Another milestone for Elon Musk, as the SpaceX CEO launched a satellite into space and successfully landed the rocket booster on solid ground at its California launch site in a visually stunning mission carried out over Los Angeles. The…
Monday, October 8, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
Tyler Baltierra Opens Up About Bipolar Disorder, Sticks It to Haters
Last week, Tyler Baltierra flaunted his weight loss by posting a thirst trap. But he’s been making improvements in more than just his physical health.
Tyler has bipolar disorder, which presents a number of mental health hurdles that he has had to overcome.
In a new post, he lays out his description of the highs and lows of bipolar disorder — and he has some choice words for his haters.
Tyler’s poetry about mental illness is not a new thing to Teen Mom fans, but this time, he is really spelling out how bipolar disorder puts him in a precarious state.
“Bi Polar is like dancing on the edge of a cliff,” Tyler writes ina post shared to social media.
Bipolar disorder, formerly referred to as manic depression, involves oscillations between extremes.
“The good moods are full of endless euphoric adrenaline,” Tyler says.
Those good moods — manic episodes — can lead a person to act impulsively to follow their bliss without thought for repercussions.
“But the bad moods,” Tyler writes with poetic flare. “Cause a reclusive crash with an abusive rift.”

The bad moods are when one is bogged down with depression and may feel that they’ll never again know happiness or joy.
Continuing his poem, Tyler writes that these bad moods take place “when there’s just too much emotions to go through & sift.”
“Which,” Tyler continues. “Makes you trip down a long hard fall when you slip.”
Though the highs of bipolar disorder feel better than the lows, both can be harmful to a person’s life.
“After you lose that grip once that adrenaline filled dance inevitably makes you tip,” Tyler explains.
After the poem, Tyler extended his message.
“I am not my diagnosis,” Tyler affirms.
That is an important distinction. With medication, he is still himself — but in a better state of mind.
Tyler’s positive statements continue: “I am in control of my perceptions and my reactions.”
Finally, he adds a tag: “#PoetryIsMyBrainsFreedom”

Tyler chose to highlight positive responses that he has received, sharing them to Instagram with a message.
“Just a reminder to all the haters out there…” Tyler begins.
For the record, he does get a few very vocal, nasty trolls. They question whether he even has bipolar disorder and ask intrusive, invasive questions demanding that he “prove” his diagnosis.
“For every ONE negative ignorant opinion about my poetry,” Tyler announces. “There is more than DOUBLE the positive ones from these amazing people who are impacted by it”
The negative comments can turn very nasty. It’s good that he has some positive feedback, too.
“They’re the reason I share it in the first place,” Tyler explains. “So keep on hating or keep on scrolling, but that will NEVER change the fact that it’s touching people’s hearts & that’s what truly matters anyway.”
“To all of my supporters,” Tyler concludes. “I love you & can’t thank you enough, you are AMAZING.”

Tyler posted a follow-up message regarding the hate that he receives.
“What’s ironic to me, is that everyone thinks I’m this depressed, unstable, ‘moping in my own self pity’ kind of guy.”
Tyler explains that they assume this “just because I have been venting my vulnerable feelings through words, but that’s just my escape.”
Self-expression through art is cathartic and healthy.
“It’s just a place to put them,” Tyler explains of his feelings. “So they have a different home to belong to instead of on the shoulders of my spirit through life.”
Tyler announces: “I’m actually the happiest I have been in a very long time!!!”

Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Kailyn Lowry Sticks It to Briana DeJesus: Javi Wants Me Back!
The feud between Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus is unlike most reality TV beefs, as it"s played out mostly as a kind of cold war.
Kail and Bri only come face-to-face at the annual Teen Mom 2 reunion show, and as a result, their shots at one another are mostly passive aggressive.
And the main weapon in this ongoing conflict is the affection of their mutual ex, Javi Marroquin.
These days, Javi is expecting a child with Lauren Comeau, but at the time that last night"s TM2 was filmed, it was anyone"s guess as to who he would wind up with.
Kail and Bri both still had Javi on their minds — but is it because they had feelings for him, or because they each hoped to score points against their biggest rival?
You be the judge:
1. Off and On

