Showing posts with label Rant's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rant's. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Chris Brown Rants, Raves: F-CK THE POLICE!

Chris Brown did not beat any woman’s face in with his bare fists this morning.

But he did possibly hold a gun up in front of a woman’s face.

As previously reported, Brown is a suspect in a criminal investigation after a woman called the police early this morning from his house.

The woman claims she and Brown got into an argument that escalated to the point where the singer actually pulled a gun on her.

All we know about the woman at the moment is that she is a former beauty pageant queen winner.

We also know that authorities arrived on the scene around 3 a.m. and, as of this writing, are still there.

And this is when things got REALLY weird.

For starters, Ray J and some other guests were also present.

The former Kim Kardashian sex tape partner was apparently getting a tattoo inside just prior to all Hell breaking loose.

TMZ reports that two “uninvited” women soon showed up, one of whom got into the aforementioned argument with Brown and called 911.

At some point, Ray J left the premises… was handcuffed by the cops… had his BMW seized… was let go… but was forced to take an Uber home.

That may be the greatest sentence we’ve ever written.

But anyway. Back to Brown:

Around 8:45 this morning, a SWAT team was summoned to the residence because police wanted to see if a gun that matched the woman’s description was, indeed, inside.

Then, at 9:20 this morning, Brown started sharing Instagram videos.

And each featured the artist getting more and more worked up as he talked, lending credence to anyone who believes Chris Brown just might have an ego and anger problem.

In the first Instagram video, he says he was sleeping the entire time and hasn’t done anything wrong and, hey, wait a second:

When he calls the cops to deal with stalkers, they fail to show up.

But when some woman calls the cops to accuse him of something dastardly, they instantly appear? EFF THAT!

He then got even more pointed when it came to the police…

In the second video, Brown says this entire incident is just giving him “better publicity.”

He then really goes off on the cops, saying they are the “worst gang in the world” and they’re welcome to get a warrant and go inside his house if they want.

Until then, he has a message for the police: F-CK YOU!

Brown then endorsed his latest single before emphasizing over and over that he’s a “real n-gger.”

He went on to say he doesn’t care about anyone out there, that we can all “suck a fart out of [his] ass” for all he cares.

But what Brown DOES care about is his name and integrity being defaced.

Which is hilarious because Chris Brown once bludgeoned Rihanna to a bloody pulp. He’s been pretty good over the years at defacing his own name.

UPDATEInsiders tell TMZ that Brown remains in the house, but taunted police this morning by hurling a duffel bag out the window.

These insiders say the bag contains weapons and drugs of some kind.

“Come and get me,” Brown allegedly told the cops while tossing the bag at their feet.

Here’s to hoping they do and that Brown goes to jail for the rest of his natural born life.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Kid Pukes in Car, Dad Rants to Wife Via Text (and Also Pukes)

Oh jeez.

Ben Patterson had his kid, Declan strapped safely in his car seat while mom enjoyed a night out with friends.

Then Declan got carsick, and things escalated from there.

According to Us Weekly, Patterson posted the one-sided texts to his wife on Facebook because they were so obscene.

“On the way home, projectile vomit occurred …,” Patterson explained to his Facebook friends as he introduced the story.

I’ll spare you the image of the poor kid covered in vomit, but here’s the series of texts:

“So this just happened.  I just pulled over and am trying not to throw up on my self.”

“Call me.”

“I just threw up trying to clean him up.”

“It smells SO BAD.”

“I’m standing on the side of the road dry heaving, I can’t even be in the car it’s so awful.

I seriously don’t know what to do, I’m barfing every time I try to clean him up.”

“I’m puking on some lady’s lawn in Burlingame and she comes out to ask me if I’m drunk while driving the kids.

I’m trying to explain that I’m a sympathetic vomiter and can’t handle the smell.”

“This is SO BAD.”

The woman doesn’t believe Patterson, and goes inside to call the police.

“Aaand now the cops showed up. Because they have nothing better to do in Burlingame,” Patterson wrote.

“Aaaaand now a breathalyzer.


“Meanwhile Declan continues to barf.”



“At least I passed the breathalyzer.

“Trying to drive home down with the windows down and breathing through my shirt.”

Mom never answered her phone, bless her.

Declan will not be enjoying anymore car rides for the rest of this year.  At least not with his dad.

Kid Pukes in Car, Dad Rants to Wife Via Text (and Also Pukes)

Oh jeez.

Ben Patterson had his kid, Declan strapped safely in his car seat while mom enjoyed a night out with friends.

Then Declan got carsick, and things escalated from there.

According to Us Weekly, Patterson posted the one-sided texts to his wife on Facebook because they were so obscene.

“On the way home, projectile vomit occurred …,” Patterson explained to his Facebook friends as he introduced the story.

I’ll spare you the image of the poor kid covered in vomit, but here’s the series of texts:

“So this just happened.  I just pulled over and am trying not to throw up on my self.”

