Showing posts with label OrtizMagro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OrtizMagro. Show all posts

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Files Battery Report Against Jen Harley ... Over Ashtray-Throwing Incident

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro has just gone to cops and filed a police report against Jen Harley, after she allegedly threw an ashtray at his head … TMZ has learned.
As we reported, Ronnie and Jen got into a big fight shortly after midnight at a Las Vegas New Year’s Eve party, and...
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Files Battery Report Against Jen Harley ... Over Ashtray-Throwing Incident

Monday, November 19, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: I Never Banged Jewish Barbie! I Love Jen Harley!

We all know that reality TV shows rarely depict anything that could be accurately described as reality.
From the Teen Moms to the Real Housewives, just about everyone who’s appeared on a long-running reality series has complained at one point or another about being the victim of a bad...
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: I Never Banged Jewish Barbie! I Love Jen Harley!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Good God, Are They Engaged?!?

According to recent Instagram post, Jen Harley may have given Ronnie Ortiz-Magro a black eye.

In return, according to many social media users, Ronnie has given Jen… a diamond ring?

Wait, WHAT?!?

Yes, the rumor of an engagement between this VERY volatile couple has been making its way around the Internet.

While this may seem difficult to believe, considering the numerous instances of actual assault between stars, Harley was spotted around Beverly Hills this week with the aforementioned diamond ring on her finger.

Could this really mean that Ronnie popped life’s biggest question to his occasionally violent girlfriend?

Are we really about to see another Jersey Shore wedding, following The Situation’s nuptials just last week to his long-time lover, Lauren?

It would make sense only in that Ronnie and Jen are parents to a little girl named Ariana and at least getting married would (maybe) provide her with a more steady home life.

Then again, it would NOT make sense because Ronnie and Jen are clearly not right for each other.

They yell and scream at each other and push and shove each other and we’re pretty sure Harley just recently tried to extort Ronnie by demanding $ 20,000 from him, as you can see by the exchange below.

These two just don’t seem to communicate very well.

harley exchange

Nevertheless, they continue to hang out.

Earlier this month, Jen and Ronnie enjoyed a date at the Sugar Factory in Miami in celebration of the former’s birthday.

So… what is the conclusion here? Are they engaged?

No, writes The Blast.

This website investigated the troubling rumor and noticed that Harley wore the same diamond ring on her finger several weeks ago in a different photo with Ronnie.

It doesn’t appear to signify any agreement to get hitched.

On most epsiodes of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2, we’ve witnessed Ronnie’s friends try to talk some sense into their co-star and good friend.

They’ve seen how Jen treats him and listened to all the lame excuses Ronnie has made for why he refuses to leave her.

At this point, most of the Jersey Shore castmates have given up on changing Ronnie’s mind, which is why we actually wouldn’t be shocked if he and Harley do end up as husband and wife at some point.

They’re simply drawn to the drama.

And they probably get along well in the sack, if you know what we mean.

Still, as we so often say to end posts about Jen and Ronnie, they have a four-month old daughter.

Everything they do and say should solely be based on her health, happiness and well-being.


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley Party in Florida Despite Black Eye Incident

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley seem like they’re together again, despite black eyes and police reports. Ronnie and Jen are both in Florida this weekend, and both have both posted videos though none of them show the 2 together. This is Jen’s…


Friday, October 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Laughing Off Baby Mama Drama With Jen Harley

You gotta give it up to Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley for going to hell and back without losing their sense of humor.  Ronnie and his baby mama have been through more ups and downs than every boardwalk roller coaster on the…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Did He Really QUIT Jersey Shore?!

We’re just one day away from the return of Jersey Shore: Family Reunion, and in keeping with tradition, it seems there’s so much drama that no camera crew can keep pace.

And not surprisingly, much of it centers around the mascot for ‘roid rage himself, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

As you may recall from the first iteration of JSFV, agro Magro is pretty much “spiraling” non-stop these days.

Ronnie has broken up with Jen Harley about a dozen times in the months since they welcomed a daughter together.

Each split has been uglier than the last, and at one point, Harley dragged Ronnie with her car during a particularly intense fight.

Unable to restrain his rage, Ronnie got in a fight with a random fan while the show was filming in Vegas.

