Showing posts with label Suffer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suffer. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Demi Lovato Didn"t "Suffer" an OD, She Caused It Says Interventionist

Demi Lovato didn’t “suffer an overdose” — she caused it — so says a famed interventionist. Jeff VanVonderen – who appeared on the A&E show “Intervention” — says Demi’s alarming relapse resulted from choosing to stop using the…


Demi Lovato Didn"t "Suffer" an OD, She Caused It Says Interventionist

Demi Lovato didn’t “suffer an overdose” — she caused it — so says a famed interventionist. Jeff VanVonderen – who appeared on the A&E show “Intervention” — says Demi’s alarming relapse resulted from choosing to stop using the…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: I Suffer From Bipolar Disorder

For much of the past two years, Catelynn Lowell’s struggle with mental illness has been documented by Teen Mom OG camera crews.

Lowell has been commended for her bravery in being so honest about her difficulties, and many have heaped praise on her husband, Tyler Baltierra, for his endless support of his struggling wife.

Now, Tyler is opening up about his own mental health issues, and like Catelynn, he’s sharing details about his battle in hopes of diminishing damaging stigmas encouraging fans to seek help when they need it.

Baltierra revealed on Twitter this week that he’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

In a series of candid tweets, Tyler revealed that he initially planned to keep his diagnosis a secret, but was encouraged by his wife to go public with his struggle.

“Honestly, I wasn’t even planning on releasing that info, but once Cate mentioned about my recent diagnosis, I figured “what the hell!?” the 26-year-old tweeted.

“Like why am I so against telling anyone!? It’s actually been a little easier to digest since I have been talking about it more,” he added.

Asked if he plans to seek a pharmaceutical solution, Baltierra reveals that he has not yet decided on a course of treatment:

“Well tbh it’s still so new to me,” he wrote.

“So, I’ve been doing non-stop research on the diagnosis, the different remedies to combat symptoms, & how to better understand it. I did refuse medication, but only because I wanted to try all of the natural remedies first. It’s a journey,”

It seems the diagnosis did not come as a total shock to Tyler, who has long suspected he may suffer from a mental illness.

“He mentioned in the past that he thought that maybe he suffered from bipolar disorder, but he wasn’t sure,” a source explained to Radar Online.

“He’s talked about his mood going from super funny and goofy, which he’s known for, to his depressive phases. That was a red flag for him.”

It’s unclear if Tyler’s mental illness will be addressed on future episodes of Teen Mom OG.

But for now, Baltierra is doing his fans a great service by opening up about his condition on social media.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Tyler and Catelynn’s road to greater mental health.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Tristan Thompson, Cavs Suffer Humiliating Playoff Upset

If Tristan Thompson was hoping to find solace from his personal life in his professional life, well…

… he’ll need to hope that things turn around quickly for he and his basketball team.

On Sunday afternoon, in front of a sold out arena in Cleveland and millions of people watching across the country, Thompson’s Cavs were thumped by the Indiana Pacers in Game One of their Eastern Conference playoff matchup.

The final score was 98-80, as LeBron James suffered his first-ever career loss in a first round opener.

As Thompson himself?

Did he at least acquit himself well on the court, following a week in which he made news off of it for multiple alleged affairs behind the back (and pregnant belly) of Khloe Kardashian?

Not at all.

Thompson only played the final two minutes of the game, after the outcome was very much decided… and he did not score a single point.

Afterwards, no one on the team blamed Thompson or his wandering penis for serving as a distraction in the days leading up to the big game.

James said he’s been down three games to one in the NBA Finals and gone on to win the title, so he isn’t concerned here about the big picture.

But it’s hard not to wonder what the team talked about in the locker room and whether or not Thompson’s unethical actions played any role at all in the team underperforming to such a significant level.

To be clear, though:

Tristan wasn’t benched for cheating on Kardashian, considering he continually lost minutes to Larry Nance Jr. and Jeff Green as the season ticked down.

