Showing posts with label Amurri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amurri. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Eva Amurri Lashes Out at Critics: Parenthood is Not a Competition!

Earlier this week, Eva Amurri Martino made a startling confession:

In a blog post she penned on New Year’s Day, the actress revealed on her website,, that her 10-week-old son Major James, “cracked his head on the hardwood floor” after the family’s night nurse fell asleep while holding him.

How awful, right?

Martino explained what happened and the aftermath as follows:

“He suffered a fractured skull and bleeding on his brain, and was transported by ambulance to Yale Medical Center.

“I spent two harrowing days with him to receive emergency care and further testing. To say these were the most traumatic and anxious two days of my life is an understatement.”

We can only imagine.

Our only reaction to this story was to send Eva and her husband our best wishes and our hope that their child makes a full recovery.

But some folks out there felt differently.

They took issue with Eva having a night nurse in the first place, questioning how she can consider herself to be a responsible parent if someone else is holding, feeding and rocking her baby at home.

Why? Because people suck.

They think that an Internet connection gives them a right to share every asinine opinion that comes into their head.

In response to the incident, her sharing of it and the response it has received, Eva at first showed gratitude to her fans.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has reached out with words of comfort or to share their own stories the past 24 hours,” she wrote on Instagram today, as the opening to a lengthy caption.

She continued:

“It is so moving to know there are so many of you who are wishing our sweet boy well, and who are rooting us on as a family.”

The daughter of Susan Sarandon then addressed her critics.

“I’d like to say one thing, which is that Parenthood is not a competition. Nobody gets an award at the end of all of it for doing it the best or most perfect way.

“All that matters is how we make our children feel, how we feel about them, and how we feel about ourselves as parents.”

Really. Shouldn’t this be obvious?

“To those who have expressed judgement, cruelty, and criticism of me, my choices, or my fragility during this time- I’m not going to justify myself to you,” she concluded.

“But I sincerely wish that 2017 brings you enough self love and confidence that you no longer feel the need to tear down another person during their darkest moment.

“Peace, please. Xx EAM.”

She’s a bigger person than we are.

We’d have likely used certain words in our reply that our children will hopefully not learn until their teenage years.

We’re not above making fun of certain parents out there in a jovial manner. See what we mean below:

But when a mother just say at her baby’s hospital bedside for days due to a simple accident?

You really need to question her life choices if you hide behind a computer and give her crap after that.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Eva Amurri: My Night Nurse Dropped My Baby!

Eva Amurri has opened up about the possibility of her suffering from depression in the aftermath of a freak accident which resulted in her son having a cracked skull

The freak accident occurred while Eva and her husband were asleep and their night nurse was looking after Major James. 

“A couple of days after Thanksgiving, our Night Nurse fell asleep while holding Major and dropped him, and he cracked his head on the hardwood floor,” Amurri Martino, 31, wrote.

“[Husband Kyle Martino] and I were sleeping at the time and were awoken by the sound of his head hitting the floor, and then hysterical piercing screams. Added Amurri Martino, “He suffered a fractured skull and bleeding on his brain, and was transported by ambulance to Yale Medical Center where I spent two harrowing days with him to receive emergency care and further testing. To say these were the most traumatic and anxious two days of my life is an understatement.”

This is genuinely one of the most shocking, heartbreaking stories we’ve ever reported on. When you leave your child in the care of someone else, you don’t expect anything of this nature to happen. 

Thankfully, it seems like Major James is making a good recovery. 

“But here’s the good part: by the grace of all of his many angels, and every God one cares to pray to, MAJOR IS FINE. Completely fine,” she wrote.

“He has been healing well, hitting milestones, cooing, smiling, and generally showing us that he is and will be ok as he grows and develops.” 

“I chose not to share [for] fear of judgement. The internet can be a peculiar place, where some people forget about humanity and go for the jugular. I know that this news might reach many, and of those many there will always be the people who say that this accident was my fault,” she wrote.

“That if it had been me in there holding him instead of a Night Nurse, that this never would have happened. That I deserve this for allowing my child to be in the care of somebody other than me.”

“Well, let me tell you– the guilt I bore in the days and weeks after this accident was more intense and more damaging than anything I would wish upon my worst enemy. I had all those same thoughts and more.”

She continued, “I wept in the hospital, telling anyone who would listen that it should have been me. That I was to blame. The truth is, even this woman who came so highly recommended, with a perfectly clean track record, could make a very human mistake. It ‘could happen to anyone,’ and as they told me repeatedly in the hospital, it DOES happen to anyone. More often than you’d like to hear.”

“Obviously, the (extremely upset and remorseful) nurse is no longer working for our family, though we forgive her. And even though I finally made peace with the fact that this freak accident could not have been avoided by me, it has continued to effect me to my core and in all aspects of my daily life.”

The actress then revealed that she did not trust anyone to look after her child anymore.

“It’s nearly impossible for me to trust anyone but myself to take care of Major now,” she wrote.

“Hearing Major cry hard immediately triggers my memories of the moments after the accident and instigates an immediate panic attack – my heart races and tears spring to my eyes.”

Eva took to Instagram just yesterday to wish her fans a happy new year, with a cute picture of herself and her family. 
