Showing posts with label Manage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manage. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Ozzie Guillen Wants To Manage Again, Pitches MLB Owners For Shot

Ozzie Guillen wants back in the MLB … and tells TMZ Sports he’s learned so much in his time away from the dugout — he’ll be WAY better this next time around. Of course, O.G. used to be one of the game’s best managers — winning a World Series…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Did Haleigh Manage to Save Bayleigh?

Another eviction rocked the house on Thursday, and for the first time in a good few years, all the drama came in the lead up to the eviction. 

We picked up right after the veto meeting, and Bayleigh was furious that she had been wrongfully outed as the hacker. 

She made her way into the bedroom to start packing her belongings, presumably because she knew there was a bigger plan in play, and that she was going to be taken out of the game. 

After that, she confronted Tyler and said that she trusted him and now she’s on the block. Tyler wanted to steer clear of her, however. 

Bayleigh was blindsided. She opened up about wanting to keep her power for another week out of respect for Angela. She liked her as a person but felt like she stuck the knife in at the first opportunity. 

Haleigh then felt bad about being the hacker and opened up to Bayleigh about it. Bayleigh was mad, but she respected Haleigh for trying to make a move to take out a bigger target. 

Meanwhile, Angela was in the diary room acting like she was the best at the game because she managed to get Bayleigh up on the block. 

She even went as far as claiming that she would jump under a bus for Tyler. Yes, that’s how sad her game has become of late. 

At the house meeting, Haleigh confirmed she was the person who hacked the game and opened up about Tyler meeting with Bayleigh about getting Angela put up as the replacement nominee. 

Tyler denied it, but the argument went nuclear with Tyler and Bay getting into a heated exchange that found Bay leaving the room with a burst lip. 

No, we’re not saying anybody lifted their hands. Bay was shouting so much that she burst her gum with her teeth. 

At the eviction, the hacker took Tyler’s ability to vote away. 

  • Kaycee votes to evict: Bayleigh 

  • Brett votes to evict: Bayleigh 

  • Faysal votes to evict: Bayleigh

  • Scottie votes to evict: Bayleigh 

  • Haleigh votes to evict: Bayleigh 

  • Sam votes to evict: RS

  • JC votes to evict: Bayleigh

Bayleigh was evicted by a vote of 6-1!

The HOH competition was a knock-out one that allowed the winner of each round to pick the next two competitors. 

  • Round 1: Sam vs. JC – JC gets it right

  • Round 2: Tyler vs. RS – Tyler gets it wrong 

  • Round 3: Kaycee vs. Brett – Kaycee gets it wrong

  • Round 4: Haleigh vs. Faysal – Faysal gets it wrong

  • Round 5: Brett vs. Scottie – Brett got it right

  • Round 6: Haleigh vs. RS – Haleigh gets it right 

  • Round 7: Brett vs. JC – Brett gets it wrong 

  • Round 8: Haleigh vs. JC – Haleigh gets it right!

Haleigh wins Head of Household!

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS!


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Celebrate July 4, Manage to Avoid Assaulting Each Other

We give up.

When it comes to the relationship between Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, we just… give up.

You can go ahead and try to figure these two out; we’re just gonna sit back and eat some hot dogs on this special birthday.

Indeed, the Jersey Shore cast member and his on-again/off-again/on-again/off-again girlfriend apparently put their differences aside on Wednesday in order to celebrate America.

Ortiz-Magro shared a photo on Instagram Stories this morning of himself and Harley snuggled close, flag-themed hearts floating around the duo as she made a kissy face at the camera.

“Happy independence day,” over the image.

How cute, right?

How sweet, no?

How romantic, yes?

Sure, we guess.

But that would only be true if you ignored the fact that Harley was arrested mere days ago for DRAGGING RONNIE BY A CAR in Las Vegas.

The couple had reportedly got into an argument on the way home from a barbecue and, as Ronnie tried to unbuckle his seatbelt and exit the vehicle, Harley allegedly sped away, dragging her boyfriend down the street.

She was taken into custody by local authorities, but will not be charged with any crime.

It’s important to note two things while we relay that news:

1. Harley and Ronnie are the new parents to a baby girl named Ariana; she was born on April 3. (And she was in the car at the time of the above incident.)

2. This above incident was certainly NOT the first time Ronnie and Jen got into it in a very serious manner.

In late April, Jen and Ronnie went back and forth in very ugly fashion on social media.

She accused him of cheating. He accused her of holding on to old sex tapes of herself and an ex.

Harley slammed Ronnie as a “cokehead” and deadbeat dad. Ronnie blasted Harley as a “cum dumpster.”