In recent weeks, Ronnie has largely been absent as his castmates continued to promote the show at various events, including Monday night’s 2018 VMAs.

Magro has also been uncharacteristically quiet on social media in recent weeks.

All of this sparked rumors that Ronnie quit Jersey Shore, possibly as a result of a legal battle with Harley.

Last night, Ron-Ron took to Instagram to finally address those reports.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro with Ariana

“Everyone keeps asking where I’ve been, why wasn’t I at the VMAs or other ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ events with my lovely castmates,” he wrote.

“I’ve chosen to take some time off to be a father to my beautiful daughter,” Magro added.

“I’ve got to experience everything in my life thankfully because of ‘Jersey Shore’ and my fans, [but] there’s nothing that can replace the feeling of being a father.”

From there, Ronnie assured fans that all is well in Seaside Heights:

“Thank you for all the love and support, and no, I have not quit ‘Jersey Shore,"” he continued. “

“I am just choosing to take time so I can watch my daughter grow and be apart of [her] life…and be an amazing father. I rather be there for her in person than have to watch her grow through text messages and Instagram posts.”

Ronnie concluded the post with a touching tribute to his daughter:

“I can give her everything in the world, but if I can’t give her a relationship or a bond, than all of this is for nothing at the end of the day.”

And just so there’s no doubt about his involvement with the show, he tossed in a bunch of promotional hashtags, like “#PremiereThisJerzDay”

So there you have it.

Despite numerous reports to the contrary Rahn has not stahpped, nor does he have any intention of stahpping.

So mix up a batch of Ron-Ron juice and bust out your Sammi Sweetheart sex doll, because the stuff is about to hit the fan yet again.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley: We"re Back Together! Everything"s Fine!

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s love life is just too much.

Way, way too much.

And if you watched Jersey Shore in its glorious original run, you know that — his relationship with Sammi Giancola was constantly messy and scary and sad.

Just on the show, we saw him cheat on her multiple times, and once he destroyed her entire room after a fight by throwing her belongings around and flipping her bed over.

Of course, Sam wasn’t completely innocent in all the drama.

She always had something against JWoww because of her friendship with Ronnie, and on one particularly bizarre occasion, she asked him if he was friends with her, and when he wouldn’t answer, she punched him in the face.

But that was just one relationship, you know?

Maybe Ronnie and Sam were just particularly terrible for each other, or maybe because they were so young and also on a reality show, things just got super crazy.

Except for the past few months, we’ve been hearing some pretty disturbing stories about Ron and the mother of his child, Jen Harley.

And now we’re pretty sure Ron is just a terrible boyfriend who seeks out terrible girlfriends.

A few months ago, these two wild and crazy kids got into a fight on social media, apparently because Ronnie found some videos of Jen having sex with some other guy on her phone.

He made a post on Instagram about how you “can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a housewife,” and Jen hit back with “can’t turn a coke head into a father.”

After that, he apologized, but then he shared some texts from someone who claimed to have had sex with Jen on a taco float while she ignored Ron’s calls, so it seems like he didn’t mean it.

Let’s see, he threatened physical violence while she was filming an Instagram Live video, then they got into a fight over their dog.

But at the end of June, things got even more serious when they got into another brawl — a really, really nasty one.

Jen was driving them home from a friend’s house, when — surprise! — they got into an argument.

Ronnie claimed that she punched him several times, and when he tried to get out of the car, she hit the gas and dragged him down the road.

His story checks out, because when police responded to the scene, they noted that he had “apparent injuries to his mouth and arms and road rash,” and that there was blood all over the car.

Jen claimed that Ron had hit her, too, and the officer who wrote the police report believed her, but she was considered to be the aggresor, so she’s the one that got arrested.

Their daughter was in the car during all of this, by the way.

They were supposed to be done for good after that, but a little over a week later, they were seen celebrating the Fourth of July together.

And now, believe it or not, they are together again.

For real.

Ronnie and Jen, along with their daughter, are on vacation Puerto Rico right now, and Jen’s been sharing some cute (???) family photos.

And if the fact that they’re on a beautiful vacation together isn’t enough proof that things are all romantic between them again, then know that a source has confirmed to E! News that they are, in fact, on again.

“They’ve been quiet about it but it’s been about a month now,” the insider claimed.

“They want peace and they want things to work out for the baby’s sake.”

