre. In any case …

A warrant was issued for her arrest for an alleged improper relationship with the male student, according to CHS Austin affiliate KEYE-TV.

The Lockhart Police Department confirms that Fowlkes is accused of engaging in said conduct with a student at Lockhart High School.

Lockhart Independent School District administrators learned of the alleged romance on March 10, just prior to the school’s spring break.

Authorities said that they determined through a series of interviews that Fowlkes had in fact engaged in sexual contact with the student.  

The victim’s name has not been released, as he is underage.

“It shocked me, especially since I used to go here,” River Morgan, a 2016 Lockhart High School graduate, said regarding the scandal.

“I just feel like the teacher should know better than to do that,” Joe Chapa, another 2016 grad, told the Austin station that broke the story.

Parents picking up students at Lockhart High School this week said they were surprised and disappointed, in the understatement of all time. 

Some said that the social media age doesn’t help matters.

While it’s not an excuse, the easy online interaction between teachers and students makes it challenging to keep relations professional.

“I feel like it makes it easier for an accidental relationship like that to happen,” Chapa said. “I think maybe there’s not as much of a distance.”

“It should be much more professional.”

Superintendent Susan Bohn emailed Lockhart High School parents on Monday to notify them of Fowlkes’ arrest and suspension, writing:

“Lockhart parents entrust their children to us every day, and it is something we do not take lightly. Student safety is the district’s most important priority.”

“As soon as we learned of the report, we acted swiftly to involve law enforcement and CPS to conduct a thorough investigation.”

“The district does not and will not tolerate any improper communication or contact between a teacher and child,” Bohn added.

Fowlkes has been with the district since 2014.

According to her bio on the high school’s website, she taught anatomy (Did she ever! Too soon?), physiology and environmental systems.

She previously taught third and fifth grade, but “Fowlkes will not return to the school district” in any capacaity, Bohn said in her statement. 

According to reports, Sarah Fowlkes celebrated her birthday along with her husband of four years before turning herself in to the authorities.

Hey, you might as well enjoy it while it lasts, right? Perhaps that explains the carefree, blissful mood in her booking photo above. #BirthdayVibes

She was booked into the Caldwell County Jail.


Monday, August 15, 2016

The Game Claims to Have Banged THREE Kardashians

The Game has once again claimed to know members of the Kardashian family.

In the vaginal sense, that is.

Way back in February of 2014, the rapper claimed to have banged Kim Kardashian.

He made this admission in an interview with BBC Radio, explaining that the relationship didn’t last long and that it took place many years ago.

Now, more than two and a half years later, The Game is at it again.

On Saturday, the 36-year old artist released his latest track, “Sauce,” surprising fans with at least one lyric in the single.

“I used to f-ck bitches that Usher Raymond passed on,” he raps, prior to adding: “Then I f-cked three Kardashians…”

This reference, of course, has the Internet reeling. And pondering.

We’ve got Kim Kardashian already, so there’s one.

The Game has already claimed to have inserted her penis into Kim’s vagina on at least one occasion.

But to whom else is The Game singing?

Yes, he was linked on multiple occasions to Khloe Kardashian back in the day, with various tabloids claiming Khloe cheated on Lamar Odom with The Game

But the artist said the following to Us Weekly in 2013 in response to these rumors:

“The pictures that you see of us out together are because she is part of my 60 Days of Fitness team.

“Khloe is my friend. She is like a sister. We have never [slept together] and will never be sleeping together.”

So he was either lying then or Khloe is not among the siblings he’s talking about now. Hmmm…

There hasn’t been any chatter over the years about The Game having gotten it on with Kourtney Kardashian.

It wouldn’t shock us it their private parts met at some point in the past, except that Kourtney was with Scott Disick for nine years prior to their break up last summer.

So The Game would either needed to have plower her at some point in the last 12 months… or a very long time ago… or Kourtney cheated on Disick with this rapper.

We say once again: Hmmm…..

Could The Game be rapping here about Kylie or Kendall Jenner?

