Showing posts with label Finalizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finalizes. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Ben Affleck Finalizes Divorce From Jennifer Garner ... From Rehab

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is back in rehab to receive further treatment for the alcohol addiction that’s plagued him throughout his adult life.

Interestingly, the decision to seek further help was prompted by Ben’s estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, who staged an intervention with the help of a professional sobriety coach.

Jennifer Garner-Ben Affleck

Though Ben is set to remain in treatment for at least the next 30 days, major developments have taken place in his life in the meantime.

E! News is reporting today that Affleck and Garner have finally finalized their divorce more than two years after they separated.

The timing, of course, is no coincidence.

Jen has been hoping to work out a mutually amicable custody agreement for years.

She held off on taking Ben to court until she felt he could be trusted to properly care for his kids.

Yes, Jen put her kids’ relationship with their dad above whatever selfish impulses she may have felt.

Despite allegations that Affleck cheated on her and was generally not the greatest partner, Jen knew that if she went nuclear, it would mean essentially taking her kids away from their father.

And so, even when Ben wasn’t willing to put work into his sobriety, Jen was.

It’s official folks — no one is allowed to make a joke at Jennifer Garner’s expense ever again, no matter how many cheesy crossover Capital One ads she stars in alongside Captain Obvious from

As for Ben’s treatment, there’s no way of knowing how he’s progressed during the notoriously difficult first week, but those who know the actor best say that he checked in with every intention of getting sober.

“Ben was doing well for the last few months and very committed to his sobriety,” said one source when discussing Affleck’s latest relapse.

“But recently he started to slip up and began drinking again.”

The source revealed that Ben’s fall from the wagon was the result of many things, including an influx of downtime and his recent breakup with Lindsay Shookus.

But the biggest factor was Ben’s relationship with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model with a penchant for hard partying.

“He wrapped his movie and had some downtime,” the source claimed.

“This week, he was heavily drinking alone at home and with the Playboy model.”

We wish Ben all the best with his treatment — and we applaud Jen for her commitment to her kids’ happiness.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Ryan Seacrest Finalizes Deal to Host "American Idol" Reboot

Ryan Seacrest can start practicing his “THIS … is American Idol” line again … he’s finally inked his deal to return as host after months of intense negotiations. Ryan confirmed the news Thursday on “Live with Kelly and Ryan” ……


Monday, October 17, 2016

Taylor Swift Finalizes $1 Million Donation to Flood Victims

To many critics, Taylor Swift is a phony.

But there’s nothing phony about the impressive financial pledge this singer just made, as she donated $ 1 million to a handful of causes that will help victims of the recent flooding in Louisiana.

Pretty impressive, right?

And yet people take issue with Swift because of how she acts at awards shows? Please.

Swift first made her donation pledge in August.

Two months later, she has divided up her money to Convoy of Hope, The Life of a Single Mom and YWCA Greater Baton Rouge.

The artist has also gifted $ 100,000 to Habitat for Humanity, which hopes to rebuild 100 homes in Baton Rouge by the end of 2017, while giving $ 50,000 to the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank in August.

This, of course, is not nearly the first time Swift has made such a heartfelt monetary move.

She donated $ 50,000 to New York City schools in February of last year.

Just a few months later, she gave $ 50,000 to a fan with cancer.

On a nearly annual basis, Swift is named the most charitable celebrity on the planet.

And yet people take issue with her because they think she sometimes acts too innocent and naive? Please. 

“The generous donation from Taylor Swift could not have come at a better time for our organization,” reads a post on YWCA Greater Baton Rouge’s website.

“These funds will be put to great use as we continue working to restore our Early Head Start facility that was damaged during the historic flooding last month, and continue our critical work of providing access to high quality early childhood services…

Thank you, Taylor Swift, and to all those at the Taylor Swift Foundation, for your kindness and generosity in these challenging times.”

The Life of a Single Mom has released a similar statement.

It reads as follows:

“Our hearts are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support for single moms. We are grateful to Taylor Swift for reaching out to help us ensure that no single mom walks alone during this very difficult time. The devastation across southeast Louisiana has been unbelievable.

“We are thankful for the opportunity to serve more single moms with this gift.”

Swift this summer that she would be donating $ 1 million to Louisiana flood relief, remembering at the time how kind her fans were when she visited the state during her 1989 World Tour.

“We began the 1989 World Tour in Louisiana, and the wonderful fans there made us feel completely at home,” she said.

“The fact that so many people in Louisiana have been forced out of their own homes this week is heartbreaking.”

It really is.

This somehow feels a tad more important than whatever feud has been going on between Swift and Kim Kardashian.

Instead of celebrating the fact that Taylor Swift is over (below), maybe people ought to celebrate the fact that Taylor Swift exists.

Few stars give back more than she does.

Few rose to success at such a young age and managed to navigate the crazy world of Hollywood without stepping into any major scandals.

Was Swift a bit petty in slamming Katy Perry in such a public manner? Sure, it’s fine for you to think that.

But if you step back and take a look at the bigger picture, we think you’ll have trouble finding any real faults with Taylor Swift.

On the contrary, we think you’ll see someone as generous as it gets with her time and her money.