Still, the souce added that the next season of Jersey Shore: Famiy Vacation is going to be “crazy.”

And that’s because “There was so much up and down with them, so much drama, and the cameras caught a lot of it.”

Did MTV cameras manage to capture the dead dog fight?

Were there cameras installed on the dashboard of the car to catch Ron being dragged down the road?

If either of those things are true, we can imagine the new season will definitely be crazy, and not necessarily in a good way.

As for this apparent reunion of Ronnie and Jen … ugh.

It’s not like they’re going to magically be able to have any kind of healthy relationship, and it will actually be a miracle if they manage to make it home without one of them getting arrested.

But … have fun? 


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley: Police Report Details Their Ugly, Bloody Brawl

Call us crazy, but we’re just gonna go ahead and say it:

We really don’t think Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley are right for each other.

Because they got into a fight weeks ago during which Magro slammed Harley as a cum dumpster and Harley said that Magro was a cokehead?

That was the first sign.

But those were also just words.

On June 24, the tension between this Jersey Shore cast member and his girlfriend (with whom Ronnie shares a three-month old girl named Ariana) boiled over to violence.

As previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, Harley was arrested on that date for domestic battery after she allegedly beat up Ronnie inside of a car and then dragged him down the road by this same vehicle as he was trying to get out.

The details, as originally described online, were crazy enough.

But now the official police report has been made public and… HOLY FLYING PUNCHES AND BLOODY BRAWLING! It’s nuts.

When police got to the scene on the aforementioned date in Las Vegas, they described Ortiz-Magro as exhibiting “erratic speech, crying, hysterical,” with “irregular breathing.”

There was also “blood all over the center console and inside of the car, as well as smears along the driver side.”

According to Ronnie’s version of events, Harley “hit him in the face with her right fist two-five times.”

The long-time reality star then tried to flee from the vehicle, only for Harley to hit the gas and drag him several feet down the road.

Ronnie “had apparent injuries to his mouth and arms and road rash,” the responding officer says in the report.

Ortiz-Magro proceeded to call Harley to come back and get him, which she did, before Harley pulled over again, taking their three-month-old daughter, Ariana, out of her car seat.

“She explained that she got out of the car asking for help and stated that Ortiz was hitting her in the car,” the report read, adding:

“She explained that she arranged for a friend to come pick up her child before officers arrived.”

What did Harley have to say about all of this?

She told the cops that Ortiz-Magro grabbed the steering wheel while she was behind it, causing her to drive “over the concrete median which flattened the tires on the passenger side.”

The report states that Harley refused medical attention and had a “cut” on her left arm.

She was also “crying [and] hysterical” upon speaking to the officers at the scene.

“Based upon the above facts and circumstances, I have probable cause to believe that a recent mutual battery occurred between both Jennifer Harley and Ronald Ortiz who are in a domestic relationship,” the police report stated.

Harley was considered the aggresor, however, hence her booking for battery.

The Clark County District Attorney’s Office later confirmed to Us Weekly, however, that Harley would not face charges following the altercation “due to insufficient evidence.”

And just in case this doesn’t all sound insane enough, consider:

Jen and Ronnie spent July Fourth together!

We’re glad things have calmed down. We’re glad Ariana’s parents are on decent terms again.

But it’s only a matter of time until things blow up again, let’s be honest.

Ronnie and Jen need to come to an agreement and co-parent Ariana as best they can, without actually being together.


Friday, July 6, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Eats With Baby and Baby Mama Jen Harley

‘Jersey Shore’ star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is truly a man of forgiveness — breaking bread with his baby mama and friends — like their bloody domestic dispute never even happened. Ronnie was at a Friday’s in NJ Thursday with Jen Harley, their…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro & Jen Harley Not Rekindling Romance, Yet

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s hanging with his baby mama a little more than a week after she allegedly dragged him with her car … but it’s not all amoré just yet. Sources close to the on-again-off-again couple tell TMZ the ‘Jersey Shore’ star and Jen…


"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro & Jen Harley Not Rekindling Romance, Yet

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s hanging with his baby mama a little more than a week after she allegedly dragged him with her car … but it’s not all amoré just yet. Sources close to the on-again-off-again couple tell TMZ the ‘Jersey Shore’ star and Jen…


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Celebrate July 4, Manage to Avoid Assaulting Each Other

We give up.