He simply can’t spread the floor for Cleveland in the same way he spread the legs of numerous women over the past few months while Khloe sat at home waiting to birth his daughter.

It’s just not a great time to be Tristan Thompson right now.

News of Thompson’s infidelity went viral late last week, just a day before Khloe welcomed a baby girl into the world.

Sources have confirmed that Thompson was in the room for the delivery, but Kardashian is expected to fly back to Los Angeles once she feels up for it and raise the baby far away from her father.

This is what sister Kim is reportedly encouraging her sibling to do.

Could anyone blame Khloe for listening and agreeing to this advice?

Thus far, however, neither Khloe nor Tristan has actually commented on this scandal.

No matter what you think of Thompson’s behavior, it is important to remember that a small human being is now in the picture.

Even if Khloe no longer wants to romance Tristan, she’ll need to work something out with him for the sake of her child.

In the meantime, the Cavs take on the Pacers in Game 2 this Wednesday night.

Will things finally turn around at all for the flailing power forward?


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Boxer Tyson Fury to Sinead O"Connor: I Suffer from Mental Illness Too

Sinead O’Connor is getting support from a huge star — British boxing champ Tyson Fury — who says he also suffers from mental illness and wants to help the singer through the darkness.  “I recently watched one of your heartbreaking videos…


Friday, November 18, 2016

26 Celebrities Who Suffer From Mental Illness

We often imagine celebrities as leading perfect lives – when you"re rich and famous, what problems could you possibly have?

But the truth is, stars can suffer as much as anyone. Mental illness, as they say, does not discriminate.

Many celebs have been open about their struggles with mental health, helping to end the stigma that once surrounded conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder.

1. Demi Lovato

Demi lovato with pink lipstick

Demi Lovato has been open about her struggle with bipolar disorder, cutting and bulimia. “I never found out until I went into treatment that I was bipolar,” she told People when she was 18.

2. Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo dicaprio red carpet photo

Leonardo DiCaprio suffers from OCD, which he drew upon while playing Howard Hughes in The Aviator.

3. Lena Dunham

Lena dunham golden globes photo

Lena Dunham suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and anxiety, and even incorporated OCD into her character on Girls. She has taken medication for her conditions and told fans on Instagram that exercise helps immensely.

4. Robin Williams

Robin williams in the crazy ones

Funnyman Robin Williams suffered from depression, paranoia and anxiety and tragically took his own life in 2014. However, his widow Susan said her husband’s death was a result of Lewy Body Dementia, a form of neurodegenerative dementia that causes mood instability, hallucinations and impaired motor skills.

5. Justin Bieber

Justin bieber hair picture

Justin Bieber admitted to taking Adderall for ADHD, but recently quit because it gave him anxiety. Early in 2016, he canceled meet-and-greets with fans, saying they left him feeling “drained and unhappy” and “mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression.”

6. Angelina Jolie

Angelina jolie movie premiere fail

The movie star admitted that she used to cut herself as a teen. “I went through a period that when I felt trapped I would cut myself. I have a lot of scars,” she told OK! magazine.

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Amber Portwood: Did She Suffer A Miscarraige?

We’re not sure what to make of this.

Teen Mom OG‘s Amber Portwood and her fiance Matt Baier were reportedly expecting a baby, but Portwood had a miscarriage.

According to Teen Mom Daily, a lawyer associated with the series leaked the story, blaming the miscarriage on Portwood’s issues with substance abuse.

“The lawyer says a prescription drug addiction is the cause of the miscarriage,” the site reports.

“He also says Matt has been treating Amber horribly ever since it happened although he is the one who enables her problems.”

Amber hasn’t addressed the report, but did post a quote from Marilyn Monroe on Instagram:

amber portwood marilyn monroe quote

Additionally, it’s not clear if Amber is staying silent because the story isn’t true, or if she’s waiting for it to emerge when the sixth season of Teen Mom OG to premiere August 22nd.