2. Tell Us Something We DON’T Know

3. Dropping a Bombshell

4. A Common Bond

5. Secret’s Out

6. Calling Him Out

Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Amy Roloff Actually Defends Ex-Husband, Sticks It to Haters
Family feud?
WHAT family feud?!?
This is basically what Amy Roloff just said on Facebook, after a few followers of hers either hurled shade at Matt Roloff or at Amy herself for implying that Matt was a bad father.
It all started on Father’s Day this weekend because Amy shared a collage of photos that featured her sons, Zach and Jeremy, both of whom became parents over the past year.
This was the first time each had a chance to be celebrated on a holiday specifically designated for dads.
“Happy Happy Father’s [sic] Day Zach Roloff and Jeremy James Roloff,” wrote the Little People, Big World star as a caption to the following image.
She added:
“I’m so proud of you both and the Dad you are growing into for your son and daughter. It’s the best forever role that keeps blessing you everyday.”
Very sweet and simple, right?

Yes, everyone agrees.
But some also noticed that Amy did not acknowledge her ex-husband on this occasion, despite Matt being the father of her four children.
Matt Roloff and Amy, it ought to be noted, got divorced two years ago, although they remain in very close contact, working together on the family farm and starring together on the aforementioned TLC series.
In response to Facebook comments that called her out for excluding Matt from her well wishes, Amy said the following:
It’s all good. Matt is a good father and we’re both a part of our kids and we both love them greatly.

This certainly does appear to be the case.
Matt has filled up his social media feeds with photos of himself, his kids and his grandchildren.
However, there has clearly been tension between Matt and Amy on recent episodes of their reality show.
Late last month, for example, Matt blasted Amy as insecure and not business savvy.
Moreover, the romance between Matt and Caryn Chandler has admittedly started to bother Amy a lot.
Then there was last night’s installment of Little People, Big World.
A bulk of this episode centered on last Christmas and the exes trying to decide if they wanted to host one giant family gathering in honor of Jesus Christ’s birthday.
This would have meant Amy and boyfriend Chris Marek hanging out with Matt and Caryn, of course.
“I do not have to be best friends with Matt and Caryn,” Amy told the camera at one point. “In fact, I don’t even have to be friends with them, but I try to be respectful for the sake of my kids.”
Matt and Chandler felt similarly hesitant about getting everyone together for the party, but the former seemed a tad bit more open about building a friendship with his ex-wife down the line.
Said Matt:
“Obviously a lot of divorces, there’s all this tension and stuff and then over time exes become friends, but if Amy were to say, ‘Hey, I don’t want you and your girlfriend here at the farm,"” then we would have to change things.
Despite all that we’ve seen of late, though, Matt insisted awhile ago that everything is great between him and his loved ones.
Amy seems to be echoing that sentiment here — and we’re glad to hear it.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Amy Roloff Gushes Over "Wonderful" Chris Marek, Sticks It to Haters
Note to all Chris Marek trolls:
Go ahead and slam the reality star all you want.
Call him insincere and homosexual and whatever else you’d like.
Just don’t think for one second that your misguided insults and labels are causing Amy Roloff to miss a single wink of sleep.
As we’ve documented several times over the past few months, many Little People, Big World fans out there appear to have a problem with Marek.
And we really have no idea why.
The real estate agent has been dating Roloff for over a year now and has shown no signs of being anything but loyal and good to her.
No, Marek is not using Roloff for her money, as some haters have insinuated, nor does he simply suck as a person, as others have basically come out and stated online.
Marek makes Amy happy. Full stop.
Thankfully, this is all Roloff is focused on these days, as she just shared an especially sweet photo of herself and her boyfriend (above) and wrote the following caption along with it:
This guy is wonderful!
Thanks for being awesome fans and your support and encouragement here on my FB and IG. Keep smiling – you may help someone else want to smile too!
#tlc #lpbw #amyssecondactcontinues #secondchance #lovesurprises #godisgoodallthetime #allaboutfamily #lovemykids #agoodguy #lotsoflove.
On this past episode of Little People, Big World, viewers had a chance to witness Marek truly caring for Amy.
Not only did he organize a surprise party for his lovely lady friend… he even conferred with her ex-husband, Matt Roloff, for advice on how to hide the cars of his guests in order to keep them inconspicuous.
“I don’t know him real well and it’s awkward – especially knowing Amy is a little dicey with him and I talking. But hey, he is reaching out to me, so we are going to run with it,” Matt said of Marek’s request.
But that’s sort of our whole point.
Marek knew it would be awkward, but he still talked with Matt because he wanted to make sure his party for Amy went as smoothly as possible.
He thought of her before all else.
“Chris is very respectful,” Matt later told the camera on this episode, adding:
“I think Chris is good for Amy. If Chris wasn’t in Amy’s life, Amy would be thrashing around and I’d be on that receiving end of that thrashing. I was for 30 years!
“He’s keeping her calm and relaxed, she’s not all angry.”
Yikes. Talk about a backhanded compliment, huh?
Or not even a compliment. Matt basically just insulted the mother of his four kids, while at least praising Marek a little bit we guess.
What’s crazy, however, is that fans are STILL giving Marek a hard time.
The guy goes out of his way to create a special occasion for his girlfriend and some viewers still drag him on Twitter.
“Why does Chris look so uncomfortable with Amy?” asked one viewer this week out of nowhere, while another added:
“I cannot watch Amy and Chris! Something just isn’t right about that guy or their relationship. Amy is definitely into him more than he is into her.”
SIGH. Will these types of comments ever end?