When it comes to the relationship between Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, we just… give up.

You can go ahead and try to figure these two out; we’re just gonna sit back and eat some hot dogs on this special birthday.

Indeed, the Jersey Shore cast member and his on-again/off-again/on-again/off-again girlfriend apparently put their differences aside on Wednesday in order to celebrate America.

Ortiz-Magro shared a photo on Instagram Stories this morning of himself and Harley snuggled close, flag-themed hearts floating around the duo as she made a kissy face at the camera.

“Happy independence day,” over the image.

How cute, right?

How sweet, no?

How romantic, yes?

Sure, we guess.

But that would only be true if you ignored the fact that Harley was arrested mere days ago for DRAGGING RONNIE BY A CAR in Las Vegas.

The couple had reportedly got into an argument on the way home from a barbecue and, as Ronnie tried to unbuckle his seatbelt and exit the vehicle, Harley allegedly sped away, dragging her boyfriend down the street.

She was taken into custody by local authorities, but will not be charged with any crime.

It’s important to note two things while we relay that news:

1. Harley and Ronnie are the new parents to a baby girl named Ariana; she was born on April 3. (And she was in the car at the time of the above incident.)

2. This above incident was certainly NOT the first time Ronnie and Jen got into it in a very serious manner.

In late April, Jen and Ronnie went back and forth in very ugly fashion on social media.

She accused him of cheating. He accused her of holding on to old sex tapes of herself and an ex.

Harley slammed Ronnie as a “cokehead” and deadbeat dad. Ronnie blasted Harley as a “cum dumpster.”

It was a vicious and as X-rated as nearly any viral argument we can remember — and you can relive the madness below:

There’s also a video online of Ronnie verbally attacking Harley and seemingly coming close to physical blows.

It’s troubling and scary and disturbing and you can judge it for yourself here:

Ronnie and Jen have tried to maintain a healthy relationship amidst all this craziness, mostly for the sake of their newborn.

“I remain focused on my daughter and she is my No. 1 priority,” Ronnie told us Weekly a little while back, for example.

Last we heard, however, friends were encouraging Ronnie to stay away from Harley and to even file for primary custody of Ariana.

It doesn’t look like he’s taken this advice, however, based on the first photo posted above.

We’re afraid, though.

There’s plenty of July Fourth to go and we have a feeling that if these two are together… and the alcohol is flowing… that things may get explosive between them tonight.

And not because they’ll be watching fireworks.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: FIRED From Jersey Shore Over Jen Harley Drama?!

If you watched the inaugural season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation or even just paid passing attention to any of the cast member’s social media pages, then you know the drama between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley has made Ron’s relationship with Sammi Giancola look downright stable by comparison.

In fact, the whole situation has been more Jerry Springer than Jersey Shore.

On the show, the couple mostly kept things civil, despite the well-publicized incident in which Ronnie got handsy with a French Fry.

In real life, Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter, and it briefly looked as though they had every intention of trying to make things work.

But then Ortiz-Magro’s famously volatile (and allegedly steroid-fueled) temper became an issue, and the new dad launched a virulent and incessant tirade of irate tweets against Harley.

In other words, Rahn refused to Stahp.

He called Harley a “c-m dumpster” and publicly accused her of cheating.

She responded by calling him a deadbeat dad and accusing him of engaging in his own infidelities.

The situation came to a head last week when Jen allegedly dragged Ronnie alongside her car and was arrested on assault charges.

The cast is currently filming a second season of JSFV, and needless to say, Ronnie’s situation has complicated the production process.

Shooting began in Vegas, the city that both Ronnie and Jen currently call home.

For obvious reasons, this turned out to be a mistake.

Ronnie got in a fight on the second day of filming, forcing production to shut down for the day.

The operation has now relocated to the crew’s original stomping ground of Seaside Heights, New Jersey.

But according to a new report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Ronnie did not make the trip with the rest of the cast.

The situation has led to rumors that Ronnie was fired from the show due to his tumultuous relationship with Harley.

Sources have confirmed, however, that that’s not the case, and Ortiz-Magro is simply taking time to recover from injuries he suffered during the car dragging incident.

“His family flew there to be with him,” one insider told US Weekly.

