Showing posts with label Parenthood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenthood. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Little People, Big World Recap: The (Parenthood) Struggle is Real

At this point in their parenting lives, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff are experts.

To the extent that any relatively new mother or father can be an expert, that is.

Audrey is even out there offering advice to other women in similar situations.

But let’s rewind about eight months, shall we?

That’s what Little People, Big World did on Tuesday night by airing an episode that was filmed not long after Ember Jean entered the world in September of last year.

As previously detailed, Audrey suffered from frequent bouts of mastitis – an infection of the breast tissue that is painful and that also makes breastfeeding very difficult – shortly after giving birth.

Moreover, as we learned on this installment of the TLC series, Ember was born with tongue ties that required surgery so as not to prevent her from feeding properly.

“She’s just so young, and we’re already having to do something that hurts her,” Jeremy said on air last night, referring to exercises he and Audrey had to do with Ember to keep the cut tongue ties from healing again.

It was a challenge for Matt Roloff, too, having to watch his children struggle with their newborn.

“Seeing your kid hurt when you don’t want them to hurt, that’s a challenging time,” Matt told the camera, adding:

“But seeing my kids go through it, now you understand the heartache your mother and I went through when you were coming through the rags.”

Back in November, Audrey candidly told Instagram followers about these breastfeeding problems early on.

She confessed in a lengthy post that her condition really took a toll on her mentally for awhile.

“l always thought breastfeeding was a choice,” she wrote on Instagram late last year.

She continued:

“People would often ask me if l was going to breastfeed when I was pregnant and l always answered with a determined yes. But after Ember was born, l realized that for some people, it’s not a choice.

“My breastfeeding journey has not been easy.

“After sharing with you all a little bit about the struggles l have had feeding Ember, l realized that so many of you have gone through, or are currently going through, similar pains, heart aches, and challenges.”

Ember had trouble putting on weight over the first few weeks of her existence, but Audrey pushed through her pain, Jeremy supported her throughout and here the family is now:

Happy and healthy all around.

“l was reminded that even though this journey still poses its challenges, being able to feed my daughter from my own body brings me incomparable joy,” Audrey said when Ember was about two months old.

She laster said that that she hopes her story can encourage any other new moms having difficulty breastfeeding.

Elsewhere on this episode, Zach and Tori struggled to sleep train Jackson… Matt webt to work on a fun solution… and Amy looked forward to her birthday.

Click on the video below to watch Little People, Big World online and see how these storylines played out:


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Planned Parenthood is Awesome, People!

Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian will arrive at an important conclusion this Sunday night.

On the next episode of their family"s reality show, the sisters will visit a Los Angeles-based Planned Parenthood and come to the realization that the organization actually does a lot of good.

Contrary to what some politicians or people may tell you.

"The perception of Planned Parenthood is that it"s like this abortion clinic, that"s nothing like what it"s like," Kim explains in the following footage, adding:

"Hearing that firsthand really made it real for me."

It"s true.

Not only does Planned Parenthood help women with MANY health issues, but it does not take government funding for abortions.

Just stating some facts here.

One of the stories the soon-to-be-VERY-rich siblings heard came from a woman named Kelly, who said she and her boyfriend chose to get tested there after having unprotected sex.

Within 15 minutes of getting their finger pricked, the couple learned they were both HIV positive. Scary stuff.

"Planned Parenthood, they were compassionate and understanding and they told me you know you"re life isn"t over. This is manageable," Kelly said.

"You can live a normal life with this. Planned Parenthood basically kept me alive."

This certainly isn"t the sort of serious topic Keeping Up with the Kardashians takes on.

But good for the show for doing so.

The trip left Khloe especially altered when it came to her thoughts towards the organization, which has become a hot button topic for conservatives.

Many politicians on that side of the aisle want to cut off funding to it entirely.

"I"m a big fan of Planned Parenthood now," Khloe says below.

"Meeting all the girls and hearing their stories and seeing how many women have been helped by some of the services they have to offer.

"I think people need to be more educated before they form opinions and that"s what I"m grateful that I had the opportunity to do today."

Watch the interesting clip below:

Kim kardashian planned parenthood is awesome people

Friday, May 12, 2017

Kardashian Sisters Visit Planned Parenthood to Raise Awareness (PHOTOS)

The Kardashian girls were sisters in arms for a visit to Planned Parenthood to raise awareness. Kim, Kourtney and Khloe went to the organization’s headquarters Thursday in West L.A. to meet with leaders. We’re told they discussed PP’s health…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Jill Duggar Protests Outside Planned Parenthood One Day After Women"s March

If you watch Counting On online, you probably already know that the Duggars have some extremely conservative religious and political views.

Hell, even if you’ve never seen an episode, you’re probably vaguely aware of the Duggars far-right views on just about everything, particularly all matters related to sex and reproduction.

