Showing posts with label Competition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Competition. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Cast says "The Hills" Reboot"s No Competition

Angelina from ‘Jersey Shore’ ain’t sweating a reboot of ‘The Hills’ … ‘cause, as far as reality TV reboots go, she’s adamant the ‘Shore’ will leave ‘em eating dust. We got the cast of ‘Jersey Shore’ — well, most of the cast — leaving NBC…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Miss America Cara Mund Approves of Scrapping Swimsuit Competition

Miss America Cara Mund hasn’t put on a swimsuit since winning the crown in September, and says that proves the swimsuit competition is no longer necessary to get the job done. The Miss America Org announced Tuesday it’s scrapping…


Saturday, May 26, 2018

NASCAR Star Chase Elliott Says Judging Hooters Competition Harder Than Racing Cars

Chase Elliott’s day job is driving a race car 200 freakin’ MPH … but he tells TMZ Sports that ain’t nothin’ compared to his gig this weekend … judging the Hooters pageant!! We talked to the NASCAR star days before this weekend’s 22nd Annual…


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Omarosa Sent to Hospital for Injury During "Celebrity Big Brother" Competition

Omarosa apparently had a rough time during a Head of Household competition on “Celebrity Big Brother” … and got sent to the hospital to treat an injury. The ‘CBB’ live feeds went down Friday night during the competition — where the houseguests…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Fergie to Host FOX Singing Competition "The Four"

  Fergie might not be joining FOX’s new singing competition ‘The Four’ as a judge, but she’ll still get plenty of face time because she’s signed on to host. Fergie announced the news via social media Monday. As we previously reported ……


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Channing Tatum"s Got Competition, Nick Bateman Sticks It Like Gambit

Channing Tatum might wanna watch his back, there’s another guy gunning for his role in the ‘X-Men’ spinoff, ‘Gambit,’ … and dude’s got a flashy stick. Nick Bateman went viral last week with his own slick version of a ‘Gambit’ trailer — but…


Channing Tatum"s Got Competition, Nick Bateman Sticks It Like Gambit

Channing Tatum might wanna watch his back, there’s another guy gunning for his role in the ‘X-Men’ spinoff, ‘Gambit,’ … and dude’s got a flashy stick. Nick Bateman went viral last week with his own slick version of a ‘Gambit’ trailer — but…


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Joey Chestnut Crushes Competition at Nathan"s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest!!!

Joey Chestnut is a BEAST because he ate like one … scarfing down a record 72 HOT DOGS to win his second straight Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. Joey blew away the competition Tuesday in Coney Island to win his 10th title. He had set…


Monday, June 26, 2017

Nuclear Power Plant"s Intern Search Features Bikini Competition

A nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic made its intern search look more like Miss Hawaiian Tropic … and as you’d probably guess someone’s in really hot water. Not radioactive though. We hope. The Temelin Station posted photos of 10 high…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Ariana Grande Has Competition from Mac Miller"s New Puppy (PHOTO)

Mac Miller’s gf, Ariana Grande, better hide her Louboutins … the rapper has a new addition with sharp, destructive little teeth. Sources close to Mac tell us he picked up a new pooch — a 3-month-old pit mix he’s named Myron. We’re told Mac got…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Eva Amurri Lashes Out at Critics: Parenthood is Not a Competition!

Earlier this week, Eva Amurri Martino made a startling confession:

In a blog post she penned on New Year’s Day, the actress revealed on her website,, that her 10-week-old son Major James, “cracked his head on the hardwood floor” after the family’s night nurse fell asleep while holding him.

How awful, right?

Martino explained what happened and the aftermath as follows:

“He suffered a fractured skull and bleeding on his brain, and was transported by ambulance to Yale Medical Center.

“I spent two harrowing days with him to receive emergency care and further testing. To say these were the most traumatic and anxious two days of my life is an understatement.”

We can only imagine.

Our only reaction to this story was to send Eva and her husband our best wishes and our hope that their child makes a full recovery.

But some folks out there felt differently.

They took issue with Eva having a night nurse in the first place, questioning how she can consider herself to be a responsible parent if someone else is holding, feeding and rocking her baby at home.

Why? Because people suck.

They think that an Internet connection gives them a right to share every asinine opinion that comes into their head.

In response to the incident, her sharing of it and the response it has received, Eva at first showed gratitude to her fans.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has reached out with words of comfort or to share their own stories the past 24 hours,” she wrote on Instagram today, as the opening to a lengthy caption.

She continued:

“It is so moving to know there are so many of you who are wishing our sweet boy well, and who are rooting us on as a family.”

The daughter of Susan Sarandon then addressed her critics.

“I’d like to say one thing, which is that Parenthood is not a competition. Nobody gets an award at the end of all of it for doing it the best or most perfect way.

“All that matters is how we make our children feel, how we feel about them, and how we feel about ourselves as parents.”

Really. Shouldn’t this be obvious?

“To those who have expressed judgement, cruelty, and criticism of me, my choices, or my fragility during this time- I’m not going to justify myself to you,” she concluded.

“But I sincerely wish that 2017 brings you enough self love and confidence that you no longer feel the need to tear down another person during their darkest moment.

“Peace, please. Xx EAM.”

She’s a bigger person than we are.

We’d have likely used certain words in our reply that our children will hopefully not learn until their teenage years.

We’re not above making fun of certain parents out there in a jovial manner. See what we mean below:

But when a mother just say at her baby’s hospital bedside for days due to a simple accident?

You really need to question her life choices if you hide behind a computer and give her crap after that.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Insane Bodybuilder -- SLAPS JUDGE IN FACE ... After Losing Competition (VIDEO)

What did the 5 overly-tanned fingers say to the face? SLAP!!!  Greek bodybuilder Giannis Magos went all Rick James, Zsa Zsa Gabor on a judge at a weightlifting competition this weekend … delivering an open hand power slap after losing the…