“He’s recovering from his injuries. He was hurt pretty badly and needs the time to heal.”

Police determined that Ronnie was blameless in the incident, as he was attempting to get out of Harley’s car when she began to drive away.

“He asked [her to] pull over and let him out of the car,” the source told Us.

“She stopped, and Ronnie tried getting out and got caught in his seatbelt. Jen started driving away, dragging Ronnie…Ronnie’s face was bloodied and bruised, and he’s got a nasty road rash.”

Sounds like we’re in for another season of serious Ronnie drama, but fear not — there will be plenty of comic relief as well.

The Dirty Hamster herself, Angelina Pivarnick, was reportedly spotted touring Seaside with the rest of the guidos.

She’s not exactly a fan favorite, but we may need Angelina’s absurdity to help keep things light in future episodes.

Watch Jersey Shore online in order to get caught up for what promises to be a drama-packed season.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro to Jen Harley: You Almost Killed Me So I"m Taking Our Kid!

If you watched Jersey Shore Family Vacation this season, you know that Ronnie Ortiz-Magro became embroiled in some serious baby mama drama.

And if you follow Rahn on social media, you know the situation only deteriorated once the cameras stopped rolling.

The first sign of trouble came when Ronnie called Jen a c-m dumpster on social media and accused her of cheating.

Didn’t think things could get worse from there?

Then you don’t know Ronnie romances.

Earlier this week, Jen was arrested for assaulting Ronnie.

It was eventually revealed that she had dragged him down the street as he clung to her car during an altercation.

Harley told police that Ron hit her several times, but they determined that she was the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody.

Yes, the whole thing is enough to make Ron’s fights with Mike Sorrentino look like guido child’s play.

The situation (no pun intended) is made all the more tragic by the fact that Ron and Jen have a 3-mon th-old daughter together.

And now, it seems Ronnie is taking steps to ensure that little Ariana will has as little contact with her mother as possible.

According to TMZ, Ron is gunning for primary physical custody of his daughter.

The site claims that Ortiz-Magro has hired a family attorney and plans to get o after Jen with everything he’s got.

But he’s also being realistic with his expectations.

Ronnie is reportedly going for 50/50 custody, which TMZ’s legal experts say he’ll probably get.

Sources claim he wants sole physical custody but has been counseled that that’s a long shot.

After all, Jen may have been arrested for domestic battery, but Ronnie wasn’t blameless in the incident.

And his best bet is to shoot for a custody arrangement that Jen will agree to.

If this thing goes to court, Jen’s got hundreds of hours of video evidence that Ron is a seriously unstable dude.

Here’s hoping both of these two can sort themselves out for the sake of their daughter.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Urged to Stay the Eff Away from Jen Harley, Fight for Full Custody of Daughter

Congratulations are in order for Jen Harley.

The occasionally violent and sporadic girlfriend of Ronnie Ortiz-Magro has managed to accomplish the near-impossible:

She has turned this Jersey Shore cast member into a sympathetic figure.

For years, Ronnie had been known for his quick temper and his wandering penis, as he shamelessly flirted with women while in serious relationships and admittedly cheated on both Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola and Harley.

Now, however, most Jersey Shore viewers are on Team Ronnie, following a couple of frightening and over-the-top actions perpetrated by Harley against the reality star.

She and Ronnie started dating last summer and welcomed a daughter named Ariana into the world in early April.

But it was only a few weeks after this blessed event that Ronnie and Jen engaged in a vicious social media fight, lobbing one insult after another at each other, as summarized below.

Pretty crazy, right?

Since then, both sides have sort of apologized and the D-Listers have even tried to make their relationship work.

Only it is clearly doomed.

First, in the second week of June, Harley went off on Ronnie while the MTV personality was filming in Las Vegas, instigating a brawl that had to be broken up by the authorities.

Then, just a few days ago, Harley got arrested for hitting Ronnie in the face while driving and then speeding away while he tried to get out of the car, dragging him across the road in the process.

Pretty nuts, right?

This is her mug shot:

Following this latest incident, Ronnie is apparently receiving lots of advice from those close to him.

TMZ reports that Ortiz-Magro attended a barbecue with Harley prior to her alleged assault of him because he’s afraid she will take little Ariana away from him.

He has been trying to maintain a healthy relationship out of fear of losing his three-month old.

