Showing posts with label $10000. Show all posts
Showing posts with label $10000. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2018

Kim Kardashian Spent $10,000 on Fake Testicles for Her Dog; Here"s Why

Kim Kardashian may not be able to keep Kanye from blaming black people for slavery, but there’s still one man in her life she can control.

That man is her dog, Rocky, whom she had neutered, as any responsible pet owner would do.

Strangely, she has reportedly purchased fake testicles for him … for a whopping $ 10,000.

According to The New York Times, Kim Kardashian has spent $ 10,000 to purchase prosthetic testicles for her dog, Rocky.

Allegedly, she purchased the Neuticles and had them implanted because she wanted to help Rocky’s self-esteem.

Way back in the simpler times of 2012, Kim Kardashian told The Independent that she “doesn’t like big balls on dogs, or anything else.”

That’s sort of a weird comment in general. Some people are uncomfortable with the sight of their dog’s genitalia, which is a perfectly fine hang-up to have.

It’s the “anything else” line that’s weirder for her to include. Barring inconvenience during a couple of sex acts, who cares about testicle size?

Whatever. Maybe she was trying to be funny. It was 2012.

Regardless, people assume that she purchased Neuticles that were smaller than the originals.

Gregg Miller is the creator of Neuticles, and he does not mince words when advocating for people to purchase his very expensive product.

“Some have their dog turned into a eunuch because they don’t care,” Miller says, according to The Daily Mail.

First of all, who says eunuch unless they’re talking about Ancient Rome or Game of Thrones? Neutered is a perfectly good word, dude.

Second of all, you neuter your dog because you care very much. Responsible humans neuter their dogs.

“But there’s a certain segment of pet owners,” Miller says. “That do care and that’s where Neuticles come in.”

Miller sure has some opinions, folks.

Kim, as you may recall, got Rocky with then-boyfriend Reggie Bush way, way back in 2010.

“Rocky is most like me, his mommy,” Kim said at the time. “He’s really cool and calm, and goes with the flow.”

Kim is not really known for being a dog person, and with the exception of photoshoots and a few pomeranian photos from last year, you’re just not going to see dogs show up on her Instagram. It’s weird.

At the time, Kim revealed that she got into a bit of trouble with Kourtney over Rocky, but it was nothing like Kim and Kourtney’s recent klashes.

“Mason hasn’t really been around dogs that much,” Kim said. “Rocky was licking Mason in the face, and Kourtney was mad at me.”

That’s a weird thing to be mad about.

“I was like, “No, they need to meet!” It was really funny,” Kim described. “And Rocky did calm down after a little bit.”

As we mentioned, Kim is sort of weird about pets.

In fact, she has plainly stated that she forgot what became of various pets that have been gifted to her and her sisters over the years.

We’re talking about childhood pets. And no, not sea monkeys.

If it weren’t for the fact that Kim is clearly a good mother, we might worry that she’s some sort of unloving monster. Because, seriously, who does that?

Kim also doesn’t post many pet photos to Instagram. She’s posted more explanations of a strange mark in the marble of a hotel room in the past year than she has posted photos of Rocky.

Kylie, in the mean time, has made it clear on social media that she is obsessed with her dogs. Which is much, much more normal.

But it seems very clear that Kim cares about Rocky if she’s dropping what to mere mortals would be a sizable down payment on a car to give him fake testicles to help his self-esteem.

Some people just don’t show their love on social media.

Especially when they are celebrities trying to pick and choose what fits their brand.

For Kylie, who was until late last year, a teenager, showing constant dog photos and videos did zero harm to her absolute juggernaut of a brand.

Kim caters to a different, older crowd, and we’re not going to second guess the judgment of the woman who all but invented branding.