“Call me.”

“I just threw up trying to clean him up.”

“It smells SO BAD.”

“I’m standing on the side of the road dry heaving, I can’t even be in the car it’s so awful.

I seriously don’t know what to do, I’m barfing every time I try to clean him up.”

“I’m puking on some lady’s lawn in Burlingame and she comes out to ask me if I’m drunk while driving the kids.

I’m trying to explain that I’m a sympathetic vomiter and can’t handle the smell.”

“This is SO BAD.”

The woman doesn’t believe Patterson, and goes inside to call the police.

“Aaand now the cops showed up. Because they have nothing better to do in Burlingame,” Patterson wrote.

“Aaaaand now a breathalyzer.


“Meanwhile Declan continues to barf.”



“At least I passed the breathalyzer.

“Trying to drive home down with the windows down and breathing through my shirt.”

Mom never answered her phone, bless her.

Declan will not be enjoying anymore car rides for the rest of this year.  At least not with his dad.

Woman Rants in Target: The Devil is Raping Your Children!

Just in case you were feeling too good about humanity this morning…

Video of an unnamed woman ranting and raving her way through a Target location has gone viral, with this woman clearly VERY upset of the chain’s stance on LGBT rights.

How can we be so sure? Well…

In the following clip, the woman screams at patrons and staff at a Target franchise (in an undisclosed city) that she is “disgusted” by the company’s pledge to permit transgender customers to use the restroom that best corresponds with their gender identity.

This has become a hot button topic after a North Carolina law was passed that prohibits transgender individuals from using restrooms in that state that best correspond with their gender identity.

“Target would have you believe with their Mother’s Day displays that they love mothers and children. This is a deception,” says the disgruntled woman below.

She is holding a Bible and is accompanied by what we presume to be her family.

“This is not love and they’ve proven it by opening their bathrooms to perverted men!” she yells at one point.

Target has always prided itself on being progressive.

It has tailored clothing to models who are NOT waifs in the past and it has gotten rid of sections that label toys for "Girls" or for "Boys."

Referring to herself a mother of 12 in this video, the woman warns fellow parents to “get your children out of this store” because it is a “dangerous place.”

“Are you gonna let the devil rape your children, America?" she asks, adding:

"It’s time to stand up and have a voice, instead of bowing to the homosexual, perverted agenda that’s taken over this nation."

Ever since Target stores enacted their policy of having transgender-friendly restrooms, various locations have been the… well… target of protests such as this.

Police were called to a store in Bradley, Illinois just a couple weeks ago due to reports of an active shooter. Scary stuff. 

Disturbing stuff.

Check out the latest footage now:

Transphobic woman rants in target the devil is raping your child

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Demi Lovato Rants on Twitter: I"m Bipolar, Okay?!?

Demi Lovato has had quite the week on social media.

First, as previously documented, the singer sort of called out Nicki Minaj for dissing her at the MET Gala on Monday night.

But then Demi laughed off that alleged feud and went along her merry way.

Or so it seemed, at least.

“Sometimes there’s more to the story,” Lovato wrote on Twitter yesterday, without making it clear exactly what she was referencing to. 

“Sometimes there’s more sh*t going on than you see. Maybe you DON’T know every aspect of my life so maybe you shouldn’t assume you know.”

Lovato may have been talking about the aforementioned mini beef with Minaj.

Or perhaps this diatribe had something to do an interview Demi gave to Latina in which she referred to Latino men as more passionate than white men.

It’s unclear.

But something definitely set Lovato off, to the point that she referenced her own mental illness.

“Maybe I’m tired of sharing my story with the world. Maybe my midnight rants are a part of my bipolar disorder. Can’t change being crazy,” she Tweeted.

“But you can press unfollow.

“Or maybe I rant online because people assume they know things and their entitlement to know makes me feel obligated to defend myself.”

The thing is… Demi Lovato doesn’t really rant online.

Not compared to Kanye West. Not compared to Azealia Banks. Not compared to nearly every other celebrity.

“Imagine the love of ur life/biggest crush finding out u spend time on the internet commenting negative shit about celebrities,” Lovato added.

“Embarrassed? Imagine your grandparents finding out you spend your free time being an internet troll to celebrities you don’t even know.

“Or imagine telling your future children how you spent more time cyber bullying strangers than you did building a better future for them.”

Once again, we don’t know what set Lovato off.

But some haters out there obviously took issue with something she posted. 

And good on her for not letting them get away with it!

“At least I’m honest,” Lovato concluded.

“I’d rather annoy people with my honesty and loud opinions than stay silent and be fake as f*ck. #lasttweetofthenight #goingtosleep.”

Friday, February 12, 2016

Kanye West Rants on Twitter, Defends Taylor Swift Lyric

We really thought everything was all good between Kanye West and Taylor Swift.