But friends are now pushing Ortiz-Magro to forget this line of thinking and simply rely on the court system — because they are worried Harley may do something even more dangerous than dragging him by a car.

There’s simply no way to reconcile at this point and Ronnie ought to let lawyers hash out a custody arrangement, this friends say.

Along similar lines, Hollywood Life spoke to an insider who says Ronnie is now facing pressure to take Ariana way from Jen.

It’s simply a matter of what is best for the infant.

“Ronnie’s family fears for the baby’s safety after Jen’s recent spat of violence and arrest,” this source explains, adding:

“Ronnie is hearing it from those closest to the situation that Jen is out of control. Ronnie’s family is encouraging him to do the right thing:

“Take care of his new baby and go to court for full custody before something tragic happens to his new baby.”

Whoever would have thought that it would be reasonable to believe Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is the safest parental option for a child?

But that point is difficult to argue after what we’ve heard and read about these past few weeks.

And Ronnie does seem pretty into his kid, referring to her as “My Life” on Instagram while sharing numerous photos of the adorable nugget.

Overall, we can’t say exactly what is best for Ariana.

We just know that her parents need to grow up, keep their distance from each other and work on an amicable relationship of some kind if they want her to grow up in a healthy environment.

And that’s really all that matters, don’t you agree?


Monday, June 25, 2018

Jen Harley Arrested for... Dragging Ronnie Ortiz-Magro with a Car

Welp. We were wrong.

It turns out things actually can get uglier between Jersey Shore star Ronnie Magro-Ortiz and his occasional girlfriend/permanent baby mama, Jen Harley.

A LOT uglier, in fact.

Sources within the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department have confirmed to Us Weekly that Harley was arrested on Sunday night and charged with beating Ronnie up, prior to dragging him around with her car.

That’s all the information both Us Weekly and E! News have on the matter, aside from Harley’s charge of domestic battery.

We also know that she has been released on $ 3,000 bail and that a hearing regarding this case has been set for Tuesday morning.

Trust us: We really wish we had more to report at the moment.

Because… what?!? Jen dragged Ronnie around with her car?!?

This development is both shocking and completely expected at the same time, considering the history between the reality star and his estranged lover.

Harley and Ronnie got together last summer and welcomed a daughter named Ariana Sky into the world on April 2.

But it’s all been way downhill from there.

Just a few weeks after they became parents, Jen and Ronnie got into one of the more vicious Internet fights you’ll ever see.

We hate to keep bringing this point up, but it seems worth repeating over and over and over again:

There’s a baby girl at the center of all this drama, you guys!

Shape the eff up and do it now.

They went back and forth on Instagram with cheating allegations, as Ronnie slammed Jen as a “cum dumpster” and Harley referred to Ronnie as a “coke head” and terrible father.

Apologies were eventually offered on both sides, and the two even got together briefly at one point.

“They’re trying to work things out for [their child’s] sake. They’re giving it a shot,” a source told E! News shortly after the viral blowout, adding at the time:

“His daughter is his biggest priority so he just wants to keep things as calm and civil with Jen for the baby’s sake.

“They both really regret how ugly and public their split was so they’re doing everything they can to keep things private right now.”

That was then, in mid-May.

But now we have reports that Harley assaulted Ronnie, which follows previous reports that detailed how she also attacked him while he was filming Season 2 of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

Call us crazy, but we sort of feel like these kids should not be together.

“I want to apologize to my family, friends and fans,” the MTV personality said in a statement to Us Weekly on April 30, saying back then:

“This is a private matter that should have never been made public. I remain focused on my daughter and she is my No. 1 priority.”

That’s nice to hear.

We just hope Ronnie continue to put this into practice.

And we hope Harley undergoes some anger management counseling or something because… holy violence!


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Brawls with Jen Harley Over Dead Dog

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley may not belong together.

We know this statement may come as a shock to some, but we just really get the impression that this Jersey Shore cast member and his on-again/off-again/on-again girlfriend really ought to be off again.

For good.

We’ve arrived at this bold conclusion following multiple reports that Ronnie and Jen got into a fight on Thursday in Las Vegas.

Like, an actual physical fight.

According to Us Weekly, the intense disagreement got underway after Harley showed up in Las Vegas, where Ronnie is filming scenes for the new season of Jersey Shore.

