Showing posts with label Bipolar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bipolar. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Opens Up About Bipolar Disorder, Sticks It to Haters

Last week, Tyler Baltierra flaunted his weight loss by posting a thirst trap. But he’s been making improvements in more than just his physical health.

Tyler has bipolar disorder, which presents a number of mental health hurdles that he has had to overcome.

In a new post, he lays out his description of the highs and lows of bipolar disorder — and he has some choice words for his haters.

Tyler’s poetry about mental illness is not a new thing to Teen Mom fans, but this time, he is really spelling out how bipolar disorder puts him in a precarious state.

“Bi Polar is like dancing on the edge of a cliff,” Tyler writes ina  post shared to social media.

Bipolar disorder, formerly referred to as manic depression, involves oscillations between extremes.

“The good moods are full of endless euphoric adrenaline,” Tyler says.

Those good moods — manic episodes — can lead a person to act impulsively to follow their bliss without thought for repercussions.

“But the bad moods,” Tyler writes with poetic flare. “Cause a reclusive crash with an abusive rift.”

Tyler Baltierra Pens Poetry About Bipolar Disorder

The bad moods are when one is bogged down with depression and may feel that they’ll never again know happiness or joy.

Continuing his poem, Tyler writes that these bad moods take place “when there’s just too much emotions to go through & sift.”

“Which,” Tyler continues. “Makes you trip down a long hard fall when you slip.”

Though the highs of bipolar disorder feel better than the lows, both can be harmful to a person’s life.

“After you lose that grip once that adrenaline filled dance inevitably makes you tip,” Tyler explains.

After the poem, Tyler extended his message.

“I am not my diagnosis,” Tyler affirms.

That is an important distinction. With medication, he is still himself — but in a better state of mind.

Tyler’s positive statements continue: “I am in control of my perceptions and my reactions.”

Finally, he adds a tag: “#PoetryIsMyBrainsFreedom”

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Tyler chose to highlight positive responses that he has received, sharing them to Instagram with a message.

“Just a reminder to all the haters out there…” Tyler begins.

For the record, he does get a few very vocal, nasty trolls. They question whether he even has bipolar disorder and ask intrusive, invasive questions demanding that he “prove” his diagnosis.

“For every ONE negative ignorant opinion about my poetry,” Tyler announces. “There is more than DOUBLE the positive ones from these amazing people who are impacted by it”

The negative comments can turn very nasty. It’s good that he has some positive feedback, too.

“They’re the reason I share it in the first place,” Tyler explains. “So keep on hating or keep on scrolling, but that will NEVER change the fact that it’s touching people’s hearts & that’s what truly matters anyway.”

“To all of my supporters,” Tyler concludes. “I love you & can’t thank you enough, you are AMAZING.”

Tyler Baltierra fan replies 02

Tyler posted a follow-up message regarding the hate that he receives.

“What’s ironic to me, is that everyone thinks I’m this depressed, unstable, ‘moping in my own self pity’ kind of guy.”

Tyler explains that they assume this “just because I have been venting my vulnerable feelings through words, but that’s just my escape.”

Self-expression through art is cathartic and healthy.

“It’s just a place to put them,” Tyler explains of his feelings. “So they have a different home to belong to instead of on the shoulders of my spirit through life.”

Tyler announces: “I’m actually the happiest I have been in a very long time!!!”


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: I Suffer From Bipolar Disorder

For much of the past two years, Catelynn Lowell’s struggle with mental illness has been documented by Teen Mom OG camera crews.

Lowell has been commended for her bravery in being so honest about her difficulties, and many have heaped praise on her husband, Tyler Baltierra, for his endless support of his struggling wife.

Now, Tyler is opening up about his own mental health issues, and like Catelynn, he’s sharing details about his battle in hopes of diminishing damaging stigmas encouraging fans to seek help when they need it.

Baltierra revealed on Twitter this week that he’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

In a series of candid tweets, Tyler revealed that he initially planned to keep his diagnosis a secret, but was encouraged by his wife to go public with his struggle.

“Honestly, I wasn’t even planning on releasing that info, but once Cate mentioned about my recent diagnosis, I figured “what the hell!?” the 26-year-old tweeted.

“Like why am I so against telling anyone!? It’s actually been a little easier to digest since I have been talking about it more,” he added.

Asked if he plans to seek a pharmaceutical solution, Baltierra reveals that he has not yet decided on a course of treatment:

“Well tbh it’s still so new to me,” he wrote.

“So, I’ve been doing non-stop research on the diagnosis, the different remedies to combat symptoms, & how to better understand it. I did refuse medication, but only because I wanted to try all of the natural remedies first. It’s a journey,”

It seems the diagnosis did not come as a total shock to Tyler, who has long suspected he may suffer from a mental illness.

“He mentioned in the past that he thought that maybe he suffered from bipolar disorder, but he wasn’t sure,” a source explained to Radar Online.

“He’s talked about his mood going from super funny and goofy, which he’s known for, to his depressive phases. That was a red flag for him.”