Kylie only just turned 19, so just… no. No, no, no, no, NO.

Let’s assume there’s no way in heck he got all up in her bedroom business.

As for Kendall? The Game is 15 years her senior and she’s only been legal for the last three years. So this one also seems very hard to believe.

Which leaves us stumped.

The Game screwed Kim. There’s one Kardashian. Let’s say he was lying and did go all the way with Khloe at some point. There’s two Kardashians.

Kourtney remains the obvious answer for Kardashian Banging Number-Three, but the timelines don’t really match up.

Unless…. might The Game be referring to Rob?!? No judgment here if so. Many people out there have experimented with members of the same sex.

But would The Game brag about it if Rob was one of his three conquests?

Much like the whereabouts of The Game’s penis at the moment, this question may remain a mystery for the foreseeable future.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Tyga: I Totally Banged Kylie Jenner Last Night!

These are confusing times in Kylie Jenner’s love life.

Just yesterday, the hip hop artist PartyNextDoor debuted a music video in which he makes out with Kylie while crooning about a romantic relationship.

The clip came on the heels of several weeks of rumors that Kylie is dating PND, and it was viewed by many as a confirmation that the relationship is getting serious.

Perhaps that’s why, like the predatory cat that lends him his stage name, Tyga felt the need to mark his territory and reclaim Kylie on Instagram last night:

Tyga posted the above pic with a caption reading, “They always come back.”

It’s a pretty clear indication that he and Kylie are back together, at least on a “friends with benefits” basis.

Tyga deleted the photo after fans started ragging on him for what seemed to like a lame act of desperation, even by the standards of a guy who’s famous primarily for being lame and desperate.

Moments later, however, Kylie seemed to confirm the reconciliation by posting this pic:

It’s subtle, but she’s wearing the same dress, and folks in the know say she appears to be at Tyga’s house.

Kylie and Tyga have broken up and gotten back together numerous times, but this last split was supposed to be permanent.

Both sides moved on, as Kylie quickly began spending a lot of time with PND, and Tyga was reportedly dating Demi Rose.

Naturally, fans are confused by this latest development, but it’s hardly surprising.

Kylie is 18, so it’s understandable that she would have trouble moving on from her first serious relationship.

Tyga is 26, but without Kylie, he plummets back to the Z-list, so it makes sense that he want to at least maintain the illusion of a relationship.

Needless to say, the whole situation is super healthy, and there’s no possible way it could go wrong.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Jax Taylor: I Banged Lindsay Lohan...And It Was Bad!

On last night"s, Vanderpump Rules Season 4 premiere, we learned a lot about Jax Taylor, and not surprisingly, most of it was gross.

Jax"s plastic surgeon used skin from his ear to help craft him a new nose; Jax once stole his younger sister"s jewelry; Jax attempted to make out with his bus driver when he was in middle school. The list goes on and on…

But the biggest bombshell came later in the night when Jax and Tom Schwartz appeared on Watch What Happens Live and in a violation of male model bro code that would make Derek Zoolander weep, Schwartz spilled the beans about Jax"s long history of celebrity hook-ups.

During a segment unappealingly titled "Vander-dump," Schwartz revealed that Jax had banged some porn star named Bridgette B – as well as none other than Lindsay Lohan.

“It was a long time ago,” admitted a visibly embarrassed Taylor. “It was just once and it was bad."

Realizing that he"d just suggested that LiLo is bad in bed on national TV, Jaz corrected himself, saying, "No, it was good! The situation was just…no, she was great. She was very affectionate."

Couldn"t have been a very proud moment for Linds, as Jax has established a reputation as someone who will sleep with literally anyone, yet he still seemed ashamed of hooking up with Lohan.

Of course, it"s possible that Jax was embarrassed when he wasn"t included on Lindsay"s celebrity sex list that leaked last year.

As anyone who watches the show knows, the staff at Sur believes revenge is a dish best serves any time. 

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more antics from Jax, and watch him admit to banging La Lohan in the clip below.

Jax taylor i banged lindsay lohanand it was bad