This was not a planned visit… and it quickly deteriorated into a gigantic and very ugly mess.

Ronnie and Jen have been fighting over their daughter,” an insider tells Us Weekly, elaboraring as follows:

“Ronnie has been filming the show in Vegas the last couple of days and Jen wouldn’t tell him where their daughter is. She showed up to the hotel where they were filming.

“Jen lunged, spit and shoved Ronnie. Hotel security got involved, who then called the Las Vegas police department.”

Does this sounds a tad bit insane? Yes.

But remember:

Ronnie and Jen engaged in a vicious social media argument just a few weeks ago, one that entailed Ronnie labeling his estranged lover a “cum dumpster” and Harley responding by saying Ronnie was a “coke head” and awful father.

(Yes, father. Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter together in early April. God help us all.)

This war of words nearly broke the entire Internet and you can read all about it here:

Somehow, some way, for the sake of their child we guess, Ronnie and Jen chose to stay together and battle through their personal demons and numerous obstacles.

But it sounds as if their relationship is about to be tested once again.

“When police got to the hotel, they couldn’t find Jen,” the Us Weekly insider adds. “She left the hotel at that point. They are still trying to find her for questioning.”

This source also says that spitting on someone in Las Vegas is considered a misdemeanor, which is sort of hilarious.

Isn’t someone spit on in Las Vegas about once per hour?

Meanwhile, a follow-up to this initial story claims that Ortiz-Magro and Harley were arguing was the death of their dog.

We’ll let the tabloid insider explain what allegedly transpired:

“Their pit bull died. That’s part of why they were fighting.

“Jen was supposed to be taking care of the dogs when he was away filming, and Ronnie came home to their house and found the dog dead in the pool.”


Going back to their back-and-forth in late April, the duo exchanged insults on social media and both accused each other of cheating… and then appeared to get into an actual brawl on Instagram Live.

“Put your hands on me again! Put your f-cking hands on me again, I dare you!” Ronnie yelled in the livestream that was captured by fans and shared on Twitter.

See it for yourself below:


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Gets In Fight on SECOND DAY of Jersey Shore Filming!

If you’re currently a guest of The Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, you may have heard anguished cries of “Rahn, stahp!” this afternoon, as a security team struggled to do what Sammi Sweetheart never could — subdue the beast known as Agro Magro.

Yes, as you may have heard a second season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation is currently filming in Las Vegas, and things got off to a dramatic start for Ronnie.

According to TMZ, Ron attempted to fight a civilian while lounging poolside with his fellow guidos today.

No word on yet on whether alcohol was a factor, but it absolutely, definitely was.

Hilariously, the other combatant kept shouting phrases like “I got that Gucci bag, what’s up?” and repeating the word “hustlin’,” which makes this the single most obnoxious event to ever take place anywhere.

It’s not currently known what caused the incident, but we’re gonna go out on a limb and guess that the combination of Ron-Ron juice and human growth hormone factored in.

Of course, if you’ve been watching the first season of Family Vacation, or even just keeping up with the cast out of morbid curiosity, then this sort of behavior probably won’t come as much of a surprise.

Ronnie has gone from supporting character to primary source of drama, primarily because of his constant fights with Jen Harley, the mother of his infant daughter.

On the show, we see Ronnie cheat on Jen with a French club-goer dubbed “French Fry.”

(The guidos’ nickname game isn’t terribly on point this season.)

On social media, we watch in horror as Ron refers to the mother of his child as a “c-m dumpster.”

Ron has been flying off the handle on a routine basis for years now, but lately, he’s either stepped up his game or lowered the bar, depending on whom you ask.

Sure, without his antics, JSFV would be an exceedingly boring affair with moments like Vinny’s haircut crisis providing the bulk of the dramatic tension.

But on the other hand … did we mention Ron called his ex a c-m dumpster on social media?

Like, we don’t expect the height of decorum from these people, but we also don’t want to see them get less mature and more gross with age.

But hey, maybe the Gucci guy deserved an ass-whupping today.

Based on what little we know about him, that seems very, very plausible.

But Ron’s a father now, so going forward, maybe he should let someone else deliver the beat-downs.

Watch Jersey Shore online to remind yourself of just how bonkers Ron has been this season.