But then the rapper referred to the singer by a very bad word in his song "Famous" and also took credit for Taylor"s success.

Did West run this apparent diss by Swift before making it public? Yes, Kanye claims. No way, a rep for Taylor argues.

After releasing his album at a fashion show launch in New York City and being criticized for some of its content, Kanye went on the following Twitter rant that must be read to be believed…

… and appreciated!

1. No Dissing Was Done!

No dissing was done

I did not diss Taylor Swift and I’ve never dissed her.

2. Don’t Censor Me!

Dont censor me

First thing is I’m an artist and as an artist I will express how I feel with no censorship.

3. All Good with Kim

Kimye at the met gala

2nd thing I asked my wife for her blessings and she was cool with it.

4. Just Ask Tay Tay

Very pretty taylor swift

3rd thing I called Taylor and had a hour long convo with her about the line and she thought it was funny and gave her blessings.

5. I Love All My Bitches!

Hooded kanye west

5th Bitch is an endearing term in hip hop like the word N*gga.

6. Heck, Blame Taylor!

Heck blame taylor

5th thing I’m not even gone take credit for the idea… it’s actually something Taylor came up with…

View Slideshow

Monday, December 7, 2015

Omarion Rants Over Grammy Snub, Says He’s the "Chosen" One

Move over, LeBron James and Kanye West.

There’s both a new Chosen One in town and also a new headline-making rant machine.

And both are Omarion!

The rapper WENT OFF on Twitter today after not being included among the 2016 Grammy Award nominees, believing that “Post to Be” (his collaboration with Chris Brown and Jhene Aiko) deserved recognition on music’s biggest night.

Because these are some seriously classic Tweets, we’ll just let Omarion run with his diatribe for a bit.

Take it away, pissed off artist!

  • “Post to be” is one of the greatest R&B collaborations ever. CB, Jhene, & myself been in the game 10+. 

  • The odds have always been against me. I constantly prove you wrong. I’ll consistently do great things & you will have to celebrate me.

  • This isn’t a “im upset” (post to be) rant. This is a- ok so that wasn’t good enough. I’ll be back. Have my Grammy’s ready.

  • The game has long changed since I was introduced to it. They want to still treat me like I’m a new to this. My moment is coming trust.

  • So when it’s all said & done. Remember. I prophesied it. It’s my destiny. I was destined. Chosen.

  • Since y’all here! Answer the question. What other song can u name that didn’t have a rapper for a collab!? & don’t be disrespectful. Answer the question.

The tracks that were nominated for Best R&B Performance included Tamar Braxton’s “If I Don’t Have You,” Andra Day’s “Rise Up,” Hiatus Kaiyote’s “Breathing Underwater,” Jeremih’s “Planes” featuring J. Cole, and The Weeknd’s “Earned It.”

And Omarion did at least spend one Tweet sending some props to those up for the award he craves so badly.

“Congratulations to all the nominees!” he wrote. “Enjoy this milestone.”

Friday, October 9, 2015

Bristol Palin Rants Against Birth Control, Remains Insane

Earlier this week, Bristol Palin said that she loves being pregnant.

Sure, she initially called her second pregnancy a “huge disappointment;” she got knocked up by cheating on her combat veteran fiance, thus bringing an end to their engagement; and she may not know who the father is.

But all those things aside, Bristol’s pregnancy has been as perfect as her mother’s public-speaking skills.

In fact, the 24-year-old single mom who’s fortunate enough to come form an absurdly wealthy family doesn’t understand why everyone doesn’t start popping out kids while they’re still in their teens!

On her always-amusing Patheos blog, Bristol recently posted a piece entitled “The Government is Paying for 10 Year Olds to Get Implanted With Birth Control?!” 

As you might expect from that headline, the BS started flying fast and furious from there:

“Do you remember what it was like to be a 10 year old?  I remember being an unabashed tomboy concerned with playing outside and acing 5th grade.

“But life isn’t so innocent and carefree for some 10 years old in Washington State.  This summer a report came out claiming that some schools in Washington were giving free birth control implants to children as young as 10 years old!  

“These birth control devices are implanted in a girl’s uterus, and all of this can be done without a parent’s consent!”

Yes, the United States government is running around pumping 10-year-olds full of birth control, except no they’re not, and that’s a batsh-t thing to say.

What Bristol is referring to is a program at Chief Sealth International High School in Washington (That’s high school, like, for teenagers.) that offers students access to free and confidential reproductive health services, including birth control.

Washington is just one of 20 states in which minors can obtain birth control without their parent’s permission.

So yes, there may have been some 10-year-olds who availed themselves of these services. We guess Bristol would prefer to see a bunch of knocked up fifth graders running around.

 In any event, the program has already provided services to several hundred clients between the ages of 17 and 19. 

Think of it this way, Bristol – that’s several hundred fewer “taker” babies, who you know would just be ordering up welfare pizzas on their Obama phones.