We suppose it’s not surprising that a family that views all sex that’s not for the express purpose of procreation as sinful would take a hard-line stance on abortion.

What is surprising is just how far the Duggars will go in service of their strict anti-choice views.

In the past, they’ve compared abortion to the holocaust and gone to alienated viewers with their controversial belief that the termination of a pregnancy should be illegal even in cases of rape and incest, or where the life of the mother is at risk.

One would think that the Josh Duggar sex scandals might have at least temporarily knocked the Duggars off their moral high horse, but if anything, it seems to have had the opposite effect.

As though attempting to prove a point through overcompensation, the Duggars seem more resolute in their fundamentalist belief system than ever before.

And it’s not just Jim Bob and Michelle who seem galvanized by both their family’s public humbling and by the election of Donald Trump.

The latest to take up the fight against women’s rights is Jill Duggar, who is currently expecting her second child by husband Derick Dillard.

The day after hundreds of thousands participated in the Women’s March on Washington and millions more showed their support around the world, Jill participated in a demonstration of her own.

Jill posted the above text to her Instagram page yesterday.

She captioned the image:

“Join us today at 2:30 for the March for Life and/or at 3:30 at the support for life rally! #crosschurch #prolife #everylifematters”

We didn’t look into the 40 Days NWA website, but we assume it’s a six-week program devoted to studying the lyrics of Eazy-E.

Anyway, Jill seems to have met with more condemnation than support for her plans to prevent women from receiving necessary health services:

“Just went and donated (more) money to Planned Parenthood! Judge not, lest ye be judged, Duggars,” wrote one commenter.

“Marching against abortions is not pro-life, it’s pro-birth. If your family actually wanted to reduce the number of abortions (and not just control women’s bodies), you would support sex-education programs and contraceptive access. That’s how you reduce abortions,” wrote another.

We imagine Jill was shocked to learn there are people who see this issue differently than she does.

Then she went and marched with other people who think that folks who live near coasts exist in a bubble, and all her fears were laid to rest.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Eva Amurri Lashes Out at Critics: Parenthood is Not a Competition!

Earlier this week, Eva Amurri Martino made a startling confession:

In a blog post she penned on New Year’s Day, the actress revealed on her website,, that her 10-week-old son Major James, “cracked his head on the hardwood floor” after the family’s night nurse fell asleep while holding him.

How awful, right?

Martino explained what happened and the aftermath as follows:

“He suffered a fractured skull and bleeding on his brain, and was transported by ambulance to Yale Medical Center.

“I spent two harrowing days with him to receive emergency care and further testing. To say these were the most traumatic and anxious two days of my life is an understatement.”

We can only imagine.

Our only reaction to this story was to send Eva and her husband our best wishes and our hope that their child makes a full recovery.

But some folks out there felt differently.

They took issue with Eva having a night nurse in the first place, questioning how she can consider herself to be a responsible parent if someone else is holding, feeding and rocking her baby at home.

Why? Because people suck.

They think that an Internet connection gives them a right to share every asinine opinion that comes into their head.

In response to the incident, her sharing of it and the response it has received, Eva at first showed gratitude to her fans.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has reached out with words of comfort or to share their own stories the past 24 hours,” she wrote on Instagram today, as the opening to a lengthy caption.

She continued:

“It is so moving to know there are so many of you who are wishing our sweet boy well, and who are rooting us on as a family.”

The daughter of Susan Sarandon then addressed her critics.

“I’d like to say one thing, which is that Parenthood is not a competition. Nobody gets an award at the end of all of it for doing it the best or most perfect way.

“All that matters is how we make our children feel, how we feel about them, and how we feel about ourselves as parents.”

Really. Shouldn’t this be obvious?

“To those who have expressed judgement, cruelty, and criticism of me, my choices, or my fragility during this time- I’m not going to justify myself to you,” she concluded.

“But I sincerely wish that 2017 brings you enough self love and confidence that you no longer feel the need to tear down another person during their darkest moment.

“Peace, please. Xx EAM.”

She’s a bigger person than we are.

We’d have likely used certain words in our reply that our children will hopefully not learn until their teenage years.

We’re not above making fun of certain parents out there in a jovial manner. See what we mean below:

But when a mother just say at her baby’s hospital bedside for days due to a simple accident?

You really need to question her life choices if you hide behind a computer and give her crap after that.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: From Courtship to Parenthood ... Again!

19 Kids and Counting"s Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are married – and the parents of Israel David, and second baby come July 2017!

Yep. Jill Duggar is pregnant with baby number two.

It"s hard to believe how much the two have gone through in a few short years, but their relationship – and family – appear stronger than ever.

Take a look back at their true love story to date …

1. Their First Meeting (Sort Of)!

Derick dillard jill duggar

The Arkansas natives grew up within 45 minutes of each other, but didn’t meet until late 2011. Jill recalled when Derick stopped by while caroling with a church group, and not long after, “Derick contacted my dad and asked if he would be a prayer partner during his two-year term in Nepal.”