Whatever, though, we suppose.
If Amy isn’t going to let these trolls bother her, then we won’t them bother us, either.
We’ll just continue to send the reality star our best wishes and to wonder when Marek will propose.
We want to see these two walk down the aisle! Wouldn’t that be terrific?!?
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Rich The Kid Sticks To Rappin" About "Dead Friend" Lil Uzi Vert
Rich the Kid made it pretty clear there’s no hope for reconciliation when it comes to his beef with Lil Uzi Vert and all you have to do is listen to the lyrics of his new diss song, “Dead Friends.” We got Rich the Kid out in NYC Monday and asked…
Monday, March 26, 2018
Tomi Lahren Sticks a Gun In Her Yoga Pants, Mocks March For Our Lives
Over the weekend, millions gathered in cities all over the country to demand that legislators act quickly to increase gun control regulations.
The move came in response not only to the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida, but also as a reaction to the ongoing gun violence epidemic that’s claimed thousands of lives and shows no signs of letting up.
These were people who gathered out of compassion, concern for our nations youth, and a sincere desire for change.
So naturally, whiny Millennial snowflake and noted dog kicker Tomi Lahren was quick to sh-t on the event with her trademark blend of bitterness and idiocy:
“Simply being anti-NRA is not a solution. March FOR something, not just against everything,” Lahren tweeted about an event that was literally called March For Our Lives.
“It’s a shame schools don’t teach the U.S. Constitution anymore. Appreciation for our 2A is lost when history is forgotten and ignored in favor of ‘feelings’ 101,” Tawny Larynx added.
She went on to really grasp at straws, remnding protesters that millions of Americans are heavily armed, which were pretty sure was the point of the protest.
“Do you realize millions of your FELLOW AMERICANS are members of the NRA?” Tormund tweeted, demonstrating once and for all that ignorance isn’t always blissful – sometimes it’s characterized by seeting rage.
“Disarming the citizenry is the first step to oppression and tyranny. Kids, I suggest you crack open the history book and learn this pattern,” said Tammy, apparently seeing nothing wrong with issuing a smug lecture to children who fear for their lives.
It’s rants like this that have made the far-right commentator such an easy target for her critics, many of whom delight in calling Timebomb by the wrong name.
But this time, it wasn’t just Tone-Loc’s ill-advised insights that had Twitter in an uproar.
Behold, the open-carry yoga ensemble:
For obvious reasons, the internet has delighted in roasting Toni over her “vagina gun.”
Lawrence posted the above photo on Instagram in order to shill for a company that sells leggings equipped with holsters:
“Live. Speak. Stand. Run. Carry with Confidence,” Tonsil captioned the pic.
“Ladies, chances are your assailant is gonna be bigger, stronger and faster and that’s why you have @alexoathletica for your gun, your mace, or even your phone. Yeah, you’ve got it covered.”
Yes, this is a real product, and yes, Twutter had an absolute field day with the absurdity of the situation.
“Breaking News: Tomi Lahren rushed to hospital after trying to do Downward Facing Dog with gun in her yoga pants,” wrote one user.
“I admire Tomi’s earnest but ultimately misguided commitment to bringing Freud’s penis envy theorem back into style,” commented another.
“I get it, Tomi. I too, can never fully relax at yoga class unless I have a gun pointed at my crotch,”
You get the idea.
We could literally re-post these all day, but hopefully Tampax has learned her lesson by now.
Shell never get re-hired by Glenn Beck if he has to worry about her bringing her crotch Glock to work.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Jill Duggar Sticks It to Jim Bob, Wears Pants on Facebook
Jill Duggar is many things – a daughter, a wife, a mother, a reality star, but until recently, no one would’ve described her as a rebel.
That all changed when the world laid eyes on Jill wearing pants.
Yes, like Jinger before her, Jill has taken to flouting her family’s strict dress code by eschewing floor-length skirts in favor of the devil’s denim.
And in some ways, she’s being even bolder in her defiance than her trailblazing sister ever was.
First, fans were stunned to see Jill wearing pants while addressing a group of female students.
Now, she’s sporting Levi’s in an environment that might be even more conservative than a Christian middle school.
We’re talking, of course, about Facebook:
Yes, in a new video posted by Jill and her husband, Derick Dillard, the mother of two can be seen playing with her kids while sporting a pair of jeans.