It was a vicious and as X-rated as nearly any viral argument we can remember — and you can relive the madness below:

There’s also a video online of Ronnie verbally attacking Harley and seemingly coming close to physical blows.

It’s troubling and scary and disturbing and you can judge it for yourself here:

Ronnie and Jen have tried to maintain a healthy relationship amidst all this craziness, mostly for the sake of their newborn.

“I remain focused on my daughter and she is my No. 1 priority,” Ronnie told us Weekly a little while back, for example.

Last we heard, however, friends were encouraging Ronnie to stay away from Harley and to even file for primary custody of Ariana.

It doesn’t look like he’s taken this advice, however, based on the first photo posted above.

We’re afraid, though.

There’s plenty of July Fourth to go and we have a feeling that if these two are together… and the alcohol is flowing… that things may get explosive between them tonight.

And not because they’ll be watching fireworks.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Kate and Jon Gosselin Celebrate Sextuplets" 13th Birthday, Manage to Be Sweet

On this day, 13 years ago, Kate Gosselin was recovering from giving birth to six babies.

And you know what that means: it means that we as a people have somehow survived being aware of the Gosselins for nearly a decade and a half.

Oh, it also means that yesterday was the sextuplets’ 13th birthday.

What a special day, huh?

Kate is now the mother of eight teenagers, which sounds like a special kind of hell, and she now has eight teenagers to withhold from Jon Gosselin.

And the woman is pretty happy about the whole thing.

In an uncharacteristically touching post she shared on Instagram yesterday, Kate wrote “HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, my precious Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel!!”

“At this moment (7:51-7:53 am) 13 years ago, my life and heart were completed with your births!”

“I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you,” she promised.

“I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader, your role model by example, your shoulder to cry on, the hug and laugh you need, and your mommy and friend!”

“I love you guys! I got six times what I planned on, but I’d NEVER EVER go back! You’re the final six pieced of my heart that I never knew I was looking for,” she finished.

In another post just before their birthday, she shared a photo of a tiny diaper — the same kind they wore when they were born.

“Sitting in my room with the kids… thinking back to almost 13 years ago,” she wrote in the caption.

“I pulled out this extra small preemie diaper from the NICU.. I’ve kept in my bedside table drawer, wherever we moved….to always remind me of how far we’ve come!”

She added that “the kids were awed,” which makes sense — it’s hard to believe that diaper would fit an actual human baby.

In the hashtags, she reminded us that when they were born, the sextuplets weighed between two and three pounds. Oh, how far they’ve come!

But Kate wasn’t the only one to share the celebratory spirit with us. Jon shared a photo of the birthday cake he got for the kids:

“I can’t believe my little kids will be 13 tomorrow!!!” he wrote in the caption.

He even took things a step further, giving a quick interview to E! News about the special occasion.

Jon explained that he was able to celebrate the kids’ birthday on Monday, and that “I had four of them: Hannah, Lean, Joel and Aaden.”

“I cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill and we did presents and played football in the backyard,” he said. “After that, we did cake and ice cream. It was good.”

When asked how it feels to be the parent of eight teenagers now, he said “It’s only been a couple of hours, so we’ll see. It’s going to be interesting!”

Yeah, Jon. We bet it will be.


Friday, July 29, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Did Frank Manage to Flip the Vote?

Frank is never one to do down without a fight. 

He and Bridgette realized that one of them would be going home and promised not to campaign against each other. 

BB18 Julie

Frank got to work on Michelle, who didn’t use the veto on him. She broke down and started bawling her eyes out. 

She made it clear that it was a tough decision, but Frank would be the one to go home. 

Da’vonne and Zakiyah barged in on a conversation so that Frank couldn’t talk Michelle round. 

The house guests then started getting clues about the secret room. 

Paul was first in and lied to everyone else that no one else could get in. 

The other house guests continued to try get in and succeeded. 

This proved to the rest of his alliance that he couldn’t be trusted. 

Every house guest eventually got a ticket that could send them back into the game.

At the eviction ceremony, Frank was evicted in a unanimous vote, but the rest of the house were sure that he would be the one to get back in the game. 

At his interview with Julie, Frank admitted that targeting Da’vonne was not his best move and it probably sealed his fate. 

Julie opened his card and revealed that was not returning to the game and would be sent home. 

The rest of the house was no doubt ecstatic that their plan worked and they got ready to play the next HOH competition. 

Julie revealed a new twist that allowed viewers to impact the game. 

It would allow viewers to vote to send a secret advantage to a house guest. 

The first one would be a never slop pass. 

She also noted that each house guest can be given a care package once. 

Again, we never got to watch the full HOH competition play out, so we’ll have to wait to find out who the new HOH is. 

The live feeds didn’t even show the competition. What’s the point of having them if everything is restricted?