2. Jim Bob Plays Matchmaker

Jill duggar derick dillard michelle duggar

Jim Bob Duggar took Derick under his wing indeed, and gradually started talking about his daughter Jill to him … and him to her throughout the next year or so.

3. Their First Chat

Jill duggar with derick dillard

“The first time Jill and I spoke was over the phone in a brief conversation we had back in March 2013,” Derick recalls. Added Jill, “Derick called my dad to give him an update and pray together and I happened to walk in the room.”

4. Skype

Jill and derick in nepal

Technology helped them get to know each other for months before Jill boarded a plane to meet him face to face – in Nepal.

5. They Meet at Last! In Nepal!

Derick and jill in nepal

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard had never met in person before she traveled to Nepal to be with him in November 2013.

6. Welcome Home!

Welcome home derick

After 60 more days away from his beloved, Derick finally returned home from Nepal at the beginning of 2014.

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Nick Cannon -- Planned Parenthood Is Nothin" But "Population Control" (VIDEO)

Nick Cannon isn’t afraid to speak his mind about Planned Parenthood … he says the org serves up organized genocide. Cannon was quick to criticize PP last week during an appearance on “The Breakfast Club” … claiming it had a hidden agenda.…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Katy Perry Fights Donald Trump with $10,000 Donation to Planned Parenthood

Katy Perry loves Hillary Clinton.

Like really, honestly, sincerely loves her.

She was probably Hillary’s biggest supporter during her presidential campaign: she spoke and performed at the Democratic National Convention, she constantly urged her fans to support her.

And who could forget Katy’s incredible Halloween costume?

Katy loves Hillary so much that she even got naked to inspire people to vote.

Here, remember the good times:

Tragically, Katy’s girl lost the election, and now our great country has been catapulted into the End Times.

She took the news hard, just like many of us, but she wasn’t about to take things lying down.

The day after the election, she made a series of inspirational posts on Twitter, messages like “WE WILL NEVER BE SILENCED” and “THE REVOLUTION IS COMING.”

She requested her fans “peacefully protest” the election results, and to “fight for what is RIGHT.”

And then, last night, she donated $ 10,000 to Planned Parenthood, a little protest of her own.

And she also wrote this touching little letter to go along with it:

It’s time to turn words into action!

There are so many steps to take, but my first vow is to support organizations that may have their funding support taken from them in the future by the government.

I am making a public donation to Planned Parenthood for the teenage me who made several visits to first a clinic in Santa Barbara and then Los Angeles, CA to educate myself on my sexual health, a subject I had little to no information on because of my sheltered upbringing.

I had no idea how things worked down there, and had no idea how to make a plan for them.

Planned Parenthood educated me on my body and my reproductive health, so that I could focus on my dreams and using my voice until I knew the timing was right for me to make a plan to have a family.

Since then, I have been able to focus wholeheartedly on bringing messages of strength and becoming a voice for others.

Without this education, I may have had a different life path.

This is just my experience, but I know Planned Parenthood’s broader range of services can sometimes be the only medical support low-income families ever see. I know what it’s like to need help.

I came from a lower- to middle-class family and never grew up with the option of health insurance. I remember having 13 cavities as a teenager, and the best option my parents could come up with was to try to take me to Mexico because we couldn’t afford anything in California.

I am grateful for and stand in support of Planned Parenthood for giving Katheryn Hudson the knowledge to plan, and for continuing to be a haven for women to learn all options for their future.

Now, more than ever, we all need to protect and create safe places for each other.

I hope I can help inspire you to make a gift as well, and become a member and an ally.

Who knew that, in addition to being absolutely gorgeous and creating the catchiest pop songs of them all, Katy Perry was also just a generally wonderful human being?


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

17 Reasons Why Parenthood Can Sometimes Be Overrated

Hey, we"ve all been there.

All men and women who have chosen the path of parenthood have been embarrassed by their children"s actions at one dozen time or another.

But some mothers out there are more willing to own up to these instances than others.

We tip our caps to these brave parents and we thank those who who submitted their true stories at the Parentally Incorrect comedy show of group The Pump and Dump.

Check out the following examples and take solace in knowing you are not alone…

1. Please Tell Us You Had Recently Cleaned It.

Please tell us you had recently cleaned it

Pretty, pretty please.

2. Hey, We loved Big Hero 6!

Hey we loved big hero 6

Really. It was a great movie!

3. Accidents Do Happen

Accidents do happen

But you may want to teach your kid the meaning of the word “accident.”

4. It Could Have Been Worse..

It could have been worse

… it could have been your husband’s penis on the TV.

5. No Shame, Grandma

No shame grandma

When you gotta go, you sometimes gotta go.



Wake me up when we go on a hike or something.

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