Obviously, that’s the attire that makes the most sense for sitting on the floor, but since when do the Duggars worry about logic?
Based on the comments, fans seemed surprised but were mostly supportive of Jill’s attire.
“I get so happy every time I see one of these girls wear pants. Modesty can still be represented in something other than a skirt,” wrote fan, adding:
“I know I shouldn’t focus on that particular aspect of their attire, but…Yay for ya’ll!”
“I am glad they can wear and truly do as they please. It shows JimBob is not the control freak haters want to insist he is,” another commenter remarked.
In a way, it proves the opposite of that, since none of the women began wearing pants until they were out from under Jim Bob’s authority – but we digress.
So will the Duggar sisters be engaging in any additional acts of sartorial insurrection?
We wouldn’t count on it.
Skirts are apparently the most flexible aspect of the Duggar dress code, which was outlined by the girls in themselves in their 2014 memoir Growing Up Duggar.
“We avoid low-cut, cleavage-showing, gaping, or bare-shouldered tops; and when needed, we were an undershirt. We try to make it a habit to always cover the top of our shirt with our hand when we bend over,” the sisters wrote.
“We don’t want to play the peek-a-boo game with our neckline.”
In other words – jeans are probably about as rebellious as the Duggar sisters will be getting … for now, at least.
Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Amy Roloff Hangs with Boyfriend, Sticks It to Haters
Amy Roloff is too nice to tell her critics to suck it.
The Little People, Big World star isn’t about to recommend her haters take a long walk off a pier.
But it does appear as if the reality star is a fan of a certain saying about pictures.
Something about what they say? About how they cover approximately 1,000 words?T
That’s the way we’ve chosen to interpret Amy’s latest Instagram montage, at least, considering how frequently it features Chris Marek.
Marek, of course, has been dating Amy for over a year now.
He seems pretty quiet and chill and nice and harmless, yet Amy has continued to get grief for her relationship with Chris for some reason.
Just a few weeks ago, for example, Roloff was forced to come out and tell followers not to judge Marek based on a few TLC appearances.
But now perhaps she’s done sending direct messages, choosing instead to show people just how happy Marek makes her.
The couple clearly spent a lot of time together over Thanksgiving, from eating a beautiful feast to picking out a Christmas tree.
Along with the photo above and the handful below, Amy wrote the following caption on Instagram:
“It’s been awhile since I’ve had such a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! All my kids were here, Chris, friends grandkids…
“From a bountiful dinner to everyone helping me cut down my tree. I have much to be thankful for. Sorry for all the pics- I just couldn’t pick one there were so many.
“I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving too. I’m ready to welcome in Christmas!”
We really hope Amy doesn’t receive any backlash for these snapshots.
It certainly appears as if the Roloffs have accepted Marek as one of their own, so we don’t know why Little People, Big World viewers wouldn’t do the same.
They may not have a choice in the matter soon, as rumors continue to circulate that Marek may propose to Roloff.
If he hasn’t already, that is!
Prior to sharing this trio of precious pictures, Amy posted an image of her and her loved ones on Thanksgiving day itself.
Yes, it featured Marek, right smack dab in the middle of the festivities.
“A Happy Thanksgiving day to be thankful and everyday,” the star wrote as a caption, adding:
“Love gathering with these peeps immensely! Zach & Tori joined us later for dessert & Matt was w/ his girlfriends family. “
I hope it was a very lovely thankful day for you all as well.”
For those wondering, TLC has not announced a return date for Little People, Big World.
Amy previously hinted, though, that the series would premiere new episodes some time this spring, likely around March.
You can expect to see more about Chris and Amy’s relationship at this time, while cameras also take fans behind the scenes of Jeremy and Audrey’s journey to parenthood.
You can also expect to read weekly recaps and reviews on The Hollywood Gossip.
We’re loyal fans of the reality show.
And, as long as he makes Amy happy, we’re loyal fans of Chris as well.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Ariel Winter Sticks it to Haters with Skimpiest Outfit Yet!
This goes beyond a "boob window" and enters territory that we don"t quite know how to describe. A boob … balcony?
