Thursday, May 5, 2016

Demi Lovato Rants on Twitter: I"m Bipolar, Okay?!?

Demi Lovato has had quite the week on social media.

First, as previously documented, the singer sort of called out Nicki Minaj for dissing her at the MET Gala on Monday night.

But then Demi laughed off that alleged feud and went along her merry way.

Or so it seemed, at least.

“Sometimes there’s more to the story,” Lovato wrote on Twitter yesterday, without making it clear exactly what she was referencing to. 

“Sometimes there’s more sh*t going on than you see. Maybe you DON’T know every aspect of my life so maybe you shouldn’t assume you know.”

Lovato may have been talking about the aforementioned mini beef with Minaj.

Or perhaps this diatribe had something to do an interview Demi gave to Latina in which she referred to Latino men as more passionate than white men.

It’s unclear.

But something definitely set Lovato off, to the point that she referenced her own mental illness.

“Maybe I’m tired of sharing my story with the world. Maybe my midnight rants are a part of my bipolar disorder. Can’t change being crazy,” she Tweeted.

“But you can press unfollow.

“Or maybe I rant online because people assume they know things and their entitlement to know makes me feel obligated to defend myself.”

The thing is… Demi Lovato doesn’t really rant online.

Not compared to Kanye West. Not compared to Azealia Banks. Not compared to nearly every other celebrity.

“Imagine the love of ur life/biggest crush finding out u spend time on the internet commenting negative shit about celebrities,” Lovato added.

“Embarrassed? Imagine your grandparents finding out you spend your free time being an internet troll to celebrities you don’t even know.

“Or imagine telling your future children how you spent more time cyber bullying strangers than you did building a better future for them.”

Once again, we don’t know what set Lovato off.

But some haters out there obviously took issue with something she posted. 

And good on her for not letting them get away with it!

“At least I’m honest,” Lovato concluded.

“I’d rather annoy people with my honesty and loud opinions than stay silent and be fake as f*ck. #lasttweetofthenight #goingtosleep.”