Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Woman Rants in Target: The Devil is Raping Your Children!

Just in case you were feeling too good about humanity this morning…

Video of an unnamed woman ranting and raving her way through a Target location has gone viral, with this woman clearly VERY upset of the chain’s stance on LGBT rights.

How can we be so sure? Well…

In the following clip, the woman screams at patrons and staff at a Target franchise (in an undisclosed city) that she is “disgusted” by the company’s pledge to permit transgender customers to use the restroom that best corresponds with their gender identity.

This has become a hot button topic after a North Carolina law was passed that prohibits transgender individuals from using restrooms in that state that best correspond with their gender identity.

“Target would have you believe with their Mother’s Day displays that they love mothers and children. This is a deception,” says the disgruntled woman below.

She is holding a Bible and is accompanied by what we presume to be her family.

“This is not love and they’ve proven it by opening their bathrooms to perverted men!” she yells at one point.

Target has always prided itself on being progressive.

It has tailored clothing to models who are NOT waifs in the past and it has gotten rid of sections that label toys for "Girls" or for "Boys."

Referring to herself a mother of 12 in this video, the woman warns fellow parents to “get your children out of this store” because it is a “dangerous place.”

“Are you gonna let the devil rape your children, America?" she asks, adding:

"It’s time to stand up and have a voice, instead of bowing to the homosexual, perverted agenda that’s taken over this nation."

Ever since Target stores enacted their policy of having transgender-friendly restrooms, various locations have been the… well… target of protests such as this.

Police were called to a store in Bradley, Illinois just a couple weeks ago due to reports of an active shooter. Scary stuff. 

Disturbing stuff.

Check out the latest footage now:

Transphobic woman rants in target the devil is raping your child