Showing posts with label Humiliating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humiliating. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Thomas Markle Won"t Stop Talking, Enjoys Humiliating the Royal Family

Meghan Markle is happily married to a literal prince, but her disgruntled father Thomas Markle feels like she’s been stolen.

His constant speaking to the press is distressing to Meghan and the Royals, but it sounds like Thomas is starting to enjoy making them uncomfortable.

That’s not speculation — he comes right out and says it. Takea  look.

No one gets to choose their parents, folks. 

Even though he had already given what was allegedly his “last interview,” Thomas Markle spoke to TMZ to warn the Royal Family that he’s not going away.

“I was silent for a full year,” Thomas says.

“And the press beat me up every day,” he laments. “Saying I was a hermit hiding in Mexico.”

It sounds like he is one of those people who has been consumed by media coverage and speculation instead of just ignoring it for his daughter’s sake.

“So,” Thomas explains. “I gave my story.”

Obviously, Meghan and her new in-laws haven’t been thrilled that he’s just saying whatever comes to mind and getting paid for interviews.

“Apparently,” Thomas says. “That interview put the royal family in their silence mode. …”

That would be a cue for a good parent to clam up if he values the relationship with his daughter. Thomas chose a different path.

“So,” Thomas describes. “I gave another interview to break the silence.”

If your actions are upsetting someone, you usually want to stop that behavior instead of ramping it up.

But, as Thomas explains, he is effectively blackmailing his daughter’s family into contacting him.

“All they have to do is speak to me,” he offers.

“Tomorrow is my birthday,” Thomas continues to TMZ.

He reminds folks that he is “74 years old.”

“And,” he says. “I’m enjoying the fact that I can make the entire royal family not speak.”

What kind of sadistic glee is he getting out of this?

“And maybe,” he imagines. “I can get a laugh out of the duchess.”

Meghan is part of that family — and his behavior is putting her in an impossible position.

Does she speak with him to buy his silence … or is that letting the terrorists win, so to speak?

A source close to the Royals tells Entertainment Tonight that Thomas Markle hasn’t been in touch with them.

The source explains that Meghan and Harry “haven’t had any contact” with Thomas during his little interview spree.

“[They] are frustrated he keeps speaking to the tabloids,” the insider explains. “And taking payment for interviews”

“The phone number that I call doesn’t work anymore,” Thomas Markle himself said in an interview with The Sun.

“The, I guess, liaison with the royal family never answers back,” Thomas complains. “And there’s no address I can write to, so I have no way of contacting my daughter.”

“My message would be, ‘I love you, I miss you, I’m sorry for anything that went wrong,"” he claims.

“And I want to be her child’s grandfather and I want to be near them,” Thomas begs. “I want to be a part of their life.”

Thomas Markle also blabbed some claims that Meghan is terrified and miserable.

“My thing about my daughter right now,” he alleges. “Is that I think she is terrified.”

“I see it in her eyes,” he claims. “I see it in her face and I see it in her smile.”

“I’ve seen her smile for years,” Thomas says. “I know her smile. I don’t like the one I’m seeing now.”

According to Thomas: “This one isn’t even a stage smile — this is a pained smile.”

Some people cannot resist digging the hole even deeper.

You can’t choose your parents, but you can choose your friends.

Meghan’s friend Priyanka Chopra tells People that Meghan is loving married, royal life.

“She’s doing amazing,” Priyanka reports. “It’s so nice to see.”

Priyanka, as you may recall, was also a guest at the royal wedding. Unlike Thomas, who skipped his daughter’s wedding for vague reasons.

It sounds like, if you ever (in a fit of adolescent frustration) told your parents that they were the most embarrassing parents on the planet, you might owe them an apology.

That title may belong to Thomas Markle.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Tristan Thompson, Cavs Suffer Humiliating Playoff Upset

If Tristan Thompson was hoping to find solace from his personal life in his professional life, well…

… he’ll need to hope that things turn around quickly for he and his basketball team.

On Sunday afternoon, in front of a sold out arena in Cleveland and millions of people watching across the country, Thompson’s Cavs were thumped by the Indiana Pacers in Game One of their Eastern Conference playoff matchup.

The final score was 98-80, as LeBron James suffered his first-ever career loss in a first round opener.

As Thompson himself?

Did he at least acquit himself well on the court, following a week in which he made news off of it for multiple alleged affairs behind the back (and pregnant belly) of Khloe Kardashian?