Amber went to jail for 17 months back in 2012 for drug use and domestic violence against her ex-boyfriend, Gary Shirley.

At the time, a judge gave Amber the option to check into rehab.  However, the Indiana native knew that if she didn’t serve time and fix herself, she would be in trouble.

“The only thing I could see happening to me if I [hadn’t gone] to prison is I would have died,” Amber told People after her release.

“I would have overdosed. When you’re an addict you know what your bottom is.”

Her time behind bars was the most effective way to push the reality star to get her life together.

The whole time I was in there I worked my ass off,” Amber explained.

“There were hundreds of hours of drug addiction classes. I did extra classes, parenting and anger management and even started teaching.

“I put myself in there for a reason so I didn’t want to make it a waste.”

Teen Mom OG returns to MTV on August 22nd at 9pm.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Anton Yelchin Update: Did the Actor Suffer?

We have an update on the tragic death of Anton Yelchin.

As most likely know by now, the actor was killed in a horrible accident early Sunday morning.

He was leaving to meet his friends when he somehow got pinned between his car and a security fence on his property.

It appears as if the car (a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee) malfunctioned, rolling down Yelchin’s driveway and gravely injuring his head and chest upon impact.

An investigation is underway to determine whether the faulty vehicle ought to be recalled or not.

According to TMZ, meanwhile, Yelchin at least did not suffer during this fatal incident.

Investigators on the scene have determined that the actor, best known for his role in the new Star Trek franchise, passed away within one minute of impact between car and body.

Moreover, it does appear to have been a freak occurrence.

The 27-year-old actor had no history of drugs… and no prescription pills or alcohol of any kind was found in the vehicle.

Investigators have also determined Yelchin was not known to smoke marijuana.

One final note: there were apparently security cameras posted on the gate near where Yelchin was killed.

Authorities are reviewing these cameras and their tapes and may be able to actually call up footage of Yelchin’s death.

This would at least help us figure out what happened to the very unfortunate young man.

We continue to send our condolences to his friends, family members and loved ones.

Friday, May 13, 2016

25 Celebrities Who Suffer From Mental Illness

We often imagine celebrities as leading perfect lives – when you"re rich and famous, what problems could you possibly have?

But the truth is, stars can suffer as much as anyone. Mental illness, as they say, does not discriminate.

Many celebs have been open about their struggles with mental health, helping to end the stigma that once surrounded conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder.

1. Demi Lovato

Demi lovato with pink lipstick

Demi Lovato has been open about her struggle with bipolar disorder, cutting and bulimia. “I never found out until I went into treatment that I was bipolar,” she told People when she was 18.

2. Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo dicaprio red carpet photo

Leonardo DiCaprio suffers from OCD, which he drew upon while playing Howard Hughes in The Aviator.

3. Lena Dunham

Lena dunham golden globes photo

Lena Dunham suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and anxiety, and even incorporated OCD into her character on Girls. She has taken medication for her conditions and told fans on Instagram that exercise helps immensely.

4. Robin Williams

Robin williams in the crazy ones

Funnyman Robin Williams suffered from depression, paranoia and anxiety and tragically took his own life in 2014. However, his widow Susan said her husband’s death was a result of Lewy Body Dementia, a form of neurodegenerative dementia that causes mood instability, hallucinations and impaired motor skills.

5. Justin Bieber

Justin bieber hair picture

Justin Bieber admitted to taking Adderall for ADHD, but recently quit because it gave him anxiety. Early in 2016, he canceled meet-and-greets with fans, saying they left him feeling “drained and unhappy” and “mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression.”

6. Angelina Jolie

Angelina jolie movie premiere fail

The movie star admitted that she used to cut herself as a teen. “I went through a period that when I felt trapped I would cut myself. I have a lot of scars,” she told OK! magazine.

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