It’s unclear if Tyler’s mental illness will be addressed on future episodes of Teen Mom OG.

But for now, Baltierra is doing his fans a great service by opening up about his condition on social media.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Tyler and Catelynn’s road to greater mental health.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Mariah Carey Opens Up About Bipolar Disorder

Over the years, Mariah Carey has been the source of many rumors, related both to her personality and her lifestyle in general.

Did you hear, for example, that she may have been involved in a Satanic sex cult as a child?

In the latest issue of People Magazine, however, the legendary artist separates at least one fact from whatever fiction may or may not be out there about her.

Carey admits that she has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.

This illness can mean many things to the individual who is afflicted with it, but it is most generally associated with episodes of mood swings, ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.

Carey tells People Editor-in-Chief Jess Cagle that she was actually diagnosed way back in 2001 – when she was hospitalized for a physical and mental breakdown – but “didn’t want to believe it” at the time.

Mariah then expounded:

“Until recently I lived in denial and isolation and in constant fear someone would expose me.

“It was too heavy a burden to carry and I simply couldn’t do that anymore.

“I sought and received treatment, I put positive people around me and I got back to doing what I love: writing songs and making music.”

Carey, of course, has always been known for having an eccentric personality.

She’s been considered high-maintenance and very demanding.

The word diva has often been thrown around across the Internet.

It’s also worth noting that Carey is one successful solo artist of all time.

She has a whopping 18 number-one hits to her name and more than 200 million records sold.

And yet she has been suffering from this disorder for nearly two decades, in relative silence, at least when it comes to public perception.

The singer says she’s currently in therapy and taking medication for bipolar II disorder, which involves periods of depression as well as hypomania.

People writes that this is  “less severe than the mania associated with bipolar I disorder, but can still cause irritability, sleeplessness and hyperactivity.”

Mariah is also in the studio these days, working on an album that she hopes to release toward the end of 2018.

“For a long time I thought I had a severe sleep disorder,” she explains.

“But it wasn’t normal insomnia and I wasn’t lying awake counting sheep.

“I was working and working and working … I was irritable and in constant fear of letting people down.

“It turns out that I was experiencing a form of mania. Eventually I would just hit a wall. I guess my depressive episodes were characterized by having very low energy.

“I would feel so lonely and sad – even guilty that I wasn’t doing what I needed to be doing for my career.”

Why has she come forward now, after all this time?

“I’m just in a really good place right now, where I’m comfortable discussing my struggles with bipolar II disorder. I’m hopeful we can get to a place where the stigma is lifted from people going through anything alone. It can be incredibly isolating.

“It does not have to define you and I refuse to allow it to define me or control me.”

For more on Mariah Carey and her battle with bipolar disorder, dealing with fame and raising twins, pick up the latest issue of People.

It goes on sale Friday, April 13.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Johnny Manziel Diagnosed Bipolar, "Self-Medicated with Alcohol"

Johnny Manziel says he’s been battling bipolar disorder and depression for years — and had used alcohol as a way to “self-medicate” … but claims he’s sought professional help to work through it.  “I am taking medication for bipolar, and I am…


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Demi Lovato Rants on Twitter: I"m Bipolar, Okay?!?

Demi Lovato has had quite the week on social media.

First, as previously documented, the singer sort of called out Nicki Minaj for dissing her at the MET Gala on Monday night.

But then Demi laughed off that alleged feud and went along her merry way.

Or so it seemed, at least.

“Sometimes there’s more to the story,” Lovato wrote on Twitter yesterday, without making it clear exactly what she was referencing to. 

“Sometimes there’s more sh*t going on than you see. Maybe you DON’T know every aspect of my life so maybe you shouldn’t assume you know.”

Lovato may have been talking about the aforementioned mini beef with Minaj.

Or perhaps this diatribe had something to do an interview Demi gave to Latina in which she referred to Latino men as more passionate than white men.

It’s unclear.

But something definitely set Lovato off, to the point that she referenced her own mental illness.

“Maybe I’m tired of sharing my story with the world. Maybe my midnight rants are a part of my bipolar disorder. Can’t change being crazy,” she Tweeted.

“But you can press unfollow.

“Or maybe I rant online because people assume they know things and their entitlement to know makes me feel obligated to defend myself.”

The thing is… Demi Lovato doesn’t really rant online.

Not compared to Kanye West. Not compared to Azealia Banks. Not compared to nearly every other celebrity.

“Imagine the love of ur life/biggest crush finding out u spend time on the internet commenting negative shit about celebrities,” Lovato added.

“Embarrassed? Imagine your grandparents finding out you spend your free time being an internet troll to celebrities you don’t even know.

“Or imagine telling your future children how you spent more time cyber bullying strangers than you did building a better future for them.”

Once again, we don’t know what set Lovato off.

But some haters out there obviously took issue with something she posted. 

And good on her for not letting them get away with it!

“At least I’m honest,” Lovato concluded.

“I’d rather annoy people with my honesty and loud opinions than stay silent and be fake as f*ck. #lasttweetofthenight #goingtosleep.”