Not at all.

Thompson only played the final two minutes of the game, after the outcome was very much decided… and he did not score a single point.

Afterwards, no one on the team blamed Thompson or his wandering penis for serving as a distraction in the days leading up to the big game.

James said he’s been down three games to one in the NBA Finals and gone on to win the title, so he isn’t concerned here about the big picture.

But it’s hard not to wonder what the team talked about in the locker room and whether or not Thompson’s unethical actions played any role at all in the team underperforming to such a significant level.

To be clear, though:

Tristan wasn’t benched for cheating on Kardashian, considering he continually lost minutes to Larry Nance Jr. and Jeff Green as the season ticked down.

He simply can’t spread the floor for Cleveland in the same way he spread the legs of numerous women over the past few months while Khloe sat at home waiting to birth his daughter.

It’s just not a great time to be Tristan Thompson right now.

News of Thompson’s infidelity went viral late last week, just a day before Khloe welcomed a baby girl into the world.

Sources have confirmed that Thompson was in the room for the delivery, but Kardashian is expected to fly back to Los Angeles once she feels up for it and raise the baby far away from her father.

This is what sister Kim is reportedly encouraging her sibling to do.

Could anyone blame Khloe for listening and agreeing to this advice?

Thus far, however, neither Khloe nor Tristan has actually commented on this scandal.

No matter what you think of Thompson’s behavior, it is important to remember that a small human being is now in the picture.

Even if Khloe no longer wants to romance Tristan, she’ll need to work something out with him for the sake of her child.

In the meantime, the Cavs take on the Pacers in Game 2 this Wednesday night.

Will things finally turn around at all for the flailing power forward?


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tori Spelling: Filing For Bankruptcy After Humiliating Lawsuit!

Yesterday, we reported that Tori Spelling is being sued by American Express for failure to pay her bill.

Now, this isn’t a case of Tori’s check getting lost in the mail one month. 

The company alleges that Spelling owes more than $ 38,000, and hasn’t made a payment in over 8 months. According to the suit, she did write a check for $ 1,019 back in June, but it bounced.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that the outstanding AmEx bill is just the tip of the Tori’s iceberg of mounting debt, and she and husband Dean McDermott may be forced to file for bankruptcy.

“American Express provided a loan to Tori out of a line of credit she had,” says one insider.

“The loan was needed because Tori and Dean had no money coming in last summer. She was hospitalized with burns on her arms, and was in pain for months.”

The source is referring to an incident in which Tori burned herself when she fell on a grill at a Benihana restaurant.

The injuries were reportedly minor, and something tells us that the real reason Tori didn’t have any money coming in last summer is that she doesn’t have a career.

McDermott reportedly recognizes the seriousness of their financial situation, while Tori remains in denial:

“Dean wants Tori to file for bankruptcy because there are other credit card companies that are owed money too,” the insider says.

“It’s surprising that this was only the first company to file a lawsuit in an attempt to get the outstanding balance paid.”

Even so, Tori refuses to endure the humiliation of making her financial struggles a matter of public record.

“Tori refuses to even discuss the possibility of bankruptcy,” says the source.

Is she really that worried about being embarrassed? Has she seen any of her reality shows?!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Carole Middleton: Battling Alcoholism, Humiliating Kate Middleton, Source Claims

Earlier this month, we reported that Carole Middleton got noticeably drunk while attending a rugby match at London’s Twickenham Stadium.

A single instance of Carole knocking back one pint too many is amusing. Unfortunately, sources are now claiming that it happens quite often and that Duchess Kate often cringes in embarrassment at her mother’s sloshed behavior.

“It seems to be happening a lot lately,” a source tells Star magazine.

“It’s a huge concern for Kate. She’ll hide her booze at her house, but mom just brings her own! Last Christmas, Carole had too much to drink and started telling totally inappropriate jokes.

“Kate was so humiliated that she finally had to drag her away. She told her mom if she doesn’t straighten up, she’ll be banned from all royal events.”

Of course, if Kate is really so concerned, she should probably stop quietly ushering her mom out of the room and start taking her to meetings.

We know Kate has two kids and a whole heap of royal obligations to work with, but certainly her siblings should have time to help their mum get off the sauce, right?

Pippa can’t keep a job, and James seems to devote most of his time to beard maintenance. Then again, those two might be a big of why Carole is getting snockered on a regular basis.