Showing posts with label Donation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donation. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2018

NBA"s Allen Crabbe Saves L.A. High School With Huge Donation

Allen Crabbe is a new hero in L.A. … ‘cause the NBA star just forked over enough cash to save an entire high school!! Frederick K.C. Price III Christian School in south Los Angeles was set to shut its doors for good this week after it lost the…


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Stormy Daniels" Donation Money for Trump Lawsuit Raises Questions

Stormy Daniels is getting a huge financial assist from the public in her legal battle with Donald Trump, but while the donations pile up … so do questions about the loot.  Stormy opened a crowdfunding page Wednesday, asking for donations to…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Golden State Warriors Exec Matches Team Steph Charity Donation of $150k

Steph Curry’s All-Star team lost to LeBron’s Sunday, meaning his charity of choice received less than half the donation as Bron’s … until now. Brotherhood Crusade was picked by Curry as the community outreach program to rep for the All-Star Game,…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Meek Mill Joins Colin Kaepernick $10k Donation Initiative from Prison

Meek Mill isn’t gonna let being behind bars stop him from joining Colin Kaepernick’s cause … becoming the latest celeb to join Kaepernick’s $ 10k for 10-day initiative. You might’ve heard — for the final $ 100k of Colin’s $ 1 million pledge for…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Bill Murray Savagely Turns Down $3 Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief Donation

Bill Murray’s putting his foot down — want an autograph? Cough up a donation, and $ 3 is NOT gonna cut it. We got Bill out in D.C. on Sunday signing his John Hancock and noticed autograph seekers were also handing him cash. Turns out he was signing…


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Jennifer Lopez Announces $1 Million Dollar Donation to Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief

Jennifer Lopez is opening her wallet A LOT wider than she did for Houston to help out her parents’ homeland of Puerto Rico … with a $ 1 million donation. J Lo made the announcement Sunday in NYC alongside the state’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, saying…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Francia Raisa"s Getting Jacked Again After Kidney Donation

Francia Raisa is getting ripped again … but this time we’re talkin’ muscles. Selena Gomez’s best friend is back in the gym getting her sweat on just months after donating her kidney to save Selena’s life. You can see her scars where doctors…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Charlamagne Tha God And Rolling Stone Settle Transphobic Dispute With NBJC Donation

Charlamagne tha God and Rolling Stone have settled their beef in a charitable way … teaming up to make a donation after the magazine printed a headline falsely accusing him of making transphobic comments.  We’re told the money will go to the…


Leonardo DiCaprio Hides Out with Hot Chicks After Million Dollar Harvey Donation

Leonardo DiCaprio is one bashful humanitarian after shelling out a million bucks for victims of Harvey … but that’s still not throwing off his game with hot chicks.  We got Leo Wednesday night leaving TAO in Hollywood with a handful of…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sarah Palin Says Kaepernick"s Meals On Wheels Donation Is Shameless "Political Stunt"

Sarah Palin ain’t impressed with Colin Kaepernick’s $ 50,000 donation to Meals on Wheels … labeling the move as a cheap “political stunt.” The former Alaska governor just put her seal of approval on an anti-Kaep article posted on her website,…


Sarah Palin Says Kaepernick"s Meals On Wheels Donation Is Shameless "Political Stunt"

Sarah Palin ain’t impressed with Colin Kaepernick’s $ 50,000 donation to Meals on Wheels … labeling the move as a cheap “political stunt.” The former Alaska governor just put her seal of approval on an anti-Kaep article posted on her website,…


Monday, December 19, 2016

Ezekiel Elliott"s Stunt Triggers Salvation Army Donation Boom ... $21 Donations!

Ezekiel Elliott’s kettle stunt has been VERY good for the Salvation Army — resulting in a 61% increase in giving since the Cowboys star’s TD celebration … TMZ Sports has learned.  We spoke with Salvation Army spokesperson Lt. Colonel Ron…


Ezekiel Elliott"s Stunt Triggers Salvation Army Donation Boom ... $21 Donations!

Ezekiel Elliott’s kettle stunt has been VERY good for the Salvation Army — resulting in a 61% increase in giving since the Cowboys star’s TD celebration … TMZ Sports has learned.  We spoke with Salvation Army spokesperson Lt. Colonel Ron…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Katy Perry Fights Donald Trump with $10,000 Donation to Planned Parenthood

Katy Perry loves Hillary Clinton.

Like really, honestly, sincerely loves her.

She was probably Hillary’s biggest supporter during her presidential campaign: she spoke and performed at the Democratic National Convention, she constantly urged her fans to support her.

And who could forget Katy’s incredible Halloween costume?

Katy loves Hillary so much that she even got naked to inspire people to vote.

Here, remember the good times:

Tragically, Katy’s girl lost the election, and now our great country has been catapulted into the End Times.

She took the news hard, just like many of us, but she wasn’t about to take things lying down.

The day after the election, she made a series of inspirational posts on Twitter, messages like “WE WILL NEVER BE SILENCED” and “THE REVOLUTION IS COMING.”

She requested her fans “peacefully protest” the election results, and to “fight for what is RIGHT.”

And then, last night, she donated $ 10,000 to Planned Parenthood, a little protest of her own.

And she also wrote this touching little letter to go along with it:

It’s time to turn words into action!

There are so many steps to take, but my first vow is to support organizations that may have their funding support taken from them in the future by the government.