Whatever it"s called, Ariel Winter is rocking something that goes well beyond underboob or cleavage in a shredded white crop top. She"s living her best, hottest life.
And we don"t claim to be mind-readers, but we have a sneaking suspicion of what motivated this public display of boobage that you can see below.
So what exactly is she wearing in the images that you"ll see in the video below?
A slashed white PrettyLittleThing crop top that bares the undersides and the inner sides of her breasts, in a material so thin that you don"t need Cara Delevingne"s vaunted sixth sense to know where they are.
You can just … see them.
Other than that, she"s wearing comfy-looking red pants with black boots. And her hair is up in a ponytail. Like, this is just an outfit that she wore around town.
First of all, obviously, Ariel Winter doesn"t need any excuses or whatever to wear whatever the hell she wants.
Breasts are just lumps of tissue, albeit very aesthetically pleasing ones.
She"s an adult who can make her own choices, and whether or not they"re the same ones that you or I would make is frankly irrelevant.
Getting upset because of someone else"s wardrobe is like getting upset because someone else ordered pizza toppings for their own personal pizza that you don"t like.
The fact that many places forbid women from going out in public while topless but allow men to do so is absurd and, many say, a point of contention for those who seek gender equality.
That said … we do think that Ariel may have had a motive.
Recently, Ariel Winter"s infamous mother, Crystal Workman, did a TV interview to try to slut-shame Ariel for the way that she dresses.
You really have to have a lot of nerve to criticize the way that your daughter lives, after your own parenting was so bad and allegedly abusive that a court allowed Ariel to become an emancipated minor at 14.
Ariel has accused Crystal of restricting her diet from a shockingly young age (to the point where one of Ariel"s instructors would covertly order extra food to sneak some to her).
She has also accused Crystal of violent, physical abuse and of emotional abuse.
it sounds like Ariel escaped from a truly awful childhood.
Unlike when her mother allegedly forced her into wildly sexualized outfits when she was as young as 12, Ariel is now a 19-year-old adult.
She"s free to wear as much or as little as she likes.
Ariel has already responded to this in two ways.
First, she retweeted someone else"s tweet, where they referred to Crystal Workman"s whining. The fan noted:
"All i know, is if i [were] trying to reconcile with my daughter, i wouldn"t be bashing her on a interview… but that"s just me."
It"s not just her, really.
Ariel Winter then posted her own not-so-subtle subtweet:
"Very sad when someone chooses a public forum to reach out to someone. Also sad when that reach out comes in the form of criticizing."
Quite frankly, that"s a heck of a lot nicer than most people would have been, given Ariel"s history with her mother.
All of this came on the heels of Ariel Winter"s epic Instagram rant when she talked about how people respond to her photos.
(Ariel"s no stranger to white crop tops, but the ones that we"ve seen her wear in the past were a good deal tamer)
To us (and again, we"re not mind-readers) this new, wildly salacious crop top that you"ll see in the video below is a huge middle finger to not only her awful mother but to all of her haters.
There"s a powerful feeling to ignoring the voices that are trying to bring you down and control you.
With results like this, we think that the people complaining that Ariel Winter should cover up are definitely in the minority:
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Nathan Griffith Sticks It To Jenelle Evans With Engagement Announcement!
In just one week, Jenelle Evans will marry David Eason.
We’re sure Jenelle and David’s friends and family are already placing bets on how long it’ll be before the nasty divorce proceedings begin, for now, all is sweetness and light in the Carolina Hurricane’s world.
But with the number of people Jenelle has pissed off over the years, it was only a matter of time before someone came along to eff up her wedding week.
Today is Nathan Griffith’s birthday, and to celebrate, his girlfriend, Amanda Lynn, took to Twitter to reveal that Jenelle’s second baby daddy has popped the question.
Needless to say, the move is being interpreted by many as an attempt to steal Jenelle’s thunder.
And it’s not the only way that Griffith has been a thorn in Jenelle’s side in recent weeks.
As you’re likely aware, Jenelle has already lost custody of her eldest son, Jace, who’s under the full-time care of her mother, Barbara Evans.
Now, Griffith is pursuing full custody of Jenelle’s second son, Kaiser, and he’s armed with some pretty damning allegations.