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Katy Perry Gets 10,000 Fans to Sing "Happy Birthday" to Mom

Katy Perry knows how to make her mom feel special on her birthday — get an entire concert audience to sing to her live on a ridiculously huge phone. Katy — or “Feather” as her mother, Mary, calls her — took some stage time during her show in…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Ric Flair Says He Masturbated Twice a Day on Top of Banging 10,000 Women

Turns out, Ric Flair’s hand has taken thousands of rides on “Space Mountain” too — ‘cause The Nature Boy says he masturbated twice a day in the prime of his pro wrestling career. That’s IN ADDITION TO the roughly 10,000 WOMEN he claims to…


Ric Flair Says He Masturbated Twice a Day on Top of Banging 10,000 Women

Turns out, Ric Flair’s hand has taken thousands of rides on “Space Mountain” too — ‘cause The Nature Boy says he masturbated twice a day in the prime of his pro wrestling career. That’s IN ADDITION TO the roughly 10,000 WOMEN he claims to…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ric Flair: I Banged 10,000 Women ... Give Or Take

Ric Flair is half the man Wilt Chamberlain claimed to be — admitting he’s slept with roughly 10,000 women during his storied wrestling career.   Nature Boy reportedly confessed about his 5-figure conquest while shooting a “30 for 30″…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Browns Star Joe Thomas Celebrates 10,000 Straight NFL Snaps With Bourbon!!

Cleveland Browns legend Joe Thomas threw a Fitz after his 10,000th NFL snap — and it was delicious.  The 32-year-old tackle threw a 1-man whiskey celebration after his record-breaking game on Sunday — with a glass of Old Fitzgerald…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Katy Perry Fights Donald Trump with $10,000 Donation to Planned Parenthood

Katy Perry loves Hillary Clinton.

Like really, honestly, sincerely loves her.

She was probably Hillary’s biggest supporter during her presidential campaign: she spoke and performed at the Democratic National Convention, she constantly urged her fans to support her.

And who could forget Katy’s incredible Halloween costume?

Katy loves Hillary so much that she even got naked to inspire people to vote.

Here, remember the good times:

Tragically, Katy’s girl lost the election, and now our great country has been catapulted into the End Times.

She took the news hard, just like many of us, but she wasn’t about to take things lying down.

The day after the election, she made a series of inspirational posts on Twitter, messages like “WE WILL NEVER BE SILENCED” and “THE REVOLUTION IS COMING.”

She requested her fans “peacefully protest” the election results, and to “fight for what is RIGHT.”

And then, last night, she donated $ 10,000 to Planned Parenthood, a little protest of her own.

And she also wrote this touching little letter to go along with it:

It’s time to turn words into action!

There are so many steps to take, but my first vow is to support organizations that may have their funding support taken from them in the future by the government.

I am making a public donation to Planned Parenthood for the teenage me who made several visits to first a clinic in Santa Barbara and then Los Angeles, CA to educate myself on my sexual health, a subject I had little to no information on because of my sheltered upbringing.

I had no idea how things worked down there, and had no idea how to make a plan for them.

Planned Parenthood educated me on my body and my reproductive health, so that I could focus on my dreams and using my voice until I knew the timing was right for me to make a plan to have a family.

Since then, I have been able to focus wholeheartedly on bringing messages of strength and becoming a voice for others.

Without this education, I may have had a different life path.

This is just my experience, but I know Planned Parenthood’s broader range of services can sometimes be the only medical support low-income families ever see. I know what it’s like to need help.

I came from a lower- to middle-class family and never grew up with the option of health insurance. I remember having 13 cavities as a teenager, and the best option my parents could come up with was to try to take me to Mexico because we couldn’t afford anything in California.

I am grateful for and stand in support of Planned Parenthood for giving Katheryn Hudson the knowledge to plan, and for continuing to be a haven for women to learn all options for their future.

Now, more than ever, we all need to protect and create safe places for each other.

I hope I can help inspire you to make a gift as well, and become a member and an ally.

Who knew that, in addition to being absolutely gorgeous and creating the catchiest pop songs of them all, Katy Perry was also just a generally wonderful human being?