I am making a public donation to Planned Parenthood for the teenage me who made several visits to first a clinic in Santa Barbara and then Los Angeles, CA to educate myself on my sexual health, a subject I had little to no information on because of my sheltered upbringing.

I had no idea how things worked down there, and had no idea how to make a plan for them.

Planned Parenthood educated me on my body and my reproductive health, so that I could focus on my dreams and using my voice until I knew the timing was right for me to make a plan to have a family.

Since then, I have been able to focus wholeheartedly on bringing messages of strength and becoming a voice for others.

Without this education, I may have had a different life path.

This is just my experience, but I know Planned Parenthood’s broader range of services can sometimes be the only medical support low-income families ever see. I know what it’s like to need help.

I came from a lower- to middle-class family and never grew up with the option of health insurance. I remember having 13 cavities as a teenager, and the best option my parents could come up with was to try to take me to Mexico because we couldn’t afford anything in California.

I am grateful for and stand in support of Planned Parenthood for giving Katheryn Hudson the knowledge to plan, and for continuing to be a haven for women to learn all options for their future.

Now, more than ever, we all need to protect and create safe places for each other.

I hope I can help inspire you to make a gift as well, and become a member and an ally.

Who knew that, in addition to being absolutely gorgeous and creating the catchiest pop songs of them all, Katy Perry was also just a generally wonderful human being?


Monday, October 17, 2016

Taylor Swift Finalizes $1 Million Donation to Flood Victims

To many critics, Taylor Swift is a phony.

But there’s nothing phony about the impressive financial pledge this singer just made, as she donated $ 1 million to a handful of causes that will help victims of the recent flooding in Louisiana.

Pretty impressive, right?

And yet people take issue with Swift because of how she acts at awards shows? Please.

Swift first made her donation pledge in August.

Two months later, she has divided up her money to Convoy of Hope, The Life of a Single Mom and YWCA Greater Baton Rouge.

The artist has also gifted $ 100,000 to Habitat for Humanity, which hopes to rebuild 100 homes in Baton Rouge by the end of 2017, while giving $ 50,000 to the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank in August.

This, of course, is not nearly the first time Swift has made such a heartfelt monetary move.

She donated $ 50,000 to New York City schools in February of last year.

Just a few months later, she gave $ 50,000 to a fan with cancer.

On a nearly annual basis, Swift is named the most charitable celebrity on the planet.

And yet people take issue with her because they think she sometimes acts too innocent and naive? Please. 

“The generous donation from Taylor Swift could not have come at a better time for our organization,” reads a post on YWCA Greater Baton Rouge’s website.

“These funds will be put to great use as we continue working to restore our Early Head Start facility that was damaged during the historic flooding last month, and continue our critical work of providing access to high quality early childhood services…

Thank you, Taylor Swift, and to all those at the Taylor Swift Foundation, for your kindness and generosity in these challenging times.”

The Life of a Single Mom has released a similar statement.

It reads as follows:

“Our hearts are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support for single moms. We are grateful to Taylor Swift for reaching out to help us ensure that no single mom walks alone during this very difficult time. The devastation across southeast Louisiana has been unbelievable.

“We are thankful for the opportunity to serve more single moms with this gift.”

Swift this summer that she would be donating $ 1 million to Louisiana flood relief, remembering at the time how kind her fans were when she visited the state during her 1989 World Tour.

“We began the 1989 World Tour in Louisiana, and the wonderful fans there made us feel completely at home,” she said.

“The fact that so many people in Louisiana have been forced out of their own homes this week is heartbreaking.”

It really is.

This somehow feels a tad more important than whatever feud has been going on between Swift and Kim Kardashian.

Instead of celebrating the fact that Taylor Swift is over (below), maybe people ought to celebrate the fact that Taylor Swift exists.

Few stars give back more than she does.

Few rose to success at such a young age and managed to navigate the crazy world of Hollywood without stepping into any major scandals.

Was Swift a bit petty in slamming Katy Perry in such a public manner? Sure, it’s fine for you to think that.

But if you step back and take a look at the bigger picture, we think you’ll have trouble finding any real faults with Taylor Swift.

On the contrary, we think you’ll see someone as generous as it gets with her time and her money.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence Makes HUGE Donation to Children"s Hospital

We didn"t necessarily need another reason to love Jennifer Lawrence.

But we"ll take it!

In the following video, the Oscar-winning actress pledges $ 2 million to Kosair Children’s Hospital in Kentucky.

This generous gift was revealed at a press conference held at the Louisville medical center regarding the facility"s plans to redevelop its heart center.

The donation will be used for this purpose and also to build a new cardiac ICU.

"I’m excited to announce we will be establishing the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital," Lawrence says in the following video message.

"As part of my effort to help these children and caregivers, I challenge the entire community to get behind this cause and help match my gift by raising an additional $ 2 million to support all of these brave and inspiring children.”

Last December, Lawrence (a Kentucky native) visited this same medical center for the third year in a row to spread Christmas cheer to young patients.

A press release in recognition of this great deed reads:

"The Jennifer Lawrence Foundation Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) will feature private rooms dedicated to children recovering from heart procedures, open heart surgery including heart transplant, heart failure and other conditions requiring intensive care.

"The new 14-bed unit will offer space for families to stay with their children. It will be staffed by additional specialists with cardiac critical care training and experience, dedicated nursing staff and other professionals focused solely on heart care."

Jennifer lawrence makes huge donation to childrens hospital