Griffith claims that Evans did drugs while she was pregnant, and has neglected and abused her children in horrifying ways.
One appalling account has Jenelle locking her two young sons out of the house on a day in which temperatures exceeded 100 degrees.
Legal experts say it doesn’t look good for Jenelle, who will likely only have custody of her youngest daughter, Ensley, when all this is settled.
Obviously, Nathan announcing his engagement just days before Jenelle’s wedding is small potatoes by comparison.
But still, it’s an unmistakable salvo in a war without a truce on the horizon.
Of course, now, the question on the minds of many Teen Mom 2 fans is: will Jenelle fire back?
One would hope that with a wedding and a custody hearing on the way, Evans would play it cool and keep her outrage to herself.
But knowing what we know about Jenelle’s behavioral patterns, that seems unlikely.
We’re sure she’s trying her best to keep from unloading on Griffith in an epic tweet storm, but it’s only a matter of time before she breaks.
Hopefully, David has the sense to bury her phone in the yard of their new house.
Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Jenelle’s most fiery tantrums.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Channing Tatum"s Got Competition, Nick Bateman Sticks It Like Gambit
Channing Tatum might wanna watch his back, there’s another guy gunning for his role in the ‘X-Men’ spinoff, ‘Gambit,’ … and dude’s got a flashy stick. Nick Bateman went viral last week with his own slick version of a ‘Gambit’ trailer — but…
Channing Tatum"s Got Competition, Nick Bateman Sticks It Like Gambit
Channing Tatum might wanna watch his back, there’s another guy gunning for his role in the ‘X-Men’ spinoff, ‘Gambit,’ … and dude’s got a flashy stick. Nick Bateman went viral last week with his own slick version of a ‘Gambit’ trailer — but…
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Water Slide Guy Sticks Landing by Gliding Over Water! (VIDEO)
Call him the Usain Bolt of water parks — a guy in Jamaica stuck the most amazing water slide landing … in fact, it’s almost unbelievable! If you thought gliding over water went out of style about 2000 years ago, you gotta see what this guy…
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Bella Thorne Mauls Gregg Sulkin, Sticks it to Scott Disick in Racy New Pic
It’s a sad day when a grown man’s antics are so bad that a teen girl feels the need to put some visible distance between them.
So, you know how absolutely everyone is fed up with Scott Disick’s hard-to-miss antics with 19-year-old girls? It looks like we can count Bella Thorne in with the rest of us.
She’s apparently spent the last two days hanging out with ex Gregg Sulkin, and has not been shy about sharing that on Instagram.
Of course, Bella’s never been a shy kinda girl. She’s straightforward about showing off her body, and she’s never minced words about being bisexual.
And they both look great in that photo, because of course they do.
Scott Disick’s apparent attempt to get back at Kourtney Kardashian has been to be seen very publicly with attractive young women. Not only is that backfiring, but it’s led to some buyer’s remorse from people like Bella Thorne who got caught in the middle.
On the surface, they were a perfect fit, since anyone on Scott’s arm is going to get noticed and Bella Thorne is known for grabbing people’s attention.
Usually just with photos of herself.
Some would say that she’s desperate, others say that she just likes flaunting her body.
Honestly, can we blame her?
Now, lots of people spend time with their exes. They might even be cuddly.
Not everyone posts those photos to Instagram.
Maybe they’re just rekindling their old relationship, but it would also be a very effective way for Bella to send a Scott and also to the world that she’s put that Cannes drama behind her.
We hope that this isn’t a case of her using Gregg to get back at Scott for using her.
That would be enough like a soap opera to make your head spin.
Bella has a few exes, and a lot of her younger fans would be delighted to see her get back with Gregg Sulkin. The two had dated for a good long while and only broke up late last summer.
Their relationship wasn’t controversial like, say, her rumored romance with YouTuber and accused rapist Sam Pepper. Because yikes.
That situation was short-lived for a reason.
But until someone makes a real announcement, Bella and Gregg are just friends. Friends who used to date and who have been very visibly inseparable for the last couple of days.
Cuddly friends. But friends nonetheless.
Overall, it looks like Bella is still young, but making better choices for herself these days. That’s kind of what being 19 is all about.